76 resultados para Nerium indicum
The number of bacteria and yeasts occurring in the organic matter inside the nests were determined both in colonies of leaf-cutting ants reared on Eucaliptus alba (control) or Sesamum indicum (experimental). Sesame leaves induce imbalance and nests usually die. In control nests the number of bacteria in newer sponge and in older sponge were similar (3.6 x 105 and 1.4 x 105 CFU/g, respectively) whereas in waste deposit the mean reached 7.3 x 107 CFU/g. The most Probable Number (MPN/g) of yeasts were 2.7 x 104, 1.3 x 105/g and 2.2 x 104 for newer sponge, older sponge and waste deposit, respectively. Using material from older sponge for comparison, the number of bacteria and yeasts reared on sesame leaves showed significant differences. The number of bacteria was 3.3 x 107 CFU/g, a value close to that found in waste deposit of normal (control) nests, whereas the number of yeasts was 6.7 x 105/g. These changes in microbial populations due to the effect of sesame leaf uptake could be a significant factor in nest imbalance and mortality when leaf-cutting ants are consuming toxic plants.
Extracts of different sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) organs were tested through ingestion and contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. Dichloromethane extracts of seeds were toxic to the leaf-cutting ants and the factor responsible for the toxicity does not show seasonal occurrence.
Extracts of the ripe seeds of the sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) were tested through contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers. Dichloromethane extract of seeds was toxic to the ants and the factor responsible for this effect was distributed through the ethyl acetate fraction. This fraction was divided into four sub fractions composed of: A) triglycerides, B) monoglycerides + diglycerides + triglycerides, C) diglycerides + sesamoline + sesamine and D) sesamine. However, when these sub fractions were separated, no toxicity was observed. Therefore, in order to determine why the activity was lost, the concentration of each sub fraction was duplicated, and the possible combinations among them were also tested. We concluded that the toxicity to the ants is due mainly to a mixture of triglycerides, and sesamoline or the combination of sesamoline + sesamine can be a synergistic factor in this fraction.
Fatty acid production by four strains of Mucor hiemalis grown in plant oil and soluble carbohydrates
Four Mucor hiemalis strains (M1, M2, M3 and M4), isolated from soil at a depth of 0 - 15 cm in the Juréia-Itatins Ecology Station (JIES), in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and were evaluated for the production of γ-linolenic (GLA) and other unsaturated fatty acids. Five growth variables (temperature, pH, carbon source, nitrogen source, and vegetable oils) were studied. Liquid media containing 2% vegetable oil (palm oil, canola oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, or sunflower oil) or 2% carbohydrate (fructose, galactose, glycerol, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, sorbitol or xylose) and 1% yeast extract as a nitrogen source were used. The greatest biomass production was observed with M3 and M4 strains in palm oil (91.5 g l -1) and sunflower oil (68.3 g l -1) media, respectively. Strain M4 produced greater quantities of polyunsaturated acids in medium containing glucose. The GLA production in the M4 biomass was 1,132.2 mg l -1 in glucose medium. Plant oils were inhibitors of fatty acid production by these strains. © 2007 Academic Journals.
The evaluation of diversity in germplasm collections is important for both plant breeders and germplasm curators to optimize the use of the variability available. Diversity can be estimated by different genetic markers. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic divergence of 30 morphological and agronomic traits in 108 sesame genotypes by multivariate analysis. The Cole-Rodgers index was used to establish the dissimilarity matrices. The principal component analysis identified the traits that contributed most to the divergence and the genotypes were clustered by Tocher's optimization. Despite the narrow genetic basis, the markers were efficient to characterize the genotypes and identify the most similar groups or duplicate and divergent genotypes. Greatest variation was found for the traits number of capsules per plant and grain yield.
