957 resultados para Nearly zero energy buildings


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The ion energy distribution of inductively coupled plasma ion source for focused ion beam application is measured using a four grid retarding field energy analyzer. Without using any Faraday shield, ion energy spread is found to be 50 eV or more. Moreover, the ion energy distribution is found to have double peaks showing that the power coupling to the plasma is not purely inductive, but a strong parasitic capacitive coupling is also present. By optimizing the various source parameters and Faraday shield, ion energy distribution having a single peak, well separated from zero energy and with ion energy spread of 4 eV is achieved. A novel plasma chamber, with proper Faraday shield is designed to ignite the plasma at low RF powers which otherwise would require 300-400 W of RF power. Optimization of various parameters of the ion source to achieve ions with very low energy spread and the experimental results are presented in this article. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We theoretically explore quench dynamics in a finite-sized topological fermionic p-wave superconducting wire with the goal of demonstrating that topological order can have marked effects on such non-equilibrium dynamics. In the case studied here, topological order is reflected in the presence of two (nearly) isolated Majorana fermionic end bound modes together forming an electronic state that can be occupied or not, leading to two (nearly) degenerate ground states characterized by fermion parity. Our study begins with a characterization of the static properties of the finite-sized wire, including the behavior of the Majorana end modes and the form of the tunnel coupling between them; a transfer matrix approach to analytically determine the locations of the zero energy contours where this coupling vanishes; and a Pfaffian approach to map the ground state parity in the associated phase diagram. We next study the quench dynamics resulting from initializing the system in a topological ground state and then dynamically tuning one of the parameters of the Hamiltonian. For this, we develop a dynamic quantum many-body technique that invokes a Wick's theorem for Majorana fermions, vastly reducing the numerical effort given the exponentially large Hilbert space. We investigate the salient and detailed features of two dynamic quantities-the overlap between the time-evolved state and the instantaneous ground state (adiabatic fidelity) and the residual energy. When the parity of the instantaneous ground state flips successively with time, we find that the time-evolved state can dramatically switch back and forth between this state and an excited state even when the quenching is very slow, a phenomenon that we term `parity blocking'. This parity blocking becomes prominently manifest as non-analytic jumps as a function of time in both dynamic quantities.


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<p>Fast radio bursts (FRBs), a novel type of radio pulse, whose physics is not yet understood at all. Only a handful of FRBs had been detected when we started this project. Taking account of the scant observations, we put physical constraints on FRBs. We excluded proposals of a galactic origin for their extraordinarily high dispersion measures (DM), in particular stellar coronas and HII regions. Therefore our work supports an extragalactic origin for FRBs. We show that the resolved scattering tail of FRB 110220 is unlikely to be due to propagation through the intergalactic plasma. Instead the scattering is probably caused by the interstellar medium in the FRB's host galaxy, and indicates that this burst sits in the central region of that galaxy. Pulse durations of order $\ms$ constrain source sizes of FRBs implying enormous brightness temperatures and thus coherent emission. Electric fields near FRBs at cosmological distances would be so strong that they could accelerate free electrons from rest to relativistic energies in a single wave period. When we worked on FRBs, it was unclear whether they were genuine astronomical signals as distinct from `perytons', clearly terrestrial radio bursts, sharing some common properties with FRBs. Recently, in April 2015, astronomers discovered that perytons were emitted by microwave ovens. Radio chirps similar to FRBs were emitted when their doors opened while they were still heating. Evidence for the astronomical nature of FRBs has strengthened since our paper was published. Some bursts have been found to show linear and circular polarizations and Faraday rotation of the linear polarization has also been detected. I hope to resume working on FRBs in the near future. But after we completed our FRB paper, I decided to pause this project because of the lack of observational constraints.