1000 resultados para Northern blot


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Evidence that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7-36) amide functions as a novel neuropeptide prompted us to study the gene expression of its receptor in rat brain. Northern blot analysis showed transcripts of similar size in RINm5F cells, hypothalamus, and brain-stem. First-strand cDNA was prepared by using RNA from hypothalamus, brainstem, and R1Nm5F cells and subsequently amplified by PCR. Southern blot analysis of the PCR products showed a major 1.4-kb band in all these preparations. PCR products amplified from hypothalamus were cloned, and the nucleotide sequence of one strand was identical to that described in rat pancreatic islets. In situ hybridization studies showed specific labeling in both neurons and glia of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, primary olfactory cortex, choroid plexus, and pituitary gland. In the hypothalamus, ventromedial nuclei cells were highly labeled. These findings indicate that GLP-1 receptors are actually synthesized in rat brain. In addition, the colocalization of GLP-1 receptors, glucokinase, and GLUT-2 in the same areas supports the idea that these cells play an important role in glucose sensing in the brain.


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Mice with homologous disruption of the gene coding for the ligand-binding chain of the interferon (IFN) gamma receptor and derived from a strain genetically resistant to infection with Leishmania major have been used to study further the role of this cytokine in the differentiation of functional CD4+ T cell subsets in vivo and resistance to infection. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice are resistant to infection with this parasite, developing only small lesions, which resolve spontaneously within 6 wk. In contrast, mice lacking the IFN-gamma receptor develop large, progressing lesions. After infection, lymph nodes (LN) and spleens from both wild-type and knockout mice showed an expansion of CD4+ cells producing IFN-gamma as revealed by measuring IFN-gamma in supernatants of specifically stimulated CD4+ T cells, by enumerating IFN-gamma-producing T cells, and by Northern blot analysis of IFN-gamma transcripts. No biologically active interleukin (IL) 4 was detected in supernatants of in vitro-stimulated LN or spleen cells from infected wild-type or deficient mice. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis with primers specific for IL-4 showed similar IL-4 message levels in LN from both types of mice. The IL-4 message levels observed were comparable to those found in similarly infected C57BL/6 mice and significantly lower than the levels found in BALB/c mice. Anti-IFN-gamma treatment of both types of mice failed to alter the pattern of cytokines produced after infection. These data show that even in the absence of IFN-gamma receptors, T helper cell (Th) 1-type responses still develop in genetically resistant mice with no evidence for the expansion of Th2 cells.


