91 resultados para Nifedipine


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Background/Aims: In cerebral arteries, nitric oxide (NO) release plays a key role in suppressing vasomotion. Our aim was to establish the pathways affected by NO in rat middle cerebral arteries. Methods: In isolated segments of artery, isometric tension and simultaneous measurements of either smooth muscle membrane potential or intracellular [Ca 2+ ] ([Ca 2+ ] SMC ) changes were recorded. Results: In the absence of L -NAME, asynchronous propagating Ca 2+ waves were recorded that were sensitive to block with ryanodine, but not nifedipine. L -NAME stimulated pronounced vasomotion and synchronous Ca 2+ oscillations with close temporal coupling between membrane potential, tone and [Ca 2+ ] SMC . If nifedipine was applied together with L -NAME, [Ca 2+ ] SMC decreased and synchronous Ca 2+ oscillations were lost, but asynchronous propagating Ca 2+ waves persisted. Vasomotion was similarly evoked by either iberiotoxin, or by ryanodine, and to a lesser extent by ODQ. Exogenous application of NONOate stimulated endothelium-independent hyperpolarization and relaxation of either L -NAME-induced or spontaneous arterial tone. NO-evoked hyperpolarization involved activation of BK Ca channels via ryanodine receptors (RYRs), with little involvement of sGC. Further, in whole cell mode, NO inhibited current through L-type voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels (VGCC), which was independent of both voltage and sGC. Conclusion: NO exerts sGC-independent actions at RYRs and at VGCC, both of which normally suppress cerebral artery myogenic tone.


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Despite being generally perceived as detrimental to the cardiovascular system, testosterone has marked beneficial vascular effects; most notably it acutely and directly causes vasodilatation. Indeed, men with hypotestosteronaemia can present with myocardial ischemia and angina which can be rapidly alleviated by infusion of testosterone. To date, however, in vitro studies have failed to provide a convincing mechanism to account for this clinically important effect. Here, using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to measure current flow through recombinant human L-type Ca2+ channel alpha(1C) subunits (Ca(v)1.2), we demonstrate that testosterone inhibits such currents in a concentration-dependent manner. Importantly, this occurs over the physiological range of testosterone concentrations (IC50 34 nM), and is not mimicked by the metabolite 5alpha-androstan-17beta-ol-3-one (DHT), nor by progesterone or estradiol, even at high (10 microM) concentration. L-type Ca2+ channels in the vasculature are also important clinical targets for vasodilatory dihydropyridines. A single point mutation (T1007Y) almost completely abolishes nifedipine sensitivity in our recombinant expression system. Crucially, the same mutation renders the channels insensitive to testosterone. Our data strongly suggest, for the first time, the molecular requirements for testosterone binding to L-type Ca2+ channels, thereby supporting its beneficial role as an endogenous Ca2+ channel antagonist in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


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Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), an inducible enzyme up-regulated in Alzheimer‟s disease (AD), catabolises heme to biliverdin, Fe2+ and carbon monoxide (CO). CO can protect neurones from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis by inhibiting Kv2.1 channels, which mediate cellular K+ efflux as an early step in the apoptotic cascade. Since apoptosis contributes to the neuronal loss associated with amyloid β peptide (Aβ) toxicity in AD, we investigated the protective effects of HO-1 and CO against Aβ1-42 toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells, employing cells stably transfected with empty vector or expressing the cellular prion protein, PrPc, and rat primary hippocampal neurons. Aβ1-42 (containing protofibrils) caused a concentrationdependent decrease in cell viability, attributable at least in part to induction of apoptosis, with the PrPc expressing cells showing greater susceptibility to Aβ1-42 toxicity. Pharmacological induction or genetic over-expression of HO-1 significantly ameliorated the effects of Aβ1-42. The CO-donor CORM-2 protected cells against Aβ1-42 toxicity in a concentration-dependent manner. Electrophysiological studies revealed no differences in the outward current pre- and post-Aβ1-42 treatment suggesting that K+ channel activity is unaffected in these cells. Instead, Aβ toxicity was reduced by the L-type Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine, and by the CaMKKII inhibitor, STO-609. Aβ also activated the downstream kinase, AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK). CO prevented this activation of AMPK. Our findings indicate that HO-1 protects against Aβ toxicity via production of CO. Protection does not arise from inhibition of apoptosis-associated K+ efflux, but rather by inhibition of AMPK activation, which has been recently implicated in the toxic effects of Aβ. These data provide a novel, beneficial effect of CO which adds to its growing potential as a therapeutic agent.


