968 resultados para National Fire Academy


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To a reasonable approximation, a secondary structures of RNA is determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots in such a way as to minimise the number of unpaired bases: We show that this minimal number is determined by the maximal conjugacy-invariant pseudo-norm on the free group on two generators subject to bounds on the generators. This allows us to construct lower bounds on the minimal number of unpaired bases by constructing conjugacy invariant pseudo-norms. We show that one such construction, based on isometric actions on metric spaces, gives a sharp lower bound. A major goal here is to formulate a purely mathematical question, based on considering orthogonal representations, which we believe is of some interest independent of its biological roots.


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It is particularly appropriate that the Journal of the Indian Institute of Science is bringing out a commemorative issue to mark the International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr2014). India has had a strong crystallographic tradition, and the earliest work in what may be described as structural crystallography from this country is the work of K. Banerjee on the determination of the crystal structure of naphthalene in 1930. The Indian Institute of Science itself has played no small part in establishing and sustaining the subject of crystallography in this country. A large number of papers in this special issue are written by authors who have either have been trained in the Institute or who have some kind of professional association with this organization. In this article I will try to capture some unique features that characterize the intersection of the crystallographic and the chemical domains, mostly as they pertain to the Indian contribution to this subject. Crystallography is of course is as old as chemistry itself, and some would say it is even older. The relationships between chemistry and crystallography go back to much before the discovery of diffraction of X-rays by crystals.The discovery of polymorphism by Mitscherlisch in 1822, Haüy’s formulation of the molecule integrante, and the work of Fedorov and Groth on the identification of crystals from their morphology alone, are well known examples of such relationships.A very early article by Tutton speaks of “crystallo-chemical analysis”. In this article, I shall, however, be dealing with the interplay of chemistry and crystallography only in the post diffraction era, that is, after 1912. Much had been written and said about chemical crystallography, and even within the context of the present special issue, there is a review of chemical crystallography in India including some futuristic trends. This topic was also reviewed by Nangia in a special publication brought out by Indian Academy of Sciences in 2009,and by Desiraju in a special publication brought out by the Indian National Science Academy in 2010. A rather detailed account of crystallography in India appeared in 2007 in the newsletter of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) in which chemical crystallography was detailed. Since all these publications are fairly recent there is little need for me to attempt a comprehensive coverage of chemical crystallography in India in this short review


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of the EXODUS evacuation model in building environments. The latest PC/workstation version of EXODUS is described and is also applied to a large hypothetical supermarket/restaurant complex measuring 50 m x 40 m. A range of scenarios is presented where population characteristics (such as size, individual travel speeds, and individual response times), and enclosure configuration characteristics (such as number of exits, size of exits, and opening times of exits) are varied. The results demonstrate a wide range of occupant behavior including overtaking, queuing, redirection, and conflict avoidance. Evacuation performance is measured by a number of model predicted parameters including individual exit flow rates, overall evacuation flow rates, total evacuation time, average evacuation time per occupant, average travel distance, and average wait time. The simulations highlight the profound impact that variations in individual travel speeds and occupant response times have in determining the overall evacuation performance. 1. Jin, T., and Yamada T., "Experimental Study of Human Behavior in Smoke Filled Corridors," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 511-519. 2. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "EXODUS: An Evacuation Model for Mass Transport Vehicles," UK CAA Paper 93006 ISBN 086039 543X, CAA London, 1993. 3. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "A Computer Based Simulation Model for the Prediction of Evacuation from Mass Transport Vehicles," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 22, 1994, pp. 341-366. 4. Galea, E.R., Owen, M., and Lawrence, P., "Computer Modeling of Human Be havior in Aircraft Fire Accidents," to appear in the Proceedings of Combus tion Toxicology Symposium, CAMI, Oklahoma City, OK, 1995. 5. Kisko, T.M. and Francis, R.L., "EVACNET+: A Computer Program to Determine Optimal Building Evacuation Plans," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 9, 1985, pp. 211-220. 6. Levin, B., "EXITT, A Simulation Model of Occupant Decisions and Actions in Residential Fires," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 561-570. 7. Fahy, R.F., "EXIT89: An Evacuation Model for High-Rise Buildings," Pro ceedings of The Third International Sym posium on Fire Safety Science, 1991, pp. 815-823. 8. Thompson, P.A., and Marchant, E.W., "A Computer Model for the Evacuation of Large Building Populations," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 24, 1995, pp. 131-148. 9. Still, K., "New Computer System Can Predict Human Behavior Response to Building Fires," FIRE 84, 1993, pp. 40-41. 10. Ketchell, N., Cole, S.S., Webber, D.M., et.al., "The Egress Code for Human Move ment and Behavior in Emergency Evacu ations," Engineering for Crowd Safety (Smith, R.A., and Dickie, J.F., Eds.), Elsevier, 1993, pp. 361-370. 11. Takahashi, K., Tanaka, T. and Kose, S., "An Evacuation Model for Use in Fire Safety Design of Buildings," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 551- 560. 12. G2 Reference Manual, Version 3.0, Gensym Corporation, Cambridge, MA. 13. XVT Reference Manual, Version 3.0 XVT Software Inc., Boulder, CO. 14. Galea, E.R., "On the Field Modeling Approach to the Simulation of Enclosure Fires, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1989, pp. 11-22. 15. Purser, D.A., "Toxicity Assessment of Combustion Products," SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, pp. 1-200 - 1-245, 1988. 16. Hankin, B.D., and Wright, R.A., "Pas senger Flows in Subways," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1958, pp. 81-88. 17. HMSO, The Building Regulations 1991 - Approved Document B, section B 1 (1992 edition), HMSO publications, London, pp. 9-40. 18. Polus A., Schofer, J.L., and Ushpiz, A., "Pedestrian Flow and Level of Service," Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 109, 1983, pp. 46-47. 19. Muir, H., Marrison, C., and Evans, A., "Aircraft Evacuations: the Effect of Passenger Motivation and Cabin Con figuration Adjacent to the Exit," CAA Paper 89019, ISBN 0 86039 406 9, 1989. 20. Muir, H., Private communication to appear as a CAA report, 1996.