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RESUME Les bétalaïnes sont des pigments chromo-alcaloïdes violets et jaunes présents dans les plantes appartenant à l'ordre des Caryophyllales et dans les champignons des genres Amanita et Hygrocybe. Leur courte voie de biosynthèse est élucidée chimiquement depuis de nombreuses années, mais les enzymes impliquées dans cette biosynthèse chez les plantes ne sont toujours pas caractérisées. L'enzyme de la DOPA-dioxygénase d' Amanita muscaria a été identifiée (Girod et Zryd, 1991a), mais de nombreuses tentatives d'isolation d'un homologue chez les plantes ont échoué. Afin d'isoler les gènes spécifiques des bétalaïnes chez les plantes, nous avons construit des banques soustraites d'ADNc à partir d'ARN total de pétales immatures de Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) de génotypes jaunes et blancs, respectivement violets et blancs. Les clones couleur- spécifiques ont été détectés en premier par analyse Northem du RNA de pétales blancs et colorés. Les candidats positifs ont alors été soumis à une analyse de transcription au niveau des tiges colorées, vertes et des feuilles, afin d'établir leur expression spécifique. Deux ARNs messagers complets ont une expression corrélée avec l'accumulation des bétalaïnes dans les tissus. Le premier de ces clones, A.16, code pour une oxydase de l'acyl-Coenzyme A (ACX) putative, mais le domaine de liaison du FAD essentiel pour l'activité d'ACX est absent. Toutes nos tentatives pour démontrer sa fonction ont échoué. Le rôle de cette protéine dans la voie de synthèse des bétalaïnes reste inconnu. Le deuxième de ces clones spécifique aux bétalaïnes, L.6 (isolé par Zaiko, 2000), a été renommé DODA en raison de son homologie avec le domaine LigB (pfam02900) d'une 4,5-dioxygénase extradiol bactérienne. DODA a été identifié in silico comme une dioxygénase extradiol en raison de la conservation stricte, au niveau de sa séquence peptidique, des résidus catalytiques de LigB et de ceux liant le cofacteur fer. Une analyse de transfert Southem a montré que ce gène est unique dans Pg. L'expression transitoire de DODA par transformation biolistique dans des pétales blancs de Pg a produit des taches violettes ou jaunes dans des cellules transformées. Une analyse HPLC de ces taches a démontré leur identité avec les bétalaïnes présentes naturellement dans les pétales violets et jaunes de Pg, confirmant ainsi la complémentation par le gène Pg DODA de l'allèle récessif cc présent dans les pétales blancs de Pg. Des homologues de DODA (DOPA-dioxygénase) ont été identifiés dans de nombreuses espèces de plantes, y compris dans celles sans bétalaïne. L'alignement de ces homologues a permis l'identification d'un motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes à côté d'une histidine catalytique conservée. Ce motif [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] remplace le motif [H-N-L-R] conservé dans les plantes sans bétalaïne et le motif [H-N-L-x] présent dans tous les homologues bactériens et archaebactériens. Une modélisation tridimensionnelle préliminaire du site actif de Pg DODA et de son homologue dans la mousse Physcomitrella patens a montré l'importance de ce motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes pour l'accessibilité du substrat au site actif. L'analyse phylogénétique de DODA a confirmé l'évolution séparée de cette protéine chez les plantes à bétalaïnes par comparaison avec celle des plantes sans bétalaïne. Nous avons donc conclu que les bétalaïnes sont apparues par modification de l'affinité pour un substrat d'enzymes similaires à DODA, chez un ancêtre unique des Caryophyllales qui a perdu toute capacité de biosynthèse des anthocyanes. Finalement, Pg DODA n'a aucune similarité avec la protéine DODA d' Amanita muscaria, bien que celle-ci complémente aussi la pigmentation des pétales blancs de Pg. La biosynthèse des bétalaïnes est un exemple remarquable de convergence évolutive biochimique indépendante entre espèces de règnes différents. ABSTRACT Betalains are violet and yellow chromo-alkaloid pigments present in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales and also in the fungal genera Amanita and Hygrocybe. Their short biosynthetic pathway is chemically well understood since many years, but enzymes involved in the plant pathway are still uncharacterized. The DOPA-dioxygenase from Amanita muscaria was identified (Girod and Zryd, 1991a), but numerous attempts to identify a plant homologue to the corresponding gene, failed. In order to isolate betalain-specific genes in plants, subtractive cDNA libraries were built with total RNA from white and yellow and respectively, violet immature petals from Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) genotypes. Colour-specific clones were first detected by Northern blot analysis using RNA from white and coloured petals. Positive candidates were submitted to further transcription analysis in coloured, green stems and leaves in order to assess their specific expression. Two full-length mRNAs showed a correlated expression with betalain accumulation in tissues. One of them, A.16, encodes a putative acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase (ACX), but missing the FAD binding domain essential for the ACX activity. Thus, all attempts to demonstrate its function failed. The role of this protein in the betalain biosynthesis pathway, if any, is still unknown. The second betalain-specific mRNA, L.6 (isolated by Zaiko, 2000) shows a homology with a LigB domain (pfam02900) from a bacterial extradiol 4,5-dioxygenase. It was then renamed DODA (DOPA-dioxygenase). DODA was identified in silico as a highly conserved extradiol dioxygenase due to the strict conservation of its peptidic sequence with LigB catalytic residues and iron-binding cofactor residues. Southern blot analysis showed that this gene is a single copy-gene in Pg. Transient expression of DODA protein through biolistic transformation of Pg white petals produced violet or yellow spots in individual cells. HPLC analysis of these spots showed an identity with betalain pigments present naturally in yellow and violet Pg petals, thus confirming the complementation of the recessive cc allele present in Pg white petals by Pg DODA gene. DODA homologues were identified in numerous plant species including those without betalain. Alignment of these homologues allowed the identification of a betalain-specific pattern beside a highly conserved catalytic histidine. This [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] pattern replaces a [H-N-L-R] pattern strictly conserved in non-betalain plants and a [H-N-L-x] pattern present in all bacterial and archaebacterial homologues. Preliminary three-dimensional modeling of the active site of Pg DODA and its Physcomitrella patens moss homologue revealed the importance of this betalain-specific pattern for the substrate accessibility to the DODA active site. DODA phylogenetic analysis confirmed the separate evolution of this protein in betalain-producing plants. We conclude that betalain pigments appeared in a unique ancestor of the Caryophyllales order in which anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was impaired, by a modification of enzymes of the DODA family for substrate affinity. The Pg DODA protein has no sequence similarity with Amanita muscaria DODA, despite the fact that they both complement Pg white petals for their pigmentation. Betalain biosynthesis is an interesting example of independent biochemical evolutionary convergence between species from different kingdoms.


