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Sodium (Na+) is toxic to most plants, but the molecular mechanisms of plant Na+ uptake and distribution remain largely unknown. Here we analyze Arabidopsis lines disrupted in the Na+ transporter AtHKT1. AtHKT1 is expressed in the root stele and leaf vasculature. athkt1 null plants exhibit lower root Na+ levels and are more salt resistant than wild-type in short-term root growth assays. In shoot tissues, however, athkt1 disruption produces higher Na+ levels, and athkt1 and athktl/sos3 shoots are Na+-hypersensitive in long-term growth assays. Thus wild-type AtHKT1 controls root/shoot Na+ distribution and counteracts salt stress in leaves by reducing leaf Na+ accumulation. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Highly conserved motifs in the monoamine transporters, e.g. the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) GXXXRXG motif which was the focus of the present study, are likely to be important structural features in determining function. This motif was investigated by mutating the glycines to glutamate (causing loss of function) and alanine, and the arginine to glycine. The effects of hG117A, hR121G and hG123A mutations on function were examined in COS-7 cells and compared to hNET. Substrate K-m values were decreased for hG117A and hG123A, and their K values for inhibition of [3 H]nisoxetine binding were decreased 3-4-fold and 4-6-fold, respectively. Transporter turnover was reduced to 65% of hNET for hG117A and hR121G and to 28% for hG123A, suggesting that substrate translocation is impaired. K values of nisoxetine and desipramine for inhibition of [H-3]norepinephrine uptake were increased by 5-fold for hG117A, with no change for cocaine. The K-i value of cocaine was increased by 3-fold for hG123A, with no change for nisoxetine and desipramine. However, there were no effects of the mutations on the K-d of [H-3]nisoxetine binding or K-i values of desipramine or cocaine for inhibition of [H-3]nisoxetine binding. Hence, glycine residues of the GXXXRXG motif are important determinants of NET expression and function, while the arginine residue does not have a major role. This study also showed that antidepressants and psychostimulants have different NET binding sites and provided the first evidence that different sites on the NET are involved in the binding of inhibitors and their competitive inhibition of substrate uptake. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Antibodies have been generated against two carboxyl-terminal splice variants of the glutamate transporter GLT1, namely, the originally described version of GLT1 and GLT1-B, and labelling has been examined in multiple species, including chickens and humans. Although strong specific labelling was observed in each species, divergent patterns of expression were noted. Moreover, each antibody was sensitive to the phosphorylation state of the appropriate protein, because chemical removal of phosphates using alkaline phosphatase revealed a broader range of labelled elements in most cases. In general, GLT1-B was present in cone photoreceptors and in rod and cone bipolar cells in the retinas of rabbits, rats, and cats. In the cone-dominated retinas of chickens and in marmosets, GLT1-B was associated only with cone photoreceptors, whereas, in macaque and human retinas, GLT1-B was associated with bipolar cells and terminals of photoreceptors. In some species, such as cats, GLT-B was also present in horizontal cells. By contrast, GLT1 distribution varied. GLT1 was associated with amacrine cells in chickens, rats, cats, and rabbits and with bipolar cells in marmosets and macaques. In the rat retina, rod photoreceptor terminals also contained GLT1, but this was evident only in enzymatically dephosphorylated tissues. We conclude that the two variants of GLT1 are present in all species examined but are differentially distributed in a species-specific manner. Moreover, each cell type generally expresses only one splice variant of GLT1. J. Comp. Neurol. 445:1-12, 2002. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We have performed immunocytochemistry on rat brains using a highly specific antiserum directed against the originally described form of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 (referred to hereafter as GLT-1alpha), and another against a C-terminal splice variant of this protein, GLT-1B. Both forms of GLT-1 were abundant in rat brain, especially in regions such as the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and macroscopic examination of sections suggested that both forms were generally regionally coexistent. However, disparities were evident; GLT-1alpha was present in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland, whereas GLT-1B was absent. Similar marked disparities were also noted in the external capsule, where GLT1A labeling was abundant but GLT-1B was only occasionally encountered. Conversely, GLT-1B was more extensively distributed, relative to GLT-1alpha, in areas such as the deep cerebellar nuclei. In most regions, such as the olfactory bulbs, both splice variants were present but differences were evident in their distribution. In cerebral cortex, patches were evident where GLT-1B was absent, whereas no such patches were evident for GLT-1alpha. At high resolution, other discrepancies were evident; double-labeling of areas such as hippocampus indicated that the. two splice variants may either be differentially expressed by closely apposed glial elements or that the two splice variants may be differentially targeted to distinct membrane domains of individual glial cells. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The distributions of a carboxyl terminal splice variant of the glutamate transporter GLT-1, referred to as GLT-1B, and the carboxyl terminus of the originally described variant of GLT-1, referred to hereafter as GLT-1alpha, were examined using specific antisera. GLT-1B was present in the retina at very early developmental stages. Labelling was demonstrable at embryonic day 14, and strong labelling was evident by embryonic day 18. Such labelling was initially restricted to populations of cone photoreceptors, the processes of which extended through the entire thickness of the retina and appeared to make contact with the retinal ganglion cells. During postnatal development the GLT-1B-positive photoreceptor processes retracted to form the outer plexiform layer, and around postnatal day 7, GLT-1B-immunoreactive bipolar cells appeared. The pattern of labelling of bipolar cell processes within the inner plexiform layer changed during postnatal development. Two strata of strongly immunoreactive terminals were initially evident in the inner plexiform layer, but by adulthood these two bands were no longer evident and labelling was restricted to the somata and processes (but not synaptic terminals) of the bipolar cells, as well as the