959 resultados para Non-canonical splicing sites
Dense granular bodies (DGB) are particular structural constituents observed in cell nuclei of different tissues-liver, pancreas, brown adipose tissue, adrenal cortex-of hibernating dormice. They appear as strongly electron-dense clusters of closely packed granules, with thin fibrils spreading out at their periphery. DGB always occur in the nucleoplasm, sometimes making contact with other nuclear structural constituents typical of the hibernating state, such as coiled bodies, amorphous bodies and nucleoplasmic fibrils. DGB are present only during deep hibernation and rapidly disappear upon arousal from hibernation. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical analyses showed that DGB contain ribonucleoproteins and several nucleoplasmic RNA processing factors, suggesting that DGB can represent accumulation sites of splicing factors which are provided to splicing sites when normal metabolic activity is rapidly restored during arousal.
We performed exome sequencing to detect somatic mutations in protein-coding regions in seven melanoma cell lines and donor-matched germline cells. All melanoma samples had high numbers of somatic mutations, which showed the hallmark of UV-induced DNA repair. Such a hallmark was absent in tumor sample-specific mutations in two metastases derived from the same individual. Two melanomas with non-canonical BRAF mutations harbored gain-of-function MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 (MEK1 and MEK2, respectively) mutations, resulting in constitutive ERK phosphorylation and higher resistance to MEK inhibitors. Screening a larger cohort of individuals with melanoma revealed the presence of recurring somatic MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 mutations, which occurred at an overall frequency of 8%. Furthermore, missense and nonsense somatic mutations were frequently found in three candidate melanoma genes, FAT4, LRP1B and DSC1.
T cell stimulation requires the input and integration of external signals. Signaling through the T cell receptor (TCR) is known to induce formation of the membrane-tethered CBM complex, comprising CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1, which is required for TCR-mediated NF-κB activation. TCR signaling has been shown to activate NOTCH proteins, transmembrane receptors also implicated in NF-κB activation. However, the link between TCR-mediated NOTCH signaling and early events leading to induction of NF-κB activity remains unclear. In this report, we demonstrate a novel cytosolic function for NOTCH1 and show that it is essential to CBM complex formation. Using a model of skin allograft rejection, we show in vivo that NOTCH1 acts in the same functional pathway as PKCθ, a T cell-specific kinase important for CBM assembly and classical NF-κB activation. We further demonstrate in vitro NOTCH1 associates physically with PKCθ and CARMA1 in the cytosol. Unexpectedly, when NOTCH1 expression was abrogated using RNAi approaches, interactions between CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 were lost. This failure in CBM assembly reduced inhibitor of kappa B alpha phosphorylation and diminished NF-κB-DNA binding. Finally, using a luciferase gene reporter assay, we show the intracellular domain of NOTCH1 can initiate robust NF-κB activity in stimulated T cells, even when NOTCH1 is excluded from the nucleus through modifications that restrict it to the cytoplasm or hold it tethered to the membrane. Collectively, these observations provide evidence that NOTCH1 may facilitate early events during T cell activation by nucleating the CBM complex and initiating NF-κB signaling.
