985 resultados para Neuro-fuzzy


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This paper presents a novel design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS) by utilizing the theory of extreme learning machine (ELM) for electricity load demand forecasting. ELM has become a popular learning algorithm for single hidden layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFN). From the functional equivalence between the SLFN and fuzzy inference system, a hybrid of fuzzy-ELM has gained attention of the researchers. This paper extends the concept of fuzzy-ELM to an IT2FLS based on ELM (IT2FELM). In the proposed design the antecedent membership function parameters of the IT2FLS are generated randomly, whereas the consequent part parameters are determined analytically by the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. The ELM strategy ensures fast learning of the IT2FLS as well as optimality of the parameters. Effectiveness of the proposed design of IT2FLS is demonstrated with the application of forecasting nonlinear and chaotic data sets. Nonlinear data of electricity load from the Australian National Electricity Market for the Victoria region and from the Ontario Electricity Market are considered here. The proposed model is also applied to forecast Mackey-glass chaotic time series data. Comparative analysis of the proposed model is conducted with some traditional models such as neural networks (NN) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). In order to verify the structure of the proposed design of IT2FLS an alternate design of IT2FLS based on Kalman filter (KF) is also utilized for the comparison purposes.


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This paper presents a new multi-model technique of dentification in ANFIS for nonlinear systems. In this technique, the structure used is of the fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno of which the consequences are local linear models that represent the system of different points of operation and the precursors are membership functions whose adjustments are realized by the learning phase of the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS technique. The models that represent the system at different points of the operation can be found with linearization techniques like, for example, the Least Squares method that is robust against sounds and of simple application. The fuzzy system is responsible for informing the proportion of each model that should be utilized, using the membership functions. The membership functions can be adjusted by ANFIS with the use of neural network algorithms, like the back propagation error type, in such a way that the models found for each area are correctly interpolated and define an action of each model for possible entries into the system. In multi-models, the definition of action of models is known as metrics and, since this paper is based on ANFIS, it shall be denominated in ANFIS metrics. This way, ANFIS metrics is utilized to interpolate various models, composing a system to be identified. Differing from the traditional ANFIS, the created technique necessarily represents the system in various well defined regions by unaltered models whose pondered activation as per the membership functions. The selection of regions for the application of the Least Squares method is realized manually from the graphic analysis of the system behavior or from the physical characteristics of the plant. This selection serves as a base to initiate the linear model defining technique and generating the initial configuration of the membership functions. The experiments are conducted in a teaching tank, with multiple sections, designed and created to show the characteristics of the technique. The results from this tank illustrate the performance reached by the technique in task of identifying, utilizing configurations of ANFIS, comparing the developed technique with various models of simple metrics and comparing with the NNARX technique, also adapted to identification


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In last decades, neural networks have been established as a major tool for the identification of nonlinear systems. Among the various types of networks used in identification, one that can be highlighted is the wavelet neural network (WNN). This network combines the characteristics of wavelet multiresolution theory with learning ability and generalization of neural networks usually, providing more accurate models than those ones obtained by traditional networks. An extension of WNN networks is to combine the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS (Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System) structure with wavelets, leading to generate the Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network - FWNN structure. This network is very similar to ANFIS networks, with the difference that traditional polynomials present in consequent of this network are replaced by WNN networks. This paper proposes the identification of nonlinear dynamical systems from a network FWNN modified. In the proposed structure, functions only wavelets are used in the consequent. Thus, it is possible to obtain a simplification of the structure, reducing the number of adjustable parameters of the network. To evaluate the performance of network FWNN with this modification, an analysis of network performance is made, verifying advantages, disadvantages and cost effectiveness when compared to other existing FWNN structures in literature. The evaluations are carried out via the identification of two simulated systems traditionally found in the literature and a real nonlinear system, consisting of a nonlinear multi section tank. Finally, the network is used to infer values of temperature and humidity inside of a neonatal incubator. The execution of such analyzes is based on various criteria, like: mean squared error, number of training epochs, number of adjustable parameters, the variation of the mean square error, among others. The results found show the generalization ability of the modified structure, despite the simplification performed