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Nitric oxide (NO) produced by inducible NO synthase (iNOS, NOS-2) is an important component of the macrophage-mediated immune defense toward numerous pathogens. Murine macrophages produce NO after cytokine activation, whereas, under similar conditions, human macrophages produce low levels or no NO at all. Although human macrophages can express iNOS mRNA and protein on activation, whether they possess the complete machinery necessary for NO synthesis remains controversial. To define the conditions necessary for human monocytes/macrophages to synthesize NO when expressing a functional iNOS, the human monocytic U937 cell line was engineered to synthesize this enzyme, following infection with a retroviral expression vector containing human hepatic iNOS (DFGiNOS). Northern blot and Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of iNOS in transfected U937 cells both at the RNA and protein levels. NOS enzymatic activity was demonstrated in cell lysates by the conversion of L-[3H]arginine into L-[3H]citrulline and the production of NO by intact cells was measured by nitrite and nitrate accumulation in culture supernatants. When expressing functional iNOS, U937 cells were capable of releasing high levels of NO. NO production was strictly dependent on supplementation of the culture medium with tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and was not modified by stimulation of the cells with different cytokines. These observations suggest that (1) human monocytic U937 cells contain all the cofactors necessary for NO synthesis, except BH4 and (2) the failure to detect NO in cytokine-stimulated untransfected U937 cells is not due to the presence of a NO-scavenging molecule within these cells nor to the destabilization of iNOS protein. DFGiNOS U937 cells represent a valuable human model to study the role of NO in immunity toward tumors and pathogens.


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Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to exert cytotoxic effects on tumor cells. We have reported that EC219 cells, a rat-brain-microvessel-derived endothelial cell line, produced NO through cytokine-inducible NO synthase (iNOS), the induction of which was significantly decreased by (a) soluble factor(s) secreted by DHD/PROb, an invasive sub-clone of a rat colon-carcinoma cell line. In this study, the DHD/PROb cell-derived NO-inhibitory factor was characterized. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated that the induction of iNOS mRNA in cytokine-activated EC219 cells was decreased by PROb-cell-conditioned medium. When DHD/PROb cell supernatant was fractionated by affinity chromatography using Con A-Sepharose or heparin-Sepharose, the NO-inhibitory activity was found only in Con A-unbound or heparin-unbound fractions, respectively, indicating that the PROb-derived inhibitory factor was likely to be a non-glycosylated and non-heparin-binding molecule. Pre-incubation of DHD/PROb-cell supernatant with anti-TGF-beta neutralizing antibody completely blocked the DHD/PROb-derived inhibition of NO production by EC219 cells. Addition of exogenous TGF-beta 1 dose-dependently inhibited NO release by EC219 cells. The presence of active TGF-beta in the DHD/PROb cell supernatant was demonstrated using a growth-inhibition assay. Moreover, heat treatment of medium conditioned by the less invasive DHD/REGb cells, which constitutively secreted very low levels of active TGF-beta, increased both TGF-beta activity and the ability to inhibit NO production in EC219 cells. Thus, DHD/PROb colon-carcinoma cells inhibited NO production in EC219 cells by secreting a factor identical or very similar to TGF-beta.