Expression based prediction of gene alterations identified WNT inhibitory factor I (WIF1) as a new candidate tumor suppressor gene involved in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted WNT antagonist and it is strongly down-regulated in most glioblastoma as compared to normal brain both by genomic deletion and WIF1 promoter hypermethylation. WIF1 expression in glioblastoma cell lines inhibited cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo and strongly reduced migration capability. Interestingly, WIF1 expression induced a senescence-like phenotype characterized by the appearance of enlarged, flattened and multinucleated cells positive for the presence of senescence associated ß-galactosidase, a late marker of senescence. It is of note that WIF1 induced senescence, in glioma cell lines, is independent of either p53 or pRB, two pathways that have been widely associated with this process. The analysis of the signaling pathways downstream of WIF1 brought some interesting results. WIF1 expression inhibited the canonical pathway but alteration of this pathway alone couldn't explain all the WIFl-induced effects. Some WIF1-related changes were attributed to inhibition of the non-canonical pathway, as we could prove by downregulation of WNT5a, the main ligand of the non-canonical WNT pathway. For example, a drastic reduction of phosphorylation of both ERK and p38 was detected when either overexpressing WIF1 or downregulating WNT5a. Due to the complexity of the non-canonical pathway is difficult to define the precise mechanism of signal transduction. We have excluded the involvement of the WNT5a-JNK-APl pathway and preliminary results suggest the implication of the WNT-calcium signaling, but further evidence is needed. Moreover, from the analysis of the gene expression profile of WIF1 expressing cells we could select a very interesting candidate: MALATI, a non-coding RNA widely associated with migratory capability in many different types of tumors. We found MALATI to be overexpressed in glioblastoma specimens compared to normal brain and to be associated with total tumor volume. The downregulation of MALATI by RNAi (RNA interference] drastically impairs migration, thus it is a very interesting potential target in the context of invasive tumors such as glioblastoma. Résumé WIFl a été sélectionné en tant que putatif suppresseur de tumeurs dans le cadre des glioblastomes par une analyse qui a était conduit à partir des données d'expression de gènes provenant d'environ 80 glioblastomes. WIF1 code pour une protéine destinée à la sécrétion qui antagonise la voie de WNT et son expression est fortement sous-exprimé dans la plupart des glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal. Cette sous-expression est due à deux mécanismes différents: à la délétion de la partie génomique codant pour WIF1 et à l'hyper méthylation de son promoteur. La surexpression de WIF1 réduit la capacité de prolifération des cellules de glioblastome in vitro ainsi que in vivo et elle réduit aussi leur capacité migratoire. Il est intéressant de remarquer que l'espression de WIF1 induit un phénotype sénescent caractérisé par l'apparition de cellules aplaties, multi nucléées et positives pour l'activité de l'enzyme ß-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, un marqueur tardif de la sénescence. Il est à noter que le phénotype sénescent qui est induit par WIF1 est indépendant de p53 et pRB, deux voies qui ont été largement associées à ce processus. L'analyse des les voies de signalisation en aval de WIFl a apporté des résultats intéressants. L'expression de WIF1 inhibe la voie canonique de WNT, mais l'altération de cette voie seule ne pouvait pas expliquer tous les effets induits par WIF1. Nous avons pu prouver que certains changements sont liés à l'inhibition de la voie non-canonique qui est activée par WNT5cc. Par exemple, une réduction drastique de la phosphorylation de ERK et p38 à la fois a été détectée lorsque WIFl a été surexprimé ou WNT5a sous- exprimé. En raison de la complexité de la voie non-canonique, il est difficile de définir le mécanisme précis de la transduction du signal. Nous avons exclu l'implication de la voie JNK-WNT5a-APl et les résultats préliminaires suggèrent l'implication de la voie de signalisation appelée WNT-calcium. En plus, l'analyse du profil d'expression génique de cellules sur-exprimant WIF1 nous a permis d'identifier un candidat très intéressant: MALATI, un ARN non- codants largement associés à la capacité migratoire dans nombreux types de tumeurs. Nous avons trouvé que MALATI est surexprimé dans les échantillons de glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal et il est associé au volume total de la tumeur. La sous-expression de MALATI altère considérablement la migration des cellules tumorales. Donc, MALATI, est une cible potentielle très intéressante dans le cadre d'une tumeur invasive telle que le glioblastome.