</p> <p>The pulsar triple system, J0733+1715, has its orbital parameters fitted to high accuracy owing to the precise timing of the central $\ms$ pulsar. The two orbits are highly hierarchical, namely $P_{\mathrm{orb,1}}\ll P_{\mathrm{orb,2}}$, where 1 and 2 label the inner and outer white dwarf (WD) companions respectively. Moreover, their orbital planes almost coincide, providing a unique opportunity to study secular interaction associated purely with eccentricity beyond the solar system. Secular interaction only involves effect averaged over many orbits. Thus each companion can be represented by an elliptical wire with its mass distributed inversely proportional to its local orbital speed. Generally there exists a mutual torque, which vanishes only when their apsidal lines are parallel or anti-parallel. To maintain either mode, the eccentricity ratio, $e_1/e_2$, must be of the proper value, so that both apsidal lines precess together. For J0733+1715, $e_1\ll e_2$ for the parallel mode, while $e_1\gg e_2$ for the anti-parallel one. We show that the former precesses $\sim 10$ times slower than the latter. Currently the system is dominated by the parallel mode. Although only a little anti-parallel mode survives, both eccentricities especially $e_1$ oscillate on $\sim 10^3\yr$ timescale. Detectable changes would occur within $\sim 1\yr$. We demonstrate that the anti-parallel mode gets damped $\sim 10^4$ times faster than its parallel brother by any dissipative process diminishing $e_1$. If it is the tidal damping in the inner WD, we proceed to estimate its tidal quantity parameter ($Q$) to be $\sim 10^6$, which was poorly constrained by observations. However, tidal damping may also happen during the preceding low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) phase or hydrogen thermal nuclear flashes. But, in both cases, the inner companion fills its Roche lobe and probably suffers mass/angular momentum loss, which might cause $e_1$ to grow rather than decay.</p> <p>Several pairs of solar system satellites occupy mean motion resonances (MMRs). We divide these into two groups according to their proximity to exact resonance. Proximity is measured by the existence of a separatrix in phase space. MMRs between Io-Europa, Europa-Ganymede and Enceladus-Dione are too distant from exact resonance for a separatrix to appear. A separatrix is present only in the phase spaces of the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs and their resonant arguments are the only ones to exhibit substantial librations. When a separatrix is present, tidal damping of eccentricity or inclination excites overstable librations that can lead to passage through resonance on the damping timescale. However, after investigation, we conclude that the librations in the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs are fossils and do not result from overstability.</p> <p>Rubble piles are common in the solar system. Monolithic elements touch their neighbors in small localized areas. Voids occupy a significant fraction of the volume. In a fluid-free environment, heat cannot conduct through voids; only radiation can transfer energy across them. We model the effective thermal conductivity of a rubble pile and show that it is proportional the square root of the pressure, $P$, for $P\leq \epsy^3\mu$ where $\epsy$ is the material's yield strain and $\mu$ its shear modulus. Our model provides an excellent fit to the depth dependence of the thermal conductivity in the top $140\,\mathrm{cm}$ of the lunar regolith. It also offers an explanation for the low thermal inertias of rocky asteroids and icy satellites. Lastly, we discuss how rubble piles slow down the cooling of small bodies such as asteroids.</p> <p>Electromagnetic (EM) follow-up observations of gravitational wave (GW) events will help shed light on the nature of the sources, and more can be learned if the EM follow-ups can start as soon as the GW event becomes observable. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient time-domain algorithm capable of detecting gravitational waves (GWs) from coalescing binaries of compact objects with nearly zero time delay. In case when the signal is strong enough, our algorithm also has the flexibility to trigger EM observation {\it before} the merger. The key to the efficiency of our algorithm arises from the use of chains of so-called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, which filter time-series data recursively. Computational cost is further reduced by a template interpolation technique that requires filtering to be done only for a much coarser template bank than otherwise required to sufficiently recover optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Towards future detectors with sensitivity extending to lower frequencies, our algorithm's computational cost is shown to increase rather insignificantly compared to the conventional time-domain correlation method. Moreover, at latencies of less than hundreds to thousands of seconds, this method is expected to be computationally more efficient than the straightforward frequency-domain method.</p>


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We investigate theoretically the magnetic levels and optical properties of zigzag- and armchair-edged hexagonal graphene quantum dots (GQDs) utilizing the tight-binding method. A bound edge state at zero energy appears for the zigzag GQDs in the absence of a magnetic field. The magnetic levels of GQDs exhibit a Hofstadter-butterfly spectrum and approach the Landau levels of two-dimensional graphene as the magnetic field increases. The optical properties are tuned by the size, the type of the edge, and the external magnetic field.


