995 resultados para Nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances
Les naines brunes sont des astres incapables de déclencher et soutenir des réactions nucléaires dans leur cœur. En l’absence de cette source d’énergie, leur luminosité diminue avec le temps jusqu’à leur extinction complète. Leur flux aux longueurs d’onde de 0,8 à 2,35 μm est particulièrement altéré par l’humidité contenue dans l’atmosphère terrestre, ce qui complique l’étude de ces astres. Le but de la présente recherche est de vérifier si la division par un spectre d’étoile A0 est un moyen de corriger l’altération causée par l’atmosphère terrestre sur cette partie de leur spectre. Tout d’abord, des notions, pertinentes à la compréhension de ce travail, sont abordées. L’introduction présente quelques notions sur les naines brunes et sur l’atmosphère terrestre. Le deuxième chapitre concerne le traitement des données. Il traite de la calibration, de la mise en évidence du problème de non-répétabilité de la position de la fente du spectromètre SIMON ainsi que de ses causes. Il porte aussi sur l’uniformisation de la réponse des pixels et de la soustraction du ciel pour extraire les spectres. La méthode employée pour étudier l’effet de l’atmosphère terrestre sur les spectres de naines brunes y est présentée. Le troisième chapitre analyse les résultats obtenus par l’utilisation de l’étoile de référence de type A0 comme calibration pour corriger le spectre de naine brune, en assumant un même effet de l’atmosphère terrestre sur les deux types d’astres. Nous ne pouvons conclure, avec certitude, que l’absorption tellurique affecte de la même façon les deux spectres ni de quelle façon exactement ils sont affectés. Une recherche supplémentaire nécessitant de nouvelles prises de données à des masses d’air et à des taux d’humidité variés est requise.
On line isotope separation techniques (ISOL) for production of ion beams of short-lived radionuclides require fast separation of nuclear reaction products from irradiated target materials followed by a transfer into an ion source. As a first step in this transport chain the release of nuclear reaction products from refractory metals has been studied systematically and will be reviewed. High-energy protons (500 - 1000 MeV) produce a large number of radionuclides in irradiated materials via the nuclear reactions spallation, fission and fragmentation. Foils and powders of Re, W, Ta, Hf, Mo, Nb, Zr, Y, Ti and C were irradiated with protons (600 - 1000 MeV) at the Dubna synchrocyclotron, the CERN synchrocyclotron and at the CERN PS-booster to produce different nuclear reaction products. The main topic of the paper is the determination of diffusion coefficients of the nuclear reaction products in the target matrix, data evaluation and a systematic interpretation of the data. The influence of the ionic radius of the diffusing species and the lattice type of the host material used as matrix or target on the diffusion will be evaluated from these systematics. Special attention was directed to the release of group I, II and III-elements. Arrhenius plots lead to activation energies of the diffusion process.
We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.
The cross section for the removal of high-momentum protons from 16O is calculated for high missing energies. The admixture of high-momentum nucleons in the 16O ground state is obtained by calculating the single-hole spectral function directly in the finite nucleus with the inclusion of short-range and tensor correlations induced by a realistic meson-exchange interaction. The presence of high-momentum nucleons in the transition to final states in 15N at 60¿100 MeV missing energy is converted to the coincidence cross section for the (e,e¿p) reaction by including the coupling to the electromagnetic probe and the final state interactions of the outgoing proton in the same way as in the standard analysis of the experimental data. Detectable cross sections for the removal of a single proton at these high missing energies are obtained which are considerably larger at higher missing momentum than the corresponding cross sections for the p-wave quasihole transitions. Cross sections for these quasihole transitions are compared with the most recent experimental data available.
Various modern nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials yield a very accurate fit to the nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts. The differences between these interactions in describing properties of nuclear matter are investigated. Various contributions to the total energy are evaluated employing the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. Special attention is paid to the two-nucleon correlation functions derived from these interactions. Differences in the predictions of the various interactions can be traced back to the inclusion of nonlocal terms.
The enhancement in the production of even-Z nuclei observed in nuclear fission has also been observed in fragments produced from heavy ion collsions. Beams of 40Ar, 40Cl, and 40Ca at 25 MeV/nucleon were impinged on 58Fe and 58Ni targets. The resulting fragments were detected using the MSU 4pi detector array, which had additional silicon detectors for better isotopic resolution. Comparison of the ratios of yields for each element showed enhancement of even-Z fragment production. The enhancement was more pronounced for reactions with a greater difference in the N/Z of the compound system. However, this effect was less for systems that were more neutron rich. The average N/Z for fragments also displayed an odd-even effect with a lower average N/Z for the even-Z fragments. This is related to the greater availability of neutron-poor isotopes for even-Z nuclei