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OBJETIVO: O transplante de hepatócitos xenogênicos encapsulados pode ser utilizado no futuro em situações como a insuficiência hepática fulminante. Porém, observa-se perda precoce da expressão de genes hepatocitários específicos em hepatócitos humanos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência da resposta imunológica na perda da expressão genética hepatocitária de hepatócitos humanos encapsulados e transplantados em ratos. MÉTODO: Hepatócitos humanos foram isolados de fragmentos hepáticos, encapsulados em fibras e transplantados em ratos. Nos dias 3, 7 e 14 após o transplante as fibras foram coletadas e avaliadas a morfologia por microscopia óptica e eletrônica, e a expressão dos genes por biologia molecular. O ARNm da albumina humana foi quantificado por RT-PCR e Northern blot. A resposta imunológica contra os hepatócitos foi avaliada através do ADN hepatocitário na busca de apoptose do núcleo celular e pelo aumento da expressão do CMH de classe I. RESULTADOS: Os aspectos morfológicos dos hepatócitos mantiveram-se normais até o sétimo dia após o transplante. Não se observaram células envolvidas com resposta imunológica do receptor nas fibras. Os transcritos da albumina foram detectados até D-14. Entre os dias 3 e 7 estavam em 30% em relação ao dia 0. A análise do ADN mostrou bandas preservadas sem a presença de fenômenos de apoptose nos diferentes dias. Não ocorreu aumento da expressão do CMH de classe I. CONCLUSÕES: Hepatócitos humanos encapsulados e transplantados em ratos permanecem viáveis apesar da diminuição da expressão de determinados genes. Este fenômeno, não se deve à resposta imunológica do receptor, mas ao próprio processo de isolamento celular.


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It is well known that virtually every tissue of the amphibian larvae is highly sensitive to the mutually antagonistic actions of thyroid hormone (TH) and prolactin (PRL), but it is not known if adult amphibian tissues respond similarly to these two hormones. We have previously shown that very low doses of triiodothyronine (T3) rapidly and strongly potentiate the activation of silent vitellogenin (Vit) genes by estrogen (E2) and the autoinduction of estrogen receptor (ER) transcripts in primary cultures of adult Xenopus hepatocytes. This response to T3 is accompanied by the upregulation of thyroid hormone receptor b (TRb) mRNA. Using Northern blot and RNase protection assays, we now show that ovine PRL added for 12 h along with 2 x 10-9 M T3 will completely prevent potentiation of E2 induction of Vit mRNA in primary cultures of adult Xenopus hepatocytes. PRL also abolished the auto-upregulation of TRb mRNA and the cross-activation of autoinduction of ER mRNA. Thus, we show for the first time that the anti-TH action of PRL that is manifested in Xenopus tadpole tissues during metamorphosis is retained in adult liver, and suggest that the mutually antagonistic actions of the two hormones may be brought about by similar molecular mechanisms in larval and adult amphibian tissues


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A close correlation between vitamin D receptor (VDR) abundance and cell proliferation rate has been shown in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, MCF-7 breast cancer and in HL-60 myeloblastic cells. We have now determined if this association occurs in other leukemic cell lines, U937 and K562, and if VDR content is related to c-myc expression, which is also linked to cell growth state. Upon phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) treatment, cells from the three lineages (HL-60, U937 and K562) differentiated and expressed specific surface antigens. All cell lines analyzed were growth inhibited by PMA and the doubling time was increased, mainly due to an increased fraction of cells in the G0/G1 phase, as determined by flow cytometry measurements of incorporated bromodeoxyuridine and cell DNA content. C-myc mRNA expression was down-regulated and closely correlated to cell growth arrest. However, VDR expression in leukemic cell lines, as determined by immunofluorescence and Northern blot assays, was not consistently changed upon inhibition of cell proliferation since VDR levels were down-regulated only in HL-60 cells. Our data suggest that VDR expression cannot be explained simply as a reflection of the leukemic cell growth state.


