997 resultados para NOx reduction


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Low-temperature (<200 degrees C) hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction of NOx has been achieved for the first time in the absence of hydrogen using a solvent-free mechanochemically prepared Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. Catalysts prepared by this ball-milling method show a remarkable increase in activity for the reduction of nitrogen oxides with octane by lowering the light-off temperature by up to 150 degrees C compared with a state-of-the-art 2 wt %Ag/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by wet impregnation. The best catalyst prepared from silver oxide showed 50% NOx conversion at 240 degrees C and 99%, at 302 degrees C. The increased activity is not due to an increased surface area of the support, but may be associated with a change in.the'defeet structure of the alumina surface, leading to the formation of the small silver clusters necessary for the activation of the octane without leading to total combustion. On the other hand, since one possible role of hydrogen is to remove inhibiting species from the silver, we cannot exclude some change in the chemical properties of the silver as a result of the ball-milling treatment.


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The H-2-assisted hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) of NO, was investigated using fast transient kinetic analysis coupled with isotopically labelled (NO)-N-15. This allowed monitoring of the evolution of products and reactants during switches of H-2 in and out of the SCR reaction mix. The results obtained with a time resolution of less than 1 s showed that the effect on the reaction of the removal or addition of H-2 was essentially instantaneous. This is consistent with the view that H-2 has a direct chemical effect on the reaction mechanism rather than a secondary one through the formation of "active" Ag clusters. The effect of H-2 partial pressure was investigated at 245 degrees C, it was found that increasing partial pressure of H-2 resulted in increasing conversion of NO and octane. It was also found that the addition of H-2 at 245 degrees C had different effects on the product distribution depending on its partial pressure. The change of the nitrogen balance over time during switches in and out of hydrogen showed that significant quantities of N-containing species were stored when hydrogen was introduced to the system. The positive nitrogen balance on removal of H-2 from the gas phase showed that these stored species continued to react after removal of hydrogen to form N-2. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In situ EXAFS has been used to examine the hydrogen effect on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx over silver/alumina catalysts. For all SCR conditions used, with or without co-reductant (H-2 or CO), the catalyst structure remained the same. Significant changes in the catalyst were only found under reducing conditions. The enhanced activity found in the presence of hydrogen is thought to be due to a chemical effect and not the result of a change in the structure of the active site.


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Atmospheric pressure nonthermal-plasma-activated catalysis for the removal of NOx using hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction has been studied utilizing toluene and n-octane as the hydrocarbon reductant. When the plasma was combined with a Ag/Al2O3 catalyst, a strong enhancement in activity was observed when compared with conventional thermal activation with high conversions of both. NOx and hydrocarbons obtained at temperature at temperature ≤250 °C, where the silver catalyst is normally inactive. Importantly, even in the absence of an external heat source, significant activity was obtained. This low temperature activity provides the basis for applying nonthermal plasmas to activate emission control catalysts during cold start conditions, which remains an important issue for mobile and stationary applications.


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The performance of NOx storage and reduction over 1.5 wt% Pt/20 wt% KNO3/K2Ti8O17 and 1.5 wt% Pt/K2Ti8O17 catalysts has been investigated using combined fast transient kinetic switching and isotopically labelled (NO)-N-15 at 350 degrees C. The evolution of product N-2 has revealed two significant peaks during 60 s lean/1.3 s rich switches. It also found that the presence of CO2 in the feed affects the release of N-2 in the second peak. Regardless of the presence/absence of water in the feed, only one peak of N-2 was observed in the absence of CO2. Gas-phase NH3 was not observed in any of the experiments. However, in the presence of CO2 the results obtained from in situ DRIFTS-MS analysis showed that isocyanate species are formed and stored during the rich cycles, probably from the reaction between NOx and CO, in which CO was formed via the reverse water-gas shift reaction. 


