965 resultados para Nonminimum-phase systems


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The theory presented in this paper was primarily developed to give a physical interpretation for the instantaneous power flow on a three-phase induction machine, without a neutral conductor, on any operational state and may be extended to any three-phase load. It is a vectorial interpretation of the instantaneous reactive power theory presented by Akagi et al. Which, believe the authors, isn't enough developed and its physical meaning not yet completely understood. This vectorial interpretation is based on the instantaneous complex power concept defined by Torrens for single-phase, ac, steady-state circuits, and leads to a better understanding of the power phenomenon, particularly of the distortion power. This concept has been extended by the authors to three-phase systems, through the utilization of the instantaneous space vectors. The results of measurements of instantaneous complex power on a self-excited induction generator's terminals, during an over-load application transient, are presented for illustration. The compensation of reactive power proposed by Akagi is discussed and a new horizon for the theory application is opened.


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The ever-increasing spread of automation in industry puts the electrical engineer in a central role as a promoter of technological development in a sector such as the use of electricity, which is the basis of all the machinery and productive processes. Moreover the spread of drives for motor control and static converters with structures ever more complex, places the electrical engineer to face new challenges whose solution has as critical elements in the implementation of digital control techniques with the requirements of inexpensiveness and efficiency of the final product. The successfully application of solutions using non-conventional static converters awake an increasing interest in science and industry due to the promising opportunities. However, in the same time, new problems emerge whose solution is still under study and debate in the scientific community During the Ph.D. course several themes have been developed that, while obtaining the recent and growing interest of scientific community, have much space for the development of research activity and for industrial applications. The first area of research is related to the control of three phase induction motors with high dynamic performance and the sensorless control in the high speed range. The management of the operation of induction machine without position or speed sensors awakes interest in the industrial world due to the increased reliability and robustness of this solution combined with a lower cost of production and purchase of this technology compared to the others available in the market. During this dissertation control techniques will be proposed which are able to exploit the total dc link voltage and at the same time capable to exploit the maximum torque capability in whole speed range with good dynamic performance. The proposed solution preserves the simplicity of tuning of the regulators. Furthermore, in order to validate the effectiveness of presented solution, it is assessed in terms of performance and complexity and compared to two other algorithm presented in literature. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is also tested on induction motor drive fed by a matrix converter. Another important research area is connected to the development of technology for vehicular applications. In this field the dynamic performances and the low power consumption is one of most important goals for an effective algorithm. Towards this direction, a control scheme for induction motor that integrates within a coherent solution some of the features that are commonly required to an electric vehicle drive is presented. The main features of the proposed control scheme are the capability to exploit the maximum torque in the whole speed range, a weak dependence on the motor parameters, a good robustness against the variations of the dc-link voltage and, whenever possible, the maximum efficiency. The second part of this dissertation is dedicated to the multi-phase systems. This technology, in fact, is characterized by a number of issues worthy of investigation that make it competitive with other technologies already on the market. Multiphase systems, allow to redistribute power at a higher number of phases, thus making possible the construction of electronic converters which otherwise would be very difficult to achieve due to the limits of present power electronics. Multiphase drives have an intrinsic reliability given by the possibility that a fault of a phase, caused by the possible failure of a component of the converter, can be solved without inefficiency of the machine or application of a pulsating torque. The control of the magnetic field spatial harmonics in the air-gap with order higher than one allows to reduce torque noise and to obtain high torque density motor and multi-motor applications. In one of the next chapters a control scheme able to increase the motor torque by adding a third harmonic component to the air-gap magnetic field will be presented. Above the base speed the control system reduces the motor flux in such a way to ensure the maximum torque capability. The presented analysis considers the drive constrains and shows how these limits modify the motor performance. The multi-motor applications are described by a well-defined number of multiphase machines, having series connected stator windings, with an opportune permutation of the phases these machines can be independently controlled with a single multi-phase inverter. In this dissertation this solution will be presented and an electric drive consisting of two five-phase PM tubular actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter will be presented. Finally the modulation strategies for a multi-phase inverter will be illustrated. The problem of the space vector modulation of multiphase inverters with an odd number of phases is solved in different way. An algorithmic approach and a look-up table solution will be proposed. The inverter output voltage capability will be investigated, showing that the proposed modulation strategy is able to fully exploit the dc input voltage either in sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal operating conditions. All this aspects are considered in the next chapters. In particular, Chapter 1 summarizes the mathematical model of induction motor. The Chapter 2 is a brief state of art on three-phase inverter. Chapter 3 proposes a stator flux vector control for a three- phase induction machine and compares this solution with two other algorithms presented in literature. Furthermore, in the same chapter, a complete electric drive based on matrix converter is presented. In Chapter 4 a control strategy suitable for electric vehicles is illustrated. Chapter 5 describes the mathematical model of multi-phase induction machines whereas chapter 6 analyzes the multi-phase inverter and its modulation strategies. Chapter 7 discusses the minimization of the power losses in IGBT multi-phase inverters with carrier-based pulse width modulation. In Chapter 8 an extended stator flux vector control for a seven-phase induction motor is presented. Chapter 9 concerns the high torque density applications and in Chapter 10 different fault tolerant control strategies are analyzed. Finally, the last chapter presents a positioning multi-motor drive consisting of two PM tubular five-phase actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter.


