984 resultados para Night


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Night sharks, Carcharhinus signatus, are an oceanic species generally occurring in outer continental shelf waters in the western North Atlantic Ocean including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Although not targeted, night sharks make up a segment of the shark bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. Historically, night sharks comprised a significant proportion of the artisanal Cuban shark fishery but today they are rarely caught. Although information from some fisheries has shown a decline in catches of night sharks, it is unclear whether this decline is due to changes in fishing tactics, market, or species identification. Despite the uncertainty in the decline, the night shark is currently listed as a species of concern due to alleged declines in abundance resulting from fishing effort, i.e. overutilization. To assess their relevance to the species of concern list, we collated available information on the night shark to provide an analysis of its status. Night shark landings were likely both over- and under-reported and thus probably did not reflect all commercial and recreational catches, and overall they have limited relevance to the current status of the species. Average size information has not changed considerably since the 1980’s based on information from the pelagic longline fishery when corrected for gear bias. Analysis of biological information indicates night sharks have intrinsic rates of increase (r) about 10% yr–1 and have moderate rebound potential and an intermediate generation time compared to other sharks. An analysis of trends in relative abundance from four data sources gave conflicting results, with one series in decline, two series increasing, and one series relatively flat. Based on the analysis of all currently available information, we believe the night shark does not qualify as a species of concern but should be retained on the prohibited species list as a precautionary approach to management until a more comprehensive stock assessment can be conducted.


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Because dolphins sometimes travel with yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), purse seiners use the dolphins to locate and capture tuna schools. During the process of setting the purse seine nets, dolphins often become entangled and drown before they can be released. Data for the U.S. purse seine fleet in the ETP during 1979-88 show that dolphin mortality rates in sets made during the night are higher than mortality rates in sets made during the day. Even with efforts to reduce nightset mortality rates through the use of high intensity floodlights, night set mortality rates remain higher. The data are also used to simulate a regulation on the fishery aimed at eliminating night sets and show that dolphin mortality rates would decrease.


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Age and growth of the night shark (Carcharhinus signatus) from areas off northeastern Brazil were determined from 317 unstained vertebral sections of 182 males (113–215 cm total length [TL]), 132 females (111.5–234.9 cm) and three individuals of unknown sex (169–242 cm). Although marginal increment (MI) analysis suggests that band formation occurs in the third and fourth trimesters in juveniles, it was inconclusive for adults. Thus, it was assumed that one band is formed annually. Births that occur over a protracted period may be the most important source of bias in MI analysis. An estimated average percent error of 2.4% was found in readings for individuals between two and seventeen years. The von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) showed no significant differences between sexes, and the model derived from back-calculated mean length at age best represented growth for the species (L∞=270 cm, K=0.11/yr, t0=–2.71 yr) when compared to the observed mean lengths at age and the Fabens’ method. Length-frequency analysis on 1055 specimens (93–260 cm) was used to verify age determination. Back-calculated size at birth was 66.8 cm and maturity was reached at 180–190 cm (age 8) for males and 200–205 cm (age ten) for females. Age composition, estimated from an age-length key, indicated that juveniles predominate in commercial catches, representing 74.3% of the catch. A growth rate of 25.4 cm/yr was estimated from birth to the first band (i.e. juveniles grow 38% of their birth length during the first year), and a growth rate of 8.55 cm/yr was estimated for eight- to ten-year-old adults.


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The California market squid (Loligo opalescens Berry), also known as the opalescent inshore squid (FAO), plays a central role in the nearshore ecological communities of the west coast of the United States (Morejohn et al., 1978; Hixon, 1983) and it is also a prime focus of California fisheries, ranking first in dollar value and tons landed in recent years (Vojkovich, 1998). The life span of this species is only 7−10 months after hatching, as ascertained by aging statoliths (Butler et al., 1999; Jackson, 1994; Jackson and Domier, 2003) and mariculture trials (Yang, et al., 1986). Thus, annual recruitment is required to sustain the population. The spawning season ranges from April to November and spawning peaks from May to June. In some years there can be a smaller second peak in November. In Monterey Bay, the squids are fished directly on the egg beds, and the consequences of this practice for conservation and fisheries management are unknown but of some concern (Hanlon, 1998). Beginning in April 2000, we began a study of the in situ spawning behavior of L. opalescens in the southern Monterey Bay fishing area.


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We examine the fluid mechanics of night purging in a two-storey naturally ventilated atrium building. We develop a mathematical model of a simplified atrium building and focus on the rate at which warm air purges from each storey and the atrium by displacement ventilation into a still cool night environment of a constant temperature. To develop a first insight into how the geometry of the building influences the rate at which warm air purges from each storey via the atrium we neglect heat exchange with the fabric (so there is no thermal buffering) and furthermore assume that the warm air layers in each storey and the atrium are of uniform temperature. The plumes of warm air that rise from the storeys into the atrium, causing the atrium to fill with warm air, have a very strong influence on the night purge. Modelling these as axisymmetric turbulent plumes, we identify three forms of purging behaviour. Each purge is characterised by five key times identified in the progression of the night purge and physical rationale for these differing behaviours is given. An interface velocity deficit and volumetric purge deficit are introduced as measures of the efficiency of a night purge. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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The characteristic of several night imaging and display technologies on cars are introduced. Compared with the current night vision technologies on cars, Range-gated technology can eliminate backscattered light and increase the SNR of system. The theory of range-gated image technology is described. The plan of range-gated system on cars is designed; the divergence angle of laser can be designed to change automatically, this allows overfilling of the camera field of view to effectively attenuate the laser when necessary. Safety range of the driver is calculated according to the theory analysis. Observation distance of the designed system is about 500m which is satisfied with the need of safety driver range.


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For night remote surveillance, we present a method, the range-gated laser stroboscopic imaging(RGLSI), which uses a new kind of time delay integration mode to integrate target signals so that night remote surveillance can be realized by a low-energy illuminated laser. The time delay integration in this method has no influence on the video frame rate. Compared with the traditional range-gated laser imaging, RGLSI can reduce scintillation and target speckle effects and significantly improve the image signal-to-noise ratio analyzed. Even under low light level and low visibility conditions, the RGLSI system can effectively work. In a preliminary experiment, we have detected and recognized a railway bridge one kilometer away under a visibility of six kilometers, when the effective illuminated energy is 29.5 mu J.


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Magnetic compass orientation in a night-migratory songbird requires that Cluster N, a cluster of forebrain regions, is functional. Cluster N, which receives input from the eyes via the thalamofugal pathway, shows high neuronal activity in night-migrants performing magnetic compass-guided behaviour at night, whereas no activation is observed during the day, and covering up the birds' eyes strongly reduces neuronal activation. These findings suggest that Cluster N processes light-dependent magnetic compass information in night-migrating songbirds. The aim of this study was to test if Cluster N is active during daytime migration. We used behavioural molecular mapping based on ZENK activation to investigate if Cluster N is active in the meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis), a day- and night-migratory species. We found that Cluster N of meadow pipits shows high neuronal activity under dim-light at night, but not under full room-light conditions during the day. These data suggest that, in day- and night-migratory meadow pipits, the light-dependent magnetic compass, which requires an active Cluster N, may only be used during night-time, whereas another magnetosensory mechanism and/or other reference system(s), like the sun or polarized light, may be used as primary orientation cues during the day.