982 resultados para Numerical characterization
During the last few years, a great deal of interest has risen concerning the applications of stochastic methods to several biochemical and biological phenomena. Phenomena like gene expression, cellular memory, bet-hedging strategy in bacterial growth and many others, cannot be described by continuous stochastic models due to their intrinsic discreteness and randomness. In this thesis I have used the Chemical Master Equation (CME) technique to modelize some feedback cycles and analyzing their properties, including experimental data. In the first part of this work, the effect of stochastic stability is discussed on a toy model of the genetic switch that triggers the cellular division, which malfunctioning is known to be one of the hallmarks of cancer. The second system I have worked on is the so-called futile cycle, a closed cycle of two enzymatic reactions that adds and removes a chemical compound, called phosphate group, to a specific substrate. I have thus investigated how adding noise to the enzyme (that is usually in the order of few hundred molecules) modifies the probability of observing a specific number of phosphorylated substrate molecules, and confirmed theoretical predictions with numerical simulations. In the third part the results of the study of a chain of multiple phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles will be presented. We will discuss an approximation method for the exact solution in the bidimensional case and the relationship that this method has with the thermodynamic properties of the system, which is an open system far from equilibrium.In the last section the agreement between the theoretical prediction of the total protein quantity in a mouse cells population and the observed quantity will be shown, measured via fluorescence microscopy.
BTES (borehole thermal energy storage)systems exchange thermal energy by conduction with the surrounding ground through borehole materials. The spatial variability of the geological properties and the space-time variability of hydrogeological conditions affect the real power rate of heat exchangers and, consequently, the amount of energy extracted from / injected into the ground. For this reason, it is not an easy task to identify the underground thermal properties to use when designing. At the current state of technology, Thermal Response Test (TRT) is the in situ test for the characterization of ground thermal properties with the higher degree of accuracy, but it doesn’t fully solve the problem of characterizing the thermal properties of a shallow geothermal reservoir, simply because it characterizes only the neighborhood of the heat exchanger at hand and only for the test duration. Different analytical and numerical models exist for the characterization of shallow geothermal reservoir, but they are still inadequate and not exhaustive: more sophisticated models must be taken into account and a geostatistical approach is needed to tackle natural variability and estimates uncertainty. The approach adopted for reservoir characterization is the “inverse problem”, typical of oil&gas field analysis. Similarly, we create different realizations of thermal properties by direct sequential simulation and we find the best one fitting real production data (fluid temperature along time). The software used to develop heat production simulation is FEFLOW 5.4 (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system). A geostatistical reservoir model has been set up based on literature thermal properties data and spatial variability hypotheses, and a real TRT has been tested. Then we analyzed and used as well two other codes (SA-Geotherm and FV-Geotherm) which are two implementation of the same numerical model of FEFLOW (Al-Khoury model).
This master’s thesis describes the research done at the Medical Technology Laboratory (LTM) of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR, Bologna, Italy), which focused on the characterization of the elastic properties of the trabecular bone tissue, starting from october 2012 to present. The approach uses computed microtomography to characterize the architecture of trabecular bone specimens. With the information obtained from the scanner, specimen-specific models of trabecular bone are generated for the solution with the Finite Element Method (FEM). Along with the FEM modelling, mechanical tests are performed over the same reconstructed bone portions. From the linear-elastic stage of mechanical tests presented by experimental results, it is possible to estimate the mechanical properties of the trabecular bone tissue. After a brief introduction on the biomechanics of the trabecular bone (chapter 1) and on the characterization of the mechanics of its tissue using FEM models (chapter 2), the reliability analysis of an experimental procedure is explained (chapter 3), based on the high-scalable numerical solver ParFE. In chapter 4, the sensitivity analyses on two different parameters for micro-FEM model’s reconstruction are presented. Once the reliability of the modeling strategy has been shown, a recent layout for experimental test, developed in LTM, is presented (chapter 5). Moreover, the results of the application of the new layout are discussed, with a stress on the difficulties connected to it and observed during the tests. Finally, a prototype experimental layout for the measure of deformations in trabecular bone specimens is presented (chapter 6). This procedure is based on the Digital Image Correlation method and is currently under development in LTM.