somata, processes, and terminals of cone photoreceptors. By contrast, GLT-1alpha appeared late in postnatal development and was restricted mainly to a population of amacrine cells, although transient labelling was also associated with punctate elements in the outer plexiform layer, which may represent photoreceptor terminals, (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The apparent L-[H-3]glutamate uptake rate (v') was measured in synaptic vesicles isolated from cerebral cortex synaptosomes prepared from autopsied Alzheimer and non-Alzheimer dementia cases, and age-matched controls. The initial synaptosome preparations exhibited similar densities of D-[H-3]aspartate membrane binding sites (B-MAX values) in the three groups. In control brain the temporal cortex D-[H-3]aspartate B-MAX was 132% of that in motor cortex, parallel with the L- [H-3]glutamate v' values (temporal = 139% of motor; NS). Unlike D- [H-3]aspartate B-MAX values, L- [H-3]glutamate v' values were markedly and selectively lower in Alzheimer brain preparations than in controls, particularly in temporal cortex. The difference could not be attributed to differential effects of autopsy interval or age at death. Non-Alzheimer dementia cases resembled controls. The selective loss of vesicular glutamate transport is consistent with a dysfunction in the recycling of transmitter glutamate.
On solid substrates, yeast colonies pass through distinct developmental phases characterized by the changes in pH of their surroundings from acidic to nearly alkaline and vice versa. At the beginning of the alkali phase colonies start to produce ammonia, which functions as a quorum-sensing molecule inducing the reprogramming of cell metabolism. Such reprogramming includes, among others, the activation of several plasma membrane transporters and is connected with colony differentiation. In the present study, we show that colony cells can use two transport mechanisms to import lactic acid: a ‘saturable’ component of the transport, which requires the presence of a functional Jen1p transporter, and a ‘non-saturable’ component (diffusion) that is independent of Jen1p. During colony development, the efficiency of both transport components changes similarly in central and outer colonial cells. Although the lactate uptake capacity of central cells gradually decreases during colony development, the lactate uptake capacity of outer cells peaks during the alkali phase and is also kept relatively high in the second acidic phase. This lactate uptake profile correlates with the localization of the Jen1p transporter to the plasma membrane of colony cells. Both lactic acid uptake mechanisms are diminished in sok2 colonies where JEN1 expression is decreased. The Sok2p transcription factor may therefore be involved in the regulation of non-saturable lactic acid uptake in yeast colonies.
Dissertation to obtain the Master Degree in Biotechnology
Background: T reatment o f chronic hepatitis C i s evolving, a nd direct acting antivirals ( DAAs) are now a dded to p egylated interferon-α ( Peg- INF-α) and ribavirin (RBV) for the treatment o f hepatitis C v irus ( HCV) genotype 1 infection. DAAs c ause d ifferent side effects and can even worsen RBV induced hemolytic anemia. T herefore, identifying host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy will remain crucial for individualized treatment. Recent d ata showed associations between R BV induced h emolytic anemia and genetic polymorphisms o f concentrative nucleoside transporters s uch as C NT3 (SLC28A3) and i nosine t riphosphatase (ITPA). T o analyze t he association of genetic variants of SLC28 transporters and ITPA with RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment o utcome. Methods: I n our study, 173 patients f rom t he S wiss Hepatitis C C ohort Study and 2 2 patients from Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver study 24 (61% HCV g enotype 1, 3 9% genotypes 2 o r 3) were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide p olymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726 and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101. RBV serum levels during treatment were measured in 49 patients. Results: SLC28A2 r s11854484 genotype TT was associated with significantly higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels as compared to genotypes TC and CC (p=0.04 and p=0.02 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101 were associated with h emolytic a nemia both in genotype as w ell as i n allelic a nalyses. SLC28A3 rs56350726 genotype TT (vs. AT/AA, RR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1-4.1) as well as the T allele (vs. A; RR=1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.2) were associated with increased SVR rates. The combined analysis of overall ITPA activity and SLC28 v ariants together revealed n o significant a dditive effects on either treatment-related anemia or SVR. Conclusions: T he newly identified association between RBV serum levels a nd SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 g enetic p olymorphisms w ith RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment r esponse underpin the need for further studies on host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy f or individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes synaptic plasticity via an enhancement in expression of specific synaptic proteins. Recent results suggest that the neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 is a postsynaptic protein critically involved in synaptic plasticity and long-term memory. To investigate in vivo whether BDNF can modulate the expression of MCT2 as well as other proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, acute injection of BDNF was performed in mouse dorsal hippocampal CA1 area. Using immunohistochemistry, it was found that MCT2 expression was enhanced in part of the CA1 area and in the dentate gyrus 6 h after a single intrahippocampal injection of BDNF. Similarly, expression of the immediate early genes Arc and Zif268 was enhanced in the same hippocampal areas, in accordance with their role in synaptic plasticity. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the significant enhancement in MCT2 protein expression. In contrast, no changes were observed for the glial monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4. When other synaptic proteins were investigated, it was found that postsynaptic density 95 (PSD95) and glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2) protein levels were significantly enhanced while no effect could be detected for synaptophysin, synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25), αCaMKII and GluR1. These results demonstrate that MCT2 expression can be upregulated together with other key postsynaptic proteins in vivo under conditions related to synaptic plasticity, further suggesting the importance of energetics for memory formation.
