989 resultados para Natural mating


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Reproductive behaviors are poorly known for the Yangtze finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis. In this study, the parentage of an isolated Yangtze finless porpoise population inhabiting the Yangtze Tian-e-Zhou Baiji National Natural Reserve is determined by analysis of microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences, and the porpoise's reproductive behaviors are studied. Overall 4 full parentage assignments and additional 3 single parentage assignments were determined for the population of 23 individuals. The analysis shows that their estimated reproductive cycle is shorter than that reported previously and there probably exists an overlapping between gestation and lactation period. The Study also shows that the female does not show fidelity to a particular male for breeding and vice versa, the oldest males did not monopolize mating and the dominance rank could not be so strict for the porpoise society. Moreover, the porpoise's mating pattern and relatedness among candidate parents are discussed here. These results provide important information for making guidelines of management and conservation for this protected population.


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Insects of the order Hymenoptera are biologically and economically important members of natural and agro ecosystems and exhibit diverse biologies, mating systems, and sex pheromones. We review what is known of their sex pheromone chemistry and function, paying particular emphasis to the Hymenoptera Aculeata (primarily ants, bees, and sphecid and vespid wasps), and provide a framework for the functional classification of their sex pheromones. Sex pheromones often comprise multicomponent blends derived from numerous exocrine tissues, including the cuticle. However, very few sex pheromones have been definitively characterized using bioassays, in part because of the behavioral sophistication of many Aculeata. The relative importance of species isolation versus sexual selection in shaping sex pheromone evolution is still unclear. Many species appear to discriminate among mates at the level of individual or kin/colony, and they use antiaphrodisiacs. Some orchids use hymenopteran sex pheromones to dupe males into performing pseudocopulation, with extreme species specificity.


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In male birds, the gonadal hormone testosterone (T) is known to influence territorial and mating behaviour. Plasma levels of T show seasonal fluctuations which vary in relation to mating system and social instability. First, we determined the natural T profile of male blue tits Parus caeruleus during the breeding season. We found that plasma levels of T increased at the onset of nest building. Thus, the increase in circulating T was not associated with territory establishment, nor with the fertile period of the males' mates. In most individuals, T levels dropped to values close to zero during the period of chick feeding. Second, we investigated the relationship between plasma levels of T and male age, size, and singing behaviour. During the mating period, T levels did not differ between 1 yr old and older males and did not correlate with body size or condition. However, song output during the dawn chorus tended to be positively correlated with T levels. Therefore, if high T levels are costly, song output might be an honest indicator of male quality in blue tits. Finally, we show that plasma levels of T are significantly higher during the night than during the day. This pattern has also been observed in captive non-passerine birds, but its functional significance remains unknown.


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Deformed wing virus (DWV) represents an ideal model to study the interaction between mode of transmission and virulence in honey bees since it exhibits both horizontal and vertical transmissions. However, it is not yet clear if venereal-vertical transmission represents a regular mode of transmission for this virus in natural honey bee populations. Here, we provide clear evidence for the occurrence of high DWV titres in the endophallus of sexually mature drones collected from drone congregation areas (DCAs). Furthermore, the endophallus DWV titres of drones collected at their maternal hives were no different from drones collected at nearby DCAs, suggesting that high-titre DWV infection of the endophallus does not hinder the ability of drones to reach the mating area. The results are discussed within the context of the dispersal of DWV between colonies and the definition of DWV virulence with respect to the transmission route and the types of tissues infected.


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The heritability of multiple mating in female Gryllus integer crickets was studied. Two preliminary experiments were conducted to determine when females first mate following the post-imaginal moult and to ascertain whether constant exposure to males affects female mating rate. Female Q. integer first mated at an average age of 3.6 days (S.D. = 2.3, Range = 0-8 days) . Exposing female crickets to courting males 24 hr daily did not significantly alter mating rates from those females in contact with males for only 5 hr per day. A heritability value of 0.690 ± 0.283 was calculated for multiple mating behavior in female Q. integer using a parent-offspring regression approach. Parental females mated between land 30 times (x 9.8, S . D. = 6. 6 ) and offspring matings ranged from 0 to 26 times (x 7 .3, S.D. = 3.4). Multiple mating is probably a sexually selected trait which functions as a mechanism of female choice and increases reproductive success through increased offspring production. Classical theory suggests that traits intimately related with fitness should exhibit negligible heritable variation. However, this study has shown that multiple mating, a trait closely linked with reproductive fitness, exhibits substantial heritability. These results are in concordance with a growing body of empirical evidence suggesting many fitness traits in natural populations demonstrate heritabilities far removed from zero. Various mechanisms which may maintain heritable variation for female multiple mating in wild, outbred Q. integer populations are discussed.


