896 resultados para Nodular cast iron


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Detailed view of cast iron brackets connecting beams and posts.


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Detailed view of cast iron brackets connecting beams and posts.


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Si3N4 tools were coated with a thin diamond film using a Hot-Filament Chemical Vapour Deposition (HFCVD) reactor, in order to machining a grey cast iron. Wear behaviour of these tools in high speed machining was the main subject of this work. Turning tests were performed with a combination of cutting speeds of 500, 700 and 900 m min−1, and feed rates of 0.1, 0.25 and 0.4 mm rot−1, remaining constant the depth of cut of 1 mm. In order to evaluate the tool behaviour during the turning tests, cutting forces were analyzed being verified a significant increase with feed rate. Diamond film removal occurred for the most severe set of cutting parameters. It was also observed the adhesion of iron and manganese from the workpiece to the tool. Tests were performed on a CNC lathe provided with a 3-axis dynamometer. Results were collected and registered by homemade software. Tool wear analysis was achieved by a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) provided with an X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) system. Surface analysis was performed by a profilometer.


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No âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do 2ºano do Mestrado em Engenharia mecânica – Ramo Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, o presente trabalho de dissertação foi enquadrado num projeto industrial de melhoria com o Instituto Kaizen. O projeto foi desenvolvido num dos maiores fornecedores europeus de componentes em ferro fundido para a indústria automóvel, a Sakthi Portugal SA. A indústria automóvel é um dos mais importantes e exigentes sectores da organização industrial, e por isso é imprescindível que todos os recursos cingidos sejam capazes de enfrentar os requisitos do meio em questão. Para responder de uma forma mais eficiente, a Sakthi Portugal deu início à implementação de um conjunto de ações de melhoria para rentabilizar os seus recursos, respondendo ao mesmo tempo a problemas recorrentes no seu processo de planeamento produtivo Este trabalho pretende avaliar e analisar as ações e decisões tomadas na organização com o propósito de aumentar a produtividade do processo produtivo, reduzindo ao mesmo tempo custos e problemas que afetam todo o fluxo do processo. Em resultado da aplicação da metodologia Kaizen, foi possível atingir-se os objetivos definidos inicialmente, superando-se algumas barreiras que se pensavam intransponíveis. Estas melhorias resultaram numa movimentação interna na fábrica mais facilitada e num aumento global da produtividade. Como consequência positiva dos efeitos deste trabalho, pode apontar-se o facto de que, a Sakthi Portugal SA, aumentou a sua competitividade ao tornar-se numa empresa mais dinâmica, mais adaptada ao mercado e com níveis de satisfação do cliente muito superiores.


