80 resultados para Nystagmus optokineticus
Poiretia punctata (Willd.) Desv. was associated with cattle and sheep poisoning on nine farms in the State of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. The animals were found dead or died later after showing clinical signs for up to 18 hours. Two sheep that ingested 40g/kg body weight (g/kg) of fresh P. punctata died three and eight hours after ingestion, respectively. Another sheep that ingested 40g/kg five days after plant collection showed mild clinical signs and recovered after 24 hours. Two sheep that received 20g/kg and another that ingested three daily doses of 20g/kg showed clinical signs, but recovered. Two cattle that ingested 20g/kg of the fresh plant exhibited clinical signs and recovered. The clinical observations of poisoning were depression, ataxia, loss of equilibrium, broad-based stance, head down, falls, mandibular trismus, opisthotonous, nystagmus, and recumbence. Significant gross and histologic lesions were not observed. Samples of P. punctata were analyzed for nitrates, cyanogenic glycosides, and sodium monofluouracetate with negative results. It is concluded that P. punctata is a toxic plant that caused death in cattle and sheep in the State of Sergipe.
Abstract An outbreak of Closantel intoxication in sheep in Uruguay is described. The outbreak occurred in a group of 1300 weaning lambs treated orally with a 10% solution of Closantel. One hundred forty eight lambs showed clinical signs of intoxication and 14 died. The clinical signs included mydriasis, nystagmus, and negative pupillary reflex, bilateral blindness, bump into objects, and lateral movement of the head. No macroscopic lesions were observed. The histological lesions of the retina were cytoplasmic vacuolization in ganglion cells and in cells of the inner and outer nuclear layers with different degrees of atrophy. Vacuolization and axonal degeneration were observed in the optic nerve, with multifocal areas of fibrosis and infiltration by lymphocytes and Gitter cells. To reproduce the intoxication, four sheep were given two, four and 10 times the therapeutic dose of Closantel (0.1g/kg of BW). Only the animals receiving 10 times the recommended dose showed clinical signs. The histological examination of the lesions in experimental sheep showed similar results to those described in the accidental outbreak, except for the absence of optic nerve fibrosis and inflammation, characterizing an acute phase. Axonal myelin sheaths loss, fibroblasts and collagen fibers were observed in the ultrastructural study of the optic nerve of accidental intoxicated animals. The optic nerve of experimentally intoxicated animals had vacuoles that separated the myelin sheaths of axons. To prevent outbreaks it is suggested to weigh the animals before Closantel administration to avoid errors in dose calculation.
Les ataxies forment un groupe de maladies neurodégénératives qui sont caractérisées par un manque de coordination des mouvements volontaires. Mes travaux ont porté sur une forme d'ataxie à début tardif (LOCA), après l’âge de 50 ans. Les principales caractéristiques cliniques sont: atrophie cérébelleuse à l’IRM (88%), dysarthrie (81%), atrophie du lobe frontal (50%) et nystagmus (52%). La ségrégation dans les familles de cette ataxie est en faveur d’une transmission récessive. Afin d'identifier le gène responsable de LOCA, nous avons recruté 38 patients affectés d'une forme tardive d'ataxie, issus du SLSJ, des Cantons de l’Est ou d’autres régions du Québec. Un premier criblage du génome a été effectué avec des marqueurs microsatellites sur une famille clé. Une analyse de liaison paramétrique nous a suggéré une liaison au chromosome 13 (4.4Mb). Une recherche d’un haplotype partagé entre 17 familles LOCA a diminué la taille de l'intervalle candidat à 1.6Mb, mais l’haplotype s’est avéré fréquent dans la population canadienne-française. Un second criblage du génome avec des marqueurs SNP nous a permis d’évaluer par cartographie d’homozygotie la possibilité qu’une mutation fondatrice partagée dans des sous-groupes de malades. Plusieurs stratégies d'analyse ont été effectuées, entre autre par regroupement régional. Aucun loci candidats ne fut identifié avec confiance. Nous avons donc combiné les données de génotypage avec le séquençage exomique afin d'identifier le gène responsable. L'analyse de six individus atteints nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de variants rare contenant quatre gènes potentiels. Cette analyse doit se poursuivre pour identifier le gène responsable de LOCA.