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Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) is the major regulatory hormone of steroid synthesis and secretion by adrenocortical cells. The actions of ACTH are mediated by its specific membrane receptor (ACTH-R). The human ACTH-R gene was recently cloned, allowing systematic determination of its sequence, expression and function in adrenal tumorigenesis. The presence of oncogenic mutations of the ACTH-R gene in adrenocortical tumors has been reported. Direct sequencing of the entire coding region of the ACTH-R gene of sporadic adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas did not reveal constitutive activating mutations, indicating that this mechanism is not frequent in human adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Recent studies demonstrated allelic loss of the ACTH-R gene in a subset of sporadic adrenocortical tumors using a PstI polymorphism located in the promoter region of the ACTH-R gene. Loss of heterozygosity of the ACTH-R was analyzed in 20 informative patients with a variety of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors. Three of them showed loss of heterozygosity of the ACTH-R gene. In addition, Northern blot experiments demonstrated reduced expression of ACTH-R mRNA in these three tumors with loss of heterozygosity, suggesting the functional significance of this finding at the transcriptional level. Deletion of the ACTH-R gene seems to be involved in a subset of human adrenocortical tumors, contributing to cellular dedifferentiation.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of retinoic acid on the growth of the mouse mammary cells HC11 and HC11ras, which are a model for in vitro breast cancer progression. The expression of the two classes (RARs and RXRs) of retinoic acid receptor mRNAs was determined by Northern blot analysis. Receptor functional integrity was determined by testing whether RAR ß mRNA could be induced by retinoic acid. The effects of a 72-h exposure to 50 µM 13-cis retinoic acid on HC11 and HC11ras cell proliferation and HC11 cell differentiation were investigated by flow cytometric cell cycle analysis, and by determination of ß-casein mRNA expression, respectively. The possibility that retinoic acid would induce the expression of the vitamin D receptor and synergize with vitamin D, a known inhibitor of HC11 cell growth, was also investigated. HC11 cells expressed higher mRNA levels of both RAR a and RAR g when compared to HC11ras cells. In contrast, RAR ß, as well as RXR a, ß and g expression was low in both HC11 and HC11ras cells. In addition, RAR ß mRNA was induced by retinoic acid treatment in both cells. In spite of these observations, no effects were seen on cell proliferation or differentiation upon exposure to retinoic acid. Neither vitamin D receptor induction nor synergy with vitamin D on growth inhibition was observed. We conclude that the RAR expression profile could be related to the transformed state in HC11ras cells and that the retinoic acid resistance observed merits further investigation.


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Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is an inherited disorder of the innate immune system characterized by a defective oxidative burst of phagocytes and subsequent impairment of their microbicidal activity. Mutations in one of the NADPH-oxidase components affect gene expression or function of this system, leading to the phenotype of CGD. Defects in gp91-phox lead to X-linked CGD, responsible for approximately 70% of CGD cases. Investigation of the highly heterogeneous genotype of CGD patients includes mutation analysis, Northern blot or Western blot assays according to the particular case. The aim of the present study was to use reverse transcription (RT)-PCR for the analysis of molecular defects responsible for X-linked CGD in eight Brazilian patients and to assess its potential for broader application to molecular screening in CGD. Total RNA was prepared from Epstein B virus-transformed B-lymphocytes and reverse transcribed using random hexamers. The resulting cDNA was PCR-amplified by specific and overlapping pairs of primers designed to amplify three regions of the gp91-phox gene: exons 1-5, 3-9, and 7-13. This strategy detected defective gp91-phox expression in seven patients. The RT-PCR results matched clinical history, biochemical data (nitroblue tetrazolium or superoxide release assay) and available mutation analysis in four cases. In three additional cases, RT-PCR results matched clinical history and biochemical data. In another case, RT-PCR was normal despite a clinical history compatible with CGD and defective respiratory burst. We conclude that this new application of RT-PCR analysis - a simple, economical and rapid method - was appropriate for screening molecular defects in 7 of 8 X-linked CGD patients.


