980 resultados para Network System


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Epidemic protocols are a bio-inspired communication and computation paradigm for extreme-scale network system based on randomized communication. The protocols rely on a membership service to build decentralized and random overlay topologies. In a weakly connected overlay topology, a naive mechanism of membership protocols can break the connectivity, thus impairing the accuracy of the application. This work investigates the factors in membership protocols that cause the loss of global connectivity and introduces the first topology connectivity recovery mechanism. The mechanism is integrated into the Expander Membership Protocol, which is then evaluated against other membership protocols. The analysis shows that the proposed connectivity recovery mechanism is effective in preserving topology connectivity and also helps to improve the application performance in terms of convergence speed.


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Increasing efforts exist in integrating different levels of detail in models of the cardiovascular system. For instance, one-dimensional representations are employed to model the systemic circulation. In this context, effective and black-box-type decomposition strategies for one-dimensional networks are needed, so as to: (i) employ domain decomposition strategies for large systemic models (1D-1D coupling) and (ii) provide the conceptual basis for dimensionally-heterogeneous representations (1D-3D coupling, among various possibilities). The strategy proposed in this article works for both of these two scenarios, though the several applications shown to illustrate its performance focus on the 1D-1D coupling case. A one-dimensional network is decomposed in such a way that each coupling point connects two (and not more) of the sub-networks. At each of the M connection points two unknowns are defined: the flow rate and pressure. These 2M unknowns are determined by 2M equations, since each sub-network provides one (non-linear) equation per coupling point. It is shown how to build the 2M x 2M non-linear system with arbitrary and independent choice of boundary conditions for each of the sub-networks. The idea is then to solve this non-linear system until convergence, which guarantees strong coupling of the complete network. In other words, if the non-linear solver converges at each time step, the solution coincides with what would be obtained by monolithically modeling the whole network. The decomposition thus imposes no stability restriction on the choice of the time step size. Effective iterative strategies for the non-linear system that preserve the black-box character of the decomposition are then explored. Several variants of matrix-free Broyden`s and Newton-GMRES algorithms are assessed as numerical solvers by comparing their performance on sub-critical wave propagation problems which range from academic test cases to realistic cardiovascular applications. A specific variant of Broyden`s algorithm is identified and recommended on the basis of its computer cost and reliability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To develop an objective and repeatable method of identification and classification of animal fibres, two different integrated systems were developed to mimic the human brain's ability to undertake feature extraction and discrimination of animal fibres. Both integrated systems are basically composed of an image processing system and an artificial neural network system.


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The rheological properties of supramolecular soft functional materials are determined by the networks within the materials. This research reveals for the first time that the volume confinement during the formation of supramolecular soft functional materials will exert a significant impact on the rheological properties of the materials. A class of small molecular organogels formed by the gelation of N-lauroyl-L-glutamic acid din-butylamide (GP-1) in ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG) solutions were adopted as model systems for this study. It follows that within a confined space, the elasticity of the gel can be enhanced more than 15 times compared with those under un-restricted conditions. According to our optical microscopy observations and rheological measurements, this drastic enhancement is caused by the structural transition from a multi-domain network system to a single network system once the average size of the fiber network of a given material reaches the lowest dimension of the system. The understanding acquired from this work will provide a novel strategy to manipulate the network structure of soft materials, and exert a direct impact on the micro-engineering of such supramolecular materials in micro and nano scales.