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The fragmentation of CD+ in intense ultrashort laser pulses was investigated using a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique improved by employing both transverse and longitudinal electric fields. This allowed clear separation of all fragmentation channels and the determination of the kinetic energy release down to nearly zero, for a molecule with significant mass asymmetry. The most probable dissociation pathways for the two lowest dissociation limits, C+ + D and C+ D+, were identified for both 22-fs, 798-nm and 50-fs, 392-nm pulses. Curiously, the charge asymmetric dissociation of CD2+ was not observed for 392-nm photons, even though it was clearly visible for the fundamental 798 nm at the same peak intensity.


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A importncia da eficincia energtica em edifcios de uso coletivo atravs do aperfeioamento das prticas de conservao e da implementao de novas tecnologias, enfatiza o papel que a mudana de comportamentos associados ao uso e conservao de energia detm na melhoria desta eficincia. Mas como contribuir para a alterao de comportamentos sem antes conhecer os sentidos e significados sociais atribudos energia? Considerando que este conhecimento fulcral para a alterao de comportamentos, recorre-se aos resultados de um inqurito por questionrio sobre o uso de energia desenvolvido com alunos e professores de uma escola secundria de Lisboa recentemente intervencionada, para caracterizar as representaes sociais da energia destes dois grupos (cf. projeto Net Zero Energy School - Reaching the Community FCT/MIT Portugal). A primeira pergunta do questionrio solicitava aos inquiridos que indicassem as primeiras trs palavras que lhes vinham ideia quando pensavam em energia. A maioria dos alunos associou a palavra energia s energias renovveis e luz, e os professores ambiente e sustentabilidade energtica, s questes de natureza econmica e de consumo. Explora-se aqui os aspetos centrais e perifricos das representaes da energia na explicitao dos sentidos e significados atribudos a energia e discutem-se as questes fundamentais a considerar no mbito da mudana de comportamentos de uso e conservao de energia numa dada comunidade escolar.


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In this report we will investigate the effect of negative energy density in a classic Friedmann cosmology. Although never measured and possibly unphysical, the evolution of a Universe containing a significant cosmological abundance of any of a number of hypothetical stable negative energy components is explored. These negative energy ( < 0) forms include negative phantom energy (w<-1), negative cosmological constant (w=-1), negative domain walls (w=-2/3), negative cosmic strings (w= -1/3), negative mass (w=0), negative radiation (w=1/3), and negative ultra-light (w > 1/3). Assuming that such universe components generate pressures as perfect fluids, the attractive or repulsive nature of each negative energy component is reviewed. The Friedmann equations can only be balanced when negative energies are coupled to a greater magnitude of positive energy or positive curvature, and minimal cases of both of these are reviewed. The future and fate of such universes in terms of curvature, temperature, acceleration, and energy density are reviewed including endings categorized as a Big Crunch, Big Void, or Big Rip and further qualified as "Warped", "Curved", or "Flat", "Hot" versus "Cold", "Accelerating" versus" Decelerating" versus "Coasting". A universe that ends by contracting to zero energy density is termed a Big Poof. Which contracting universes ``bounce" in expansion and which expanding universes ``turnover" into contraction are also reviewed. The name by which the ending of the Universe is mentioned is our own nomenclature.


