806 resultados para Neuropsychological Assessment, Response Bias Scale, Minnesota phasic Personality Inventory-2, MMPI-2, Negative Response Bias, Feigned Cognitive Impairment


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Estudiar la personalidad. 296 sujetos de Gijón, 191 son universitarios masculinos y 105 alumnas de sexto de bachillerato femenino. Expone unos presupuestos generales sobre la personalidad, analiza las teorías acerca de la misma, estudia científicamente la personalidad a través de la teoría de R.B. Cattell y de su cuestionario (HSPQ), y explica en qué consiste el Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Después realiza un trabajo experimental sobre la personalidad aplicando las pruebas citadas a estudiantes de Gijón. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) y Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). La aplicación del HSPQ permite, por la asociación con las escalas de MMPI, comprobar de alguna manera las posibilidades clínicas de descripción de los factores de Cattell. 1) La histeria se da más en la muestra femenina, mientras que la psicastenia abunda en mayor medida en la masculina. 2) En la inteligencia, hay mayor dispersión entre los hombres, y hay mayor concentración sobre una media superior en las mujeres. 3) La estabilidad emocional favorece a las mujeres, mientras que la tensión aprensiva y la autosuficiencia destacan en los hombres. 1) El análisis factorial que se ha realizado sobre las variables de Cattell ha confirmado la línea de factores y de agrupaciones factoriales en notas de personalidad tal como las recoge, esencialmente, el manual. 2) Se ve confirmada la orientación bipolar de los factores HSPQ con las correlaciones positivas o negativas con el MMPI, al mismo tiempo que se destacan las orientaciones positivas o negativas, respecto de la personalidad, de las puntuaciones altas obtenidas en los diversos factores.


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Four new triphenyltin(IV) complexes of composition Ph3SnLH (where LH = 2-/4-[(E)-2-(aryl)-1-diazenyl]benzoate) (1–4) were synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic (1H, 13C and 119Sn NMR, IR, 119Sn Mössbauer) techniques in combination with elemental analysis. The 119Sn NMR spectroscopic data indicate a tetrahedral coordination geometry in non-coordinating solvents. The crystal structures of three complexes, Ph3SnL1H (1), Ph3SnL3H (3), Ph3SnL4H (4), were determined. All display an essentially tetrahedral geometry with angles ranging from 93.50(8) to 124.5(2)°; 119Sn Mössbauer spectral data support this assignment. The cytotoxicity studies were performed with complexes 1–4, along with a previously reported complex (5) in vitro across a panel of human tumor cell lines viz., A498, EVSA-T, H226, IGROV, M19 MEL, MCF-7 and WIDR. The screening results were compared with the results from other related triphenyltin(IV) complexes (6–7) and tributyltin(IV) complexes (8–11) having 2-/4-[(E)-2-(aryl)-1-diazenyl]benzoates framework. In general, the complexes exhibit stronger cytotoxic activity. The results obtained for 1–3 are also comparable to those of its o-analogs i.e. 4–7, except 5, but the advantage is the former set of complexes demonstrated two folds more cytotoxic activity for the cell line MCF-7 with ID50 values in the range 41–53 ng/ml. Undoubtedly, the cytotoxic results of complexes 1–3 are far superior to CDDP, 5-FU and ETO, and related tributyltin(IV) complexes 8–11. The quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies for the cytotoxicity of triphenyltin(IV) complexes 1–7 and tributyltin(IV) complexes 8–11 is also discussed against a panel of human tumor cell lines.


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The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the instruments used in the screening process, with particular attention given to supporting research validation. Psychological screening is a well-established process used in the selection of employees across public safety industries, particularly in police settings. Screening in and screening out are both possible, with screening out being the most commonly used method. Little attention, however, has been given to evaluating the comparative validities of the instruments used.

This review investigates literature supporting the use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the California Personality Inventory (CPI), the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI), the Australian Institute of Forensic Psychology's test battery (AIFP), and some other less researched tests. Research supporting the validity of each test is discussed.