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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In this report, we develop an intelligent adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller by using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) techniques. We begin by starting with a standard proportional-derivative (PD) controller and use the PD controller data to train the ANFIS system to develop a fuzzy controller. We then propose and validate a method to implement this control strategy on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. An analysis is made into the choice of filters for attitude estimation. These choices are limited by the complexity of the filter and the computing ability and memory constraints of the micro-controller. Simplified Kalman filters are found to be good at estimation of attitude given the above constraints. Using model based design techniques, the models are implemented on an embedded system. This enables the deployment of fuzzy controllers on enthusiast-grade controllers. We evaluate the feasibility of the proposed control strategy in a model-in-the-loop simulation. We then propose a rapid prototyping strategy, allowing us to deploy these control algorithms on a system consisting of a combination of an ARM-based microcontroller and two Arduino-based controllers. We then use a combination of the code generation capabilities within MATLAB/Simulink in combination with multiple open-source projects in order to deploy code to an ARM CortexM4 based controller board. We also evaluate this strategy on an ARM-A8 based board, and a much less powerful Arduino based flight controller. We conclude by proving the feasibility of fuzzy controllers on Commercial-off the shelf (COTS) hardware, we also point out the limitations in the current hardware and make suggestions for hardware that we think would be better suited for memory heavy controllers.


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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS) are computational intelligence tools that have recently been employed in hydrological modeling. In many of the common NFS the learning algorithms used are based on batch learning where all the parameters of the fuzzy system are optimized off-line. Although these models have frequently been used, there is a criticism on such learning process as the number of rules are needed to be predefined by the user. This will reduce the flexibility of the NFS architecture while dealing with different data with different level of complexity. On the other hand, online or local learning evolves through local adjustments in the model as new data is introduced in sequence. In this study, dynamic evolving neural fuzzy inference system (DENFIS) is used in which an evolving, online clustering algorithm called the Evolving Clustering Method (ECM) is implemented. ECM is an online, maximum distance-based clustering method which is able to estimate the number of clusters in a data set and find their current centers in the input space through its fast, one-pass algorithm. The 10-minutes rainfall-runoff time series from a small (23.22 km2) tropical catchment named Sungai Kayu Ara in Selangor, Malaysia, was used in this study. Out of the 40 major events, 12 were used for training and 28 for testing. Results obtained by DENFIS were then compared with the ones obtained by physically-based rainfall-runoff model HEC-HMS and a regression model ARX. It was concluded that DENFIS results were comparable to HEC-HMS and superior to ARX model. This indicates a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in rainfall-runoff modeling.


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This paper details the progress to date, toward developing a small autonomous helicopter. We describe system architecture, avionics, visual state estimation, custom IMU design, aircraft modelling, as well as various linear and neuro/fuzzy control algorithms. Experimental results are presented for state estimation using fused stereo vision and IMU data, heading control, and attitude control. FAM attitude and velocity controllers have been shown to be effective in simulation.


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We propose to develop a 3-D optical flow features based human action recognition system. Optical flow based features are employed here since they can capture the apparent movement in object, by design. Moreover, they can represent information hierarchically from local pixel level to global object level. In this work, 3-D optical flow based features a re extracted by combining the 2-1) optical flow based features with the depth flow features obtained from depth camera. In order to develop an action recognition system, we employ a Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (McFIS). The m of McFIS is to find the decision boundary separating different classes based on their respective optical flow based features. McFIS consists of a neuro-fuzzy inference system (cognitive component) and a self-regulatory learning mechanism (meta-cognitive component). During the supervised learning, self-regulatory learning mechanism monitors the knowledge of the current sample with respect to the existing knowledge in the network and controls the learning by deciding on sample deletion, sample learning or sample reserve strategies. The performance of the proposed action recognition system was evaluated on a proprietary data set consisting of eight subjects. The performance evaluation with standard support vector machine classifier and extreme learning machine indicates improved performance of McFIS is recognizing actions based of 3-D optical flow based features.


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Com o avanço no desenvolvimento e utilização de veículos e robôs autoequilibrantes, faz-se necessário a investigação de controladores capazes de atender os diversos desafios relacionados à utilização desses sistemas. Neste trabalho foi estudado o controle de equilíbrio e posição de um robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas. O interesse particular nesta aplicação vem da sua estrutura e da riqueza de sua dinâmica física. Por ser um problema complexo e não trivial há grande interesse em avaliar os controladores inteligentes. A primeira parte da dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de um controle clássico do tipo PID, para em seguida ser comparado com a implementação de dois tipos de controladores inteligentes: On-line Neuro Fuzzy Control (ONFC) e Proportional-Integral-Derivative Neural-Network (PIDNN). Também é apresentada a implementação dos controladores em uma plataforma de hardware, utilizando o kit LEGO Mindstorm, e numa plataforma de simulação utilizando o MATLAB-Simulink. Em seguida, dois estudos de casos são desenvolvidos visando comparar o desempenho dos controladores. O primeiro caso avalia o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas sobre um terreno plano tendo como interesse observar o desempenho intrínseco do sistema sob ausência de fatores externos. O segundo caso estuda o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô em terrenos irregulares visando investigar a resposta do sistema sob influência de condições adversas em seu ambiente. Finalmente, o desempenho de cada um dos controladores desenvolvidos é discutido, verificando-se resultados competitivos no controle do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas.