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In 2008, the City Council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Spain) decided to promote the construction of Rivasecopolis, a complex of sustainable buildings in which a new prototype of a zero-energy house would become the office of the Energy Agency. According to the initiative of the City Council, it was decided to recreate the dwelling prototype Magic-box which entered the 2005 Solar Decathlon Competition. The original project has been adapted to a new necessities programme, by adding the necessary spaces that allows it to work as an office. A team from university has designed and carried out the direction of the construction site. The new Solar House is conceived as a testing building. It is going to become the space for attending citizens in all questions about saving energy, energy efficiency and sustainable construction, having a permanent small exhibition space additional to the working places for the information purpose. At the same time, the building includes the use of experimental passive architecture systems and a monitoring and control system. Collected data will be sent to University to allow developing research work about the experimental strategies included in the building. This paper will describe and analyze the experience of transforming a prototype into a real durable building and the benefits for both university and citizens in learning about sustainability with the building


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Esta tesis trata sobre la construccin modular ligera, dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energtica y de cara a los conceptos de nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) y NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) que se manejan en el mbito europeo y especficamente dentro del marco regulador de la Directiva 2010/31 UE. En el contexto de la Unin Europea, el sector de la edificacin representa el 40% del total del consumo energtico del continente. Asumiendo la necesidad de reducir este consumo se han planteado, desde los organismos de direccin europeos, unos objetivos (objetivos 20-20-20) para hacer ms eficiente el parque edificatorio. Estos objetivos, que son vinculantes en trminos de legislacin, comprometen a todos los estados miembros a conseguir la meta de reduccin de consumo y emisiones de GEI (Gases de Efecto Invernadero) antes del ao 2020. Estos conceptos de construccin modular ligera (CML) y eficiencia energtica no suelen estar asociados por el hecho de que este tipo de construccin no suele estar destinada a un uso intensivo y no cuenta con unos cerramientos con niveles de aislamiento de acuerdo a las normativas locales o cdigos de edificacin de cada pas. El objetivo de nZEB o NZEB, e incluso Energy Plus, segn sea el caso, necesariamente (y as queda establecido en las normativas), depender no slo de la mejora de los niveles de aislamiento de los edificios, sino tambin de la implementacin de sistemas de generacin renovables, independientemente del tipo de sistema constructivo con el que se trabaje e incluso de la tipologa edificatoria. Si bien es cierto que los niveles de industrializacin de la sociedad tecnolgica actual han alcanzado varias de las fases del proceso constructivo - sobre todo en cuanto a elementos compositivos de los edificios- tambin lo es el hecho de que las cotas de desarrollo conseguidas en el mbito de la construccin no llegan al nivel de evolucin que se puede apreciar en otros campos de las ingenieras como la aeronutica o la industria del automvil. Aunque desde finales del siglo pasado existen modelos y proyectos testimoniales de construccin industrializada ligera (CIL) e incluso ya a principios del siglo XX, ejemplos de construccin modular ligera (CML), como la Casa Voisin, la industrializacin de la construccin de edificios no ha sido una constante progresiva con un nivel de comercializacin equiparable al de la construccin masiva y pesada. Los trminos construccin industrializada, construccin prefabricada, construccin modular y construccin ligera, no siempre hacen referencia a lo mismo y no siempre son sinnimos entre s. Un edificio puede ser prefabricado y no ser modular ni ligero y tal es el caso, por poner un ejemplo, de la construccin con paneles de hormign prefabricado. Lo que s es una constante es que en el caso de la construccin modular ligera, la prefabricacin y la industrializacin, casi siempre vienen implcitas en muchos ejemplos histricos y actuales. Con relacin al concepto de eficiencia energtica (nZEB o incluso NZEB), el mismo no suele estar ligado a la construccin modular ligera y/o ligera industrializada; ms bien se le ve unido a la idea de cerramientos masivos con gran inercia trmica propios de estndares