933 resultados para Noncoding RNA
The key information processing units within gene regulatory networks are enhancers. Enhancer activity is associated with the production of tissue-specific noncoding RNAs, yet the existence of such transcripts during cardiac development has not been established. Using an integrated genomic approach, we demonstrate that fetal cardiac enhancers generate long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) during cardiac differentiation and morphogenesis. Enhancer expression correlates with the emergence of active enhancer chromatin states, the initiation of RNA polymerase II at enhancer loci and expression of target genes. Orthologous human sequences are also transcribed in fetal human hearts and cardiac progenitor cells. Through a systematic bioinformatic analysis, we identified and characterized, for the first time, a catalog of lncRNAs that are expressed during embryonic stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes and associated with active cardiac enhancer sequences. RNA-sequencing demonstrates that many of these transcripts are polyadenylated, multi-exonic long noncoding RNAs. Moreover, knockdown of two enhancer-associated lncRNAs resulted in the specific downregulation of their predicted target genes. Interestingly, the reactivation of the fetal gene program, a hallmark of the stress response in the adult heart, is accompanied by increased expression of fetal cardiac enhancer transcripts. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that the activity of cardiac enhancers and expression of their target genes are associated with the production of enhancer-derived lncRNAs.
We investigated two siblings with granulomatous histiocytosis prominent in the nasal area, mimicking rhinoscleroma and Rosai-Dorfman syndrome. Genome-wide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing identified a homozygous frameshift deletion in SLC29A3, which encodes human equilibrative nucleoside transporter-3 (hENT3). Germline mutations in SLC29A3 have been reported in rare patients with a wide range of overlapping clinical features and inherited disorders including H syndrome, pigmented hypertrichosis with insulin-dependent diabetes, and Faisalabad histiocytosis. With the exception of insulin-dependent diabetes and mild finger and toe contractures in one sibling, the two patients with nasal granulomatous histiocytosis studied here displayed none of the many SLC29A3-associated phenotypes. This mild clinical phenotype probably results from a remarkable genetic mechanism. The SLC29A3 frameshift deletion prevents the expression of the normally coding transcripts. It instead leads to the translation, expression, and function of an otherwise noncoding, out-of-frame mRNA splice variant lacking exon 3 that is eliminated by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) in healthy individuals. The mutated isoform differs from the wild-type hENT3 by the modification of 20 residues in exon 2 and the removal of another 28 amino acids in exon 3, which include the second transmembrane domain. As a result, this new isoform displays some functional activity. This mechanism probably accounts for the narrow and mild clinical phenotype of the patients. This study highlights the"rescue" role played by a normally noncoding mRNA splice variant of SLC29A3, uncovering a new mechanism by which frameshift mutations can be hypomorphic.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), exhibits considerable genetic diversity, but presents a relatively well conserved 5 ` noncoding region (5 ` NCR) among all genotypes. In this study, the structural features and translational efficiency of the HCV 5 ` NCR sequences were analyzed using the programs RNAfold, RNAshapes and RNApdist and with a bicistronic dual luciferase expression system, respectively. RNA structure prediction software indicated that base substitutions will alter potentially the 5 ` NCR structure. The heterogeneous sequence observed on 5 ` NCR led to important changes in their translation efficiency in different cell culture lines. Interactions of the viral RNA with cellular transacting factors may vary according to the cell type and viral genome polymorphisms that may result in the translational efficiency observed. J. Med. Virol. 81: 1212-1219, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