The lateral characteristics of tires in terms of lateral forces as a function of sideslip angle is a focal point in the prediction of ground loads and ground handling aircraft behavior. However, tests to validate such coefficients are not mandatory to obtain Aircraft Type Certification and so they are not available for ATR tires. Anyway, some analytical values are implemented in ATR calculation codes (Flight Qualities in-house numerical code and Loads in-house numerical code). Hence, the goal of my work is to further investigate and validate lateral tires characteristics by means of: exploitation and re-parameterization of existing test on NLG tires, implementation of easy-handle model based on DFDR parameters to compute sideslip angles, application of this model to compute lateral loads on existing flight tests and incident cases, analysis of results. The last part of this work is dedicated to the preliminary study of a methodology to perform a test to retrieve lateral tire loads during ground turning with minimum requirements in terms of aircraft test instrumentation. This represents the basis for future works.
The quench characteristics of second generation (2 G) YBCO Coated Conductor (CC) tapes are of fundamental importance for the design and safe operation of superconducting cables and magnets based on this material. Their ability to transport high current densities at high temperature, up to 77 K, and at very high fields, over 20 T, together with the increasing knowledge in their manufacturing, which is reducing their cost, are pushing the use of this innovative material in numerous system applications, from high field magnets for research to motors and generators as well as for cables. The aim of this Ph. D. thesis is the experimental analysis and numerical simulations of quench in superconducting HTS tapes and coils. A measurements facility for the characterization of superconducting tapes and coils was designed, assembled and tested. The facility consist of a cryostat, a cryocooler, a vacuum system, resistive and superconducting current leads and signal feedthrough. Moreover, the data acquisition system and the software for critical current and quench measurements were developed. A 2D model was developed using the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics R . The problem of modeling the high aspect ratio of the tape is tackled by multiplying the tape thickness by a constant factor, compensating the heat and electrical balance equations by introducing a material anisotropy. The model was then validated both with the results of a 1D quench model based on a non-linear electric circuit coupled to a thermal model of the tape, to literature measurements and to critical current and quench measurements made in the cryogenic facility. Finally the model was extended to the study of coils and windings with the definition of the tape and stack homogenized properties. The procedure allows the definition of a multi-scale hierarchical model, able to simulate the windings with different degrees of detail.
Recent studies found that soil-atmosphere coupling features, through soil moisture, have been crucial to simulate well heat waves amplitude, duration and intensity. Moreover, it was found that soil moisture depletion both in Winter and Spring anticipates strong heat waves during the Summer. Irrigation in geophysical studies can be intended as an anthropogenic forcing to the soil-moisture, besides changes in land proprieties. In this study, the irrigation was add to a LAM hydrostatic model (BOLAM) and coupled with the soil. The response of the model to irrigation perturbation is analyzed during a dry Summer season. To identify a dry Summer, with overall positive temperature anomalies, an extensive climatological characterization of 2015 was done. The method included a statistical validation on the reference period distribution used to calculate the anomalies. Drought conditions were observed during Summer 2015 and previous seasons, both on the analyzed region and the Alps. Moreover July was characterized as an extreme event for the referred distribution. The numerical simulation consisted on the summer season of 2015 and two run: a control run (CTR), with the soil coupling and a perturbed run (IPR). The perturbation consists on a mask of land use created from the Cropland FAO dataset, where an irrigation water flux of 3 mm/day was applied from 6 A.M. to 9 A.M. every day. The results show that differences between CTR and IPR has a strong daily cycle. The main modifications are on the air masses proprieties, not on to the dynamics. However, changes in the circulation at the boundaries of the Po Valley are observed, and a diagnostic spatial correlation of variable differences shows that soil moisture perturbation explains well the variation observed in the 2 meters height temperature and in the latent heat fluxes.On the other hand, does not explain the spatial shift up and downslope observed during different periods of the day. Given the results, irrigation process affects the atmospheric proprieties on a larger scale than the irrigation, therefore it is important in daily forecast, particularly during hot and dry periods.
We present experimental and numerical results on intense-laser-pulse-produced fast electron beams transport through aluminum samples, either solid or compressed and heated by laser-induced planar shock propagation. Thanks to absolute K� yield measurements and its very good agreement with results from numerical simulations, we quantify the collisional and resistive fast electron stopping powers: for electron current densities of � 8 � 1010 A=cm2 they reach 1:5 keV=�m and 0:8 keV=�m, respectively. For higher current densities up to 1012 A=cm2, numerical simulations show resistive and collisional energy losses at comparable levels. Analytical estimations predict the resistive stopping power will be kept on the level of 1 keV=�m for electron current densities of 1014 A=cm2, representative of the full-scale conditions in the fast ignition of inertially confined fusion targets.