de diseo como el Passivhaus; y aunque comnmente a la construccin ligera se le asocian otros conceptos que le restan valor (corta vida til; funcin y formas limitadas, fuera de todo orden esttico; limitacin en los niveles de confort, etc.), los avances que se van alcanzando en materia de tecnologas para el aprovechamiento de la energa y sistemas de generacin renovables, pueden conseguir revertir estas ideas y unificar el criterio de eficiencia + construccin modular ligera. Prototipos y proyectos acadmicos como el concurso Solar Decathlon que se celebra desde el ao 2002 promovido por el DOE (Departamento de Energa de los Estados Unidos), y que cuenta con ediciones europeas como las de los aos 2010 y 2012, replantean la idea de la construccin industrializada, modular y ligera dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energtica, con prototipos de viviendas de 60m2, propuestos por las universidades concursantes, y cuyo objetivo es alcanzar y/o desarrollar el concepto de NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) o edificio de energa cero. Esta opcin constructiva no slo representa durabilidad, seguridad y esttica, sino tambin, rapidez en la fabricacin y montaje, adems de altas prestaciones energticas como se ha podido demostrar en las sucesivas ediciones del Solar Decathlon. Este tipo de iniciativas de desarrollo de tecnologas constructivas, no slo apuntan a la eficiencia energtica sino al concepto global de energa neta, Energa plus o cero emisiones de CO2. El nivel de emisiones por la fabricacin y puesta en obra de los materiales de construccin depende, en muchos casos, no solo de la propia naturaleza del material, sino tambin de la cantidad de recursos utilizados para producir una unidad de medida determinada (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc). En este sentido podra utilizarse, en muchos casos, el argumento vlido de que a menos peso, y a menos tamao, menos emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y menos contaminacin. Para el trabajo de investigacin de esta tesis se han tomado como referencias vlidas para estudio, prototipos tanto de CML (Modular 3D) como de CIL (panelizado y elementos 2D), dado que para los fines de anlisis de las prestaciones energticas de los materiales de cerramiento, ambos sistemas son equiparables. Para poder llegar a la conclusin fundamental de este trabajo de tesis doctoral - que consiste en demostrar la viabilidad tecnolgica/ industrial que supone la combinacin de la eficiencia energtica y la construccin modular ligera - se parte del estudio del estado de la tcnica ( desde la seleccin de los materiales y los posibles procesos de industrializacin en fbrica, hasta su puesta en obra, funcionamiento y uso, bajo los conceptos de consumo cero, cero emisiones de carbono y plus energtico). Adems -y con un estado de la tcnica que identifica la situacin actual- se llevan a cabo pruebas y ensayos con un prototipo a escala natural y clulas de ensayo, para comprobar el comportamiento de los elementos compositivos de los mismos, frente a unas condicionantes climticas determinadas. Este tipo de resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos mediante simulaciones informticas basadas en los mismos parmetros y realizadas en su mayora mediante mtodos simplificados de clculos, validados por los organismos competentes en materia de eficiencia energtica en la edificacin en Espaa y de acuerdo a la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses lightweight modular construction within the context of energy efficiency in nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) and NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) both used in Europe and, specifically, within the limits of the regulatory framework of the EU Directive 2010/31. In the European Union the building sector represents 40% of the total energy consumption of the continent. Due to the need to reduce this consumption, European decision-making institutions have proposed aims (20-20-20 aims) to render building equipment more efficient. These aims are bound by law and oblige all member States to endeavour to reduce consumption and GEI emissions before the year 2020. Lightweight modular construction concepts and energy efficiency are not generally associated because this type of building is not normally meant for intensive use and does not have closures with insulation levels which fit the local regulations or building codes of each country. The objective of nZEB or NZEB and even Energy Plus, depending on each case, will necessarily be associated (as established in the guidelines) not only with the improvement of insulation levels in buildings, but also with the implementation of renewable systems of generation, independent of the type of building