991 resultados para Nitrogen recycling nutrition
Nitrogen fertiliser is a major source of atmospheric N2O and over recent years there is growing evidence for a non-linear, exponential relationship between N fertiliser application rate and N2O emissions. However, there is still high uncertainty around the relationship of N fertiliser rate and N2O emissions for many cropping systems. We conducted year-round measurements of N2O emission and lint yield in four N rate treatments (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg N ha-1) in a cotton-fallow rotation on a black vertosol in Australia. We observed a nonlinear exponential response of N2O emissions to increasing N fertiliser rates with cumulative annual N2O emissions of 0.55 kg N ha-1, 0.67kg N ha-1, 1.07 kg N ha-1 and 1.89 kg N ha-1 for the four respective N fertiliser rates while no N response to yield occurred above 180N. The N fertiliser induced annual N2O EF factors increased from 0.13% to 0.29% and 0.50% for the 90N, 180N and 270N treatments respectively, significantly lower than the IPCC Tier 1 default value (1.0 %). This non-linear response suggests that an exponential N2O emissions model may be more appropriate for use in estimating emission of N2O from soils cultivated to cotton in Australia. It also demonstrates that improved agricultural N management practices can be adopted in cotton to substantially reduce N2O emissions without affecting yield potential.
Suomen maatalousmaihin kertynyttä fosforia hyödynnetään tehottomasti, ja samalla muokkauskerroksen suuri fosforimäärä on alttiina huuhtoutumiselle. Arbuskelimykorritsaa (AM) hyödyntämällä on mahdollista tehostaa viljelykasvin fosforinottoa ja kasvua, ja siten vähentää fosforin huuhtoutumista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää mykorritsan vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforinottoon karjanlantalannoituksella mineraalilannoitukseen verrattuna sekä näiden lannoitusten pitkäaikaisvaikutusta AM-sieniyhteisöihin. Jotta lannoituskäytäntöjen vaikutus mykorritsaan voitiin suhteuttaa muihin maan laatutekijöihin, näiden käytäntöjen vaikutus myös satomääriin sekä muihin maan laatumittareihin arvioitiin. Pitkäaikainen kenttäkoe perustettiin kolmelle paikkakunnalle Pohjois-Ruotsissa vuosina 1965–66. Kuusivuotinen viljelykierto koostui joko viisivuotisesta nurmesta ja ohrasta tai ohramonokulttuurista. Lannoituskäsittelyt 32-vuoden ajan olivat suositusten mukainen (NPK) ja edelliseen nähden kaksinkertainen (2NPK) mineraalilannoitus sekä karjanlantalannoitus (KL), jonka ravinnemäärä vastasi NPK -käsittelyä. Kolmen lannoituskäsittelyn vaikutusta mykorritsan tehokkuuteen kasvin kasvun ja fosforiravitsemuksen näkökulmasta tutkittiin astiakokeissa. Mykorritsasieniyhteisöjen toiminnallisten erojen selvittämiseksi tehtiin takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskoe. (5 v-%) steriloitua maanäytettä NPK- ja KL -käsittelyistä siirrostettiin käsittelemättömiin maanäytteisiin, jotka olivat samoista lannoituskäsittelyistä. Mykorritsan positiivinen vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforiravitsemukseen oli suurin kun käytettiin karjanlantaa. NPK ja 2NPK -käsittelyiden välillä ei havaittu eroja. Takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskokeessa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Nurmi- ja ohrasadot olivat suurimmat kun mineraalilannoitetta annettiin suosituksiin nähden kaksinkertainen määrä. Satomäärät olivat yhtä suuret tai suuremmat kun käytettiin karjanlantaa NPK –lannoituksen sijaan. Karjanlantakäsittely lisäsi maaperän kokonaishiili- ja kokonaistyppipitoisuutta verrattuna NPK -käsittelyyn, joka sisälsi saman määrän ravinteita. Samalla huuhtoutumiselle altis liukoisen fosforin pitoisuus säilyi alhaisella tasolla. Karjanlanta edisti mykorritsan toimintaedellytyksiä, ja siksi mykorritsasta saatua hyötyä fosforinotossa ja kasvuvaikutuksena mineraalilannoitteisiin verrattuna, mutta se ei vaikuttanut mykorritsasieniyhteisön toiminnallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Karjanlantalannoitus paransi mitattuja maan ominaisuuksia kokonaisuudessaan, eikä se vähentänyt satoja.
A 11-week growth trial was conducted in a flow-through system with juvenile gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio to evaluate the effects of gradual replacement of fish meal (FM) by meat and bone meal (MBM) on growth performance, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) loading. Six isonitrogenous (crude protein: 410 g kg(-1)) and isoenergetic (gross energy: 18 kJ g(-1)) diets were formulated. FM was used as the control protein. In the other five diets, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% FM protein was substituted with MBM20, MBM40, MBM60, MBM80, MBM100, respectively. Total P content in the diets ranged from 16.0 to 28.3 g kg(-1) and the available P was 5.0-6.6 g kg(-1). The results showed that the best growth was achieved with fish fed on the control diet and MBM20. Final body weight, weight gain, feed efficiency, protein retention efficiency and energy retention efficiency decreased with increased dietary MBM. No significant differences were found in the feeding rate and hepatosomatic index between the groups. Apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of dry matter, protein and P decreased with increase in dietary MBM, while there were no significant differences in the ADC of energy. P and N retention decreased linearly while P and N loading increased linearly with the increased dietary MBM levels. No significant differences were observed in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, as well as pyruvate kinase in liver or in serum. Total superoxide dismutase activity in MBM20 was significantly higher than that of MBM100.