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A Ciência Policial, ainda que controversa sua real existência, pode ser um importante meio de prova da verdade, destinada a produzir a convicção do julgador na decisão de um crime, sendo uma especialização recente e muito pouco explorada pela literatura técnica nacional. O presente estudo visa caracterizar a formação e o desenvolvimento profissional dos Peritos Criminais Federais, lotados no Departamento de Polícia Federal. Para isso, foi realizado trabalho de pesquisa envolvendo um embasamento teórico, o levantamento de dados colhidos a partir dos Peritos e suas chefias imediatas nos Setores Técnico-Científicos, além de entrevistas com dirigentes da Academia Nacional de Polícia, localizada em Brasília - DF. A primeira parte do trabalho apresenta uma introdução e a revisão bibliográfica, com breve histórico do Sistema de Ensino Policial no Brasil, conceitos de Educação Corporativa e desenvolvimento de competências, assim como aspectos da formação e desenvolvimento policial na Academia Nacional de Polícia, do Departamento de Polícia Federal. A segunda parte trata justamente da forma como essa pesquisa foi organizada e de sua coleta dos dados. A metodologia empregada utiliza uma abordagem transdisciplinar, característica sempre presente na própria formação e desenvolvimento do policial. A terceira, a análise dos dados, leva às conclusões do estudo realizado e elenca as principais características da formação e desenvolvimento profissional do Perito Criminal Federal. Finalmente, a conclusão encerra a dissertação, apresentando sugestões para futuras pesquisas a respeito da matéria.


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A Documentoscopia é a maior área de perícia da Criminalística da PF, respondendo por 24,49% de toda a produção de laudos do Sistema Nacional de Criminalística. Apesar disso, não possui área de concurso ou graduação específicas, e o desenvolvimento das competências da área depende quase que exclusivamente da capacitação oferecida e executada internamente, dentro da instituição e do ambiente de trabalho. Considerando os planejamentos estratégicos da Direção Geral e da Diretoria Técnico-Científica da PF, que manifestaram a importância da valorização de seus servidores por meio da capacitação contínua e da gestão de competências como estratégia para se alcançar suas missões, vê-se a relevância no adequado estudo e desenvolvimento das competências na área da perícia documentoscópica. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar se as competências técnicas dos peritos documentoscópico da Polícia Federal elencadas na matriz da função técnica da PF estão em consonância com as elencadas pela ONU para os examinadores forenses de documentos, e se essas competências estão sendo desenvolvidas nas ações de capacitação oferecidas pela ANP voltadas para a área. Foram identificadas algumas lacunas, ou seja, recomendações da ONU que encontram correspondência nas elencadas na matriz, mas não são desenvolvidas pelas ações de capacitação, além da discrepância quanto à carga horária dos cursos. Algumas sugestões para a minimização ou eliminação dessas lacunas foram colocadas, e outras considerações foram feitas, principalmente voltadas à maior oferta de capacitação, à especialização profissional, à instituição de testes de proficiência e da mentoria.


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Vol. 2 of a series of smoke detector public education manuals.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cover title.


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Includes pamphlets jointly sponsored by the National board of fire underwriters, Underwriters' laboratories, and National fire protection association.


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"April 2006."


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"Initiated by the Committee on Dust Explosion Hazards in 1943 ... Amendments were adopted in 1946, 1959, and 1963."


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This paper describes a project of a multimedia digital library for fashion objects. The presented work aims to provide an environment for the National Art Academy students works, showing in front a professional and nonprofessional public the significant values of the fashion domain.


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Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka om relative age effect förekommer på svenska längdskidgymnasier bland antagna elever och hur eventuell förekomst ser ut bland flickor och pojkar samt hur det ser ut vid Riksidrottsgymnasierna och de Nationell Idrottsutbildningarna. Metod För att besvara syftet har statistisk data analyserats med hjälp av ett Pearson Chi2-test. Analysen har skett genom att undersöka födelsemånad, kön och inriktning bland antagna elever vid svenska längdskidgymnasier mellan åren 2010-2015. Resultat Resultatet visar att det finns signifikanta bevis på att relative age effect förkommer på svenska längdskidgymnasier (p= <0,05). Vid uppdelning av respektive utbildningsinriktning kunde det endast konstateras förekomst av relative age effect vid Riksidrottsgymnasierna, vid uppdelning av kön går det inte att säkerställa en signifikant förekomst av relative age effect. Slutsatser Studiens resultat visar att det förekommer relative age effect på svenska längdskidgymnasier, dock varierar den mellan de analyserade undervariablerna. Tydligast förekommer relative age effect vid Riksidrottsgymnasierna, medan det vid Nationell Idottsutbildning, kunde det inte konstateras bevis för en signifikant överrepresentation av elever födda under första kvartalet. När flickor och pojkar analyserades separat kunde ingen relative age effect konstateras. Det behövs mer forskning inom området för att få en överblick av konsekvenserna av relative age effect på längdskidgymnasier men även konsekvenserna för svensk längdskidåkning i stort.