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Uusi EPR-reaktorikonsepti on suunniteltu selviytymään tapauksista, joissa reaktorinsydän sulaa ja sula puhkaisee paineastian. Suojarakennuksen sisälle on suunniteltu alue, jolle sula passiivisesti kerätään, pidätetään ja jäähdytetään. Alueelle laaditaan valurautaelementeistä ns.sydänsieppari, joka tulvitetaan vedellä. Sydänsulan tuottama jälkilämpö siirtyyveteen, mistä se poistetaan suojarakennuksen jälkilämmönpoistojärjestelmän kautta. Suuri osa lämmöstä poistuu sydänsulasta sen yläpuolella olevaan veteen, mutta lämmönsiirron tehostamiseksi myös sydänsiepparin alapuolelle on sijoitettu vedellä täytettävät jäähdytyskanavat. Jotta sydänsiepparin toiminta voitaisiin todentaa, on Lappeenrannan Teknillisellä Yliopistolla rakennettu Volley-koelaitteisto tätä tarkoitusta varten. Koelaitteisto koostuu kahdesta täysimittaisesta valuraudasta tehdystä jäähdytyskanavasta. Sydänsulan tuottamaa jälkilämpöä simuloidaan koelaitteistossa sähkövastuksilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan simulaatioiden suorittaminen ja vertaillaan saatuja arvoja mittaustuloksiin. Työ keskittyy sydänsiepparista jäähdytyskanaviin tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron teoriaan jamekanismeihin. Työssä esitetään kolme erilaista korrelaatiota lämmönsiirtokertoimille allaskiehumisen tapauksessa. Nämä korrelaatiot soveltuvat erityisesti tapauksiin, joissa vain muutamia mittausparametreja on tiedossa. Työn toinen osa onVolley 04 -kokeiden simulointi. Ensin käytettyä simulointitapaa on kelpoistettuvertaamalla tuloksia Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeisiin, joissa koetta voitiin jatkaa tasapainotilaan ja joissa jäähdytteen käyttäytyminen jäähdytyskanavassa on tallennettu myös videokameralla. Näiden simulaatioiden tulokset ovat hyvin samanlaisiakuin mittaustulokset. Korkeammilla lämmitystehoilla kokeissa esiintyi vesi-iskuja, jotka rikkoivat videoinnin mahdollistavia ikkunoita. Tämän johdosta osassa Volley 04 -kokeita ikkunat peitettiin metallilevyillä. Joitakin kokeita jouduttiin keskeyttämään laitteiston suurten lämpöjännitysten johdosta. Tällaisten testien simulaatiot eivät ole yksinkertaisia suorittaa. Veden pinnan korkeudesta ei ole visuaalista havaintoa. Myöskään jäähdytteen tasapainotilanlämpötiloista ei ole tarkkaa tietoa, mutta joitakin oletuksia voidaan tehdä samoilla parametreilla tehtyjen Volley 05 -kokeiden perusteella. Mittaustulokset Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeista, jotka on videoitu ja voitu ajaa tasapainotilaan saakka, antoivat simulaatioiden kanssa hyvin samankaltaisia lämpötilojen arvoja. Keskeytettyjen kokeiden ekstrapolointi tasapainotilaan ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kokeet jouduttiin keskeyttämään niin paljon ennen termohydraulista tasapainoa, ettei tasapainotilan reunaehtoja voitu ennustaa. Videonauhoituksen puuttuessa ei veden pinnan korkeudesta saatu lisätietoa. Tuloksista voidaan lähinnä esittää arvioita siitä, mitä suuruusluokkaa mittapisteiden lämpötilat tulevat olemaan. Nämä lämpötilat ovat kuitenkin selvästi alle sydänsiepparissa käytettävän valuraudan sulamislämpötilan. Joten simulaatioiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, etteivät jäähdytyskanavien rakenteet sula, mikäli niissä on pienikin jäähdytevirtaus, eikä useampia kuin muutama vierekkäinen kanava ole täysin kuivana.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan kulutus- ja korrosionkestävien materiaalien laserpinnoitusta. Laserpinnoituksessa sulatetaan uutta materiaalia työkappaleen pintaan lasersäteen avulla. Tarkoituksena on yleensä parantaa pinnan korroosion, kulumisen tai pintapaineen kestävyyttä. Laserpinnoitukseen liittyy useita etuja verrattuna konventionaalisiin päällehitsausprosesseihin. Työssä tutkittavat pinnoitemateriaalit ovat kobolttipohjaiset Stellite 1 ja Stellite 6, työkaluteräkset WR 4 ja WR 6 sekä metallimatriisikomposiitti Anval50/50+30 % Cr3C2. Pinnoitettavat perusaineet ovat hiiliteräs Fe 52, ruostumaton teräs AISI 316 ja valurauta GRP 500. Työn tavoitteena on löytää kunkin pinnoite/perusaine-yhdistelmän pinnoitusparametrit. Pinnoituskokeissa käytettiin LTKK:n 6 kW:n CO2-laseria. Pinnoitetuille koekappeleille tehtiin kovuusmittaukset ja kulutuskokeet. Pinnoitteiden mikrorakenteet analysoitiin ja sekoittumisasteet laskettiin. Virheitä tutkittiin silmämääräisesti sekä radiografisella kuvauksella. Optimiparametreja pinnoitemateriaaleille ei löydetty. Pinnoitteiden sekoittumisasteet muodostuivat suuriksi liiallisen lasertehon ja/tai huonon lisäaineen kohdistuksen vuoksi. Suuri sekoittuminen alensi pinnoitteiden kovuutta ja kulumiskestävyyttä. Pinnoitusparametreja arvioidaan koetulosten perusteella ja niille annetaan korjausehdotuksia. Lopuksi esitetään suosituksia tutkimusprojektin jatkotoimille.


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Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.


