953 resultados para Neural control
The respiratory central pattern generator is a collection of medullary neurons that generates the rhythm of respiration. The respiratory central pattern generator feeds phrenic motor neurons, which, in turn, drive the main muscle of respiration, the diaphragm. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the neural control of respiration through mathematical models of the respiratory central pattern generator and phrenic motor neurons. ^ We first designed and validated a Hodgkin-Huxley type model that mimics the behavior of phrenic motor neurons under a wide range of electrical and pharmacological perturbations. This model was constrained physiological data from the literature. Next, we designed and validated a model of the respiratory central pattern generator by connecting four Hodgkin-Huxley type models of medullary respiratory neurons in a mutually inhibitory network. This network was in turn driven by a simple model of an endogenously bursting neuron, which acted as the pacemaker for the respiratory central pattern generator. Finally, the respiratory central pattern generator and phrenic motor neuron models were connected and their interactions studied. ^ Our study of the models has provided a number of insights into the behavior of the respiratory central pattern generator and phrenic motor neurons. These include the suggestion of a role for the T-type and N-type calcium channels during single spikes and repetitive firing in phrenic motor neurons, as well as a better understanding of network properties underlying respiratory rhythm generation. We also utilized an existing model of lung mechanics to study the interactions between the respiratory central pattern generator and ventilation. ^
Oxytocin, a neurohypophyseal hormone, has been traditionally considered essential for mammalian reproduction. In addition to uterine contractions during labor and milk ejection during nursing, oxytocin has been implicated in anterior pituitary function, paracrine effects in the testis and ovary and the neural control of maternal and sexual behaviors. To determine the essential role(s) of oxytocin in mammalian reproductive function, mice deficient in oxytocin have been generated using embryonic stem cell technology. A deletion of exon 1 encoding the oxytocin peptide was generated in embryonic stem cells at a high frequency and was successfully transmitted in the germ line. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from homozygote offspring and in situ hybridization with an exonic probe 3' of the deletion failed to detect any oxytocin or neurophysin sequences, respectively, confirming that the mutation was a null mutation. Mice lacking oxytocin are both viable and fertile. Males do not have any reproductive behavioral or functional defects in the absence of oxytocin. Similarly, females lacking oxytocin have no obvious deficits in fertility or reproduction, including gestation and parturition. However, although oxytocin-deficient females demonstrate normal maternal behavior, all offspring die shortly after birth because of the dam's inability to nurse. Postpartum injections of oxytocin to the oxytocin deficient mothers restore milk ejection and rescue the offspring. Thus, despite the multiple reproductive activities that have been attributed to oxytocin, oxytocin plays an essential role only in milk ejection in the mouse.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
To examine the role of the effector dynamics of the wrist in the production of rhythmic motor activity, we estimated the phase shifts between the EMG and the task-related output for a rhythmic isometric torque production task and an oscillatory movement, and found a substantial difference (45-52degrees) between the two. For both tasks, the relation between EMG and task-related output (torque or displacement) was adequately reproduced with a physiologically motivated musculoskeletal model. The model simulations demonstrated the importance of the contribution of passive structures to the overall dynamics and provided an account for the observed phase shifts in the dynamic task. Additional simulations of the musculoskeletal model with added load suggested that particular changes in the phase relation between EMG and movement may follow largely from the intrinsic muscle dynamics, rather than being the result of adaptations in the neural control of joint stiffness. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to (models of) interlimb coordination in rhythmic tasks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study we attempted to identify the principles that govern the changes in neural control that occur during repeated performance of a multiarticular coordination task. Eight participants produced isometric flexion/extension and pronation/supination torques at the radiohumeral joint, either in isolation (e.g., flexion) or in combination (e.g., flexion - supination), to acquire targets presented by a visual display. A cursor superimposed on the display provided feedback of the applied torques. During pre- and postpractice tests, the participants acquired targets in eight directions located either 3.6 cm (20% maximal voluntary contraction [MVC]) or 7.2 cm (40% MVC) from a neutral cursor position. On each of five consecutive days of practice the participants acquired targets located 5.4 cm (30% MVC) from the neutral position. EMG was recorded from eight muscles contributing to torque production about the radiohumeral joint during the pre- and posttests. Target-acquisition time decreased significantly with practice in most target directions and at both target torque levels. These performance improvements were primarily associated with increases in the peak rate of torque development after practice. At a muscular level, these changes were brought about by increases in the rates of recruitment of all agonist muscles. The spatiotemporal organization of muscle synergies was not significantly altered after practice. The observed adaptations appear to lead to performances that are generalizable to actions that require both greater and smaller joint torques than that practiced, and may be successfully recalled after a substantial period without practice. These results suggest that tasks in which performance is improved by increasing the rate of muscle activation, and thus the rate of joint torque development, may benefit in terms of the extent to which acquired levels of performance are maintained over time.