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Increased dopamine catabolism may be associated with oxidative stress and neuronal cell death in Parkinson's disease. The present study was carried out to examine the effect of dopamine on the expression of heme oxygenase-1 and -2 (HO-1 and HO-2) in human neuroblastomas (SK-N-SH cell line) and the effects of selegiline and antioxidants on this expression. Cells were kept with close control of pH and were incubated with varying concentrations of dopamine (0.1-100 µM) for 24 h. HO-1 and HO-2 cDNA probes were prepared by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction amplification. The mRNA expression of HO-1 and HO-2 was measured by Northern blot analysis. The levels of HO-1 mRNA increased after dopamine treatment, in a dose-dependent manner, in all cell lines studied, whereas levels of the two HO-2 transcripts did not. The HO-1 and HO-2 protein expression was analyzed by Western blotting. HO-1 protein was undetectable in untreated SK-N-SH cells and increased after treatment with dopamine. In contrast, the HO-2 protein (36 kDa) was detected in untreated cells and the levels did not change as a result of treatment. alpha-Tocopherol (10-100 µM) and ascorbic acid (100 µM) did not attenuate the effects of dopamine. Selegiline (10 µM) produced significant increase (P < 0.01) in the induction of HO-1 by dopamine (more than six times the control values). The increased expression of HO-1 following dopamine treatment indicates that dopamine produces oxidative stress in this cell line.


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Myoglobin acts as an oxygen store and a reactive oxygen species acceptor in muscles. We examined myoglobin mRNA in rat cardiac ventricle and skeletal muscles during the first 42 days of life and the impact of transient neonatal hypo- and hyperthyroidism on the myoglobin gene expression pattern. Cardiac ventricle and skeletal muscles of Wistar rats at 7-42 days of life were quickly removed, and myoglobin mRNA was determined by Northern blot analysis. Rats were treated with propylthiouracil (5-10 mg/100 g) and triiodothyronine (0.5-50 µg/100 g) for 5, 15, or 30 days after birth to induce hypo- and hyperthyroidism and euthanized either just after treatment or at 90 days. During postnatal (P) days 7-28, the ventricle myoglobin mRNA remained unchanged, but it gradually increased in skeletal muscle (12-fold). Triiodothyronine treatment, from days P0-P5, increased the skeletal muscle myoglobin mRNA 1.5- to 4.5-fold; a 2.5-fold increase was observed in ventricle muscle, but only when triiodothyronine treatment was extended to day P15. Conversely, hypothyroidism at P5 markedly decreased (60%) ventricular myoglobin mRNA. Moreover, transient hyperthyroidism in the neonatal period increased ventricle myoglobin mRNA (2-fold), and decreased heart rate (5%), fast muscle myoglobin mRNA (30%) and body weight (20%) in adulthood. Transient hypothyroidism in the neonatal period also permanently decreased fast muscle myoglobin mRNA (30%) and body weight (14%). These results indicated that changes in triiodothyronine supply in the neonatal period alter the myoglobin expression program in ventricle and skeletal muscle, leading to specific physiological repercussions and alterations in other parameters in adulthood.