Abstract: The AU-rich elements (AREs) consisting of repeated AUUUA motifs confer rapid degradation to many cellular mRNAs when present in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR). We have studied the instability of interleukin-6 mRNA by grafting its 3' untranslated region to a stable green fluorescent protein mRNA. Subsequent scanning mutagenesis identified two conserved elements, which taken together account for most of the instability. The first corresponds to a short non-canonical AU-rich element. The other comprises a sequence predicted to form astern-loop structure. Both elements need to be present in order to confer full instability (Paschoud et al. 2006). Destabilization of ARE-containing mRNAs is thought to involve ARE-binding proteins such as AUF1. We tested whether AUF1 binding to interleukin-6 mRNA correlates with decreased mRNA stability. Overexpression of myc-tagged p37AUFl and p42AUF1 as well as suppression of all four AUF1 isoforms by RNA interference stabilized the interleukin-6 mRNA. Furthermore, the interleukin-6 mRNA co-immunoprecipitated specifically with myc-tagged p37AUF1 and p42AUF1 in cell extracts. Both the stabilization and AUF1-binding required the non-canonical AU-rich sequence. These results indicate that AUF1 binds to the AU-rich element in vivo and promotes interleukin6 mRNA degradation. The combination of mRNA co-immunoprecipitation with microarray technology revealed that at least 500 cellular mRNAs associate with AUF1. Résumé: "La présence d'éléments riches en A et U (ARE), en particulier les motifs répétés d'AUUUA dans la région 3' non traduite, confère une dégradation rapide à beaucoup d'ARN cellulaires. Nous avons étudié l'instabilité de l'ARN codant pour l'interleukine 6 en greffant sa région 3' non traduite à un ARN stable codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte. La mutagenèse systématique des séquences non traduites a permis l'identification de deux éléments conservés qui confèrent l'instabilité à l'ARN. Le premier correspond à un élément AU-riche non canonique court. Le second comporte une structure en 'épingle à cheveux'. Tous les deux éléments doivent être présents afin de conférer une instabilité complète (Paschoud et al. 2006). On pense que des protéines telles que AUF1, pouvant se lier aux éléments ARE, sont impliquées dans la dégradation des ARN messagers. Nous avons examiné si la liaison de AUFl sur l'ARN de l'interleukine 6 corrèle avec une stabilité diminuée. La surexpression des protéines p37AUF1 et de p42AUF1 myc-étiquetées ainsi que la suppression de chacun des quatre isoformes de AUF1 par interférence d'ARN a stabilisé l'ARN messager d'interleukine 6. En outre, cet ARN co-immunoprécipite spécifiquement avec p37AUF1 et p42AUF1 dans des extraits cellulaires. La présence de l'élément AUriche non canonique est nécessaire pour la stabilisation de l'ARN et sa liaison avec AUFI. Ces résultats indiquent qu'AUF1 se lie à l'élément AU-riche in vivo et favorise la dégradation de l'ARN messager d'interleukine 6. La combinaison des techniques de coimmunoprécipitation des ARN messagers et des analyses par `microarray' indique qu'au moins 500 ARN cellulaires s'associent à AUF1.
BACKGROUND: Over 50% of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) present with locoregionally advanced disease. Those at intermediate-to-high risk of recurrence after definitive therapy exhibit advanced disease based on tumour size or lymph node involvement, non-oropharynx primary sites, human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative oropharyngeal cancer, or HPV-positive oropharynx cancer with smoking history (>10-pack-years). Non-surgical approaches include concurrent chemoradiotherapy, induction chemotherapy followed by definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy, or radiotherapy alone. Following locoregional therapies (including surgical salvage of residual cervical nodes), no standard intervention exists. Overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), an ErbB family member, is associated with poor prognosis in HNSCC. EGFR-targeted cetuximab is the only targeted therapy that impacts overall survival and is approved for HNSCC in the USA or Europe. However, resistance often occurs, and new approaches, such as targeting multiple ErbB family members, may be required. Afatinib, an irreversible ErbB family blocker, demonstrated antiproliferative activity in preclinical models and comparable clinical efficacy with cetuximab in a randomized phase II trial in recurrent or metastatic HNSCC. LUX-Head & Neck 2, a phase III study, will assess adjuvant afatinib versus placebo following chemoradiotherapy in primary unresected locoregionally advanced intermediate-to-high-risk HNSCC. METHODS/DESIGN: Patients with primary unresected locoregionally advanced HNSCC, in good clinical condition with unfavourable risk of recurrence, and no evidence of disease after chemoradiotherapy will be randomized 2:1 to oral once-daily afatinib (40 mg starting dose) or placebo. As HPV status will not be determined for eligibility, unfavourable risk is defined as non-oropharynx primary site or oropharynx cancer in patients with a smoking history (>10 pack-years). Treatment will continue for 18 months or until recurrence or unacceptable adverse events occur. The primary endpoint measure is duration of disease-free survival; secondary endpoint measures are disease-free survival rate at 2 years, overall survival, health-related quality of life and safety. DISCUSSION: Given the unmet need in the adjuvant treatment of intermediate-to-high-risk HNSCC patients, it is expected that LUX-Head & Neck 2 will provide new insights into treatment in this setting and might demonstrate the ability of afatinib to significantly improve disease-free survival, compared with placebo. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01345669.