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The PEG-Ficoll polymer phase system is one that has been overlooked in the past for biotechnology applications because of the stability of its emulsions. However, new applications, such as emulsion coating of cells, are appearing that rely on this very property. Ficoll is highly polydisperse and multimodal with three distinct Ficoll peaks in gel permeation chromatography. As a result, the transition between one-phase and two-phase systems is blurred and the binodials obtained through turbidometric titration and tie-line analysis differ significantly. Moreover, since the three Ficoll peaks partition differently, tie-line analysis cannot be described by a simple model of the aqueous two-phase system. A simple modification to the model allowed for excellent fit, and this modification may prove well-suited for the many practical cases where aqueous two-phase systems fail to display parallel tie-lines as implicitly assumed in the simpler model.


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In this paper, a fixed-switching-frequency closed-loop modulation of a voltage-source inverter (VSI), upon the digital implementation of the modulation process, is analyzed and characterized. The sampling frequency of the digital processor is considered as an integer multiple of the modulation switching frequency. An expression for the determination of the modulation design parameter is developed for smooth modulation at a fixed switching frequency. The variation of the sampling frequency, switching frequency, and modulation index has been analyzed for the determination of the switching condition under closed loop. It is shown that the switching condition determined based on the continuous-time analysis of the closed-loop modulation will ensure smooth modulation upon the digital implementation of the modulation process. However, the stability properties need to be tested prior to digital implementation as they get deteriorated at smaller sampling frequencies. The closed-loop modulation index needs to be considered maximum while determining the design parameters for smooth modulation. In particular, a detailed analysis has been carried out by varying the control gain in the sliding-mode control of a two-level VSI. The proposed analysis of the closed-loop modulation of the VSI has been verified for the operation of a distribution static compensator. The theoretical results are validated experimentally on both single- and three-phase systems.