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Gills are the first site of impact by metal ions in contaminated waters. Work on whole gill cells and metal uptake has not been reported before in crustaceans. In this study, gill filaments of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, were dissociated in physiological saline and separated into several cell types on a 30, 40, 50, and 80% sucrose gradient. Cells from each sucrose solution were separately resuspended in physiological saline and incubated in (65)Zn(2+) in order to assess the nature of metal uptake by each cell type. Characteristics of zinc accumulation by each kind of cell were investigated in the presence and absence of 10 mM calcium, variable NaCl concentrations and pH values, and 100 mu M verapamil, nifedipine, and the calcium ionophore A23187. (65)Zn(2+) influxes were hyperbolic functions of zinc concentration (1-1,000 mu M) and followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Calcium reduced both apparent zinc binding affinity (K (m)) and maximal transport velocity (J (max)) for 30% sucrose cells, but doubled the apparent maximal transport velocity for 80% sucrose cells. Results suggest that calcium, sodium, and protons enter gill epithelial cells by an endogenous broad-specificity cation channel and trans-stimulate metal uptake by a plasma membrane carrier system. Differences in zinc transport observed between gill epithelial cell types appear related to apparent affinity differences of the transporters in each kind of cell. Low affinity cells from 30% sucrose were inhibited by calcium, while high affinity cells from 80% sucrose were stimulated. (65)Zn(2+) transport was also studied by isolated, intact, gill filament tips. These intact gill fragments generally displayed the same transport properties as did cells from 80% sucrose and provided support for metal uptake processes being an apical phenomenon. A working model for zinc transport by lobster gill cells is presented.


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Calcium is an important second messenger in the rat pineal gland, as well as cAMP. They both contribute to melatonin synthesis mediated by the three main enzymes of the melatonin synthesis pathway: tryptophan hydroxylase, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase. The cytosolic calcium is elevated in pinealocytes following alpha(1)-adrenergic stimulation, through IP3-and membrane calcium channels activation. Nifedipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker, reduces melatonin synthesis in rat pineal glands in vitro. With the purpose of investigating the mechanisms involved in melatonin synthesis regulation by the L-type calcium channel, we studied the effects of nifedipine on noradrenergic stimulated cultured rat pineal glands. Tryptophan hydroxylase, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities were quantified by radiometric assays and 5-hydroxytryptophan, serotonin, N-acetylserotonin and melatonin contents were quantified by HPLC with electrochemical detection. The data showed that calcium influx blockaded by nifedipine caused a decrease in tryptophan hydroxylase activity, but did not change either arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase or hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities. Moreover, there was a reduction of 5-hydroxytryptophan, serotonin, N-acetylserotonin and melatonin intracellular content, as well as a reduction of scrotonin and melatonin secretion. Thus, it seems that the calcium influx through L-type high voltage-activated calcium channels is essential for the full activation of tryptophan hydroxylase leading to melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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RNA interference (RNAi) is a specific and powerful tool used to manipulate gene expression and study gene function. The cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) can metabolize more than 50% of drugs. In the present study, we investigated whether vector-expressed small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) altered the CYP3A4 expression and function using the Chinese hamster cell line (V79) overexpressing CYP3A4 (CHL-3A4). Three different siRNA oligonucleotides (3A4I, 3A4II, and 3A4III) were designed and tested for their ability to interfere with CYP3A4 gene expression. Our study demonstrated that transient transfection of CHL-3A4 cells with the 3A4III siRNAs, but not 3A4I and II, significantly reduced CYP3A4 mRNA levels by 65% and protein expression levels by 75%. All these siRNAs did not affect the expression of CYP3A5 at both mRNA and protein levels in V79 cells overexpressing CYP3A5. Transfection of CHL-3A4 cells with 3A4III siRNAs significantly diminished the cytotoxicity of two CYP3A4 substrate drugs, cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide, in CHL-3A4 cells, with the IC50 increased from 55 to 210 µM to >1000 µM. Nifedipine at 5.78, 14.44, and 28.88 µM was significantly (P < 0.01) depleted by approximately 100, 40, and 22%, respectively, in S9 fractions from CHL-3A4 cells compared with parental CHL-pIC19h cells. In addition, transfection of the CHL-3A4 cells with vectors expressing the 3A4III siRNAs almost completely inhibited CYP3A4-mediated nifedipine metabolism. This study demonstrated, for the first time, the specific suppression of CYP3A4 expression and function using vector-based RNAi technique. The use of RNAi is a promising tool for the study of cytochrome P450 family function.