Many marine reptiles and birds possess extrarenal salt glands that facilitate the excretion of excess sodium and chloride ions accumulated as a consequence of living in saline environments. Control of the secretory activity of avian salt glands is under neural control, but little information is available on the control of reptilian salt glands. Innervation of the lingual salt glands of the salt water crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, was examined in salt water-acclimated animals using histological methods. Extensive networks of both cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibres were identified close to salt-secreting lobules and vasculature. The identification of both catecholamine-containing and cholinergic neurons in the salt gland epithelium and close to major blood vessels in the tissue suggests the action of the neurotransmitters on the salt-secreting epithelium itself and the rich vascular network of the lingual salt glands.
Objetivo: Determinar diferencias en las impedancias basales registradas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal por radiofrecuencia de los pacientes sometidos a este procedimiento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá durante los años 2012 a 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico de corte retrospectivo, donde se analizaron todas las impedancias basales medidas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal, buscando diferencias significativas entre los segmentos de las arterias intervenidas, estratificados en proximal, medio distal y superior, lateral, inferior u ostial. Con seguimiento a los pacientes a tres, seis y doce meses en cuanto a presión arterial de consultorio. Resultados: Se evaluaron 150 puntos de denervación renal exitosos, correspondientes a 23 arterias renales de 11 procedimientos. La mediana de edad fue 56 años. Al realizar un modelo de regresión lineal no se encontró ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las impedancias de ninguno de los segmentos de las arterias ni sitios anatómicos. Se documentó disminución de presión arterial sistólica a tres meses, seis meses y doce meses de 14 mmHg (RIQ 10-33mmHg), 21 mmHg (RIQ 12-42mmHg) y 19 mmHg (RIQ 11-42 mmHg) respectivamente
The arterial partial pressure (P CO2) of carbon dioxide is virtually constant because of the close match between the metabolic production of this gas and its excretion via breathing. Blood gas homeostasis does not rely solely on changes in lung ventilation, but also to a considerable extent on circulatory adjustments that regulate the transport of CO2 from its sites of production to the lungs. The neural mechanisms that coordinate circulatory and ventilatory changes to achieve blood gas homeostasis are the subject of this review. Emphasis will be placed on the control of sympathetic outflow by central chemoreceptors. High levels of CO2 exert an excitatory effect on sympathetic outflow that is mediated by specialized chemoreceptors such as the neurons located in the retrotrapezoid region. In addition, high CO2 causes an aversive awareness in conscious animals, activating wake-promoting pathways such as the noradrenergic neurons. These neuronal groups, which may also be directly activated by brain acidification, have projections that contribute to the CO2-induced rise in breathing and sympathetic outflow. However, since the level of activity of the retrotrapezoid nucleus is regulated by converging inputs from wake-promoting systems, behavior-specific inputs from higher centers and by chemical drive, the main focus of the present manuscript is to review the contribution of central chemoreceptors to the control of autonomic and respiratory mechanisms.
This paper develops H(infinity) control designs based on neural networks for fully actuated and underactuated cooperative manipulators. The neural networks proposed in this paper only adapt the uncertain dynamics of the robot manipulators. They work as a complement of the nominal model. The H(infinity) performance index includes the position errors as well the squeeze force errors between the manipulator end-effectors and the object, which represents a complete disturbance rejection scenario. For the underactuated case, the squeeze force control problem is more difficult to solve due to the loss of some degrees of manipulator actuation. Results obtained from an actual cooperative manipulator, which is able to work as a fully actuated and an underactuated manipulator, are presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It has long been believed that resistance training is accompanied by changes within the nervous system that play an important role in the development of strength. Many elements of the nervous system exhibit the potential for adaptation in response to resistance training, including supraspinal centres, descending neural tracts, spinal circuitry and the motor end plate connections between motoneurons and muscle fibres. Yet the specific sites of adaptation along the neuraxis have seldom been identified experimentally, and much of the evidence for neural adaptations following resistance training remains indirect. As a consequence of this current lack of knowledge, there exists uncertainty regarding the manner in which resistance training impacts upon the control and execution of functional movements. We aim to demonstrate that resistance training is likely to cause adaptations to many neural elements that are involved in the control of movement, and is therefore likely to affect movement execution during a wide range of tasks. We review a small number of experiments that provide evidence that resistance training affects the way in which muscles that have been engaged during training are recruited during related movement tasks. The concepts addressed in this article represent an important new approach to research on the effects of resistance training. They are also of considerable practical importance, since most individuals perform resistance training in the expectation that it will enhance their performance in-related functional tasks.