Insecticide potential and efficaciousness of vegetal extracts concentrations from six botanic families in three different modes were analyzed on the nymphs of the silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn. 1889) on a tomato plantation Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Nymph breeding was kept in cherry tomato shrubs. Test solutions were obtained from successive extractions with ethanol and evaporation in a rotary evaporator. Tests consisted of 10 solutions in four concentrations (500; 1,000; 1,500 and 3,000 μg/mL) and control treatment (distilled water + 1% DMSO) under three different modes of activity, namely, contact, translaminar and systemic. Experimental design was totally randomized with four repetitions and eleven treatments. Means were compared by Scott-Knott test at 5% probability and lethal concentrations (CL50) were calculated by POLO. In the case of contact activity mode, all extracts had efficiency above 50% with the highest concentration (3,000 μg/mL) in which the highest efficiency for all extracts tested was verified. There was a need for dose increase in translaminar activity mode for similar results, whereas in the case of systemic activity the best performance was obtained with extracts of Nerium oleander, Derris amazonica and Ipomoea carnea. Extracts of the last two caused a higher percentage when compared with that of other extracts in all activity modes lower than CL50.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
As borboletas do grupo Ithomiinae são caracterizadas por espécies estritamente neotropicais, consideradas modelos de anéis miméticos e apresentam uma taxonomia relativamente bem conhecida. Por estas razões são frequentemente utilizadas como indicadores biológicos. O presente estudo teve como intuito caracterizar a comunidade de Ithomiinae em uma área de Floresta Ombrófila Densa (terra firme), localizada na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã), município de Melgaço, estado do Pará, além de testar a eficiência do protocolo de captura deste grupo. Para isto foram realizadas coletas em uma área de 500 x 500 m, utilizando dois métodos. O primeiro foi o de armadilhas contendo isca de folhas e inflorescências de Heliotropium indicum dentro de cinco parcelas amostrais de 100 x 100 m, sendo que cada uma continha cinco pares de armadilhas (uma sub-bosque e outra no dossel da floresta). O outro método foi o de coletas com redes entorno lógicas entre as parcelas. O período da amostragem foi nos meses de julho, outubro de 2004 e janeiro a novembro de 2005 (cinco dias de coleta mensais). Com um esforço total de 2000 armadilha horas por mês e 40 redes horas por mês foram registrados 1844 indivíduos de Ithomiinae, pertencentes a 14 espécies. As espécies Hypothyris ninonia (Hübner, [1806]) e Napeogenes rhezia (Geyer, [1834]) foram as espécies mais abundantes. Foi encontrada uma diversidade homogênea tanto no sentido horizontal quanto vertical, apesar de ser observada uma preferência da maioria das espécies pelo ambiente de sub-bosque. Foi registrada uma predominância de machos na comunidade da área. Como o grupo apresenta diferenças comportamentais entre indivíduos machos e fêmeas, essa predominância de machos nos registros pode ser resultado de uma seleção dos métodos na captura dos espécimes. Não foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre a riqueza de espécies registrada pelos diferentes métodos, apesar de três espécies serem obtidas exclusivamente pelas redes, e outras duas pelas armadilhas de isca. Houve uma predominância nos registros de Methona sp. pelas redes entomológicas, sugerindo uma atração diferenciada da espécie pela isca utilizada. Verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre o número de indivíduos coletados e o aumento dos índices de pluviosidade. O estudo apresentou uma baixa riqueza de espécies com amostragem intensiva, a comunidade é representada por espécies abundantes e raras; e apresenta oscilações na abundância conforme a precipitação pluviométrica. As armadilhas de sub-bosque foram mais eficiente. Sugere-se para Ithomiinae a utilização de somente armadilhas no subbosque com isca de Heliotropium indicum.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although enzymuria tends to be associated to renal injury, there are no studies that have evaluated the presence of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) spectrophotometry in the urine using a non-nephrotoxic agent (Nerium oleander) in order to evaluate the possibility of false positive results. The urinary GGT/urinary creatinine concentration ratio (uGGT/uCr) of 10 healthy dogs was calculated and posteriorly confronted with data from clinical evaluation, hematological and serum biochemical profiles, creatinine clearance (CrC), urinalysis, urine protein/creatinine ratio (UPC), electrocardiogram, systemic blood pressure (SBP) and light and electron microscopy. The results for kidney histology, SBP, UPC and CrC were not significantly different in any of the time-points analyzed. However, uGGT/uCr was significantly higher when measured 4 hours and 24 hours after administration of N. oleander. The measurement of the urinary GGT enzyme, as performed in many studies, yielded false positive results in dogs poisoned by a non-nephrotoxic agent.