Land plants have developed a cuticle preventing uncontrolled water loss. Here we report that an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) subfamily G (ABCG) full transporter is required for leaf water conservation in both wild barley and rice. A spontaneous mutation, eibi1.b, in wild barley has a low capacity to retain leaf water, a phenotype associated with reduced cutin deposition and a thin cuticle. Map-based cloning revealed that Eibi1 encodes an HvABCG31 full transporter. The gene was highly expressed in the elongation zone of a growing leaf (the site of cutin synthesis), and its gene product also was localized in developing, but not in mature tissue. A de novo wild barley mutant named "eibi1.c," along with two transposon insertion lines of rice mutated in the ortholog of HvABCG31 also were unable to restrict water loss from detached leaves. HvABCG31 is hypothesized to function as a transporter involved in cutin formation. Homologs of HvABCG31 were found in green algae, moss, and lycopods, indicating that this full transporter is highly conserved in the evolution of land plants.
Based on homology with GLUT1-5, we have isolated a cDNA for a novel glucose transporter, GLUTX1. This cDNA encodes a protein of 478 amino acids that shows between 29 and 32% identity with rat GLUT1-5 and 32-36% identity with plant and bacterial hexose transporters. Unlike GLUT1-5, GLUTX1 has a short extracellular loop between transmembrane domain (TM) 1 and TM2 and a long extracellular loop between TM9 and TM10 that contains the only N-glycosylation site. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, GLUTX1 showed strong transport activity only after suppression of a dileucine internalization motif present in the amino-terminal region. Transport activity was inhibited by cytochalasin B and partly competed by D-fructose and D-galactose. The Michaelis-Menten constant for glucose was approximately 2 mM. When translated in reticulocytes lysates, GLUTX1 migrates as a 35-kDa protein that becomes glycosylated in the presence of microsomal membranes. Western blot analysis of GLUTX1 transiently expressed in HEK293T cells revealed a diffuse band with a molecular mass of 37-50 kDa that could be converted to a approximately 35-kDa polypeptide following enzymatic deglycosylation. Immunofluorescence microscopy detection of GLUTX1 transfected into HEK293T cells showed an intracellular staining. Mutation of the dileucine internalization motif induced expression of GLUTX1 at the cell surface. GLUTX1 mRNA was detected in testis, hypothalamus, cerebellum, brainstem, hippocampus, and adrenal gland. We hypothesize that, in a similar fashion to GLUT4, in vivo cell surface expression of GLUTX1 may be inducible by a hormonal or other stimulus.
A recent study with 69 Japanese liver transplants treated with tacrolimus found that the MDR13435 C >T polymorphism, but not the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism, was associated with differences in the intestinal expression level of CYP3A4 mRNA. In the present study, over 6 h, we measured the kinetics of a 75 microg oral dose of midazolam, a CYP3A substrate, in 21 healthy subjects genotyped for the MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphism. No statistically significant differences were found in the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (TT, CT and CC group, respectively: Cmax (mean +/- SD: 0.30 +/- 0.08 ng/ml, 0.31 +/- 0.09 ng/ml and 0.31 +/- 0.11 ng/ml; Apparent clearance: 122 +/- 29 l/h, 156 +/- 92 l/h and 111 +/- 35 l/h; t1/2: 1.9 +/- 1.1 h, 1.6 +/- 0.90 h and 1.7 +/- 0.7 h). In addition, the 30-min 1'OH midazolam to midazolam ratio, a marker of CYP3A activity, determined in 74 HIV-positive patients before the introduction of antiretroviral treatment, was not significantly different between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (mean ratio +/- SD: 3.65 +/- 2.24, 4.22 +/- 3.49 and 4.24 +/- 2.03, in the TT, CT and CC groups, respectively). Similarly, no association was found between the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism and CYP3A activity in the healthy subjects or in the HIV-positive patients. The existence of a strong association between the activity of CYP3A and MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphisms appears unlikely, at least in Caucasian populations and/or in the absence of specific environmental factors.