986 resultados para Non-property


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The factors affecting the non-industrial, private forest landowners' (hereafter referred to using the acronym NIPF) strategic decisions in management planning are studied. A genetic algorithm is used to induce a set of rules predicting potential cut of the landowners' choices of preferred timber management strategies. The rules are based on variables describing the characteristics of the landowners and their forest holdings. The predictive ability of a genetic algorithm is compared to linear regression analysis using identical data sets. The data are cross-validated seven times applying both genetic algorithm and regression analyses in order to examine the data-sensitivity and robustness of the generated models. The optimal rule set derived from genetic algorithm analyses included the following variables: mean initial volume, landowner's positive price expectations for the next eight years, landowner being classified as farmer, and preference for the recreational use of forest property. When tested with previously unseen test data, the optimal rule set resulted in a relative root mean square error of 0.40. In the regression analyses, the optimal regression equation consisted of the following variables: mean initial volume, proportion of forestry income, intention to cut extensively in future, and positive price expectations for the next two years. The R2 of the optimal regression equation was 0.34 and the relative root mean square error obtained from the test data was 0.38. In both models, mean initial volume and positive stumpage price expectations were entered as significant predictors of potential cut of preferred timber management strategy. When tested with the complete data set of 201 observations, both the optimal rule set and the optimal regression model achieved the same level of accuracy.


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A new finite element method is developed to analyse non-conservative structures with more than one parameter behaving in a stochastic manner. As a generalization, this paper treats the subsequent non-self-adjoint random eigenvalue problem that arises when the material property values of the non-conservative structural system have stochastic fluctuations resulting from manufacturing and measurement errors. The free vibration problems of stochastic Beck's column and stochastic Leipholz column whose Young's modulus and mass density are distributed stochastically are considered. The stochastic finite element method that is developed, is implemented to arrive at a random non-self-adjoint algebraic eigenvalue problem. The stochastic characteristics of eigensolutions are derived in terms of the stochastic material property variations. Numerical examples are given. It is demonstrated that, through this formulation, the finite element discretization need not be dependent on the characteristics of stochastic processes of the fluctuations in material property value.


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A new series of compounds identified in the phase diagram of ZrO(2)-V(2)O(8)-MoO(3) have been synthesized via the solution combustion method. Single crystals of one of the compounds in the series, ZrV(1.50)Mo(0.50)O(7.25), were grown by the melt-cool technique from the starting materials with double the MoO(3) quantity. The room temperature average crystal structure of the grown crystals was solved using the single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The crystals belong to the cubic crystal system, space group Pa (3) over bar (No. 205) with a = 8.8969 (4) angstrom, V = 704.24 (6) angstrom(3), and Z = 4. The final R(1) value of 0.0213 was achieved for 288 independent reflections during the structure refinement. The Zr(4+) occupies the special position (4a) whereas V(5+) and Mo(6+) occupy two unique (8c) Wyckoff positions. Two fully occupied O atoms, (24d) and (4b), one partially occupied 0 atom (8c) have been identified for this molybdovanadate, which is a unique feature for these crystals. The structure is related to both ZrV(2)O(7) and cubic ZrMo(2)O(8). The temperature dependent single crystal studies show negative thermal expansion above 370 K. The compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, solid-state UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photocatalytic activity of these compounds has been investigated for the degradation of various dyes, and these compounds show specificity toward the degradation of non-azoic dyes.


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We consider the problem of scheduling semiconductor burn-in operations, where burn-in ovens are modelled as batch processing machines. Most of the studies assume that ready times and due dates of jobs are agreeable (i.e., ri < rj implies di ≤ dj). In many real world applications, the agreeable property assumption does not hold. Therefore, in this paper, scheduling of a single burn-in oven with non-agreeable release times and due dates along with non-identical job sizes as well as non-identical processing of time problem is formulated as a Non-Linear (0-1) Integer Programming optimisation problem. The objective measure of the problem is minimising the maximum completion time (makespan) of all jobs. Due to computational intractability, we have proposed four variants of a two-phase greedy heuristic algorithm. Computational experiments indicate that two out of four proposed algorithms have excellent average performance and also capable of solving any large-scale real life problems with a relatively low computational effort on a Pentium IV computer.