Roles and distributions of various forms of nitrogen in biogeochemical cycling in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments were investigated. The southern Yellow Sea could be divided into three regions (I, II and III) according to the proportion of fine-grained sediment in > 65%, 35-65% and < 35%, respectively. The ratios of different forms of nitrogen contents between each two of the three regions indicated that the nitrogen contents increased with the proportion of fine-grained sediment increasing. The quanta of exchangeable forms of nitrogen were similar in the three regions, while their releasing time increased from regions I to III, indicating that the cycle of nitrogen in fine-grained sediments was shorter than that in coarse-grained sediments. Nitrogen burial fluxes were also similar in these regions, while the burial efficiency increased from regions I to III. The highest burial efficiency was 30.21% in region III, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments could be released to take part in biogeochemical recycling. When all the four forms of exchangeable nitrogen (nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidant extractable form (SOEF-N)) were released to take part in recycling, their potential contributions were 80% (SOEF-N), 11% (IEF-N), 6% (SAEF-N), 3% (WAEF-N) respectively, which showed that SOEF-N was the predominant one, and its contribution to biogeochemical cycling was the highest. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The area of the southwestern Nansha Trough is one of the most productive areas of the southern South China Sea. It is a typical semi-deep sea area of transition from shoal to abyssal zone. To understand distributions and roles of nitrogen forms involved in biogeochemical cycling in this area, contents of nitrogen in four extractable forms: nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidation extractable form (SOEF-N), as well as in total nitrogen content (TN) in surface sediments were determined from samples collected from the cruise in April-May 1999. The study area was divided into three regions (A, B and C) in terms of clay sediment (< 4 mu m) content at < 40%, 40%-60% and > 60%, respectively. Generally, region C was the richest in the nitrogen of all forms and region A the poorest, indicating that the finer the grain size is, the richer the contents of various nitrogen are. The burial efficiency of total nitrogen in surface sediments was 28.79%, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen had been released and participated in biogeochemical recycling through sediment-water interface.
Two species, Artemisia frigida Willd. (C-3, semishrub, and dominant on overgrazed sites) and Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng (C-4, perennial bunchgrass, and dominant or codominant on moderately grazed sites) were studied to determine the effects of defoliation, nitrogen (N) availability, competition, and their interactions on growth, biomass, and N allocation in a greenhouse experiment. The main treatments were: two nitrogen levels (NO = 0 mg N pot(-1), N1 = 60 mg N pot(-1)), two defoliation intensities (removing 60% of total aboveground biomass and no defoliation), and three competitive replacement series (monocultures of each species and mixtures at 0.5:0.5). Our results were inconsistent with our hypothesis on the adaptive mechanisms of A. frigida regarding the interactive effects of herbivory, N, and competition in determining its dominant position on overgrazed sites. Cleistogenes squarrosa will be replaced by A. frigida on over-grazed sites, although C. squarrosa had higher tolerance to defoliation than did A. frigida. Total biomass and N yield and N-15 recovery of C. squarrosa in mixed culture were consistently lower than in monocultures, whereas those of A. frigida grown in mixtures were consistently higher than in monocultures, suggesting higher competitive ability of A. frigida. Our results suggest that interspecific competitive ability may be of equal or greater importance than herbivory tolerance in determining herbivore-induced species replacement in semi-arid Inner Mongolian steppe. In addition, the dominance of A. frigida on overgrazed sites has been attributed to its ability to shift plant-plant interactions through (lap colonization, root niche differentiation, and higher resistance to water stress.
Many animals in the tropics of Africa, Asia and South America regularly visit so-called salt or mineral licks to consume clay or drink clay-saturated water. Whether this behavior is used to supplement diets with locally limited nutrients or to buffer the effects of toxic secondary plant compounds remains unclear. In the Amazonian rainforest, pregnant and lactating bats are frequently observed and captured at mineral licks. We measured the nitrogen isotope ratio in wing tissue of omnivorous short-tailed fruit bats, Carollia perspicillata, and in an obligate fruit-eating bat, Artibeus obscurus, captured at mineral licks and at control sites in the rainforest. Carollia perspicillata with a plant-dominated diet were more often captured at mineral licks than individuals with an insect-dominated diet, although insects were more mineral depleted than fruits. In contrast, nitrogen isotope ratios of A. obscurus did not differ between individuals captured at mineral lick versus control sites. We conclude that pregnant and lactating fruit-eating bats do not visit mineral licks principally for minerals, but instead to buffer the effects of secondary plant compounds that they ingest in large quantities during periods of high energy demand. These findings have potential implications for the role of mineral licks for mammals in general, including humans.