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A forward and backward least angle regression (LAR) algorithm is proposed to construct the nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (NARX) that is widely used to describe a large class of nonlinear dynamic systems. The main objective of this paper is to improve model sparsity and generalization performance of the original forward LAR algorithm. This is achieved by introducing a replacement scheme using an additional backward LAR stage. The backward stage replaces insignificant model terms selected by forward LAR with more significant ones, leading to an improved model in terms of the model compactness and performance. A numerical example to construct four types of NARX models, namely polynomials, radial basis function (RBF) networks, neuro fuzzy and wavelet networks, is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique in comparison with some popular methods.


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The aim of this chapter is to introduce background concepts in nonlinear systems identification and control with artificial neural networks. As this chapter is just an overview, with a limited page space, only the basic ideas will be explained here. The reader is encouraged, for a more detailed explanation of a specific topic of interest, to consult the references given throughout the text. Additionally, as general books in the field of neural networks, the books by Haykin [1] and Principe et al. [2] are suggested. Regarding nonlinear systems identification, covering both classical and neural and neuro-fuzzy methodologies, Reference 3 is recommended. References 4 and 5 should be used in the context of B-spline networks.


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The work is intended to study the following important aspects of document image processing and develop new methods. (1) Segmentation ofdocument images using adaptive interval valued neuro-fuzzy method. (2) Improving the segmentation procedure using Simulated Annealing technique. (3) Development of optimized compression algorithms using Genetic Algorithm and parallel Genetic Algorithm (4) Feature extraction of document images (5) Development of IV fuzzy rules. This work also helps for feature extraction and foreground and background identification. The proposed work incorporates Evolutionary and hybrid methods for segmentation and compression of document images. A study of different neural networks used in image processing, the study of developments in the area of fuzzy logic etc is carried out in this work


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Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological condition that affects a child’s brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. LD affects about 15 % of children enrolled in schools. The prediction of LD is a vital and intricate job. The aim of this paper is to design an effective and powerful tool, using the two intelligent methods viz., Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, for measuring the percentage of LD that affected in school-age children. In this study, we are proposing some soft computing methods in data preprocessing for improving the accuracy of the tool as well as the classifier. The data preprocessing is performed through Principal Component Analysis for attribute reduction and closest fit algorithm is used for imputing missing values. The main idea in developing the LD prediction tool is not only to predict the LD present in children but also to measure its percentage along with its class like low or minor or major. The system is implemented in Mathworks Software MatLab 7.10. The results obtained from this study have illustrated that the designed prediction system or tool is capable of measuring the LD effectively


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A connection between a fuzzy neural network model with the mixture of experts network (MEN) modelling approach is established. Based on this linkage, two new neuro-fuzzy MEN construction algorithms are proposed to overcome the curse of dimensionality that is inherent in the majority of associative memory networks and/or other rule based systems. The first construction algorithm employs a function selection manager module in an MEN system. The second construction algorithm is based on a new parallel learning algorithm in which each model rule is trained independently, for which the parameter convergence property of the new learning method is established. As with the first approach, an expert selection criterion is utilised in this algorithm. These two construction methods are equivalent in their effectiveness in overcoming the curse of dimensionality by reducing the dimensionality of the regression vector, but the latter has the additional computational advantage of parallel processing. The proposed algorithms are analysed for effectiveness followed by numerical examples to illustrate their efficacy for some difficult data based modelling problems.


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Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Due to the free nature of Wikipedia and allowing open access to everyone to edit articles the quality of articles may be affected. As all people don’t have equal level of knowledge and also different people have different opinions about a topic so there may be difference between the contributions made by different authors. To overcome this situation it is very important to classify the articles so that the articles of good quality can be separated from the poor quality articles and should be removed from the database. The aim of this study is to classify the articles of Wikipedia into two classes class 0 (poor quality) and class 1(good quality) using the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and data mining techniques. Two ANFIS are built using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox [1] available in Matlab. The first ANFIS is based on the rules obtained from J48 classifier in WEKA while the other one was built by using the expert’s knowledge. The data used for this research work contains 226 article’s records taken from the German version of Wikipedia. The dataset consists of 19 inputs and one output. The data was preprocessed to remove any similar attributes. The input variables are related to the editors, contributors, length of articles and the lifecycle of articles. In the end analysis of different methods implemented in this research is made to analyze the performance of each classification method used.