We propose the use of a highly-accurate three-dimensional (3D) fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element method (FEM) for the characterization of rectangular waveguide discontinuities. These discontinuities are either the unavoidable result of mechanical/electrical transitions or deliberately introduced in order to perform certain electrical functions in modern communication systems. The proposed numerical method combines the geometrical flexibility of finite elements with an accuracy that is often superior to that provided by semi-analytical methods. It supports anisotropic refinements on irregular meshes with hanging nodes, and isoparametric elements. It makes use of hexahedral elements compatible with high-order H(curl)H(curl) discretizations. The 3D hp-adaptive FEM is applied for the first time to solve a wide range of 3D waveguide discontinuity problems of microwave communication systems in which exponential convergence of the error is observed.
The presented works aim at proposing a methodology for the simulation of offshore wind conditions using CFD. The main objective is the development of a numerical model for the characterization of atmospheric boundary layers of different stability levels, as the most important issue in offshore wind resource assessment. Based on Monin-Obukhov theory, the steady k-ε Standard turbulence model is modified to take into account thermal stratification in the surface layer. The validity of Monin-Obukhov theory in offshore conditions is discussed with an analysis of a three day episode at FINO-1 platform.
In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity.
Dentro de los materiales estructurales, el magnesio y sus aleaciones están siendo el foco de una de profunda investigación. Esta investigación está dirigida a comprender la relación existente entre la microestructura de las aleaciones de Mg y su comportamiento mecánico. El objetivo es optimizar las aleaciones actuales de magnesio a partir de su microestructura y diseñar nuevas aleaciones. Sin embargo, el efecto de los factores microestructurales (como la forma, el tamaño, la orientación de los precipitados y la morfología de los granos) en el comportamiento mecánico de estas aleaciones está todavía por descubrir. Para conocer mejor de la relación entre la microestructura y el comportamiento mecánico, es necesaria la combinación de técnicas avanzadas de caracterización experimental como de simulación numérica, a diferentes longitudes de escala. En lo que respecta a las técnicas de simulación numérica, la homogeneización policristalina es una herramienta muy útil para predecir la respuesta macroscópica a partir de la microestructura de un policristal (caracterizada por el tamaño, la forma y la distribución de orientaciones de los granos) y el comportamiento del monocristal. La descripción de la microestructura se lleva a cabo mediante modernas técnicas de caracterización (difracción de rayos X, difracción de electrones retrodispersados, así como con microscopia óptica y electrónica). Sin embargo, el comportamiento del cristal sigue siendo difícil de medir, especialmente en aleaciones de Mg, donde es muy complicado conocer el valor de los parámetros que controlan el comportamiento mecánico de los diferentes modos de deslizamiento y maclado. En la presente tesis se ha desarrollado una estrategia de homogeneización computacional para predecir el comportamiento de aleaciones de magnesio. El comportamiento de los policristales ha sido obtenido mediante la simulación por elementos finitos de un volumen representativo (RVE) de la microestructura, considerando la distribución real de formas y orientaciones de los granos. El comportamiento del cristal se ha simulado mediante un modelo de plasticidad cristalina que tiene en cuenta los diferentes mecanismos físicos de deformación, como el deslizamiento y el maclado. Finalmente, la obtención de los parámetros que controlan el comportamiento del cristal (tensiones críticas resueltas (CRSS) así como las tasas de endurecimiento para todos los modos de maclado y deslizamiento) se ha resuelto mediante la implementación de una metodología de optimización inversa, una de las principales aportaciones originales de este trabajo. La metodología inversa pretende, por medio del algoritmo de optimización de Levenberg-Marquardt, obtener el conjunto de parámetros que definen el comportamiento del monocristal y que mejor ajustan a un conjunto de ensayos macroscópicos independientes. Además de la implementación de la técnica, se han estudiado tanto la objetividad del metodología como la unicidad de la solución en función de la información experimental. La estrategia de optimización inversa se usó inicialmente para obtener el comportamiento cristalino de la aleación AZ31 de Mg, obtenida por laminado. Esta aleación tiene una marcada textura basal y una gran anisotropía plástica. El comportamiento de cada grano incluyó cuatro mecanismos de deformación diferentes: deslizamiento en los planos basal, prismático, piramidal hc+ai, junto con el maclado en tracción. La validez de los parámetros resultantes se validó mediante la capacidad del modelo policristalino para predecir ensayos macroscópicos independientes en diferentes direcciones. En segundo lugar se estudió mediante la misma estrategia, la influencia del contenido de Neodimio (Nd) en las propiedades de una aleación de Mg-Mn-Nd, obtenida por extrusión. Se encontró que la adición de Nd produce una progresiva isotropización del comportamiento macroscópico. El modelo mostró que este incremento de la isotropía macroscópica era debido tanto a la aleatoriedad de la textura inicial como al incremento de la isotropía del comportamiento del cristal, con valores similares de las CRSSs de los diferentes modos de deformación. Finalmente, el modelo se empleó para analizar el efecto de la temperatura en el