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The simulation of SES-Natal Ponta Negra: mitigation of environmental risks and predictive maintenance strategy was developed in the context of several operational irregularities in the pumping stations and sewage systems in the system Ponta Negra. Thus, the environmental risks and complaints against the company due to overflows of sewage into the public thoroughfare became common. This neighborhood has shown in recent years an increase of resident higher than the initial expectation of growth. In this sense presumed the large population growth and generation of sewers higher than expected, associated to the use of corrective maintenance and misuse of the system may be the main causes of operational failures occurring in the SES. This study aimed at analyzing the hydraulic behavior of SES Ponta Negrathrough numerical simulation of its operation associated to future scenarios of occupation. The SES Ponta Negra has a long lengthof collection networks and 6 pumping stations interconnected, being EE 1, 2, 4 coastal way, and beach Shopping interconnected EE3 to receives all sewers pumped from the rest pumping station and pumped to the sewage treatment station of neighborhood which consists of a facultative pond followed by three maturation ponds with disposal of treated effluent into infiltration ditches. Oncethey are connected with each other, the study was conducted considering the days and times of higher inflow for all lifts. Furthermore, with the aim of measuring the gatherer network failures were conducted data survey of on the networks. Thephysical and operational survey data was conducted between January/2011 and janeiro/2012. The simulation of the SES was developed with the aim ofdemonstrating its functioning, eithercurrently and in the coming years, based in population estimates and sewage flow. The collected data represents the current framework of the pumping stations of the SES Ponta Negra and served as input to the model developed in MS Excel ® spreadsheet which allowed simulating the behavior of SES in future scenarios. The results of this study show thatBeach Shopping Pumping Station is actually undersized and presents serious functioning problemsthatmay compromise the environmental quality of surrounding area. The other pumping stations of the system will reach itsmaximum capacity between 2013 and 2015, although the EE1 and EE3 demonstrateoperation capacity, even precariously, until 2017. Moreover, it was observed that the misuse of the network system, due to the input of both garbage and stormwater, are major factors of failures that occur in the SES. Finally, it was found that the corrective maintenance appliance, rather than predictive,has proven to beinefficient because of the serious failuresin the system, causing damage to the environment and health risks to users


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The training and the application of a neural network system for the prediction of occurrences of secondary metabolites belonging to diverse chemical classes in the Asteraceae is described. From a database containing about 604 genera and 28,000 occurrences of secondary metabolites in the plant family, information was collected encompassing nine chemical classes and their respective occurrences for training of a multi-layer net using the back-propagation algorithm. The net supplied as output the presence or absence of the chemical classes as well as the number of compounds isolated from each taxon. The results provided by the net from the presence or absence of a chemical class showed a 89% hit rate; by excluding triterpenes from the analysis, only 5% of the genera studied exhibited errors greater than 10%. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This work presents a new three-phase transformer modeling suitable for simulations in Pspice environment, which until now represents the electrical characteristics of a real transformer. It is proposed the model comparison to a three-phase transformer modeling present in EMTP - ATP program, which includes the electrical and magnetic characteristics. In addition, a set including non-linear loads and a real three-phase transformer was prepared in order to compare and validate the results of this new proposed model. The three-phase Pspice transformer modeling, different from the conventional one using inductance coupling, is remarkable for its simplicity and ease in simulation process, since it uses available voltage and current sources present in Pspice program, enabling simulations of three-phase network system including the most common configuration, three wires in the primary side and four wires in the secondary side (three-phases and neutral). Finally, the proposed modeling becomes a powerful tool for three-phase network simulations due to its simplicity and accuracy, able to simulate and analyze harmonic flow in three-phase systems under balanced and unbalanced conditions.


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Multinodal load forecasting deals with the loads of several interest nodes in an electrical network system, which is also known as bus load forecasting. To perform this demand, it is necessary a technique that is precise, trustable and has a short-time processing. This paper proposes two methodologies based on general regression neural networks for short-term multinodal load forecasting. The first individually forecast the local loads and the second forecast the global load and individually forecast the load participation factors to estimate the local loads. To design the forecasters it wasn't necessary the previous study of the local loads. Tests were made using a New Zealand distribution subsystem and the results obtained are compatible with the ones founded in the specialized literature. © 2011 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de aquisição de dados elétricos de cargas motrizes no processo industrial de sistema de rede automatizada baseado em instrumentação virtual, permitindo a monitoração e análise de distúrbios relacionados à Qualidade de Energia Elétrica (QEE) em regime permanente, como variação de tensão, distorção harmônica e desequilíbrio de tensão, onde os resultados possam ser visualizados em uma interface amigável e intuitiva ao usuário e armazenados de maneira conveniente em um banco de dados. Este sistema é uma solução viável por ter baixo custo na sua implementação e flexível para a monitoração e análise de parâmetros de QEE nos processos industriais quando comparada com a instrumentação tradicional.