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We have developed hematopoietic cells resistant to the cytotoxic effects of oxysterols. Oxysterol-resistant HL60 cells were generated by continuous exposure to three different oxysterols—25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC), 7-beta-hydroxycholesterol (7β-OHC) and 7-keto-cholesterol (7κ-C). We investigated the effects of 25-OHC, 7β-OHC, 7κ-C and the apoptotic agent staurosporine on these cells. The effect of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine on oxysterol cytotoxicity was also investigated. Differential display and real-time PCR were used to quantitate gene expression of oxysterol-sensitive and -resistant cells. Our results demonstrate that resistance to the cytotoxic effects of oxysterols is relatively specific to the type of oxysterol, and that the cytotoxicity of 25-OHC but not that of 7β-OHC and 7κ-C, appears to occur by a calcium dependent mechanism. Oxysterol-resistant cells demonstrated no significant difference in the expression of several genes previously implicated in oxysterol resistance, but expressed the bcl-2 gene at significantly lower levels than those observed in control cells. We identified three novel genes differentially expressed in resistant cells when compared to HL60 control cells. Taken together, the results of this study reveal potentially novel mechanisms of oxysterol cytotoxicity and resistance, and indicate that cytotoxicity of 25-OHC, 7β-OHC and 7κ-C occur by independent, yet overlapping mechanisms.


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Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Gingival overgrowth (GO) may be related to the frequent use of certain medications, such as cyclosporin, phenytoin (PHT), and nifedipine, and is therefore denominated drug-induced GO. This article reports a case of a patient who with chronic periodontitis made use of PHT and presented generalized GO. A 30-year-old man with GO was referred to the clinic of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil. The complaint was poor aesthetics because of the GO. The patient had a medical history of a controlled epileptic state, and PHT was administered as an anticonvulsant medication. The clinical examination showed generalized edematous gingival tissues and presence of bacterial plaque and calculus on the surfaces of the teeth. The diagnosis was GO associated with PHT because no other risk factors were identified. Treatment consisted of meticulous oral hygiene instruction, scaling, root surface instrumentation, prophylaxis, and daily chlorhexidine mouth rinses. After this stage, periodontal surgery was performed, and histopathologic evaluation was made. The patient has been under control for 3 years after the periodontal surgery, and up to the present time, there has been no recurrence. It can be concluded that PHT associated with the presence of irritants favored gingival growth and that the association of nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapies was effective in the treatment of GO. Besides, motivating the patient to maintain oral hygiene is a prerequisite for the maintenance of periodontal health.