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Pretretament is an essential and expensive processing step for the manufacturing of ethanol from lignocellulosic raw materials. Ionic liquids are a new class of solvents that have the potential to be used as pretreatment agents. The attractive characteristics of ionic liquid pretreatment of lignocellulosics such as thermal stability, dissolution properties, fractionation potential, cellulose decrystallisation capacity and saccharification impact are investigated in this thesis. Dissolution of bagasse with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C4mim]Cl) at high temperatures (110 �‹C to 160 �‹C) is investigated as a pretreatment process. Material balances are reported and used along with enzymatic saccharification data to identify optimum pretreatment conditions (150 �‹C for 90 min). At these conditions, the dissolved and reprecipitated material is enriched in cellulose, has a low crystallinity and the cellulose component is efficiently hydrolysed (93 %, 3 h, 15 FPU). At pretreatment temperatures < 150 �‹C, the undissolved material has only slightly lower crystallinity than the starting. At pretreatment temperatures . 150 �‹C, the undissolved material has low crystallinity and when combined with the dissolved material has a saccharification rate and extent similar to completely dissolved material (100 %, 3h, 15 FPU). Complete dissolution is not necessary to maximize saccharification efficiency at temperatures . 150 �‹C. Fermentation of [C4mim]Cl-pretreated, enzyme-saccharified bagasse to ethanol is successfully conducted (85 % molar glucose-to-ethanol conversion efficiency). As compared to standard dilute acid pretreatment, the optimised [C4mim]Cl pretreatment achieves substantially higher ethanol yields (79 % cf. 52 %) in less than half the processing time (pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation). Fractionation of bagasse partially dissolved in [C4mim]Cl to a polysaccharide rich and a lignin rich fraction is attempted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) and single phase systems with preferential precipitation. ABSs of ILs and concentrated aqueous inorganic salt solutions are achievable (e.g. [C4mim]Cl with 200 g L-1 NaOH), albeit they exhibit a number of technical problems including phase convergence (which increases with increasing biomass loading) and deprotonation of imidazolium ILs (5 % - 8 % mol). Single phase fractionation systems comprising lignin solvents / cellulose antisolvents, viz. NaOH (2M) and acetone in water (1:1, volume basis), afford solids with, respectively, 40 % mass and 29 % mass less lignin than water precipitated solids. However, this delignification imparts little increase in saccharification rates and extents of these solids. An alternative single phase fractionation system is achieved simply by using water as an antisolvent. Regulating the water : IL ratio results in a solution that precipitates cellulose and maintains lignin in solution (0.5 water : IL mass ratio) in both [C4mim]Cl and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([C2mim]OAc)). This water based fractionation is applied in three IL pretreatments on bagasse ([C4mim]Cl, 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloride ([C2mim]Cl) and [C2mim]OAc). Lignin removal of 10 %, 50 % and 60 % mass respectively is achieved although only 0.3 %, 1.5 % and 11.7 % is recoverable even after ample water addition (3.5 water : IL mass ratio) and acidification (pH . 1). In addition the recovered lignin fraction contains 70 % mass hemicelluloses. The delignified, cellulose-rich bagasse recovered from these three ILs is exposed to enzyme saccharification. The saccharification (24 h, 15 FPU) of the cellulose mass in starting bagasse, achieved by these pretreatments rank as: [C2mim]OAc (83 %)>>[C2mim]Cl (53 %)=[C4mim]Cl(53%). Mass balance determinations accounted for 97 % of starting bagasse mass for the [C4mim]Cl pretreatment , 81 % for [C2mim]Cl and 79 %for [C2mim]OAc. For all three IL treatments, the remaining bagasse mass (not accounted for by mass balance determinations) is mainly (more than half) lignin that is not recoverable from the liquid fraction. After pretreatment, 100 % mass of both ions of all three ILs were recovered in the liquid fraction. Compositional characteristics of [C2mim]OAc treated solids such as low lignin, low acetyl group content and preservation of arabinosyl groups are opposite to those of chloride IL treated solids. The former biomass characteristics resemble those imparted by aqueous alkali pretreatment while the latter resemble those of aqueous acid pretreatments. The 100 % mass recovery of cellulose in [C2mim]OAc as opposed to 53 % mass recovery in [C2mim]Cl further demonstrates this since the cellulose glycosidic bonds are protected under alkali conditions. The alkyl chain length decrease in the imidazolium cation of these ILs imparts higher rates of dissolution and losses, and increases the severity of the treatment without changing the chemistry involved.


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Inelastic x-ray scattering spectroscopy is a versatile experimental technique for probing the electronic structure of materials. It provides a wealth of information on the sample's atomic-scale structure, but extracting this information from the experimental data can be challenging because there is no direct relation between the structure and the measured spectrum. Theoretical calculations can bridge this gap by explaining the structural origins of the spectral features. Reliable methods for modeling inelastic x-ray scattering require accurate electronic structure calculations. This work presents the development and implementation of new schemes for modeling the inelastic scattering of x-rays from non-periodic systems. The methods are based on density functional theory and are applicable for a wide variety of molecular materials. Applications are presented in this work for amorphous silicon monoxide and several gas phase systems. Valuable new information on their structure and properties could be extracted with the combination of experimental and computational methods.


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A new linear algebraic approach for identification of a nonminimum phase FIR system of known order using only higher order (>2) cumulants of the output process is proposed. It is first shown that a matrix formed from a set of cumulants of arbitrary order can be expressed as a product of structured matrices. The subspaces of this matrix are then used to obtain the parameters of the FIR system using a set of linear equations. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation studies are presented to characterize the performance of the proposed methods.


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Two research projects on pool boiling in microgravity have been conducted aboard the Chinese recoverable satellites. Ground-based experiments have also been performed both in normal gravity and in short-term microgravity in the Drop Tower Beijing. Steady boiling of R113 on thin platinum wires was studied with a temperature-controlled heating method, while quasi-steady boiling of FC-72 on a plane plate was investigated with an exponentially increasing heating voltage. In the first case, slight enhancement of heat transfer is observed in microgravity, while diminution is evident for high heat flux in the second one. Lateral motions of bubbles on the heaters are observed before their departure in microgravity. The surface oscillation of the merged bubbles due to lateral coalescence between adjacent bubbles drives it to detach from the heaters. The Marangoni effect on the bubble behavior is also discussed. The perspectives for a new project DEPA-SJ10, which has been planned to be flown aboard the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-10 in the future, are also presented.