It was found that no test possesses unequivocal research support, although the CPI and AIFP tests show promise. Most formal research into the validity of the instruments lacks appropriate experimental structure and is therefore less powerful as “evidence” of the utility of the instrument(s).

Practical implications
This research raises the notion that many current screening practices are likely to be adding minimal value to the selection process by way of using instruments that are not “cut out” for the job. This has implications for policy and practice at the recruitment stage of police employment.

This research provides a critical overview of the instruments and their validity studies rather than examining the general process of psychological screening. As such, it is useful to those working in selection who are facing the choice of psychological instrument. Possibilities for future research are presented, and development opportunities for a best practice instrument are discussed.


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Objectives: The aim was to examine interrater reliability of the object control subtest from the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 by live observation in a school field setting. Design:: Reliability Study - cross sectional. Methods: Raters were rated on their ability to agree on (1) the raw total for the six object control skills; (2) each skill performance and (3) the skill components. Agreement for the object control subtest and the individual skills was assessed by an intraclass correlation (ICC) and a kappa statistic assessed for skill component agreement. Results: A total of 37 children (65% girls) aged 4-8 years (M= 6.2, SD=0.8) were assessed in six skills by two raters; equating to 222 skill tests. Interrater reliability was excellent for the object control subset (ICC= 0.93), and for individual skills, highest for the dribble (ICC= 0.94) followed by strike (ICC= 0.85), overhand throw (ICC= 0.84), underhand roll (ICC= 0.82), kick (ICC= 0.80) and the catch (ICC= 0.71). The strike and the throw had more components with less agreement. Conclusions: Even though the overall subtest score and individual skill agreement was good, some skill components had lower agreement, suggesting these may be more problematic to assess. This may mean some skill components need to be specified differently in order to improve component reliability.


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O propósito dos trabalhos experimentais expostos na presente dissertação foi o de estudar a versão brasileira do Maudaley Personality Inventory. de Eysench. no que diz respeito à sua dimensão bipolar introversão-extroversão. A adaptação brasileira (devida à Professora Riva Bauzer) foi aplicada por duas vezes a 70 estudantes, de quatro turmas do Colégio Batista Shepard, que são nossos alunos de psicologia. Paralelamente a esta aplicação, foi aplicado por duas vezes sucessivas, aos mesmos alunos, um questionário por nós organizado. Nele era pedida a cada um uma avaliação subjetiva do grau de introversão-extroversão dos respectivos colegas de classe. Desse modo tivemos a possibilidade de avaliar: a) o coeficiente de precisão do questionário; b) o coeficiente de precisão do Maudeley Personality Inventory; c) o coeficiente de validade do Maudaley Persona lity Inventory, tomando o questionário como critério de validação. Entretanto, nao terminaram ai nossos trabalhos. Por meio do coeficiente de correlação bisserial, foi estimado o poder discriminante de cada uma das questões do Maudsley Personality Inventory, assim como seu grau de "popularidade". Esta é uma denominação por nós atribuida à porcentagem de sujeitos que assinalaram a questão no sentido de extroversão. Estes elementos abrem caminho para a realização de pesquisas ulteriores com a finalidade de aperfeiçoar a versão brasileira do Maudsley Personality Inventory.


