992 resultados para North Queensland


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The major banana production areas in Australia are particularly sensitive to environments due to their close proximity to areas of World Heritage rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef catchment. Management of soil quality, nutrients and pesticides are vital to maintaining the integrity of these sensitive areas. Studies on cropping systems have suggested that integrating organic matter into ground cover management would improve the quality of soil under banana cultivation. In this study, an alternative management practice for bananas, which addresses the management of organic matter and fertiliser application, was assessed and compared to the conventional practice currently employed in the banana industry. Several chemical, physical and biological soil parameters were measured including: pH, electrical conductivity, water stable aggregates, bulk density, water filled pore space, porosity, water content, fluorescein diacetate hydrolyis (FDA) and beta-glucosidase activity. The alternative management practice did not have a significant impact of the production and growth of bananas but overall improved the quality of the soil. Although some differences were observed, the chemical and physical soil characteristics did not differ dramatically between the two management systems. The addition of organic matter resulted in the soil under alternative practice having higher FDA and beta-glucosidase levels, indicating higher microbial activity. The integration of organic matter into the management of bananas resulted in positive benefits on soil properties under bananas, however, methods of maintaining organic matter in the soil need to be further researched.


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Results from the first of two artificially inoculated field experiments showed foliar applications of copper hydroxide (Blue Shield Copper) at 600 g a.i./100 L−1 (0% infected fruit), copper hydroxide + metalaxyl-M (Ridomil Gold Plus.) at 877.5 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.27%), metiram + pyraclostrobin (Aero) at 720 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.51%), chlorothalonil (Bravo WeatherStik) at 994 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.63%) and cuprous oxide (Nordox 750 WG) at 990 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.8%) of water significantly reduced the percentage of infected fruit compared to potassium phosphonate (Agri-Fos 600) at 1200 g a.i./100 L−1 (8.22%), dimethomorph (Acrobat) at 108 g a.i./100 L−1 (11.18%) and the untreated control (16%). Results from the second experiment showed fruit sprayed with copper hydroxide (Champ Dry Prill) at 300 (2.0% infected fruit), 375 (0.4%) and 450 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.6%) and metiram + pyraclostrobin (Aero) at 360 (2.8%), 480 (0.6%) and 600 g a.i./100 L−1 of water (1.0%) significantly reduced the percentage of infected fruit compared to the untreated control (19.4%). Foliar sprays of copper hydroxide at 375 g a.i./100 L−1 in rotation with chlorothalonil at 994 g a.i./100 L−1 every two weeks is now recommended to growers for controlling Phytophthora fruit rot of papaya.


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Male fruit fly attractants, cue-lure and methyl eugenol (ME), have been successfully used for the last 50 years in the monitoring and control of Dacini fruit flies (Bactrocera and Dacus species). However, over 50% of Dacini are non-responsive to either lure, including some pest species. A new lure, zingerone, has been found to weakly attract cue- and ME-responsive species in Malaysia. In Australia it attracted a weakly cue-responsive minor pest Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and three non-responsive' species. Similar compounds were tested in Queensland and attracted cue- and ME-responsive species and two non-responsive' species. In this study, 14 novel compounds, including raspberry ketone formate (RKF) (Melolure) and zingerone, were field tested in comparison with cue-lure and ME at 17 sites in north Queensland. The most attractive novel lures were isoeugenol, methyl-isoeugenol, dihydroeugenol and zingerone. Several non-responsive' species responded to the new lures: Bactrocera halfordiae (Tryon), a species of some market access concern, was most attracted to isoeugenol; B.barringtoniae (Tryon), B.bidentata (May) and B.murrayi (Perkins) responded to isoeugenol, methyl-isoeugenol and dihydroeugenol; two new species of Dacus responded to zingerone. Bactrocera kraussi (Hardy), a cue-responsive minor pest in north Queensland, was significantly more attracted to isoeugenol than cue-lure. The cue-responsive D.absonifacies (May) and D.secamoneaeDrew were significantly more attracted to zingerone than cue-lure. Bactrocera yorkensisDrew & Hancock, a ME-responsive species was significantly more attracted to isoeugenol, methyl-isoeugenol and dihydroeugenol than ME. The preferential response to RKF or cue-lure was species specific. Six species were significantly more attracted to RKF, including the pests B.tryoni (Froggatt), B.frauenfeldi (Schiner) and minor pest B.bryoniae (Tryon); eight species were significantly more attracted to cue-lure including the pest B.neohumeralis (Hardy). These findings have significance in the search for optimal male lures for pest species elsewhere in the world.