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The recently introduced nested sampling algorithm allows the direct and efficient calculation of the partition function of atomistic systems. We demonstrate its applicability to condensed phase systems with periodic boundary conditions by studying the three dimensional hard sphere model. Having obtained the partition function, we show how easy it is to calculate the compressibility and the free energy as functions of the packing fraction and local order, verifying that the transition to crystallinity has a very small barrier, and that the entropic contribution of jammed states to the free energy is negligible for packing fractions above the phase transition. We quantify the previously proposed schematic phase diagram and estimate the extent of the region of jammed states. We find that within our samples, the maximally random jammed configuration is surprisingly disordered.


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Based on the analytical solution to the time-dependent Schrodinger equations, we evaluate the holonomic quantum computation beyond the adiabatic limit. Besides providing rigorous confirmation of the geometrical prediction of holonomies, the present dynamical resolution offers also a practical means to study the nonadiabaticity induced effects for the universal qubit operations.


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For the first time, a novel prefractionation method used in proteomic analysis was developed, which is performed by a novel aqueous two-phase system (NATPS) composed of n-butanol, (NH4)(2)SO4, and water. It can separate proteomic proteins into multigroups by one-step extraction. The phase-separation conditions of n-butanol solutions were studied in the presence of commonly used inorganic salts. The NATPS was subsequently developed. Using human serum albumin, zein, and gamma-globulin as model proteins, the separation effectiveness of the NATPS for protein was studied under affection factors, i.e., pH, n-butanol volume, protein, or salt concentration. The model and actual protein samples were separated by the NATPS and then directly used for gel electrophoresis without separating the target proteins from phase-forming reagents. It revealed that the NATPS could separate proteomic proteins into multigroups by one-step extraction. The NATPS has the advantages of rapidity, simplicity, low cost, biocompability, and high efficiency. It need not separate target proteins from the phase-forming reagents. The NATPS has great significance in separation and extraction of proteomic proteins, as well as in methodology.


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Blends of a poly(ether sulfone) (PES) and a polycarbonate (PC) were prepared by melt-mixing and were studied by tensile tests, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, density measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The blends were found to be two-phase systems and an interfacial layer was presumed to be formed between two phases, which was verified by TEM. A synergism of elongation at break and tensile modulus was shown in PES/PC blends. The effects of the crosshead speed on the mechanical properties were discussed for blends with different PES/PC weight ratios.


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Novos processos fermentativos, designados por processos de Fermentação Extractiva, são caracterizados por apresentarem etapas de produção e extracção em simultâneo. A extracção líquido-líquido como técnica de separação é amplamente usado na indústria química pela sua simplicidade, baixo custo e facilidade de extrapolação de escala. No entanto o uso de solventes orgânicos nestes processos potencia os riscos ocupacionais e ambientais. Neste contexto, o uso de sistemas de duas fases aquosas baseados em líquidos iónicos, apresenta-se como uma técnica eficaz para a separação e purificação de produtos biológicos. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo integrado sobre o uso de líquidos iónicos não aromáticos foram determinados. A capacidade para a formação de sistemas de duas fases foi estudada para uma vasta gama de líquidos iónicos hidrofílicos com diferentes aniões, catiões e cadeias alqúilicas. A capacidade de separação e purificação de um largo conjunto de líquidos iónicos foi posteriormente investigada, recorrendo-se ao uso de várias biomoléculas modelo de diferentes graus de complexidade, um amino-acido (L-triptofano) e duas enzimas lipolíticas (enzima produzida pela bactéria Bacillus sp. e Candida antarctica lipase B – CaLB). Esta última foi ainda usada para um estudo de biocompatibilidade, tendo sido determinado o efeito de diferentes LIs hidrofílicos na sua actividade enzimática. Este trabalho mostra um estudo ecotoxicológico duma vasta gama de líquidos iónicos e espécies aquáticas, inseridas em diversos níveis tróficos. A bioacumulação foi investigada através do estudo dos coeficientes de distribuição 1-octanol-água (Dow).