comportamiento del cristal de la aleación de Mg-Mn-Nd. La introducción en el modelo de los efectos non-Schmid sobre el modo de deslizamiento piramidal hc+ai permitió capturar el comportamiento mecánico a temperaturas superiores a 150_C. Esta es la primera vez, de acuerdo con el conocimiento del autor, que los efectos non-Schmid han sido observados en una aleación de Magnesio. The study of Magnesium and its alloys is a hot research topic in structural materials. In particular, special attention is being paid in understanding the relationship between microstructure and mechanical behavior in order to optimize the current alloy microstructures and guide the design of new alloys. However, the particular effect of several microstructural factors (precipitate shape, size and orientation, grain morphology distribution, etc.) in the mechanical performance of a Mg alloy is still under study. The combination of advanced characterization techniques and modeling at several length scales is necessary to improve the understanding of the relation microstructure and mechanical behavior. Respect to the simulation techniques, polycrystalline homogenization is a very useful tool to predict the macroscopic response from polycrystalline microstructure (grain size, shape and orientation distributions) and crystal behavior. The microstructure description is fully covered with modern characterization techniques (X-ray diffraction, EBSD, optical and electronic microscopy). However, the mechanical behaviour of single crystals is not well-known, especially in Mg alloys where the correct parameterization of the mechanical behavior of the different slip/twin modes is a very difficult task. A computational homogenization framework for predicting the behavior of Magnesium alloys has been developed in this thesis. The polycrystalline behavior was obtained by means of the finite element simulation of a representative volume element (RVE) of the microstructure including the actual grain shape and orientation distributions. The crystal behavior for the grains was accounted for a crystal plasticity model which took into account the physical deformation mechanisms, e.g. slip and twinning. Finally, the problem of the parametrization of the crystal behavior (critical resolved shear stresses (CRSS) and strain hardening rates of all the slip and twinning modes) was obtained by the development of an inverse optimization methodology, one of the main original contributions of this thesis. The inverse methodology aims at finding, by means of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm, the set of parameters defining crystal behavior that best fit a set of independent macroscopic tests. The objectivity of the method and the uniqueness of solution as function of the input information has been numerically studied. The inverse optimization strategy was first used to obtain the crystal behavior of a rolled polycrystalline AZ31 Mg alloy that showed a marked basal texture and a strong plastic anisotropy. Four different deformation mechanisms: basal, prismatic and pyramidal hc+ai slip, together with tensile twinning were included to characterize the single crystal behavior. The validity of the resulting parameters was proved by the ability of the polycrystalline model to predict independent macroscopic tests on different directions. Secondly, the influence of Neodymium (Nd) content on an extruded polycrystalline Mg-Mn-Nd alloy was studied using the same homogenization and optimization framework. The effect of Nd addition was a progressive isotropization of the macroscopic behavior. The model showed that this increase in the macroscopic isotropy was due to a randomization of the initial texture and also to an increase of the crystal behavior isotropy (similar values of the CRSSs of the different modes). Finally, the model was used to analyze the effect of temperature on the crystal behaviour of a Mg-Mn-Nd alloy. The introduction in the model of non-Schmid effects on the pyramidal hc+ai slip allowed to capture the inverse strength differential that appeared, between the tension and compression, above 150_C. This is the first time, to the author's knowledge, that non-Schmid effects have been reported for Mg alloys.
The fixed point implementation of IIR digital filters usually leads to the appearance of zero-input limit cycles, which degrade the performance of the system. In this paper, we develop an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm to detect and characterize limit cycles in fixed-point IIR digital filters. The proposed approach considers filters formulated in the state space and is valid for any fixed point representation and quantization function. Numerical simulations on several high-order filters, where an exhaustive search is unfeasible, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Computer-aided tomography has been used for many years to provide significant information about the internal properties of an object, particularly in the medical fraternity. By reconstructing one-dimensional (ID) X-ray images, 2D cross-sections and 3D renders can provide a wealth of information about an object's internal structure. An extension of the methodology is reported here to enable the characterization of a model agglomerate structure. It is demonstrated that methods based on X-ray microtomography offer considerable potential in the validation and utilization of distinct element method simulations also examined.
Direct measurements of the absorbed energy in femtosecond laser inscription in a range of materials is performed. Key absorption parameters are characterized by fitting numerical modelling to measurements.
Direct measurements of the absorbed energy in femtosecond laser inscription in a range of materials is performed. Key absorption parameters are characterized by fitting numerical modelling to measurements.