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This study tests predictions of the hypothesis of evolution of paternal care via sexual selection by using the Neotropical harvestman Pseudopucrolia sp. as the model organism. Females use natural cavities in roadside banks as nesting sites, which are defended by males against other males. Females leave the nests after oviposition, and all postzygotic parental care is accomplished by males, which protect the eggs and nymphs from predators. We provided artificial mud nests to individuals in the laboratory and conducted observations on the reproduction of the species. Male reproductive success was directly related to nest ownership time: the longer a male held a nest, the higher his chances of obtaining copulations. All males that succeeded in mating and obtaining one clutch eventually mated with additional females that added eggs to the clutch. Thus, desirable males were not limited to monogamy by paternal care. Experimental manipulations demonstrated that guarding males were more attractive to females than were nonguarding males and also that males guarded unrelated eggs. Finally, we found that females and nonguarding males spent more time foraging than guarding males. We use our data to contrast hypotheses on the origin and maintenance of paternal care and to provide a critical assessment of the hypothesis of the evolution of paternal care via sexual selection. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, it has become evident that frequency dependence in the attractiveness of a particular phenotype to mates can contribute to the maintenance of polymorphism. However, these preferences for rare and unfamiliar male phenotypes have only been demonstrated in small, controlled experiments. Here, we tested the preference for unfamiliar mates in groups of six to 96 individuals over 13 days, in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). We observed individual behaviour in situ to test whether fish discriminate two unfamiliar individuals among many familiar ones. We found that unfamiliar males and females were preferred over the familiar fishes in all groups and that this effect decayed over time. Increasing group sizes and levels of sexual activity did not hamper the preference for unfamiliar mates, providing further support for the role of frequency dependent mate choice in the maintenance of trait polymorphism in natural populations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta pesquisa avaliou o efeito da separação mãe-ninhada sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de coelhas lactantes e ponderal das ninhadas até aos 70 dias de idade. Examinaram-se 415 exposições ao macho de 157 fêmeas lactantes distribuídas em dois grupos: controle, com livre acesso ao ninho, e tratado, cujo acesso bloqueou-se entre o sétimo e o nono dias pós-parto, durante as 39 horas que precederam a cobrição. Das 415 exposições ao macho, 387 resultaram em cobrições e 264 em partos. As fêmeas tratadas, de quinta lactação em diante, apresentaram receptividade e taxa de parição, respectivamente, 6,7% e 10,8% maiores em comparação às fêmeas do grupo controle. Não se constatou efeito da interação tratamento x ordem de lactação, ou do tratamento, com respeito ao número de láparos/ninhada à desmama e nos 70 dias de idade. em ninhadas de primíparas, a taxa de mortalidade da separação até 70 dias de idade foi maior no grupo tratado, em relação ao controle (0,248±0,047 vs. 0,120±0,047). O peso total da ninhada à desmama foi inferior no grupo tratado, do que no controle (5.753±93 g vs. 6.222±89 g) em todas as ordens. Todavia, não se observou diferença no peso total ou médio da ninhada nos 70 dias de idade. O tratamento também reduziu o peso individual à desmama (912,4±4,9 g vs. 962,7±4,5 g) em todas as ordens de lactação, entretanto, elevou o ganho de peso médio diário pós-desmama (32,25±0,19 g/d vs. 31,44±0,17 g/d), proporcionando a ocorrência de ganho compensatório neste período. Pode-se recomendar a separação temporária mãe-ninhada para melhorar o desempenho reprodutivo de coelhas lactantes multíparas; mas deve ser evitada para as primíparas, devido à elevação da taxa de mortalidade das ninhadas.