It has been postulated that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are involved in the posttranscriptional control of gene expression, and may have contributed to the emergence of the complex attributes observed in mammalians. We show here that the complement of ncRNAs expressed from intronic regions of the human and mouse genomes comprises at least 78,147 and 39,660 transcriptional units, respectively. To identify conserved intronic sequences expressed in both humans and mice, we used custom-designed human cDNA microarrays to separately interrogate RNA from mouse and human liver, kidney, and prostate tissues. An overlapping tissue expression signature was detected for both species, comprising 198 transcripts; among these, 22 RNAs map to intronic regions with evidence of evolutionary conservation in humans and mice. Transcription of selected human-mouse intronic ncRNAs was confirmed using strand-specific RT-PCR. Altogether, these results support an evolutionarily conserved role of intronic ncRNAs in human and mouse, which are likely to be involved in the fine tuning of gene expression regulation in different mammalian tissues. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background RNAs transcribed from intronic regions of genes are involved in a number of processes related to post-transcriptional control of gene expression. However, the complement of human genes in which introns are transcribed, and the number of intronic transcriptional units and their tissue expression patterns are not known. Results A survey of mRNA and EST public databases revealed more than 55,000 totally intronic noncoding (TIN) RNAs transcribed from the introns of 74% of all unique RefSeq genes. Guided by this information, we designed an oligoarray platform containing sense and antisense probes for each of 7,135 randomly selected TIN transcripts plus the corresponding protein-coding genes. We identified exonic and intronic tissue-specific expression signatures for human liver, prostate and kidney. The most highly expressed antisense TIN RNAs were transcribed from introns of protein-coding genes significantly enriched (p = 0.002 to 0.022) in the 'Regulation of transcription' Gene Ontology category. RNA polymerase II inhibition resulted in increased expression of a fraction of intronic RNAs in cell cultures, suggesting that other RNA polymerases may be involved in their biosynthesis. Members of a subset of intronic and protein-coding signatures transcribed from the same genomic loci have correlated expression patterns, suggesting that intronic RNAs regulate the abundance or the pattern of exon usage in protein-coding messages. Conclusion We have identified diverse intronic RNA expression patterns, pointing to distinct regulatory roles. This gene-oriented approach, using a combined intron-exon oligoarray, should permit further comparative analysis of intronic transcription under various physiological and pathological conditions, thus advancing current knowledge about the biological functions of these noncoding RNAs.
Abstract Background Intronic and intergenic long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging gene expression regulators. The molecular pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is still poorly understood, and in particular, limited studies are available for intronic lncRNAs expressed in RCC Methods Microarray experiments were performed with custom-designed arrays enriched with probes for lncRNAs mapping to intronic genomic regions. Samples from 18 primary RCC tumors and 11 nontumor adjacent matched tissues were analyzed. Meta-analyses were performed with microarray expression data from three additional human tissues (normal liver, prostate tumor and kidney nontumor samples), and with large-scale public data for epigenetic regulatory marks and for evolutionarily conserved sequences. Results A signature of 29 intronic lncRNAs differentially expressed between RCC and nontumor samples was obtained (false discovery rate (FDR) <5%). A signature of 26 intronic lncRNAs significantly correlated with the RCC five-year patient survival outcome was identified (FDR <5%, p-value ≤0.01). We identified 4303 intronic antisense lncRNAs expressed in RCC, of which 22% were significantly (p <0.05) cis correlated with the expression of the mRNA in the same locus across RCC and three other human tissues. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of those loci pointed to 'regulation of biological processes’ as the main enriched category. A module map analysis of the protein-coding genes significantly (p <0.05) trans correlated with the 20% most abundant lncRNAs, identified 51 enriched GO terms (p <0.05). We determined that 60% of the expressed lncRNAs are evolutionarily conserved. At the genomic loci containing the intronic RCC-expressed lncRNAs, a strong association (p <0.001) was found between their transcription start sites and genomic marks such as CpG islands, RNA Pol II binding and histones methylation and acetylation. Conclusion Intronic antisense lncRNAs are widely expressed in RCC tumors. Some of them are significantly altered in RCC in comparison with nontumor samples. The majority of these lncRNAs is evolutionarily conserved and possibly modulated by epigenetic modifications. Our data suggest that these RCC lncRNAs may contribute to the complex network of regulatory RNAs playing a role in renal cell malignant transformation.