The repetitive DNA sequences found at telomeres and centromeres play a crucial role in the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. This role may be related to the tendency observed in many repetitive DNAs to adopt non-canonical structures. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of DNA quadruplexes in chromosome biology, the co-existence of different quadruplex-forming elements in the same DNA structure is still a matter of debate. Here we report the structural study of the oligonucleotide d(TCGTTTCGT) and its cyclic analog d
The repetitive DNA sequences found at telomeres and centromeres play a crucial role in the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. This role may be related to the tendency observed in many repetitive DNAs to adopt non-canonical structures. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of DNA quadruplexes in chromosome biology, the co-existence of different quadruplex-forming elements in the same DNA structure is still a matter of debate. Here we report the structural study of the oligonucleotide d(TCGTTTCGT) and its cyclic analog d
This paper presents a research concerning the conversion of non-accessible web pages containing mathematical formulae into accessible versions through an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool. The objective of this research is twofold. First, to establish criteria for evaluating the potential accessibility of mathematical web sites, i.e. the feasibility of converting non-accessible (non-MathML) math sites into accessible ones (Math-ML). Second, to propose a data model and a mechanism to publish evaluation results, making them available to the educational community who may use them as a quality measurement for selecting learning material.Results show that the conversion using OCR tools is not viable for math web pages mainly due to two reasons: many of these pages are designed to be interactive, making difficult, if not almost impossible, a correct conversion; formula (either images or text) have been written without taking into account standards of math writing, as a consequence OCR tools do not properly recognize math symbols and expressions. In spite of these results, we think the proposed methodology to create and publish evaluation reports may be rather useful in other accessibility assessment scenarios.
The transcriptome is the readout of the genome. Identifying common features in it across distant species can reveal fundamental principles. To this end, the ENCODE and modENCODE consortia have generated large amounts of matched RNA-sequencing data for human, worm and fly. Uniform processing and comprehensive annotation of these data allow comparison across metazoan phyla, extending beyond earlier within-phylum transcriptome comparisons and revealing ancient, conserved features. Specifically, we discover co-expression modules shared across animals, many of which are enriched in developmental genes. Moreover, we use expression patterns to align the stages in worm and fly development and find a novel pairing between worm embryo and fly pupae, in addition to the embryo-to-embryo and larvae-to-larvae pairings. Furthermore, we find that the extent of non-canonical, non-coding transcription is similar in each organism, per base pair. Finally, we find in all three organisms that the gene-expression levels, both coding and non-coding, can be quantitatively predicted from chromatin features at the promoter using a 'universal model' based on a single set of organism-independent parameters.
Terminal differentiation of B cells depends on two interconnected survival pathways, elicited by the B-cell receptor (BCR) and the BAFF receptor (BAFF-R), respectively. Loss of either signaling pathway arrests B-cell development. Although BCR-dependent survival depends mainly on the activation of the v-AKT murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT)/PI3-kinase network, BAFF/BAFF-R-mediated survival engages non-canonical NF-κB signaling as well as MAPK/extracellular-signal regulated kinase and AKT/PI3-kinase modules to allow proper B-cell development. Plasma cell survival, however, is independent of BAFF-R and regulated by APRIL that signals NF-κB activation via alternative receptors, that is, transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) or B-cell maturation (BCMA). All these complex signaling events are believed to secure survival by increased expression of anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) family proteins in developing and mature B cells. Curiously, how lack of BAFF- or APRIL-mediated signaling triggers B-cell apoptosis remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that two pro-apoptotic members of the 'Bcl2 homology domain 3-only' subgroup of the Bcl2 family, Bcl2 interacting mediator of cell death (Bim) and Bcl2 modifying factor (Bmf), mediate apoptosis in the context of TACI-Ig overexpression that effectively neutralizes BAFF as well as APRIL. Surprisingly, although Bcl2 overexpression triggers B-cell hyperplasia exceeding the one observed in Bim(-/-)Bmf(-/-) mice, Bcl2 transgenic B cells remain susceptible to the effects of TACI-Ig expression in vivo, leading to ameliorated pathology in Vav-Bcl2 transgenic mice. Together, our findings shed new light on the molecular machinery restricting B-cell survival during development, normal homeostasis and under pathological conditions. Our data further suggest that Bcl2 antagonists might improve the potency of BAFF/APRIL-depletion strategies in B-cell-driven pathologies.