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Calcium ions are widely accepted as critically important in responses of neurons to a stimulus. We have show previously the central involvement of angiotensin II (ANGII) in water intake. This study determined whether voltage-dependent calcium channels are involved in ANGII-induced behavioral drinking implicating nitrergic mechanism. The antidipsogenic actions of L-type calcium channel antagonists nifedipine, on ANGII-induced drinking behavior were studied when it is injected into the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO). The influence of nitric oxide (NO) on nifedipine antidipsogenic action was also studied by utilizing the N-W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) a constitutive nitric oxide synthase inhibitor constitutive (cNOSI) and 7-nitroindazol (7-NIT) a specific neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (nNOSI) and L-arginine a NO donor. Rats 200-250 g, with cannulae implanted into MnPO, pre-treated into MnPO with either nifedipine, followed by ANGII, drank significantly less water than controls during the first 15 min after injection. However, L-NAME potentiated the dipsogenic effect of ANGII that is blocked by prior injection of nifedipine and L-arginine. 7-NIT injected prior to ANGII into MnPO also potentiated the dipsogenic effect of ANGII but with a less intensity than L-NAME that it is also blocked by prior injection of nifedipine. The results described in this paper provide evidence that calcium channels play important roles in the ANGII-induced behavioral water intake. The structures containing NO in the brain such as MnPO include both endothelial cells and neurons might be responsible for the influence of nifedipine on dipsogenic effect of ANGII. These data shows the correlation between L-type calcium channel and a free radical gas NO produced endogenously from amino acids L-arginine by endothelial and neuronal NO synthase in the control of ANGII-dipsogenic effect. This suggests that an L-type calcium channel participates in both short- and longer-term neuronal actions of ANGII by nitrergic way. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We study the voltage dependent calcium channels and nitric oxide involvement in angiotensin II-induced pressor effect. The antipressor action of L-Type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine, has been studied when it was injected into the third ventricle prior to angiotensin II. The influence of nitric oxide on nifedipine antipressor action has also been studied by utilizing N(W)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (LNAME) (40 mu g/0.2 mu l) a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and L-arginine ( 20 mu g/0.2 mu l), a nitric oxide donor agent. Adult male Holtzman rats weighting 200-250 g, with cannulae implanted into the third ventricle were injected with angiotensin II. Angiotensin II produced an elevation in mean arterial pressure and a decreased in heart rate. Such effects were potentiated by the prior injection of LNAME. L-arginine and nifedipine blocked the effects of angiotensin II. These data showed the involvement of L-Type calcium channel and a free radical gas nitric oxide in the central control of angiotensin II-induced pressor effect. This suggested that L-Type calcium channel of the circunventricular structures of central nervous system participated in both short and long term neuronal actions of ANG II with the influence of nitrergic system.


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Introduction. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions. Current pharmacological treatments involve reduction in penile sensitivity by local anesthetics or increase of ejaculatory threshold by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. a1-Adrenoceptors (a1-ARs) and L-type calcium channels are expressed in the smooth muscles of the male reproductive tract, and their activations play an important role in the physiological events involved in the seminal emission phase of ejaculation.Aim. To evaluate if the inhibition of the contractility of the vas deferens and seminal vesicle by alpha(1)-AR antagonism or the L-type calcium channel blockade can delay ejaculation.Methods. The effects of the alpha(1)-AR antagonist tamsulosin and of the L-type calcium channel blockers, nifedipine and (S)-(+)-niguldipine, on contractions induced by norepinephrine in the rat vas deferens and seminal vesicles in vitro and on the ejaculation latency of male rats in behavioral mating tests were evaluated.Main Outcome Measure. Tension development of vas deferens and seminal vesicles in response to norepinephrine in vitro and behavioral mating parameters were quantified.Results. Tension development of vas deferens and seminal vesicle to alpha(1)-AR activation was significantly inhibited by tamsulosin, nifedipine, and (S)-(+)-niguldipine. Tamsulosin displayed insurmountable antagonism of contractions induced by norepinephrine in the rat vas deferens and seminal vesicle. Ejaculation latency of male rats was not modified by tamsulosin, nifedipine, or (S)-(+)-niguldipine; however, both the number and weight of the seminal plugs recovered from female rats mated with male rats treated with tamsulosin were significantly reduced.Conclusion. Seminal emission impairment by inhibition of vas deferens or seminal vesicle contractility by L-type calcium channel blockade or alpha(1)-AR antagonism is not able to delay the ejaculation. de Almeida Kiguti LR and Pupo AS. Investigation of the effects of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonism and L-type calcium channel blockade on ejaculation and vas deferens and seminal vesicle contractility in vitro. J Sex Med 2012; 9: 159-168.