Este trabalho relata o primeiro caso de cenurose no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Essa doença é causada por estágios larvais de Taenia multiceps (Leske, 1780). O animal no qual foi diagnosticado, tinha cerca de 18 meses de idade, oriundo de uma área endêmica no Sul do Brasil, integrante de um grupo de 30 ovinos importados para o Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. O quadro clínico-patológico apresentado é aquele comumente descrito para herbívoros, infectados com o agente, especialmente ovinos. Os sinais clínicos relatados foram: apatia, nistagmo, cegueira intermitente, andar em círculos e pressão da cabeça contra obstáculos. Na necropsia foi observada uma lesão, no subcórtex do hemisfério cerebral direito, caracterizada por um cisto em forma de vesícula, medindo 4 cm de diâmetro, e seu interior preenchido por líquido translúcido com grande número de pequenas esferas brancas, identificadas como protoscolices. Os protoscolices foram identificados como Coenurus cerebralis, e os tecidos do cérebro submetidos complementarmente a exames histopatológicos para descrição da lesão.
Accidents involving toad poisoning are frequent and dogs are the most common victims; they become poisoned by biting or ingesting a toad. When released in the organism, the venom is absorbed by both the oral mucosa and the digestive tract, initiating its toxic action. The aim of this work was to evaluate the clinical and electrocardiographic aspects of dogs subjected to experimental toad poisoning, as well as their response to treatment with propranolol. Twenty dogs were divided into two groups, a control group (n = 5) and a poisoned group (n = 15). After general anesthesia, the control group received a placebo, while the poisoned group received a venom aliquot through an orogastric tube. Results were tested through multivariate analysis (p < 0.05). The animals in the poisoned group had gastrointestinal symptoms including emesis, intense salivation, hyperemic or congested oral mucosa and pasty diarrhea. Non-responsive mydriasis, nystagmus, depression, stupor, tachypnea, opisthotonus and ataxia were also manifested by 100% of the poisoned animals. Affected dogs had an increase in blood pressure, statistically significant throughout study. Five poisoned animals developed ventricular tachycardia and were treated with propranolol (0.5 mg/kg IV). All propranolol-treated animals returned to normal sinus rhythm, which evidences the efficacy of this drug to treat ventricular arrhythmias caused by toad venom.
Metronidazole is a nitronidazolic antibiotic used in veterinary medicine to the treatment of a variety of diseases. The cause of metronidazole neurotoxicity has not been determined. We report the case of a dog, female, Teckel, five-year-old, with a history of dorsiflexion of the tail, ataxia, muscle stiffness, recumbency, vertical nystagmus, apathy and anorexia, which was being medicated for seven days with metronidazole in a dose higher than the maximum recommended, and the neurological signs began after this period. Neurological signs were consistent with central vestibular dysfunction caused by metronidazole, such as ataxia and vertical nystagmus. In addition to the neurological changes, the clinical signs of anorexia and apathy are consistent with the administration of excessive doses of the medicine. The diagnosis of metronidazole-induced toxicosis is based on the history of normal to increased doses, clinical signs and resolution after discontinuation of the drug. In general, the prognosis is good after drug withdrawal and early diagnosis. Some dogs may die and others may recover completely. The neurotoxicosis has disappeared after the suspension of the medicine and supportive treatment. Veterinarians must be aware of potential complications associated with the use of this medicine, as well as limit their chronic use or high doses for the most severe cases, and diagnose the problem as quickly as possible to institute an early treatment.