Bdelloid rotifers were believed to have persisted and diversified in the absence of sex. Two papers now show they exchange genes with each other, via horizontal gene transfers as known in bacteria and/or via other forms of non-canonical sex.
De récentes découvertes montrent le rôle important que joue l’acide ribonucléique (ARN) au sein des cellules, que ce soit le contrôle de l’expression génétique, la régulation de plusieurs processus homéostasiques, en plus de la transcription et la traduction de l’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) en protéine. Si l’on veut comprendre comment la cellule fonctionne, nous devons d’abords comprendre ses composantes et comment ils interagissent, et en particulier chez l’ARN. La fonction d’une molécule est tributaire de sa structure tridimensionnelle (3D). Or, déterminer expérimentalement la structure 3D d’un ARN s’avère fort coûteux. Les méthodes courantes de prédiction par ordinateur de la structure d’un ARN ne tiennent compte que des appariements classiques ou canoniques, similaires à ceux de la fameuse structure en double-hélice de l’ADN. Ici, nous avons amélioré la prédiction de structures d’ARN en tenant compte de tous les types possibles d’appariements, dont ceux dits non-canoniques. Cela est rendu possible dans le contexte d’un nouveau paradigme pour le repliement des ARN, basé sur les motifs cycliques de nucléotides ; des blocs de bases pour la construction des ARN. De plus, nous avons dévelopées de nouvelles métriques pour quantifier la précision des méthodes de prédiction des structures 3D des ARN, vue l’introduction récente de plusieurs de ces méthodes. Enfin, nous avons évalué le pouvoir prédictif des nouvelles techniques de sondage de basse résolution des structures d’ARN.
Les anomalies du tube neural (ATN), incluant l'anencéphalie et le spina-bifida, représentent un groupe de malformations congénitales très fréquentes chez l'homme. Ces anomalies sont causées par un défaut partiel ou complet de la fermeture du tube neurale au cours de l'embryogenèse. Les ATN ont une étiologie complexe et multifactorielle impliquant des facteurs environnementaux et génétiques. La voie de signalisation non-canonique du Frizzled (Fz)/Dishevelled (Dvl) contrôle la polarité cellulaire planaire (PCP) et le processus morphogénétique appelé l’extension convergente qui est essentiel pour la gastrulation et la fermeture du tube neural. Très important, des mutations des gènes de cette voie étaient fortement associées aux ATN chez la souris et l’humain. Scribble est un gène de la voie PCP qui cause une sévère ATN chez la souris Circletail. Notre étude vise à analyser le rôle de SCRIBBLE1 dans les ATN humains par des analyses de séquence de son cadre de lecture et ses jonctions exon-introns. Notre étude comporte 396 patients recrutés au Centre Spina Bifida de l’hôpital Gaslini en Gènes, Italie et 83 patients recrutés au Centre Spina Bifida de l’hôpital Sainte Justine. Les patients sont affectés par plusieurs formes d’ATN. Nous avons identifié neuf mutations rares et non synonymes chez 10 patients, p.Asp93Ala (c. 435G>A), p.Gly145Arg (c. 278A>C), p.Gly263Ser (c. 786C>A), p.Gly469Ser (c. 1405G>A), p.Pro649His (c. 1946C>A), p.Gln808His (c. 2424G>T), p.Val1066Met (c. 3196G>A), p.Arg1150Gln (c. 3480G>A) et p.Thr1422Met (c. 4266C>T). Cinque mutations, p.Gly263Ser, p.Pro649His, p.Gln808His, p.Arg1150Gln, p.Thr1422Met, étaient absentes dans les contrôles analysés et prédites d’être pathogéniques in silico. Cette étude montre que des mutations rares dans SCRIB1 pourraient augmenter le risque des ATN dans une fraction des patients. L’identification des gènes prédisposant aux ATN nous aidera à mieux comprendre les mécanismes pathogéniques impliqués dans ces maladies.