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Issue addressed: Alcohol-related road crashes are a leading cause of the injury burden experienced by Indigenous Australians. Existing drink driving programs are primarily designed for the mainstream population. The ‘Hero to Healing’ program was specifically developed with Indigenous communities and is underpinned by the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA). This paper reports on the formative evaluation of the program from delivery in two Far North Queensland communities. Methods: Focus groups and semistructured interviews were conducted with drink driver participants (n = 17) and other Elders and community members (n = 8) after each program. Qualitative content analysis was used to categorise the transcripts. Results: The CRA appealed to participants because of its flexible nature and encouragement of rearranging lifestyle factors, without specific focus on alcohol use. Participants readily identified with the social and peer-related risk and protective factors discussed. Cofacilitation of the program with Elders was identified as a key aspect of the program. More in-depth discussion about cannabis and driving, anger management skills and relationship issues are recommended. Conclusions: Participants’ recognition of content reinforced earlier project results, particularly the use of kinship pressure to motivate younger family members to drink drive. Study findings suggest that the principles of the CRA are useful; however, some amendments to the CRA components and program content were necessary. So what?: Treating drink driving in regional and remote Indigenous Australian communities as a community and social issue, rather than an individual phenomenon, is likely to lead to a reduction in the number of road-related injuries Indigenous people experience.


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The purpose of this study was to examine differences in weight- and shape-related beliefs, behaviours and concerns across a high school population. Data were collected by questionnaire from 902 high school students from private schools in Townsville. Concerns about weight and shape were more apparent in students from the higher school years. More girls in higher than lower school years were dissatisfied with their bodies, concerned that many parts of their bodies were too fat and more of them attempted weight loss. More boys in higher than lower school years were satisfied with their bodies but they wanted to 'bulk up'. Societal expectations of weight and shape may adversely affect both males and females but in different ways. Thus, interventions aiming to promote the maintenance of a healthy body weight may need to account for the desire of the majority of young women to be thinner, while the majority of young men would like to be larger.


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This note describes an observation of a Southern Boobook Ninox ovaeseelandiae pecking at the fruiting body of a terrestrial fungus in northern Queensland.


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This chapter focuses on Matilda Ward, a missionary at the Presbyterian mission of Mapoon, north Queensland, and the first paid woman missionary to work on an Aboriginal mission. It examines the factors that led to Ward’s employment on the mission, the role that she played in the life of the mission and the consequences of her actions for Indigenous mission residents. While Matilda Ward was unusual for her time, her experience points to broader shifts in missionary practice and attitudes to gender within the Australian churches, particularly through the development of women’s missionary societies.


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A sample of 608 adult pigs from Cape York and adjacent islands was examined for parasites and their serum tested for livestock diseases associated with the Queensland tropics. Feral pigs from North Queensland pose a significant health threat to humans with the incidence of Spargana (the plerocercoid of Spirometra erinacei) through the consumption of undercooked pork. Meliodosis (Pseudomonas pseudomalleO. Leptospirosis (L. yar. pomona). and Brucellosis (Brucella suis) are capable of infecting humans directly during unhygienic butchering of infected carcasses. In North Queensland, the widespread intermingled distribution of feral pigs and cattle increases the potential for the transmission of Actinobacillus, Leptospirosis, and Brucellosis from feral pigs to cattle. Both Europeans and Aborigines on Cape York also raise wild-caught feral pigs for meat. It is important to realize that parasites and diseases are present in young pigs and that poor husbandry practices increase the risk of infection from several parasites, i.e., Lungworm (Metastrongylus sp.) Stomach worm (Physocephalus sexalatus. Hvostrongvlus rubidus). Thorny headed worm (Macracanthorrhynchus hirudinaceus) and Kidney worm (Stephanurus dentatus). Heavy infection of these parasites reduce growth rates and cause unthriftiness in infected ani¬mals.


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In this study, we demonstrate the utility of amino acid geochronology based on single-foraminiferal tests in Quaternary sediment cores from the Queensland margin, Australia. The large planktonic foraminifer Pulleniatina obliquiloculata is ubiquitous in shelf, slope, and basin sediments of north Queensland as well as pantropical oceans. Fossil tests are resistant to dissolution, and retain substantial concentrations of amino acids (2-4 nmol/mg of shell) over hundreds of thousands of years. Amino acid D and L isomers of aspartic acid (Asp) and glutamic acid (Glu) were separated using reverse phase chromatography, which is sensitive enough to analyze individual foraminifera tests. In all, 462 Pulleniatina tests from 80 horizons in 11 cores exhibit a systematic increase in D/L ratios down core. D/L ratios were determined in 32 samples whose ages are known from AMS 14C analyses. In all cases, the Asp and Glu D/L ratios are concordant with 14C age. D/L ratios of equal-age samples are slightly lower for cores taken from deeper water sites, reflecting the sensitivity of the rate of racemization to bottom water temperature. Beyond the range of 14C dating, previously identified marine oxygen-isotope stage boundaries provide approximate ages of the sediments up to about 500,000 years. For this longer time frame, D/L ratios also vary systematically with isotope-correlated ages. The rate of racemization for Glu and Asp was modeled using power functions. These equations can be used to estimate ages of samples from the Queensland margin extending back at least 500,000 years. This analytical approach provides new opportunities for geochronological control necessary to understand fundamental sedimentary processes affecting a wide range of marine environments.