system used and of the building typology. Although it is true that the levels of industrialisation in the technological society today have reached several of the building process phases - particularly in the composite elements of buildings - it is also true that the quotas of development achieved in the area of construction have not reached the evolutionary levelfound in other fields of engineering, such as aeronautics or the automobile industry. Although there have been models and testimonial projects of lightweight industrialised building since the end of last century, even going back as far as the beginning of the XX century with examples of lightweight modular construction such as the Voisin House, industrialisation in the building industry has not been constant nor is its comercialisation comparable to massive and heavy construction. The terms industrialised building, prefabricated building, modular building and lightweight building, do not always refer to the same thing and they are not always synonymous. A building can be prefabricated yet not be modular or lightweight. To give an example, this is the case of building with prefabricated concrete panels. What is constant is that, in the case of lightweight modular construction, prefabrication and industrialisation are almost always implicit in many historical and contemporary examples. Energy efficiency (nZEB or even NZEB) is not normally linked to lightweight modular construction and/or industrialised lightweight; rather, it is united to the idea of massive closureswith high thermal inertia typical of design standards such as the Passive House; and although other concepts that subtract value from it are generally associated with lightweight building (short useful life, limited forms and function, inappropriate toany aesthetic pattern; limitation in comfort levels, etc.), the advances being achieved in technology for benefitting from energy and renewable systems of generation may well reverse these ideas and unify the criteria of efficiency + lightweight modular construction. Academic prototypes and projects - such as the Solar Decathlon competition organised by the US Department of Energy and celebrated since 2002, with its corresponding European events such as those held in 2010 and 2012, place a different slant on the idea of industrialised, modular and lightweight building within the context of energy efficiency, with prototypes of homes measuring approximately 60m2, proposed by university competitors, whose aim is to reach and/or develop the NZEB concept, or the zero energy building. This building option does not only signify durability, security and aesthetics, but also fast manufacture and assembly. It also has high energy benefits, as has been demonstrated in successive events of the Solar Decathlon. This type of initiative for the development of building technologies, does not only aim at energy efficiency, but also at the global concept of net energy, Energy Plus and zero CO2 emissions. The level of emissions in the manufacture and introduction of building materials in many cases depends not only on the inherent nature of the material, but also on the quantity of resources used to produce a specific unit of measurement (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc.). Thus in many cases itcould be validly arguedthat with less weight and smaller size, there will be fewer global emissions of greenhouse effect gases and less contamination. For the research carried out in this thesis prototypes such as the CML (3D Module) and CIL (panelled and elements) have been used as valid study references, becauseboth systems are comparablefor the purpose of analysing the energy benefits of closure materials. So as to reach a basic conclusion in this doctoral thesis - that sets out to demonstrate the technological/industrial viability of the combination of energy efficiency and lightweight modular construction - the departure point is the study of the state of the technique (from the selection of materials and the possible processes of industrialisation in manufacture, to their use on site, functioning and use, respecting the concepts of zero consumption, zero emissions of carbon and Energy Plus). Moreover, with the state of the technique identifying the current situation, tests and practices have been carried out with a natural scale prototype and test cells so as to verify the behaviour of the composite elements of these in certain climatic conditions. These types of result are contrasted with those obtained through computer simulation based on the same parameters and done, principally, using simplified methods of calculation, validated by institutions competent in energy efficiency in Spanish building and in line with the rules in force.