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The construction of adenovirus vectors for cloning and foreign gene expression requires packaging cell lines that can complement missing viral functions caused by sequence deletions and/or replacement with foreign DNA sequences. In this study, packaging cell lines were designed to provide in trans the missing bovine adenovirus functions, so that recombinant viruses could be generated. Fetal bovine kidney and lUng cells, acquired at the trimester term from a pregnant cow, were tranfected with both digested wild type BAV2 genomic DNA and pCMV-EI. The plasmid pCMV-EI was specifically constructed to express El of BAV2 under the control of the cytomegalovirus enhancer/promoter (CMV). Selection for "true" transformants by continuous passaging showed no success in isolating immortalised cells, since the cells underwent crisis resulting in complete cell death. Moreover, selection for G418 resistance, using the same cells, also did not result in the isolation of an immortalised cell line and the same culture-collapse event was observed. The lack of success in establishing an immortalised cell line from fetal tissue prompted us to transfect a pre-established cell line. We began by transfecting MDBK (Mardin-Dardy bovine kidney) cells with pCMV-El-neo, which contain the bacterial selectable marker neo gene. A series of MDBK-derived cell lines, that constitutively express bovine adenoviral (BAV) early region 1 (El), were then isolated. Cells selected for resistance to the drug G418 were isolated collectively for full characterisation to assess their suitability as packaging cell lines. Individual colonies were isolated by limiting dilution and further tested for El expression and efficiency of DNA uptake. Two cell lines, L-23 and L-24, out of 48 generated foci tested positive for £1 expression using Northern Blot analysis. DNA uptake studies, using both lipofectamine and calcium phosphate methods, were performed to compare these cells, their parental MDBK cells, 8 and the unrelated human 293 cells as a benchmark. The results revealed that the new MDBKderived clones were no more efficient than MDBK cells in the transient expression of transfected DNA and that they were inferior to 293 cells, when using lacZ as the reporter gene. In view of the inherently poor transfection efficiency of MDBK cells and their derivatives, a number of other bovine cells were investigated for their potential as packaging cells. The cell line CCL40 was chosen for its high efficiency in DNA uptake and subsequently transfected with the plasmid vector pCMV El-neo. By selection with the drug G418, two cell lines were isolated, ProCell 1 and ProCell 2. These cell lines were tested for El expression, permissivity to BAV2 and DNA uptake efficiency, revealing a DNA uptake efficiency of 37 % , comparable to that of CCL40. Attempts to rescue BAV2 mutants carrying the lacZ gene in place of £1 or £3 were carried out by co-transfecting wild type viral DNA with either the plasmid pdlElE-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 0% to 40.4% with the lacZ gene in place of the £1 region from 1.1% to 8.25%) or with the plasmid pdlE3-5-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 64.8% to 100% with the lacZ gene in place of the E3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%). These cotransfections did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. The lack of mutant generation was thought to be caused by the relative inefficiency ofDNA uptake. Consequently, cosBAV2, a cosmid vector carrying the BAV2 genome, was modified to carry the neo reporter gene in place of the £3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%. The use of a single cosmid vector earring the whole genome would eliminate the need for homologous recombination in order to generate a viral vector. Unfortunately, the transfection of cosBAV2- neo also did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. This may have been caused by the size of the £3 deletion, where excess sequences that are essential to the virus' survival might have been deleted. As an extension to this study, the spontaneous E3 deletion, accidently discovered in our viral stock, could be used as site of foreign gene insertion.


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Several stresses to tissues including hyperthermia, ischemia, mechanical trauma and heavy metals have been demonstrated to affect the regulation of a subset of the family of heat shock proteins of70kOa (hsp70). In several organisms following some of these traumas, the levels of hsp70 mRNA and proteins are dramatically upregulated. However, the effects of the stress on limb and tail amputation in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens, involving mechanical tissue damage, have not adequately been examined. In the present study, three techniques were utilized to quantitate the levels of hsp70 mRNA and protein in the tissues of the forelimbs and tails of newts during the early post-traumatic events following surgical resection of these:: appendages. These included quantitative Western blotting of proteins separated by both one and twodimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative Northern blot analysis of total RNA. In tissues of both the limb and tail one hour after amputation, there were no significant differences in the levels of hsp70 protein measured by one-dimensional SOSPAGE followed by Western blotting, when compared to the levels measured in the unamputated limb. A 30 minute heat shock at 35°C failed to elicit an increase in the levels of hsp70 protein in these tissues. Further analysis using the more sensitive 20 PAGE separation of stump tissue proteins revealed that at least some of the five hsp70 isoforms of the newt may be differentially regulated in limbs and tails in response to trauma. It appears also that amputation of the tail and limb tissues leads to slight 3 elevation in the levels of HSP70 mRNA when compared to those of their respective unstressed tissues.