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This work shows the importance of taking a good organization of space for the improvement of urban public transport. The model of urban transport is used improperly aggravating factor that generates diseconomies to society. The reduction of the use of public transport, degradation of environmental conditions, chronic congestion, poor accessibility and high rates of traffic accidents are common in many cities. The case study will be done in Jundiaí - SP, where actions were taken to try to reverse this situation of crisis in urban transport, as the change in transport network system. Will analyze the proposals adopted for the implementation of the new network model, steps taken, questionnaires and results from these studies. Verifying the effectiveness of the new transport network model adopted and its reflection with users, those who use the transportation and / or who directly suffer the influences this


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We present an optimized multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme with universal primer sets for amplifying and sequencing the seven target genes of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Typing was expanded by sequence determination of the genes flaA and flaB using optimized primer sets. This approach is compatible with the MLST and flaA schemes used in the PubMLST database and results in an additional typing method using the flaB gene sequence. An identification module based on the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes was included, as well as the genetic determination of macrolide and quinolone resistances based on mutations in the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes. Experimental procedures were simplified by multiplex PCR of the 13 target genes. This comprehensive approach was evaluated with C. jejuni and C. coli isolates collected in Switzerland. MLST of 329 strains resulted in 72 sequence types (STs) among the 186 C. jejuni strains and 39 STs for the 143 C. coli isolates. Fourteen (19%) of the C. jejuni and 20 (51%) of the C. coli STs had not been found previously. In total, 35% of the C. coli strains collected in Switzerland contained mutations conferring antibiotic resistance only to quinolone, 15% contained mutations conferring resistance only to macrolides, and 6% contained mutations conferring resistance to both classes of antibiotics. In C. jejuni, these values were 31% and 0% for quinolone and macrolide resistance, respectively. The rpoB sequence allowed phylogenetic differentiation between C. coli and C. jejuni, which was not possible by 16S rRNA gene analysis. An online Integrated Database Network System (SmartGene, Zug, Switzerland)-based platform for MLST data analysis specific to Campylobacter was implemented. This Web-based platform allowed automated allele and ST designation, as well as epidemiological analysis of data, thus streamlining and facilitating the analysis workflow. Data networking facilitates the exchange of information between collaborating centers. The described approach simplifies and improves the genotyping of Campylobacter, allowing cost- and time-efficient routine monitoring.


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Clock synchronization is critical for the operation of a distributed wireless network system. In this paper we investigate on a method able to evaluate in real time the synchronization offset between devices down to nanoseconds (as needed for positioning). The method is inspired by signal processing algorithms and relies on fine-grain time information obtained during the reconstruction of the signal at the receiver. Applying the method to a GPS-synchronized system show that GPS-based synchronization has high accuracy potential but still suffers from short-term clock drift, which limits the achievable localization error.