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Technological advances in gear and fishing practices have driven the global expansion of the American lobster live seafood market. These changes have had a positive effect on the lobster industry by increasing capture efficiency. However, it is unknown what effect these improved methods will have on the post-capture fitness and survival of lobsters. This project utilized a repeated measures design to compare the physiological changes that occur in lobsters over time as the result of differences in depth, hauling rate, and storage methodology. The results indicate that lobsters destined for long distance transport or temporary storage in pounds undergo physiological disturbance as part of the capture process. These changes are significant over time for total hemocyte counts, crustacean hyperglycemic hormone, L-lactate, ammonia, and glucose. Repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for glucose indicates a significant interaction between depth and storage methodology over time for non-survivors. A Gram-negative bacterium, Photobacterium indicum, was identified in pure culture from hemolymph samples of 100% of weak lobsters. Histopathology revealed the presence of Gram-negative bacteria throughout the tissues with evidence of antemortem edema and necrosis suggestive of septicemia. On the basis of these findings, we recommend to the lobster industry that if a reduction in depth and hauling rate is not economically feasible, fishermen should take particular care in handling lobsters and provide them with a recovery period in recirculating seawater prior to land transport. The ecological role of P. indicum is not fully defined at this time. However, it may be an emerging opportunistic pathogen of stressed lobsters. Judicious preemptive antibiotic therapy may be necessary to reduce mortality in susceptible lobsters destined for high-density holding facilities.
Cardiac glycoside compounds have traditionally been used to treat congestive heart failure. Recently, reports have suggested that cardiac glycosides may also be useful for treatment of malignant disease. Our research with oleandrin, a cardiac glycoside component of Nerium oleander, has shown it to be a potent inducer of human but not murine tumor cell apoptosis. Determinants of tumor sensitivity to cardiac glycosides were therefore studied in order to understand the species selective cytotoxic effects as well as explore differential sensitivity amongst a variety of human tumor cell lines. ^ An initial model system involved a comparison of human (BRO) to murine (B16) melanoma cells. Human BRO cells were found to express both the sensitive α3 as well as the less sensitive α1 isoform subunits of Na+,K +-ATPase while mouse B16 cells expressed only the α1 isoform. Drug uptake and inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity were also different between BRO and B16 cells. Partially purified human Na+,K+-ATPase enzyme was inhibited by cardiac glycosides at a concentration that was 1000-fold less than that required to inhibit mouse B16 enzyme to the same extent. In addition, uptake of oleandrin and ouabain was 3–4 fold greater in human than murine cells. These data indicate that differential expression of Na+,K+-ATPase isoform composition in BRO and B16 cells as well as drug uptake and total enzyme activity may all be important determinants of tumor cell sensitivity to cardiac glycosides. ^ In a second model system, two in vitro cell culture model systems were investigated. The first consisted of HFU251 (low expression of Na+,K+-ATPase) and U251 (high Na+ ,K+-ATPase expression) cell lines. Also investigated were human BRO cells that had undergone stable transfection with the α1 subunit resulting in an increase in total Na+,K+-ATPase expression. Data derived from these model systems have indicated that increased expression of Na+,K+-ATPase is associated with an increased resistance to cardiac glycosides. Over-expression of Na +,K+-ATPase in tumor cells resulted in an increase of total Na+,K+-ATPase activity and, in turn, a decreased inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity by cardiac glycosides. However, of interest was the observation that increased enzyme expression was also associated with an elevated basal level of glutathione (GSH) within cells. Both increased Na+,K+-ATPase activity and elevated GSH content appear to contribute to a delayed as well as diminished release of cytochrome c and caspase activation. In addition, we have noted an increased colony forming ability in cells with a high level of Na+,K+-ATPase expression. This suggests that Na+,K+-ATPase is actively involved in tumor cell growth and survival. ^