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O sistema de cruzamento da espécie arbórea de dossel da Mata Atlântica brasileira, Cryptocarya moschata, foi estudado a partir de material proveniente do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, São Miguel Arcanjo, São Paulo, Brasil. As taxas de cruzamento foram determinadas através de marcadores alozímicos obtidos de plântulas germinadas de coortes de sementes coletadas de 35 árvores. O valor médio da taxa de cruzamento de equilíbrio (estimador indireto) foi t^eq = 0.51. As estimativas das taxas de cruzamento uniloco e multilocos (estimadores diretos) foram t^s = 0.725± 0,041 e t^m = 0,884 ± 0,034, respectivamente, indicando um sistema de cruzamento predominantemente alogâmico. As taxas de cruzamento de árvores individuais variaram de 27 a 100 ( x¯ = 87,8) porcento, a partir de t^m calculado com as freqüências gênicas de pólen mantidas constantes ao nível populacional. A partir do modelo de par de irmãos (modelo de cruzamento correlacionado) de Ritland, a correlação entre duas progênies irmãs oriundas de autofecundação (r^s) e a correlação entre duas progênies irmãs oriundas de paternidade por exocruzamento (r^p) foram 35,7% e 99,0%, respectivamente. Esses resultados corroboram o fato de haver variação nas taxas de autocruzamento entre as diferentes árvores, podendo também indicar que quando há endogamia, a maior parte das sementes nas árvores são provavelmente irmãs-germanas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of beef cows, as well as the performance of their calves according to the following dietary treatments: PRE: supplemented with protected fat (PF) during 45 days prepartum; PREPOS: supplemented with PF during 45 days prepartum and 63 days postpartum; POS: supplemented with PF during 63 days postpartum; PN: without supplementation. The productive performance of cows was not influenced by feed management (P>0.05), except for body condition score (BCS), which was lower for PRE and PREPOS cows at the end of mating season, with the latter cows having similar BCS POS and PN. The calving interval (CI) was shorter for cows supplemented in PREPOS - 376 days -, and did not differ in cows maintained in PN - 383 days. Supplemented PREPOS cows weaned 4.4% more pounds of calf per 100kg of cow at calving - 22.6kg - than the PRE and POS cows - 21.6kg and 21.6kg, respectively - and 8,4% more pounds of calf per 100 of cow at calving than the cows maintained in native pasture - 20.7kg. The fat protected supplementation during pre and/or postpartum periods did not affect the performance of cows and calves.


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A new species of Mesabolivar is described from Brazilian forests: Mesabolivar delclaroi. The mating behaviour, postembryonic development, number of egg sacs and eggs, birth rate, number of instars, developmental time until adulthood, sex ratio and size of cephalothorax (per instar) were recorded. The sexual behaviour was described and categorized into four steps: courtship, pre-copulation, copulation and post-copulation. After hatching, individuals presented five instars until maturity. The mean number of eggs (42 +/- 16.6) and live births (31.5 +/- 3.4) of the first egg sac were significantly greater than that of a second one (23.8 +/- 3.8, and 19.25 +/- 3.9, respectively). The developmental time from birth to adulthood (130.8 +/- 9.6 days) did not differ significantly between egg sacs produced (128.61 +/- 11.1). The size of the cephalothorax did not differ among adults or between sexes. The sex ratio revealed a shift in favour of females (4: 3).


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Most studies on selection in plants estimate female fitness components and neglect male mating success, although the latter might also be fundamental to understand adaptive evolution. Information from molecular genetic markers can be used to assess determinants of male mating success through parentage analyses. We estimated paternal selection gradients on floral traits in a large natural population of the herb Mimulus guttatus using a paternity probability model and maximum likelihood methods. This analysis revealed more significant selection gradients than a previous analysis based on regression of estimated male fertilities on floral traits. There were differences between results of univariate and multivariate analyses most likely due to the underlying covariance structure of the traits. Multivariate analysis, which corrects for the covariance structure of the traits, indicated that male mating success declined with distance from and depended on the direction to the mother plants. Moreover, there was directional selection for plants with fewer open flowers which have smaller corollas, a smaller anther-stigma separation, more red dots on the corolla and a larger fluctuating asymmetry therein. For most of these traits, however, there was also stabilizing selection indicating that there are intermediate optima for these traits. The large number of significant selection gradients in this study shows that even in relatively large natural populations where not all males can be sampled, it is possible to detect significant paternal selection gradients, and that such studies can give us valuable information required to better understand adaptive plant evolution.