In the last decade, few areas of biology have been transformed as thoroughly as RNA molecular biology. Without any doubt, one of the most significant advances has been the discovery of small (20-30 nucleotide) noncoding RNAs that regulate genes and genomes. The effects of small RNAs on gene expression and control are generally inhibitory, and the corresponding regulatory mechanisms are therefore collectively subsumed under the heading of RNA silencing and/or RNA interference. Two primary categories of these small RNAs - short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) - act in both somatic and germline lineages of eukaryotic species to regulate endogenous genes and to defend the genome from invasive nucleic acids. Recent advances have revealed unexpected diversity in their biogenesis pathways and the regulatory mechanisms that they access. Our understanding of siRNA and miRNA-based regulation has direct implications for fundamental biology as well as disease aetiology and treatment as it is discussed in this review on 'new techniques in molecular biology'.
Editing of RNA changes the read-out of information from DNA by altering the nucleotide sequence of a transcript. One type of RNA editing found in all metazoans uses double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) as a substrate and results in the deamination of adenosine to give inosine, which is translated as guanosine. Editing thus allows variant proteins to be produced from a single pre-mRNA. A mechanism by which dsRNA substrates form is through pairing of intronic and exonic sequences before the removal of noncoding sequences by splicing. Here we report that the RNA editing enzyme, human dsRNA adenosine deaminase (DRADA1, or ADAR1) contains a domain (Zα) that binds specifically to the left-handed Z-DNA conformation with high affinity (KD = 4 nM). As formation of Z-DNA in vivo occurs 5′ to, or behind, a moving RNA polymerase during transcription, recognition of Z-DNA by DRADA1 provides a plausible mechanism by which DRADA1 can be targeted to a nascent RNA so that editing occurs before splicing. Analysis of sequences related to Zα has allowed identification of motifs common to this class of nucleic acid binding domain.
While studies of the regulation of gene expression have generally concerned qualitative changes in the selection or the level of expression of a gene, much of the regulation that occurs within a cell involves the continuous subtle optimization of the levels of proteins used in macromolecular complexes. An example is the biosynthesis of the ribosome, in which equimolar amounts of nearly 80 ribosomal proteins must be supplied by the cytoplasm to the nucleolus. We have found that the transcript of one of the ribosomal protein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RPL32, participates in such fine tuning. Sequences from exon I of the RPL32 transcript interact with nucleotides from the intron to form a structure that binds L32 to regulate splicing. In the spliced transcript, the same sequences interact with nucleotides from exon II to form a structure that binds L32 to regulate translation, thus providing two levels of autoregulation. We now show, by using a sensitive cocultivation assay, that these RNA structures and their interaction with L32 play a role in the fitness of the cell. The change of a single nucleotide within the 5' leader of the RPL32 transcript, which abolishes the site for L32 binding, leads to detectably slower growth and to eventual loss of the mutant strain from the culture. Experiments designed to assess independently the regulation of splicing and the regulation of translation are presented. These observations demonstrate that, in evolutionary terms, subtle regulatory compensations can be critical. The change in structure of an RNA, due to alteration of just one noncoding nucleotide, can spell the difference between biological success and failure.
In this report we show that yeast expressing brome mosaic virus (BMV) replication proteins 1a and 2a and replicating a BMV RNA3 derivative can be extracted to yield a template-dependent BMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) able to synthesize (-)-strand RNA from BMV (+)-strand RNA templates added in vitro. This virus-specific yeast-derived RdRp mirrored the template selectivity and other characteristics of RdRp from BMV-infected plants. Equivalent extracts from yeast expressing 1a and 2a but lacking RNA3 contained normal amounts of 1a and 2a but had no RdRp activity on BMV RNAs added in vitro. To determine which RNA3 sequences were required in vivo to yield RdRp activity, we tested deletions throughout RNA3, including the 5',3', and intercistronic noncoding regions, which contain the cis-acting elements required for RNA3 replication in vivo. RdRp activity was obtained only from cells expressing 1a, 2a, and RNA3 derivatives retaining both 3' and intercistronic noncoding sequences. Strong correlation between extracted RdRp activity and BMV (-)-strand RNA accumulation in vivo was found for all RNA3 derivatives tested. Thus, extractable in vitro RdRp activity paralleled formation of a complex capable of viral RNA synthesis in vivo. The results suggest that assembly of active RdRp requires not only viral proteins but also viral RNA, either to directly contribute some nontemplate function or to recruit essential host factors into the RdRp complex and that sequences at both the 3'-terminal initiation site and distant internal sites of RNA3 templates may participate in RdRp assembly and initiation of (-)-strand synthesis.