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Hydrogen adsorption in alkali-doped carbon materials is investigated theoretically. Our calculations show that hydrogen molecules can be physically adsorbed on alkali-doped graphite at 0 K but such an adsorption is thermodynamically unfavourable. The binding energy of hydrogen adsorption decreases significantly with the increase in temperature and becomes nearly zero at ambient temperature. We suggest that it may be unlikely to observe any hydrogen uptake in alkali-doped carbon materials at or above ambient temperature in the TGA (thermogravimetric) system, the previously reported hydrogen uptake in alkali-doped carbon materials was caused by either uncyclable chemisorbed hydrogen on the defects of carbon (defects were produced by repeated heat treatment) and/or moisture adsorption. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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<p>Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have recently emerged as promising candidates for electron field emission (FE) cathodes in integrated FE devices. These nanostructured carbon materials possess exceptional properties and their synthesis can be thoroughly controlled. Their integration into advanced electronic devices, including not only FE cathodes, but sensors, energy storage devices, and circuit components, has seen rapid growth in recent years. The results of the studies presented here demonstrate that the CNT field emitter is an excellent candidate for next generation vacuum microelectronics and related electron emission devices in several advanced applications.</p><p> The work presented in this study addresses determining factors that currently confine the performance and application of CNT-FE devices. Characterization studies and improvements to the FE properties of CNTs, along with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) design and fabrication, were utilized in achieving these goals. Important performance limiting parameters, including emitter lifetime and failure from poor substrate adhesion, are examined. The compatibility and integration of CNT emitters with the governing MEMS substrate (i.e., polycrystalline silicon), and its impact on these performance limiting parameters, are reported. CNT growth mechanisms and kinetics were investigated and compared to silicon (100) to improve the design of CNT emitter integrated MEMS based electronic devices, specifically in vacuum microelectronic device (VMD) applications.</p><p> Improved growth allowed for design and development of novel cold-cathode FE devices utilizing CNT field emitters. A chemical ionization (CI) source based on a CNT-FE electron source was developed and evaluated in a commercial desktop mass spectrometer for explosives trace detection. This work demonstrated the first reported use of a CNT-based ion source capable of collecting CI mass spectra. The CNT-FE source demonstrated low power requirements, pulsing capabilities, and average lifetimes of over 320 hours when operated in constant emission mode under elevated pressures, without sacrificing performance. Additionally, a novel packaged ion source for miniature mass spectrometer applications using CNT emitters, a MEMS based Nier-type geometry, and a Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) 3D scaffold with integrated ion optics were developed and characterized. While previous research has shown other devices capable of collecting ion currents on chip, this LTCC packaged MEMS micro-ion source demonstrated improvements in energy and angular dispersion as well as the ability to direct the ions out of the packaged source and towards a mass analyzer. Simulations and experimental design, fabrication, and characterization were used to make these improvements.</p><p> Finally, novel CNT-FE devices were developed to investigate their potential to perform as active circuit elements in VMD circuits. Difficulty integrating devices at micron-scales has hindered the use of vacuum electronic devices in integrated circuits, despite the unique advantages they offer in select applications. Using a combination of particle trajectory simulation and experimental characterization, device performance in an integrated platform was investigated. Solutions to the difficulties in operating multiple devices in close proximity and enhancing electron transmission (i.e., reducing grid loss) are explored in detail. A systematic and iterative process was used to develop isolation structures that reduced crosstalk between neighboring devices from 15% on average, to nearly zero. Innovative geometries and a new operational mode reduced grid loss by nearly threefold, thereby improving transmission of the emitted cathode current to the anode from 25% in initial designs to 70% on average. These performance enhancements are important enablers for larger scale integration and for the realization of complex vacuum microelectronic circuits.</p>


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In this thesis project, a building in Vegagatan 12, Gvle has been analysed in order to see why it does consume more energy than it was expected. This building is a low energy building certified by Miljbyggnad and it should use less than 55kWh/m2 year and nowadays it is using 62.23 kWh/m2. To get the needed data, some information about the building has been gathered, some measurements have been done in the building and some calculations have been done with those measurements. Finally, some possible solutions have been offered to reduce the energy use of the building. Insulating the floor, the pipes and the walls, reducing the indoor temperature in winter... All of these changes need the help of environmentally friendly attitudes, which is a very important fact in low energy buildings.


