862 resultados para Noeme Sousa Rocha


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Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar, machos, com peso inicial médio de 225 gramas, separados em dois grupos. Após serem anestesiados com éter, foi induzida uma ferida limpa na região torácica dorsal cranial, mediante a utilização de molde metálico de 2,0 x 1,5cm. No grupo I, foi utilizada pomada contendo óleo de fígado de bacalhau, extrato de confrei, extrato cítrico, óxido de zinco e veículo (Creamex®); no grupo II, a ferida foi apenas limpa com solução salina isotônica. Para a avaliação histológica, foram submetidos à eutanásia cinco animais de cada grupo no 3º, 7º, 14º e 21º dia de pós-operatório. O grupo tratado com a pomada orgânica apresentou padrão cicatricial de qualidade superior em relação ao grupo tratado com salina isotônica, representado por formação de fibras colágenas, neoformação de vasos e reepitelização completa da epiderme.


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O eritema necrolítico migratório é rara dermatose caracterizada por lesões erodo-ulcerativas e crostosas em áreas intertriginosas, junções mucocutâneas, superfícies articulares e de apoio crônico, que tem sido descrita em seres humanos, cães, gatos e rinocerontes. Sua etiologia tem sido relacionada a neoplasias pancreáticas, mormente das células alfa produtoras de glucagon, e a graves doenças do parênquima hepático ou gastroentérico. Relata-se o caso de um cão com necrose epidérmica metabólica secundária a glucagonoma, que apresenta fortes similaridades com a síndrome do glucagonoma em humanos.


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Conventional studies on bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum; PA) carcinogenicity have used high dietary concentrations (around 30%) and long-term exposure (up to 52-70 weeks) without consideration of the multistep character of the chemical carcinogenesis process. The present study evaluated specifically the promoting potential of 3-5% dietary crude PA in the rat urinary bladder mucosa in a 32-week-long initiation-promotion assay for chemical carcinogenesis. Initiation of urothelial carcinogenesis was accomplished with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN). Uracil (U) was provided through the diet in order to expand the population of initiated cells. Seven groups (C) of male Wistar rats were submitted to the following treatments: G1 = BBN (n = 8); G2 = U (n = 10); G3 = BBN-U (n = 9); G4 = BBN-PA-U-PA (n = 16); G5 = PA (n = 8); G6 = BBN-PA (n = 10); G7 = PA-U-PA (n = 12). At the end of the experiment rats presenting epithelial papillary or nodular hyperplasia (PNH), papillomas (PAP), or simultaneous PNH plus PAP numbered, respectively G1: 2-0-1; G2: 0-0-0; G3: 3-0-2; G4: 4-3-2; G5: 1-0-1; G6: 8-0-0; and G7: 0-0-0, with no significant differences in the incidence of lesions among the groups. More frequent and more severe lesions occurred in BBN-initiated animals, predominantly in those also exposed to uracil (G3 and G4). Low-dose crude bracken fern in the diet does not promote rat urinary bladder carcinogenesis after a 32-week period of exposure, even when the initiated urothelial cell population has been expanded through a mechanical stimulus. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify the nature of the nucleated cells that accumulate in the vasa rectae of the corticomedullary junction in acute tubular necrosis. In all 6 cases studied, there were intravascular cells that reacted with monoclonal antibodies to erythroblast, macrophages, myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes and rave megakaryocytes. The findings are consistent with the occurrence of intravascular haematopoiesis in the renal medulla in acute tubular necrosis.


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Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify the nature of the nucleated cells that accumulate in the vasa rectae of the corticomedullary junction in acute tubular necrosis. In all 6 cases studied, there were intravascular cells that reacted with monoclonal antibodies to erythroblast, macrophages, myeloid cells, T and B lymphocytes and rare megakaryocytes. The findings are consistent with the occurrence of intravascular haematopoiesis in the renal medulia in acute tubular necrosis.