Do non-coding RNAs that are derived from the introns and exons of protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes represent a fundamental advance in the genetic operating system of higher organisms? Recent evidence from comparative genomics and molecular genetics indicates that this might be the case. If so, there will be profound consequences for our understanding of the genetics of these organisms, and in particular how the trajectories of differentiation and development and the differences among individuals and species are genomically programmed. But how might this hypothesis be tested?
The past few years have brought about a fundamental change in our understanding and definition of the RNA world and its role in the functional and regulatory architecture of the cell. The discovery of small RNAs that regulate many aspects of differentiation and development have joined the already known non-coding RNAs that are involved in chromosome dosage compensation, imprinting, and other functions to become key players in regulating the flow of genetic information. It is also evident that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of other non-coding RNAs that are transcribed from the mammalian genome, as well as many other yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs. In the recent symposium RNA: Networks & Imaging held in Heidelberg, the dual roles of RNA as a messenger and a regulator in the flow of genetic information were discussed and new molecular genetic and imaging methods to study RNA presented.
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii
Telomerase RNAs (TERs) are highly divergent between species, varying in size and sequence composition. Here, we identify a candidate for the telomerase RNA component of Leishmania genus, which includes species that cause leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Merging a thorough computational screening combined with RNA-seq evidence, we mapped a non-coding RNA gene localized in a syntenic locus on chromosome 25 of five Leishmania species that shares partial synteny with both Trypanosoma brucei TER locus and a putative TER candidate-containing locus of Crithidia fasciculata. Using target-driven molecular biology approaches, we detected a ∼2,100 nt transcript (LeishTER) that contains a 5' spliced leader (SL) cap, a putative 3' polyA tail and a predicted C/D box snoRNA domain. LeishTER is expressed at similar levels in the logarithmic and stationary growth phases of promastigote forms. A 5'SL capped LeishTER co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with the telomerase protein component (TERT) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Prediction of its secondary structure strongly suggests the existence of a bona fide single-stranded template sequence and a conserved C[U/C]GUCA motif-containing helix II, representing the template boundary element. This study paves the way for further investigations on the biogenesis of parasite TERT ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and its role in parasite telomere biology.
Neks are serine-threonine kinases that are similar to NIMA, a protein found in Aspergillus nidulans which is essential for cell division. In humans there are eleven Neks which are involved in different biological functions besides the cell cycle control. Nek4 is one of the largest members of the Nek family and has been related to the primary cilia formation and in DNA damage response. However, its substrates and interaction partners are still unknown. In an attempt to better understand the role of Nek4, we performed an interactomics study to find new biological processes in which Nek4 is involved. We also described a novel Nek4 isoform which lacks a region of 46 amino acids derived from an insertion of an Alu sequence and showed the interactomics profile of these two Nek4 proteins. Isoform 1 and isoform 2 of Nek4 were expressed in human cells and after an immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry, 474 interacting proteins were identified for isoform 1 and 149 for isoform 2 of Nek4. About 68% of isoform 2 potential interactors (102 proteins) are common between the two Nek4 isoforms. Our results reinforce Nek4 involvement in the DNA damage response, cilia maintenance and microtubule stabilization, and raise the possibility of new functional contexts, including apoptosis signaling, stress response, translation, protein quality control and, most intriguingly, RNA splicing. We show for the first time an unexpected difference between both Nek4 isoforms in RNA splicing control. Among the interacting partners, we found important proteins such as ANT3, Whirlin, PCNA, 14-3-3ε, SRSF1, SRSF2, SRPK1 and hNRNPs proteins. This study provides new insights into Nek4 functions, identifying new interaction partners and further suggests an interesting difference between isoform 1 and isoform 2 of this kinase. Nek4 isoform 1 may have similar roles compared to other Neks and these roles are not all preserved in isoform 2. Besides, in some processes, both isoforms showed opposite effects, indicating a possible fine controlled regulation.