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Pneumococcal meningitis is a life-threatening disease characterized by an acute infection affecting the pia matter, arachnoid and subarachnoid space. The intense inflammatory response is associated with a significant mortality rate and neurologic sequelae, such as, seizures, sensory-motor deficits and impairment of learning and memory. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute and extended administration of cannabidiol on pro-inflammatory cytokines and behavioral parameters in adult Wistar rats submitted to pneumococcal meningitis. Male Wistar rats underwent a cisterna magna tap and received either 10 mu l of sterile saline as a placebo or an equivalent volume of S. pneumoniae suspension. Rats subjected to meningitis were treated by intraperitoneal injection with cannabidiol (2.5, 5, or 10 mg/kg once or daily for 9 days after meningitis induction) or a placebo. Six hours after meningitis induction, the rats that received one dose were killed and the hippocampus and frontal cortex were obtained to assess cytokines/chemokine and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels. On the 10th day, the rats were submitted to the inhibitory avoidance task. After the task, the animals were killed and samples from the hippocampus and frontal cortex were obtained. The extended administration of cannabidiol at different doses reduced the TNF-alpha level in frontal cortex. Prolonged treatment with canabidiol, 10 mg/kg, prevented memory impairment in rats with pneumococcal meningitis. Although descriptive, our results demonstrate that cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory effects in pneumococcal meningitis and prevents cognitive sequel. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Mature carotid plaques are complex structures, and their histological classification is challenging. The carotid plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic patients could exhibit identical histological components. Objectives To investigate whether matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) have different expression levels in advanced symptomatic carotid plaques, asymptomatic carotid plaques, and normal tissue. Methods Thirty patients admitted for carotid endarterectomy were selected. Each patient was assigned preoperatively to one of two groups: group I consisted of symptomatic patients (n = 16, 12 males, mean age 66.7 ± 6.8 years), and group II consisted of asymptomatic patients (n = 14, 8 males, mean age 67.6 ± 6.81 years). Nine normal carotid arteries were used as control. Tissue specimens were analyzed for fibromuscular, lipid and calcium contents. The expressions of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and COX-2 in each plaque were quantified. Results Fifty-eight percent of all carotid plaques were classified as Type VI according to the American Heart Association Committee on Vascular Lesions. The control carotid arteries all were classified as Type III. The median percentage of fibromuscular tissue was significantly greater in group II compared to group I (p < 0.05). The median percentage of lipid tissue had a tendency to be greater in group I than in group II (p = 0.057). The percentages of calcification were similar among the two groups. MMP-9 protein expression levels were significantly higher in group II and in the control group when compared with group I (p < 0.001). TIMP-1 expression levels were significantly higher in the control group and in group II when compared to group I, with statistical difference between control group and group I (p = 0.010). COX-2 expression levels did not differ among groups. There was no statistical correlation between MMP-9, COX-2, and TIMP-1 levels and fibrous tissue. Conclusions MMP-9 and TIMP-1 are present in all stages of atherosclerotic plaque progression, from normal tissue to advanced lesions. When sections of a plaque are analyzed without preselection, MMP-9 concentration is higher in normal tissues and asymptomatic surgical specimens than in symptomatic specimens, and TIMP-1 concentration is higher in normal tissue than in symptomatic specimens.


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Two recombinant Fasciola hepatica antigens, saposin-like protein-2 (recSAP2) and cathepsin L-1 (recCL1), were assessed individually and in combination in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the specific serodiagnosis of human fasciolosis in areas of low endemicity as encountered in Central Europe. Antibody detection was conducted using ProteinA/ProteinG (PAG) conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. Test characteristics as well as agreement with results from an ELISA using excretory-secretory products (FhES) from adult stage liver flukes was assessed by receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis, specificity, sensitivity, Youdens J and overall accuracy. Cross-reactivity was assessed using three different groups of serum samples from healthy individuals (n=20), patients with other parasitic infections (n=87) and patients with malignancies (n=121). The best combined diagnostic results for recombinant antigens were obtained using the recSAP2-ELISA (87% sensitivity, 99% specificity and 97% overall accuracy) employing the threshold (cut-off) to discriminate between positive and negative reactions that maximized Youdens J. The findings showed that recSAP2-ELISA can be used for the routine serodiagnosis of chronic fasciolosis in clinical laboratories; the use of the PAG-conjugate offers the opportunity to employ, for example, rabbit hyperimmune serum for the standardization of positive controls.


