989 resultados para Neurones motores


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El sistema implementado utiliza las redes sociales para proteger la privacidad de los usuarios e impedir que los motores de búsqueda de Internet (WSE) elaboren un perfil de usuario. Sin embargo, los WSE serán capaces de elaborar un perfil distorsionado pero útil hasta un cierto nivel para poder proveer un servicio apropiado al usuario.


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Dopamine-induced changes in striatal gene expression are thought to play an important role in drug addiction and compulsive behaviour. In this study we report that dopamine induces the expression of the transcription factor CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein beta (C/EBP)-beta in primary cultures of striatal neurones. We identified the preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A) gene coding for substance P and neurokinin-A as a potential target gene of C/EBPbeta. We demonstrated that C/EBPbeta physically interacts with an element of the PPT-A promoter, thereby facilitating substance P precursor gene transcription. The regulation of PPT-A gene by C/EBPbeta could subserve many important physiological processes involving substance P, such as nociception, neurogenic inflammation and addiction. Given that substance P is known to increase dopamine signalling in the striatum and, in turn, dopamine increases substance P expression in medium spiny neurones, our results implicate C/EBPbeta in a positive feedback loop, changes of which might contribute to the development of drug addiction.


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Se analiza una preocupación expresada tanto de forma implícita como explícita en diversos ámbitos, según la cual los motores de búsqueda en general y Google en particular, podrían estar utilizando algún sistema para ocultar determinados contenidos culturales o bien para destacar aquellos que proceden del ámbito anglosajón en detrimento de los de otras culturas y lenguas. Dicho de otro modo, se considera, en una primera aproximación de modo exclusivamente conceptual, la idea de si el uso intensivo de los motores de búsqueda, tan característico de nuestro tiempo, resulta una amenaza para la diversidad cultural. Para ello, en primer lugar y con el fin de contextualizar este trabajo, se lleva a cabo una presentación de dos polémicas previas sobre el dilema proteccionismo o libre flujo de los productos culturales y a continuación se analizan las características más relevantes de los motores de búsqueda (centrándonos en Google en particular) con el fin de valorar si éstos constituyen una amenaza creíble a la diversidad cultural e idiomática de la Web.


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Using reaggregating rat brain cell cultures at two different stages of differentiation, we examined the biochemical effects of a 10-day treatment with nanomolar concentrations of methylmercuric chloride (monomethylmercury), in the presence or absence of promoters of hydroxyl radical formation (10 microM copper sulphate plus 100 microM ascorbate). A decrease in total protein content accounted for the general cytotoxicity of these compounds, whereas selective effects were assessed by determining the activities of cell type-specific enzymes. Methylmercury, up to 100 nM, as well as the copper ascorbate mixture, when applied separately, induced no general cytotoxicity, and only slight effects on neuronal parameters. However, when applying 100 nM methylmercury and the copper-ascorbate mixture together, a drastic decrease in neuronal and glial parameters was found. Under these conditions, the content of reactive oxygen species, assessed by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin oxidation, increased greatly, while the activities of antioxidant enzymes decreased. In the presence of copper and ascorbate, differentiated cultures appeared more resistant than immature ones to low methylmercury concentrations (1-10 mM), but did undergo similar changes in both cell type-specific and antioxidant enzyme activities at 100 nM methylmercury. These results suggest that in prooxidant conditions low doses of mercury can become much more deleterious for the central nervous system.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: APETx2, a toxin from the sea anemone Anthropleura elegantissima, inhibits acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3)-containing homo- and heterotrimeric channels with IC(50) values < 100 nM and 0.1-2 µM respectively. ASIC3 channels mediate acute acid-induced and inflammatory pain response and APETx2 has been used as a selective pharmacological tool in animal studies. Toxins from sea anemones also modulate voltage-gated Na(+) channel (Na(v) ) function. Here we tested the effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function in sensory neurones.¦EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function were studied in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones by whole-cell patch clamp.¦KEY RESULTS: APETx2 inhibited the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant Na(v) 1.8 currents of DRG neurones (IC(50) , 2.6 µM). TTX-sensitive currents were less inhibited. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents was due to a rightward shift in the voltage dependence of activation and a reduction of the maximal macroscopic conductance. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents by APETx2 was confirmed with cloned channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In current-clamp experiments in DRG neurones, the number of action potentials induced by injection of a current ramp was reduced by APETx2.¦CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: APETx2 inhibited Na(v) 1.8 channels, in addition to ASIC3 channels, at concentrations used in in vivo studies. The limited specificity of this toxin should be taken into account when using APETx2 as a pharmacological tool. Its dual action will be an advantage for the use of APETx2 or its derivatives as analgesic drugs.


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El cervell humà és un engranatge complex que consumeix la major part de l'energia del nostre cos


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The topographical distribution of sciatic and femoral nerve sensory neuronal somata in the L4 dorsal root ganglion of the adult rat was mapped after retrograde tracing with one or two of the dyes Fast Blue, Fluoro-Gold, or Diamidino Yellow. The tracers were applied to the proximal transected end of either nerve alone, or from both nerves in the same animal using separate tracers. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the distribution of labelled neurones were made from serial sections of the L4 dorsal root ganglion which is the only ganglion that these two nerves share. The results showed that with little overlap, femoral nerve neurones distribute dorsally and rostrally whereas sciatic nerve neurones distribute medially and ventrally. This finding indicates the existence of a somatotopical organisation for the representation of different peripheral nerves in dorsal root ganglia of adult animals.


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és avaluar l’eficàcia de la teràpia d’imitació, basada en l’activació de les neurones mirall, per augmentar la funcionalitat de l’extremitat superior parètica i millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients que presenten un accident cerebrovascular a través d’un assaig clínic controlat aleatoritzat. Es crea un grup experimental ( teràpia imitació més teràpia fisioteràpia convencional) i un grup control ( teràpia fisioteràpia convencional) que duran a terme un tractament de 13 setmanes. Per a comprovar els resultats es realitzaran sis avaluacions ( primer dia, sis setmanes, tretze setmanes, sis mesos i al cap d’un any) a través de les següents escales: Medical Research Council (MRC) per la força, Action Research Arm test (ARAT) per la motricitat de la mà, l’índex de Barthel per al grau d’independència de les activitats bàsiques de la vida diària, l’índex de Lawton i Brody pel grau d’independència de les activitats instrumentals de la vida diària i el SF-36 per la qualitat de vida.


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This work proposed a procedure to examine ashes produced in burning lubricating oils used in public transportation, in Teresina PI. Sulphanilic acid was added to the oil samples, which were burned at 550 °C for three hours and 650 °C for two hours. The ash solutions were analyzed by FAAS and there were significant differences in the metal contents of the waste oil produced from normal car service. The quantification limits in μg g-1 were 5.9 (Fe), 4.4 (Pb), 1.7 (Ni), 2.1 (Cu), and 1.2 (Zn). The results showed positive accuracy and precision with recoveries between 88 and 108%, and RSD lower than 10%.


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O dimensionamento de motores com potência acima da necessária acarreta maior custo inicial, menor rendimento e menor fator de potência. Desde 1996, que se fabricam no Brasil motores elétricos com fator de serviço maior do que a unidade, obedecendo a valores prescritos em norma. O fator de serviço informa a potência disponível do motor em regime contínuo para as condições de carga nominal. A literatura técnica de dimensionamento de motores para acionamento de bombas hidráulicas indica a necessidade da adoção de acréscimos na potência dos motores. Tanto o fator de serviço, quanto o acréscimo na potência constituem fatores de segurança para o dimensionamento. Estes fatores de segurança têm a função de suprir maior demanda de potência devido a variações nas condições de trabalho, como curvas características da bomba ou do motor, e a qualidade de energia, como oscilação e desequilíbrio do sinal de tensão. Conclui-se que não seja utilizado acréscimo na potência no dimensionamento de motores com fator de serviço maior do que a unidade para acionamento de bomba hidráulica, tendo em vista que o superdimensionamento pode acarretar redução de rendimento do sistema e maior custo inicial. O dimensionamento que considera, simultaneamente, os dois fatores de segurança, implica superdimensionamento de 15% a 88%.


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This Bachelor’s thesis investigates the different types of jet engines used nowadays, their performance and applications. The thesis includes a general study of dynamics of fly, engine thermodynamics and contamination.