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Henry Hope & Sons of Canada Ltd. were located at 45 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. at the writing of this letter in 1916. The company specialized in “weathertight casements in iron steel or gun-metal, unbreakable steel windows, fanlight opening-gear, leaded lights and stained glass, patent glass roofing, locks and door furniture, rainwater goods in cast lead and cast iron”. The letter is addressed to Mr. H.Y. [Harry Young] Grant, c/o Fenwick Farm, Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, Ont. from R.W. Smith. The letter is in reply to a query about casement windows. Harry Young Grant (1860-1934), son of Sir James Alexander Grant and Maria Malloch of Ottawa, Ont. was a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. After his retirement he became a member of the Niagara Parks Commission. He was married to Grace A. Smith, daughter of James R. Smith of Buffalo.


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The lubricants found in the market are of mineral or synthetic origin and harm to humans and the environment, mainly due to their improper discard. Therefore industries are seeking to develop products that cause less environmental impact, so to decrease mainly, operator aggression the Cutting Fluids became an emulsion of oil / water or water / oil. However, the emulsion was not considered the most suitable solution for environmental question, therefore the search for biodegradable lubricants and which no are toxic continues and so vegetable oils are seen, again, as a basis for the production of lubricants. The biggest problem with these oils is their oxidative instability that is intensified when working at high temperatures. The process transesterification decreases the oxidation, however changes some physical and chemical properties. Therefore soybean oil after the transesterification process was subjected to tests of density, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity which is calculated from two parameters mentioned, flash point and acidity. Besides the physico-chemical test the soybean oil was subjected to a dynamic test in a tribometer adapted from a table vise, whose induced wear was the adhesive and ultimately was used as cutting fluid in a process of turning in two different materials, steel 1045 and cast iron. This latter test presented results below the mineral cutting fluid which it was compared in all tests, already in other experiments the result was satisfactory and other experiments not, so that chemical additives can be added to the oil analyzed to try equate all parameters and so formulate a biolubrificante not toxic to apply in machining processes of metalworking industry


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Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Due to their high hardness and wear resistance, Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining cast iron, nickel alloys and hardened steels. However, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. This necessitates a process optimization when machining superalloys with Si3N4 based ceramic cutting tools. The tools are expected to withstand the heat and pressure developed when machining at higher cutting conditions because of their high hardness and melting point. This paper evaluates the performance of α-SiAlON tool in turning Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high cutting conditions, up to 250 m min-1, without coolant. Tool wear, failure modes and temperature were monitored to access the performance of the cutting tool. Test results showed that the performance of α-SiAl0N tool, in terms of tool life, at the cutting conditions investigated is relatively poor due probably to rapid notching and excessive chipping of the cutting edge. These facts are associated with adhesion and diffusion wear rate that tends to weaken the bond strength of the cutting tool.


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There has been a great interest for improving the machining of cast iron materials in the automotive and other industries. Comparative studies for tool used to machine grey cast iron (CI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) on dry machining were also performed in order to find out why in this case the tool lifetime is not significantly higher. However the machining these materials while considering turning with the traditional high-speed steel and carbide cutting tools present any disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that all the traditional machining processes involve the cooling fluid to remove the heat generated on workpiece due to friction during cutting. This paper present a new generation of ceramic cutting tool exhibiting improved properties and important advances in machining CI and CGI. The tool performance was analyzed in function of flank wear, temperature and roughness, while can be observed that main effects were found for tool wear, were abrasion to CI and inter-diffusion of constituting elements between tool and CGI, causing crater. However the difference in tool lifetime can be explained by the formation of a MnS layer on the tool surface in the case of grey CI. This layer is missing in the case of CGI.


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Automotive parts manufacture by machining process using silicon nitride-based ceramic tool development in Brazil already is a reality. Si 3N4-based ceramic cutting tools offer a high productivity due to their excellent hot hardness, which allows high cutting speeds. Under such conditions the cutting tool must be resistant to a combination of mechanical, thermal and chemical attacks. Silicon nitride based ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications. The best opportunities for Si3N 4-based ceramics include ballistic armor, composite automotive brakes, diesel particulate filters, joint replacement products and others. The goal of this work was to show latter advance in silicon nitride manufacture and its recent evolution on machining process of gray cast iron, compacted graphite iron and Ti-6Al-4V. Materials characterization and machining tests were analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Vickers hardness and toughness fracture and technical norm. In recent works the authors has been proved to advance in microstructural, mechanical and physic properties control. These facts prove that silicon nitride-based ceramic has enough resistance to withstand the impacts inherent to the machining of gray cast iron (CI), compacted graphite iron (CGI) and Ti-6Al-4V (6-4). Copyright © 2008 SAE International.