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Esta investigação objetiva rastrear cognitivamente as pessoas idosas que se encontram sob resposta social, Centro de Dia e Lar de Idosos, no concelho de Miranda do Corvo e utiliza como instrumentos de rastreio o Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) e o Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Concomitantemente esta investigação propõe-se relacionar três itens do domínio da linguagem, propostos por nós, com as habilitações. A população que frequenta as instituições investigadas, 224 pessoas com idades 65 anos, apresenta as seguintes características sociodemográficas: 179 mulheres (79,9%), média de idades de 83,76 anos ( = ±7,29) sendo que 93 (41,5%) não possuem qualquer grau de escolaridade. A avaliação efetuada, durante o período de 19 de Dezembro de 2011 a 7 de Maio de 2012, evidencia que as pessoas que frequentam/residem estas/nestas respostas sociais apresentam elevados níveis de défice cognitivo quando comparadas com a população inquirida no “Estudo do Perfil do Envelhecimento da População Portuguesa” (2010). A diferença mostrou ser estatisticamente significativa independentemente de se utilizarem as referências para cortes etários de 65, de 65-74 ou de 75 anos de idade. Segundo os resultados obtidos através da administração do MMSE verificamos que dos 144 inquiridos 55 (38,2%) têm défice cognitivo. Se acrescentarmos a estes inquiridos os restantes utentes/clientes com diagnóstico de demência reportado nos processos individuais e confirmado através de sintomatologia tanto por nós como pela equipa técnica dos equipamentos esta percentagem sobe para 135 pessoas, ou seja, 135 (60,3%) das pessoas nestas respostas sociais. Na avaliação efetuada através do MoCA verificamos que 140 (97,2%) dos idosos têm défice cognitivo. Se acrescentarmos a estes inquiridos os restantes utentes/clientes com diagnóstico de demência esta percentagem sobe para 220 pessoas, ou seja, 98,2% das pessoas nestas respostas sociais. Os resultados obtidos, independentemente da magnitude da diferença avaliativa nos dois instrumentos utilizados, facto que consideramos não ser alheio às características sociodemográficas da coorte geracional que frequenta este tipo de respostas, atestam a prevalência do défice cognitivo nas instituições que acolhem pessoas idosas. Assim, propomos que as respostas sociais implementem programas de estimulação cognitiva para a conservação e melhoria das capacidades cognitivas dos idosos. / This investigation aims to track cognitively older people who are under social response, Day Centre and Home for the Aged, in the municipality of Miranda do Corvo and used as screening tools for the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Concomitantly this research proposes three items relate domain language, proposed by us, with qualifications. The people who attend the institutions surveyed, 224 people aged ≥ 65 years, presents the following sociodemographic characteristics: 179 women (79.9%), mean age of 83.76 years (σ = ± 7.29) being 93 (41.5%) do not have any schooling. The assessment carried out during the period from 19 December 2011 to May 7 2012, shows that people who attend / they reside / these social responses show high levels of cognitive impairment when compared with the population surveyed in the "Study Profile Aging of the Population Portuguese "(2010). The difference proved to be statistically significant regardless of whether the reference to use of cuts age ≥ 65, ≥ 75 or 65-74 years old. According to the results obtained by administering the MMSE found that 55 of the 144 respondents (38.2%) had cognitive impairment. If we add to these the remaining respondents users / clients with dementia reported in individual cases and confirmed by symptoms both by us and by the technical team of equipment that percentage goes up to 135 persons, ie, 135 (60.3%) of people in these social responses. In the evaluation conducted by MoCA found that 140 (97.2%) of the elderly have cognitive impairment. If we add to these the remaining respondents users / clients diagnosed with dementia this percentage rises to 220 people, or 98.2% of the people in these social responses. The results, regardless of the magnitude of the difference in the two evaluative instruments used, that we consider not to be oblivious to the sociodemographic characteristics of the generational cohort that attends this type of answers, attest to the prevalence of cognitive impairment in institutions for elderly people. Thus, we propose that the answers implement social cognitive stimulation programs for the conservation and improvement of cognitive abilities of the elderly.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique