1000 resultados para Neuromielite óptica
El Grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica (VICOROB) del departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica de la Universitat de Girona investiga en el camp de la robòtica submarina. Al CIRS (Centre d’Investigació en Robòtica Submarina), laboratori que forma part del grup VICOROB, el robot submarí Ictineu és la principal eina utilitzada per a desenvolupar els projectes de recerca. Recentment, el CIRS ha adquirit un nou sistema de sensors d' orientació basat en una unitat inercial i un giroscopi de fibra òptica. Aquest projecte pretén realitzar un estudi d' aquests dispositius i integrar-los al robot Ictineu. D' altra banda, aprofitant les característiques d’aquests sensors giroscopics i les mesures d' un sonar ja integrat al robot, es vol desenvolupar un sistema de localització capaç de determinar la posició del robot en el pla horitzontal de la piscina en temps real
Es descriu la situació de l'edició òptica a Catalunya a partir de l'anàlisi de la producció editorial apareguda fins ara al mercat. En concret, es fa referència a la publicació de títols per anys, els editors, l'idioma de publicació, i el lloc d'edició, entre altres aspectes. També s'exposen quins són els principals problemes que afecten el sector així com les oportunitats i avantatges que pot comportar per als editors utilitzar els suports òptics.
El artículo analiza los elementos esenciales del nuevo delito de trata de personas que incorporado al CP mediante la reforma de 2010. Asimismo explora la tipificación de la trata de personas en Derecho comparado, los compromisos internacionales adquiridos por el Estado español acerca de la incriminación de esta conducta y su nivel de cumplimiento con el nuevo delito.
Optical spectroscopy in the 400-1700nm wavelength range was performed on rare earth doped heavy metal fluoride (HMF) glasses. In the present work In-based fluoride glasses with a fixed 2 mol % YbF3 concentration and an ErF3 content ranging from 0 to 8 mol % were investigated. According to the experimental spectroscopic data a dependence in the absorption coefficient, the photoluminescence intensity and in the radiative lifetime could be verified as a function of the ErF3 content. In addition, at liquid nitrogen temperature, light emission corresponding to indirect transitions in the infrared energy range could be easily observed as a consequence of the low phonon frequency characteristic of this class of fluoride glasses. For all the studied compositions, strong upconversion to the green and red light was observed by pumping these Er3+- and Yb3+-doped HMF glasses with 790 and 980nm photon sources.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of direct introduction of clay slurries in an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer with axial view configuration. Calibration was performed using a certified reference material with a mean particle size of 13 µm (IPT-42) and the analytical curve was applied for quantification of two others reference materials (IPT-28 and IPT-32) and four samples. It was demonstrated that the analytical curve thus obtained was not completely suitable for IPT-28 and samples due to different mineralogical phases determined by X-ray diffraction. After considering this effect, it was possible for most elements to obtain results in agreement with certified values or with values obtained by a conventional technique at a 95% confidence level. It was demonstrated that the ICP-OES with axial view configuration did not present any incompatibility with the direct introduction of a complex inorganic suspension.
A study is presented of the formation and optical properties of polymeric heterostructures from poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) and poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) produced via the self-assembly technique. POMA layers were obtained in a non self-limiting process from its emeraldine salt, semiconducting form in HCl solution. Thermal conversion of PPV was performed at low temperatures with the substitution of the counter-ion Cl in the PPV precursor by a long sulfonic chain, the dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) ion. The optical properties of PPV films converted in this way are not affected by POMA, which can be used as transparent electrode of PPV luminescent devices.
In this work a closed-vessel microwave-assisted acid decomposition procedure for clays was developed. Aluminum, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Si, and Ti were determined in clay digestates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The most critical parameter for total decomposition of clays was the composition of the reagent mixture. The applied power and the heating time exerted a less critical influence. Best decomposition conditions were attained using a reagent mixture containing 4 mL aqua regia plus 3 mL HF and the heating program was implemented in 12 min. The accuracy of the results was demonstrated using two standard reference materials and a paired t-test showed a good agreement between determined and certified values at a 95% confidence level.
In this work we describe the processing of poly(styrene sulphonate) films (PSS) doped with neodymium (Nd). Optical density measurements in the UV-Vis-NIR region show the typical bands observed for neodymium chloride (NdCl3) in solution. In the case of films, the intensity ratio between the peaks at 800 nm (4I9/2 -> 4F5/2 + ²H7/2) and 580 nm (4I9/2 -> 4G5/2 + ²G7/2) is equal to 0.83. Infrared spectra present an enhancement in the absorption region of aromatic rings. Site selective luminescence spectroscopy shows that the incorporation of Nd introduces a hipsochromic shift and a line shape definition in UV luminescence compared to PSS film, decreasing the interaction between aromatic groups. In addition, the film exhibits an intense radiative transition at 1061 nm (4F3/2->4I11/2), comparable to the one present in crystalline materials doped with Nd.
A preconcentration method based on the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as sorbent material is proposed for the determination of Cd(II) in river water. The solid phase extraction was performed in batch mode and the determination of the analyte in the solid phase was easily carried out by introducing a slurry of the yeast (0.0625 g / 2.5 mL) directly into the ICP OES. A limit of detection of 0.11 µg L-1 and a sample throughput in the range of 4 - 54 sample h-1 were obtained. Determinations of cadmium in a certified sample and in real river water samples were in excellent agreement with the expected values.
Davant la gran necessitat que es té per reduir al mínim els costs relacionats amb el manteniment, prevenció i seguretat, la monitorització en el camp de les estructures civils és una activitat que ha anat adquirint un paper cada cop més important. Dins el camp de l’enginyeria civil, la instrumentació d’estructures d’edificació i obra civil ha experimentat una profunda expansió. Les aplicacions més habituals en aquest tipus d’ activitat, solen estar associades a l’avaluació d’esforços en estructures existents, i/o el seguiment de l’estat tenso-deformacional durant el procés de construcció. Hi ha una gran diversitat de dispositius de mesura que permeten realitzar aquest seguiment. Els sistemes basats en la tecnologia de fibra òptica ja ho permeten. La resistència a la corrosió i a la fatiga, la immunitat a les interferències electromagnètiques o la possibilitat de prendre mesures discretes al llarg del temps, podent referir-les en tot moment a l’origen, són alguns dels seus avantatges. Tot i els múltiples avantatges, aquest sistema també té els seus inconvenients. En tota seguretat el més important és l’influencia de la temperatura en els valors mesurats. El projecte es centre en aquest últim punt , concretament en les mesures de deformació. Els objectius que s’han dut a terme al llarg de la durada del treball han estat els següents: - Aprendre les bases teòriques d’aquesta tecnologia. - Determinar en quin grau, la temperatura afecta a les mesures adquirides mitjançant sensors de fibra òptica. - Establir els mecanismes adients per quantificar, corregir o minimitzar aquests efectes. - Comparar la fiabilitat d’aquest tipus de mesura respecte a la dels sensors basats en extensometria
This article describes a projection spectrograph for use in optical spectroscopy classrooms demonstrations. The apparatus is based on an overhead projector and permits the visualization of several phenomena such as, light dispersion by diffraction gratings, diffraction order, optical fluorescence, continuous and discrete optical emission spectra, and light absorption by liquids and solids. A historical survey about the optical spectroscopy development is also presented.
We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ~ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in spectrophotometric measurements.
The processing of national petroleums causes many operational problems due to the asphaltene aggregation phenomena. To evaluate the behavior of these phenomena, a study based on optical scan technique was carried out to understand the behavior of pure oils and their mixtures. The evaluation according to criteria established by ASTM D7061-06¹ gives a result of asphaltene flocculation of according to the separability number. In this study, the aspects related to the existence of colloidal forms of peptized asphaltenes in distinct solvents present in petroleums can cause changes in the kinetics of asphaltene flocculation.
This technical note describes the construction of a low-cost optical detector. This device is composed by a high-sensitive linear light sensor (model ILX554) and a microcontroller. The performance of the detector was demonstrated by the detection of emission and Raman spectra of the several atomic systems and the results reproduce those found in the literature.
The phase behavior of an alcohol polyethoxylated surfactant with decane and dodecane oil phase varying the water proportion from 5 to 90% to determine compositions in which the formation of liquid crystals and microemulsions ocurred was investigated. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were built to represent the regions of liquid crystals, biphases and microemulsions. Polarized light optical microscopy was used for the analysis and characterization of the separate phases. The micrographs obtained showed characteristics of hexagonal and lamellar phases of liquid crystal, isotropic phases, microemulsions and vesicles. This study is important to propose hypothesis regarding the factors determining the formation and stability of phases composed by surfactant/oil/water systems.