Newborn neurons are generated in the adult hippocampus from a pool of self-renewing stem cells located in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus. Their activation, proliferation, and maturation depend on a host of environmental and cellular factors but, until recently, the contribution of local neuronal circuitry to this process was relatively unknown. In their recent publication, Song and colleagues have uncovered a novel circuit-based mechanism by which release of the neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), from parvalbumin-expressing (PV) interneurons, can hold radial glia-like (RGL) stem cells of the adult SGZ in a quiescent state. This tonic GABAergic signal, dependent upon the activation of γ(2) subunit-containing GABA(A) receptors of RGL stem cells, can thus prevent their proliferation and subsequent maturation or return them to quiescence if previously activated. PV interneurons are thus capable of suppressing neurogenesis during periods of high network activity and facilitating neurogenesis when network activity is low.
In the present study, we modeled a reaching task as a two-link mechanism. The upper arm and forearm motion trajectories during vertical arm movements were estimated from the measured angular accelerations with dual-axis accelerometers. A data set of reaching synergies from able-bodied individuals was used to train a radial basis function artificial neural network with upper arm/forearm tangential angular accelerations. The trained radial basis function artificial neural network for the specific movements predicted forearm motion from new upper arm trajectories with high correlation (mean, 0.9149-0.941). For all other movements, prediction was low (range, 0.0316-0.8302). Results suggest that the proposed algorithm is successful in generalization over similar motions and subjects. Such networks may be used as a high-level controller that could predict forearm kinematics from voluntary movements of the upper arm. This methodology is suitable for restoring the upper limb functions of individuals with motor disabilities of the forearm, but not of the upper arm. The developed control paradigm is applicable to upper-limb orthotic systems employing functional electrical stimulation. The proposed approach is of great significance particularly for humans with spinal cord injuries in a free-living environment. The implication of a measurement system with dual-axis accelerometers, developed for this study, is further seen in the evaluation of movement during the course of rehabilitation. For this purpose, training-related changes in synergies apparent from movement kinematics during rehabilitation would characterize the extent and the course of recovery. As such, a simple system using this methodology is of particular importance for stroke patients. The results underlie the important issue of upper-limb coordination.
The arterial partial pressure (P CO2) of carbon dioxide is virtually constant because of the close match between the metabolic production of this gas and its excretion via breathing. Blood gas homeostasis does not rely solely on changes in lung ventilation, but also to a considerable extent on circulatory adjustments that regulate the transport of CO2 from its sites of production to the lungs. The neural mechanisms that coordinate circulatory and ventilatory changes to achieve blood gas homeostasis are the subject of this review. Emphasis will be placed on the control of sympathetic outflow by central chemoreceptors. High levels of CO2 exert an excitatory effect on sympathetic outflow that is mediated by specialized chemoreceptors such as the neurons located in the retrotrapezoid region. In addition, high CO2 causes an aversive awareness in conscious animals, activating wake-promoting pathways such as the noradrenergic neurons. These neuronal groups, which may also be directly activated by brain acidification, have projections that contribute to the CO2-induced rise in breathing and sympathetic outflow. However, since the level of activity of the retrotrapezoid nucleus is regulated by converging inputs from wake-promoting systems, behavior-specific inputs from higher centers and by chemical drive, the main focus of the present manuscript is to review the contribution of central chemoreceptors to the control of autonomic and respiratory mechanisms.
A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.
Visual control of locomotion is essential for most mammals and requires coordination between perceptual processes and action systems. Previous research on the neural systems engaged by self-motion has focused on heading perception, which is only one perceptual subcomponent. For effective steering, it is necessary to perceive an appropriate future path and then bring about the required change to heading. Using function magnetic resonance imaging in humans, we reveal a role for the parietal eye fields (PEFs) in directing spatially selective processes relating to future path information. A parietal area close to PEFs appears to be specialized for processing the future path information itself. Furthermore, a separate parietal area responds to visual position error signals, which occur when steering adjustments are imprecise. A network of three areas, the cerebellum, the supplementary eye fields, and dorsal premotor cortex, was found to be involved in generating appropriate motor responses for steering adjustments. This may reflect the demands of integrating visual inputs with the output response for the control device.