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In macroscopic and even microscopic structural elements, surface effects can be neglected and classical theories are sufficient. As the structural size decreases towards the nanoscale regime, the surface-to-bulk energy ratio increases and surface effects must be taken into account. In the present work, the terahertz wave dispersion characteristics of a nanotube are studied with consideration of the surface effects as well as the non-local small scale effects. Non-local elasticity theory is used to derive the general governing differential equation based on equilibrium approach to include those scale effects. Scale and surface property dependent wave characteristic equations are obtained via spectral analysis. For the present study the material properties of an anodic alumina nanotube with crystallographic of < 111 > direction are considered. The present analysis shows that the effect of surface properties (surface integrated residual stress and surface integrated modulus) on the flexural wave characteristics of anodic nanotubes are more significant. It has been found that the flexural wavenumbers with surface effects are high as compared to that without surface effects. It has also been shown that, with consideration of surface effects the flexural wavenumbers are under compressive nature. The effect of the small scale and the size of the nanotube on wave dispersion properties are also captured in the present work. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although the oxide ceramics have widely been investigated for their biocompatibility, non-oxide ceramics, such as SiAlON and SiC are yet to be explored in detail. Lack of understanding of the biocompatibility restricts the use of these ceramics in clinical trials. It is hence, essential to carry out proper and thorough study to assess cell adhesion, cytocompatibility and cell viability on the non-oxide ceramics for the potential applications. In this perspective, the present research work reports the cytocompatibility of gas pressure sintered SiAlON monolith and SiAlON-SiC composites with varying amount of SIC, using connective tissue cells (L929) and bone cells (Saos-2). The quantification of cell viability using MTT assay reveals the non-cytotoxic response. The cell viability has been found to be cell type dependent. An attempt has been made to discuss the cytocompatibility of the developed composites in the light of SiC content and type of sinter additives. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is one of the ways to probe highly scattering media such as tissue using low-energy near infra-red light (NIR) to reconstruct a map of the optical property distribution. The interaction of the photons in biological tissue is a non-linear process and the phton transport through the tissue is modelled using diffusion theory. The inversion problem is often solved through iterative methods based on nonlinear optimization for the minimization of a data-model misfit function. The solution of the non-linear problem can be improved by modeling and optimizing the cost functional. The cost functional is f(x) = x(T)Ax - b(T)x + c and after minimization, the cost functional reduces to Ax = b. The spatial distribution of optical parameter can be obtained by solving the above equation iteratively for x. As the problem is non-linear, ill-posed and ill-conditioned, there will be an error or correction term for x at each iteration. A linearization strategy is proposed for the solution of the nonlinear ill-posed inverse problem by linear combination of system matrix and error in solution. By propagating the error (e) information (obtained from previous iteration) to the minimization function f(x), we can rewrite the minimization function as f(x; e) = (x + e)(T) A(x + e) - b(T)(x + e) + c. The revised cost functional is f(x; e) = f(x) + e(T)Ae. The self guided spatial weighted prior (e(T)Ae) error (e, error in estimating x) information along the principal nodes facilitates a well resolved dominant solution over the region of interest. The local minimization reduces the spreading of inclusion and removes the side lobes, thereby improving the contrast, localization and resolution of reconstructed image which has not been possible with conventional linear and regularization algorithm.


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Environmental concerns regarding the use of certain chemicals in the froth flotation of minerals have led investigators to explore biological entities as potential substitutes for the reagents in vogue. Despite the fact that several microorganisms have been used for the separation of a variety of mineral systems, a detailed characterization of the biochemical molecules involved therein has not been reported so far. In this investigation, the selective flotation of sphalerite from a sphalerite-galena mineral mixture has been achieved using the cellular components of Bacillus species. The key constituent primarily responsible for the flotation of sphalerite has been identified as DNA, which functions as a bio-collector. Furthermore, using reconstitution studies, the obligatory need for the presence of non-DNA components as bio-depressants for galena has been demonstrated. A probable model involving these entities in the selective flotation of sphalerite from the mineral mixture has been discussed.


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Electrodeposition of Au on poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) coated carbon paper electrode results in the formation of a stable 3-D urchin-like morphology. Au-PEDOT/C electrode exhibits higher surface area, greater catalytic activity, higher sensitivity and lower detection limit for glucose analysis in an alkaline medium than Au/C electrode. Au-PEDOT/C electrode exhibits a linear current response in glucose concentration ranging up to 10 mu M with sensitivity of 515 mu A cm(-2) mu M-1 (on the basis of geometric area) and a low detection limit of 0.03 mu M with signal to noise ratio of 3. Thus, the PEDOT under-layer improves the property of Au for glucose analysis. (c) 2013 The Electrochemical Society.


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Quantum emulation property of the cold atoms has generated a lot of interest in studying systems with synthetic gauge fields. In this article, we describe the physics of two component Fermi gas in the presence of synthetic non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields. Even for the non-interacting system with the gauge fields, there is an interesting change in the topology of the Fermi surface by tuning only the gauge field strength. When a trapping potential is used in conjunction with the gauge fields, the non-interacting system has the ability to produce novel Hamiltonians and show characteristic change in the density profile of the cloud. Without trap, the gauge fields act as an attractive interaction amplifier and for special kinds of gauge field configurations, there are two-body bound states for any attraction even in three dimensions. For a many body system, the gauge fields can induce a crossover from a weak superfluid to a strong superfluid with transition temperature as high as the Fermi temperature. The superfluid state obtained for a very large gauge field strength is a superfluid of new kind of bosons, called ``rashbons'', the properties of which are independent of its constituent two component fermions and are solely determined by the gauge field strength. We also discuss the collective excitations over the superfluid ground states and the experimental relevance of the physics.


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Despite highly conserved core catalytic domains, members of the metallophosphoesterase (MPE) superfamily perform diverse and crucial functions ranging from nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism to phospholipid hydrolysis. Unique structural elements outside of the catalytic core called ``cap domains'' are thought to provide specialization to these enzymes; however, no directed study has been performed to substantiate this. The cap domain of Rv0805, an MPE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is located C-terminal to its catalytic domain and is dispensable for the catalytic activity of this enzyme in vitro. We show here that this C-terminal extension (CTE) mediates in vivo localization of the protein to the cell membrane and cell wall as well as modulates expression levels of Rv0805 in mycobacteria. We also demonstrate that Rv0805 interacts with the cell wall of mycobacteria, possibly with the mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex, by virtue of its C terminus, a hitherto unknown property of this MPE. Using a panel of mutant proteins, we identify interactions between active site residues of Rv0805 and the CTE that determine its association with the cell wall. Finally, we show that Rv0805 and a truncated mutant devoid of the CTE produce different phenotypic effects when expressed in mycobacteria. Our study thus provides a detailed dissection of the functions of the cap domain of an MPE and suggests that the repertoire of cellular functions of MPEs cannot be understood without exploring the modulatory effects of these subdomains.


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We study the problem of finding small s-t separators that induce graphs having certain properties. It is known that finding a minimum clique s-t separator is polynomial-time solvable (Tarjan in Discrete Math. 55:221-232, 1985), while for example the problems of finding a minimum s-t separator that induces a connected graph or forms an independent set are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of the separator (Marx et al. in ACM Trans. Algorithms 9(4): 30, 2013). Motivated by these results, we study properties that generalize cliques, independent sets, and connected graphs, and determine the complexity of finding separators satisfying these properties. We investigate these problems also on bounded-degree graphs. Our results are as follows: Finding a minimum c-connected s-t separator is FPT for c=2 and W1]-hard for any ca parts per thousand yen3. Finding a minimum s-t separator with diameter at most d is W1]-hard for any da parts per thousand yen2. Finding a minimum r-regular s-t separator is W1]-hard for any ra parts per thousand yen1. For any decidable graph property, finding a minimum s-t separator with this property is FPT parameterized jointly by the size of the separator and the maximum degree. Finding a connected s-t separator of minimum size does not have a polynomial kernel, even when restricted to graphs of maximum degree at most 3, unless .


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In the present work, we report the effect of Te deposition onto As2Se3 film which affects the optical properties. The Te/As2Se3 film was illuminated with 532 nm laser to study the photo induced diffusion. The prepared As2Se3, Te/As2Se3 films were characterized by X-ray diffraction which show a completely amorphous nature. On the basis of optical transmission data carried out by Fourier Transform infrared Spectroscopy, a non direct transition was found for these films. The optical bandgap is found to be decreased with Te deposition and photo darkening phenomena is observed for the diffused film. The change in the optical constants are also supported by the corresponding change in different types of bonds which are being analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


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If E and F are saturated formations, we say that E is strongly contained in F if for any solvable group G with E-subgroup, E, and F-subgroup, F, some conjugate of E is contained in F. In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding the formations which strongly contain a fixed saturated formation E.

Our main results are restricted to formations, E, such that E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, where T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, and F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. If T consists only of the identity, then E=N, the class of nilpotent groups, and for any solvable group, G, the N-subgroups of G are the Carter subgroups of G.

We give a characterization of strong containment which depends only on the formations E, and F. From this characterization, we prove:

If T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, and E is strongly contained in F, then

(1) there is a formation V such that F = {G|G/F(G) ϵV}.

(2) If for each prime p, we assume that T does not contain the class, Sp’, of all solvable p’-groups, then either E = F, or F contains all solvable groups.

This solves the problem for the Carter subgroups.

We prove the following result to show that the hypothesis of (2) is not redundant:

If R = {G|G/F(G) ϵSr’}, then there are infinitely many formations which strongly contain R.


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Sheet resistance of laser-irradiated Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering was measured by the four-point probe method. With increasing laser power the sheet resistance undergoes an abrupt drop from 10(7) to 10(3) Omega/square at about 580 mW. The abrupt drop in resistance is due to the structural change from amorphous to crystalline state as revealed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) study of the samples around the abrupt change point. Crystallized dots were also formed in the amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films by focused short pulse laser-irradiated, the resistivities at the crystallized dots and the non-crystallized area are 3.375 x 10(-3) and 2.725 Omega m, sheet resistance is 3.37 x 10(4) and 2.725 x 10(7) Omega/square respectively, deduced from the I-V Curves that is obtained by conductive atomic force microscope (C-AFM). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.