Background: Seizures are a common problem in small animal neurology and it may be related to underlying diseases. Porencephaly is an extremely rare disorder, and in Veterinary Medicine it affects more often ruminants, with only few reports in dogs.Case presentation: A one-year-old intact male Shih-Tzu dog was referred to Veterinary University Hospital with history of abnormal gait and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Signs included hypermetria, abnormal nystagmus and increased myotatic reflexes. At necropsy, during the brain analysis, a cleft was observed in the left parietal and occipital lobes, creating a communication between the subarachnoid space and the left lateral ventricle, consistent with porencephaly; and also a focal atrophy of the caudal paravermal and vermal portions of the cerebellum. Furthermore, the histological examination showed cortical and cerebellar neuronal dysplasia.Conclusions: Reports of seizures due to porencephaly are rare in dogs. In this case, the dog presented a group of brain abnormalities which per se or in assemblage could result in seizure manifestation.
The Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a rare disease caused by an infection of the geniculate ganglion by the varicella-zoster virus. The main clinical features of the syndrome are as follows: Bell palsy unilateral or bilateral, vesicular eruptions on the ears, ear pain, dizziness, preauricular swelling, tingling, tearing, loss of taste sensation, and nystagmus. We describe a 23-year-old white woman, who presented with facial paralysis on the left side of the face, pain, fever, ear pain, and swelling in the neck and auricular region on the left side. She received appropriate treatment with acyclovir, vitamin B complex, and CMP nucleus. After 30 days after presentation, the patient did not show any signs or symptoms of the syndrome. At follow-up at 1 year, she showed no relapse of the syndrome.
The vestibular syndrome is a well-defined disease in domestic animals but little known in wild ones. Here this affection of central origin is described in a caquetic adult female giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), which presented circling behavior, extensor hypermetry in thoracic limbs, head tilt and spontaneous horizontal and positional vertical nystagmus. The animal received tube feeding twice daily and dexamethasone was given subcutaneous once daily at the dosis of 6mg/kg, with a progressive improvement of health after the second day of treatment. Dose was reduced to a half from fourth to sixth day, and to a quarter on seventh day, when the animal died. on the fifth day, however, circle deambulation had ceased and hypermetry, head tilt and nystagmus were reduced. Treating vestibular syndrome is a challenge in wild animal practice. Treatment is affected by hyporexia and anorexia, making difficult the animals' health improvement, which generally present muscle atrophy.
We describe 2 unrelated patients, a boy and a girl, with an overgrowth syndrome and the following common characteristics: macrocrania, obesity, ocular abnormalities (retinal coloboma and nystagmus), downward slant of palpebral fissures, mental retardation, and delayed bone maturation. Both cases are of sporadic occurrence with no consanguinity between the parents. We suggest that this syndrome is due to a new autosomal dominant mutation and propose to designate it with the acronym of ''MOMO syndrome'' (Macrosomia, Obesity, Macrocrania, Ocular anomalities).
Study model: observacional, retrospective. Objective: to determine the frequence of the ametropic errors and other ocular problems in children with 2 to 8 year-old at Piracicaba - SP. Patients and Method: During the school year of 2000, 1001 children enrolled at the public schools of Piracicaba - SP, age ranged from 2 to 8 years old, were referred to complete ophthalmological exam. Visual acuity was previously determined using Snellen chart, applied by school teachers. Those children presenting visual acuity equal or less than 0.8, visual complaints or visual disorders were selected to appointment. Results: 51 children (5.09%) did not attended to examination. 950 children were submitted to complete ophthalmological exam. Ametropic errors were found 70.84% of the children. The most prevalent refractive errors were Hypermetropic Astigmatism (49.62%) and Hypermetropia (32,98%). Anisometropia was found in 1.78% children. Other ocular disabilities accounted for 10.21% of the examined children, such as strabismus (3.36%), eyelid changes, allergic conjunctivitis, congenital dacryostenosis, optic atrophy, corioretinitis and congenital glaucoma. Conclusion: The frequence of ocular problems observed let us to conclude the screening programs are valid surveys on decreasing rates of preventable blindness in our country.
Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e os sinais clínicos dos primeiros casos de intoxicação natural por Ipomoea asarifolia em búfalos. A doença foi diagnosticada em quatro bubalinos de três diferentes propriedades, no município de Cachoeira do Arari, Ilha de Marajó, PA, e ocorreu nos meses de novembro e dezembro, o período mais seco do ano nesta região e de escassez de alimento. Os sinais clínicos observados foram relacionados ao sistema nervoso central, como andar trôpego, hipermetria, acentuados tremores musculares, queda ao solo em posições incomuns, nistagmo e marcada excitação, sinais que se agravavam após movimentação. Baseado nos aspectos epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e na ausência de leões histopatológicas, concluiu se tratar de intoxicação por Ipomoea asarifolia.
Intoxicação por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos na Ilha do Marajó, Pará
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa é uma planta que contém swainsonina causando doença de depósito lisossomal em ruminantes, principalmente em caprinos na região Nordeste do Brasil. Para o estudo das plantas tóxicas da Ilha de Marajó, foram visitadas sete propriedades rurais na Ilha de Marajó, seis localizadas no município de Cachoeira do Arari e uma no município de Soure. Em todas as propriedades visitadas as pastagens eram constituídas de campo nativo, tinham pouca disponibilidade de forragem e I. carnea subsp. fistulosa encontrava-se em grande quantidade. Nas três propriedades onde eram criados caprinos foram observados animais com sinais nervosos, incluindo tremores de intenção, aumento da base de sustentação quando em estação, ataxia, hipermetria, nistagmo, paresia espástica ou debilidade, alterações posturais, perda de equilíbrio e quedas. Em duas fazendas a prevalência foi de 32% (23/71) e 100% (32/32) e em outra havia um animal com sinais acentuados e o resto do rebanho, de 19 caprinos, não foi examinado clinicamente. Bovinos, ovinos e bubalinos não foram afetados. Foram eutanasiados e necropsiados seis caprinos que apresentavam sinais clínicos acentuados. Macroscopicamente não foram observadas alterações. Na histologia observou-se vacuolização do pericário de neurônios e do citoplasma de células epiteliais da tireóide, rim, fígado, pâncreas e macrófagos de diversos órgãos. No sistema nervoso central a vacuolização era mais grave nos neurônios de Purkinje do cerebelo e nos neurônios dos núcleos cerebelares e do tronco encefálico. Observaram-se também degeneração walleriana dos axônios e gliose. A alta freqüência da intoxicação nas três fazendas que criavam caprinos sugere que a intoxicação por I. carnea subsp. fistulosa é muito importante para caprinos na Ilha de Marajó, onde há abundante quantidade da planta, que permanece verde durante todo o período seco.
O presente trabalho relata um surto de intoxicação por sal em ovinos no Brasil, em uma propriedade no estado do Pará. De um total de 545 ovinos, oito animais adoeceram (1,46%) e quatro destes morreram (50%). A avaliação das instalações e do manejo indicaram como fatores predisponentes a ingestão excessiva de mistura mineral e a restrição hídrica. Os principais sinais clínicos foram decúbito, diminuição ou ausência da sensibilidade cutânea, ausência dos reflexos de ameaça, palpebral e auricular, midríase, nistagmo, opistótono, espasticidade de membros, sonolência e estupor. Havia ainda, timpanismo, diarreia, taquipneia, taquicardia, desidratação e poliúria. A evolução do quadro clínico nos animais que morreram variou de duas horas e meia a 48 horas. As médias das concentrações séricas de sódio e de potássio de 31 ovinos do mesmo lote afetado pela intoxicação, em amostras colhidas durante o surto, revelaram hipernatremia (190mEq/l) e hipercalemia (8,2mEq/l). À necropsia, observou-se em um animal, achatamento das circunvoluções cerebrais. Microscopicamente, neste animal, evidenciou-se vacuolização moderada do neurópilo, particularmente nas lâminas intermediárias do córtex cerebral, com aumento dos espaços perineural e perivascular. Nessas áreas foram observados ainda, acentuada tumefação e edema dos astrócitos e necrose neuronal aguda. A dosagem de sódio no encéfalo de um ovino, revelou-se elevada com valor de 3.513ppm. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base na epidemiologia, nos sinais clínicos, nas lesões macro e microscópicas e nas dosagens de sódio no soro e no encéfalo dos ovinos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)