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The authors present two cases of human sporotrichosis, the lymphangitic and the fixed cutaneous form, observed in the owners of an infected domestic cat. Feline sporotrichosis has been related with higher frequency and shows zoonotic significance due to inter and intraspecies transmission risk. This is thought to occur as consequence of the high number of fungi in cutaneous lesions of this animal species.


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BACKGROUND: Mast cell tumor, one of the most common skin tumors in dogs, may also be found in visceral sites (mainly spleen and liver). When a visceral mast cell tumor is present, neoplastic mast cells may be found in any effusion secondary to the tumor. Therefore, the diagnosis may be made by cytologic analysis of the effusion. CASE: An 8-year-old, spayed, female Siberian husky presented with a peritoneal effusion secondary to a visceral mast cell tumor. Seven months earlier, the dog had presented with a cutaneous nodule diagnosed as a well-differentiated mast cell tumor. The peritoneal fluid was classified as a transudate. Numerous neoplastic mast cells were found in the effusion. Although the mast cell tumor presented with characteristics of the well-differentiated tumor, its biologic behavior was that of a malignant tumor. CONCLUSION: Care should be taken to evaluate the prognosis of mast cell tumors in dogs since their biologic behavior is extremely variable.


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Aqueous extracts of the sporophores of eight mushroom species were assessed for their ability to prevent H2O2-induced oxidative damage to cellular DNA using the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay. The highest genoprotective effects were obtained with cold (20°C) and hot (100°C) water extracts of Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies, respectively. No protective effects were observed with Mushroom Derived Preparations (MDPs) from Flammulina velutipes, Auricularia auricula, Hypsizygus marmoreus, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, and Volvariella volvacea. These findings indicate that some edible mushrooms represent a valuable source of biologically active compounds with potential for protecting cellular DNA from oxidative damage. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The present experiment was carried out in ten animals with third eyelid prolapsed gland. All of the prolapsed glands were surgically excised. The age of the dogs ranged from two month to ten years old, and the breeds were Beagle (20%), Teckel (10%), Pinscher (10%), Poodle (10%) and other mongrel dogs. Aspirative citology was made in all the removed glands, after that they were fixed in 10% formalin and stained with Hematoxiline and Eosine. It was observed a focal mononuclear inflamatory infiltrate in the conjunctive and periacinal tissues. Ductal dilatation and metaplasia were noted on cells of the ducts. Cyitologic examination showed similar inflamatory infiltrate to histopatologic findings. The glands showed a chronic adenitis. The absence of histo and cytologic significance changes justify the tissue function observed during surgical excision.


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Pythiosis is a subcutaneous infection caused by aquatic fungi (Pythium insidiosum) which occurs in some animal species, as human beings. This paper describes an Quarter Horse, breed in Pernambuco, Brazil, who had this infection. The horse presented nodular and ulcerated lesions only in nasal mucosa and the diagnosis was made by histopathologic analysis and clinical signals. Based in the histopathologic findings and anamneses information by the owner the authors believed this is an atypical presentation of this infection caused by the contact with water offered at stable.


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The purpose of this paper is to establish criteria that could guide the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of canine mammary neoplasias. It was elaborated during the Mammary Pathology Meeting: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of the Canine Mammary Neoplasm, held on November 6 th and 7 th, 2010 in Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil, sponsored by the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology - UFMG, with the support of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology (ABPV) and Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET). Academics from several regions of Brazil were present and contributed to this work.


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Cytology is a well established research technique in human and veterinary medicine, but it is rarely used in small rodents. Spontaneous tumors are relatively uncommon in guinea pigs and those described in literature include a variety of organs like skin and subcutis, respiratory and reproductive tract, endocrine and hematopoietic system, and mammary gland. The objective of this article was to describe the use of the fine needle aspiration biopsy technique (FNAB) on evaluation of a mammary neoplasm in a guinea pig and describe the main cytological findings for the first time in literature.