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El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el tema del desarrollo regional en torno a una gran metrópoli como Bogotá y la Sabana de Bogotá. El crecimiento, expansión y relación con los municipios vecinos. Su entorno territorial; es un tema de discusión que cada día adquiere más fuerza desde hace varias décadas. Bogotá y la Sabana de Bogotá, se consideran en la actualidad como un caso representativo del caótico modelo de expansión urbana y crecimiento demográfico, enfrentado al desarrollo urbano como paradigma de la desigualdad de la ciudad latinoamericana. Son muchos los procesos y conflictos de naturaleza Regional y metropolitana que atraviesa la capital colombiana. Sin embargo esta investigación abordada el tema desde la necesidad de gobernanza y coordinación para el desarrollo territorial consensuado y equilibrado de la Región. La sabana de Bogotá está conformada por ciudades dormitorio, ciudades industriales, turísticas, agropecuarias, etc., es atravesada por el Río Bogotá, y en su centro la gran metrópoli, Bogotá D.C. centro de trabajo muy importante a nivel nacional, su área de influencia más próxima llega hasta: Caqueza, Zipaquira, Facatativa, Soacha, Fusagasuga y Girardot. Principales polos de desarrollo en la sabana y el departamento. Cundinamarca está compuesto por 15 provincias y Bogotá. Conformando un sistema de redes urbanas con necesidades comunes y demanda servicios públicos, de transporte, aseo, movilidad, salud, educación, espacio público y calidad ambiental. La metodología de esta investigación consiste en el análisis de la región a partir de la articulación de planes de ordenamiento territorial en un área de estudio propuesta. Mediante entrevistas con profesionales, expertos, funcionarios y empleados públicos y teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades legales en Colombia para el desarrollo territorial regional, establecer la situación real en materia de desarrollo para el departamento de Cundinamarca, evidenciando las necesidades del territorio y su desarrollo de una forma más compleja, valorando las sinergias y necesidades sociales, ambientales y económicas propias del crecimiento urbano, para proponer una serie de directrices que estructuren un desarrollo regional equilibrado en Bogotá y Cundinamarca. El análisis de los modelos del caso contribuye a fortalecer iniciativas para el desarrollo Regional de la Sabana de Bogotá como territorio sostenible: ambiental, económico y socialmente. En un sistema de redes que interconecte a Bogotá, con Cundinamarca, Colombia y el resto del mundo. Cundinamarca como región debe fijar estrategias y articular políticas en función de un modelo de desarrollo urbano regional para el departamento y la Sabana de Bogotá. Directrices departamentales básicas y fundamentales para el desarrollo territorial equilibrado que promueva ciudades sostenibles, compactas y con Calidad de vida para todos sus habitantes. ABSTRACT: This research addresses the issue of regional development around a big metropolis like Bogotá and Sabana de Bogota. The growth, expansion and relations with neighboring municipalities. Your local environment; It is an issue that becomes stronger every day for decades. Bogotá and Sabana de Bogotá, are considered today as a representative case of the chaotic model of urban expansion and population growth, urban development faced as a paradigm of inequality in Latin American city. Many processes and conflicts of Regional and metropolitan nature that crosses the Colombian capital. However this research addressed the issue from the need for governance and coordination for consensual and balanced territorial development of the region. The savannah of Bogota consists of bedroom communities, industrial cities, tourism, agriculture, etc., is crossed by the Bogota River, and at its center the great metropolis, Bogota DC center very important work at the national level, the area closest influence reaches: Caqueza, Zipaquira, Facatativa, Soacha, Fusagasuga and Girardot. Main centers of development in the savannah and the department. Cundinamarca is composed of 15 provinces and Bogota. Forming a system of urban networks with common needs and demand utilities, transportation, grooming, mobility, health, education, public space and environmental quality. The methodology of this research is the analysis of the region from the joint land use plans in the proposed study area. Through interviews with professionals, experts, public officials and employees and taking into account the legal possibilities in Colombia for regional territorial development, establish the real situation in development for the department of Cundinamarca, showing the region's needs and development of a more complex form, assessing synergies and own social, environmental and economic needs of urban growth, to propose a set of guidelines to structure a balanced regional development in Bogota and Cundinamarca. The analysis of case models helps to strengthen initiatives for regional development of the Sabana de Bogota and sustainable region: environmentally, economically and socially. In a network system that interconnects to Bogotá with Cundinamarca, Colombia and elsewhere. Cundinamarca region should set as joint strategies and policies based on a model of regional urban development for the department and the Sabana de Bogota. Basic and fundamental to balanced territorial development that fosters sustainable, compact and quality of life for all its inhabitants cities departmental guidelines.