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Capacitors are widely used for power-factor correction (PFC) in power systems. When a PFC capacitor is installed with a certain load in a microgrid, it may be in parallel with the filter capacitor of the inverter interfacing the utility grid and the local distributed-generation unit and, thus, change the effective filter capacitance. Another complication is the possibility of occurrence of resonance in the microgrid. This paper conducts an in-depth investigation of the effective shunt-filter-capacitance variation and resonance phenomena in a microgrid due to a connection of a PFC capacitor. To compensate the capacitance-parameter variation, an Hinfin controller is designed for the voltage-source- inverter voltage control. By properly choosing the weighting functions, the synthesized Hinfin controller would exhibit high gains at the vicinity of the line frequency, similar to traditional high- performance P+ resonant controller and, thus, would possess nearly zero steady-state error. However, with the robust Hinfin controller, it will be possible to explicitly specify the degree of robustness in face of parameter variations. Furthermore, a thorough investigation is carried out to study the performance of inner current-loop feedback variables under resonance conditions. It reveals that filter-inductor current feedback is more effective in damping the resonance. This resonance can be further attenuated by employing the dual-inverter microgrid conditioner and controlling the series inverter as a virtual resistor affecting only harmonic components without interference with the fundamental power flow. And finally, the study in this paper has been tested experimentally using an experimental microgrid prototype.


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The kinetics of acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of seven methylated aliphatic epoxides - R1R2C(O)CR3R4 (A: R1=R2=R3=R4=H; B: R1=R2=R3=H, R4=Me; C: R1=R2=H, R3=R4=Me; D: R1=R3=H, R2=R4=Me(trans); E: R1=R3=H, R2=R4=Me(cis); F: R1=R3=R4=Me, R2=H; G: R1=R2=R3=R4=Me) - has been studied at 36 1.5C. Compounds with two methyl groups at the same carbon atom of the oxirane ring exhibit highest rate constants (k(eff) in reciprocal molar concentration per second: 11.0 1.3 for C, 10.7 2.1 for F, and 8.7 0.7 for G as opposed to 0.124 0.003 for B, 0.305 0.003 for D, and 0.635 0.036 for E). Ethylene oxide (A) displays the lowest rate of hydrolysis (0.027 M-1 s-1). The results are consistent with literature data available for compounds A, B, and C. To model the reactivities we have employed quantum chemical calculations (MNDO, AM1, PM3, and MINDO/3) of the main reaction species. There is a correlation of the logarithm k(eff) with the total energy of epoxide ring opening. The best correlation coefficients (r) were obtained using the AM1 and MNDO methods (0.966 and 0.957, respectively). However, unlike MNDO, AM1 predicts approximately zero energy barriers for the oxirane ring opening of compounds B, C, E and G, which is not consistent with published kinetic data. Thus, the MNDO method provides a preferential means of modeling the acidic hydrolysis of the series of methylated oxiranes. The general ranking of mutagenicity in vitro, A &gt; B &gt; C, is in line with the concept that this sequence also gradually leaves the expoxide reactivity optimal for genotoxicity toward reactivities leading to higher biological detoxifications.


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In this paper, we present results on water flow past randomly textured hydrophobic surfaces with relatively large surface features of the order of 50 m. Direct shear stress measurements are made on these surfaces in a channel configuration. The measurements indicate that the flow rates required to maintain a shear stress value vary substantially with water immersion time. At small times after filling the channel with water, the flow rates are up to 30% higher compared with the reference hydrophilic surface. With time, the flow rate gradually decreases and in a few hours reaches a value that is nearly the same as the hydrophilic case. Calculations of the effective slip lengths indicate that it varies from about 50 m at small times to nearly zero or no slip after a few hours. Large effective slip lengths on such hydrophobic surfaces are known to be caused by trapped air pockets in the crevices of the surface. In order to understand the time dependent effective slip length, direct visualization of trapped air pockets is made in stationary water using the principle of total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface of the air pockets. These visualizations indicate that the number of bright spots corresponding to the air pockets decreases with time. This type of gradual disappearance of the trapped air pockets is possibly the reason for the decrease in effective slip length with time in the flow experiments. From the practical point of usage of such surfaces to reduce pressure drop, say, in microchannels, this time scale of the order of 1 h for the reduction in slip length would be very crucial. It would ultimately decide the time over which the surface can usefully provide pressure drop reductions. 2009 American Institute of Physics