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The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx in the presence of different reducing agents over Ag/Al2O3 prepared by wet impregnation was investigated by probing catalyst activity and using NMR relaxation time analysis to probe the strength of surface interaction of the various reducing agent species and water. The results reveal that the strength of surface interaction of the reducing agent relative to water, the latter present in engine exhausts as a fuel combustion product and, in addition, produced during the SCR reaction, plays an important role in determining catalyst performance. Reducing agents with weak strength of interaction with the catalyst surface, such as hydrocarbons, show poorer catalytic performance than reducing agents with a higher strength of interaction, such as alcohols. This is attributed to the greater ability of oxygenated species to compete with water in terms of surface interaction with the catalyst surface, hence reducing the inhibiting effect of water molecules blocking catalyst sites. The results support the observations of earlier work in that the light off-temperature and maximum NOx conversion and temperature at which that occurs are sensitive to the reducing agent present during reaction, and the proposal that improved catalyst performance is caused by increased adsorption strength of the reducing agent, relative to water, at the catalyst surface. Importantly, the NMR relaxation time analysis approach to characterising the strength of adsorption more readily describes the trends in catalytic behaviour than does a straightforward consideration of the polarity (i.e., relative permittivity) of the reducing agents studied here. In summary, this paper describes a simple approach to characterising the interaction energy of water and reducing agent so as to aid the selection of reducing agent and catalyst to be used in SCR conversions.


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Metal exchanged CHA-type (SAPO-34 and SSZ-13) zeolites are promising catalysts for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by NH3. However, the understanding of the process at the molecular level is still limited, which hinders the identification of its mechanism and the design of more efficient zeolite catalysts. In this work, modelling the reaction over Cu-SAPO-34, a periodic density functional theory (DFT) study of NH3-SCR was performed using hybrid functional with the consideration of van der Waals (vdW) interactions. A mechanism with a low N–N coupling barrier is proposed to account for the activation of NO. The redox cycle of Cu2+ and Cu+, which is crucial for the SCR process, is identified with detailed analyses. Besides, the decomposition of NH2NO is shown to readily occur on the Brønsted acid site by a hydrogen push-pull mechanism, confirming the collective efforts of Brønsted acid and Lewis acid (Cu2+) sites. The special electronic and structural properties of Cu-SAPO-34 are demonstrated to play an essential role the reaction, which may have a general implication on the understanding of zeolite catalysis.


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With rising environmental alarm, the reduction of critical aircraft emissions including carbon dioxides (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) is one of most important aeronautical problems. There can be many possible attempts to solve such problem by designing new wing/aircraft shape, new efficient engine, etc. The paper rather provides a set of acceptable flight plans as a first step besides replacing current aircrafts. The paper investigates a green aircraft design optimisation in terms of aircraft range, mission fuel weight (CO2) and NOx using advanced Evolutionary Algorithms coupled to flight optimisation system software. Two multi-objective design optimisations are conducted to find the best set of flight plans for current aircrafts considering discretised altitude and Mach numbers without designing aircraft shape and engine types. The objectives of first optimisation are to maximise range of aircraft while minimising NOx with constant mission fuel weight. The second optimisation considers minimisation of mission fuel weight and NOx with fixed aircraft range. Numerical results show that the method is able to capture a set of useful trade-offs that reduce NOx and CO2 (minimum mission fuel weight).


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There is worldwide interest in reducing aircraft emissions. The difficulty of reducing emissions including water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) is mainly due from the fact that a commercial aircraft is usually designed for a particular optimal cruise altitude but may be requested or required to operate and deviate at different altitude and speeds to archive a desired or commanded flight plan, resulting in increased emissions. This is a multi- disciplinary problem with multiple trade-offs such as optimising engine efficiency, minimising fuel burnt, minimise emissions while maintaining aircraft separation and air safety. This project presents the coupling of an advanced optimisation technique with mathematical models and algorithms for aircraft emission reduction through flight optimisation. Numerical results show that the method is able to capture a set of useful trade-offs between aircraft range and NOx, and mission fuel consumption and NOx. In addition, alternative cruise operating conditions including Mach and altitude that produce minimum NOx and CO2 (minimum mission fuel weight) are suggested.


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Nitrate reduction with nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was reported as a potential technology to remove nitrate from nitrate-contaminated water. In this paper, nitrate reduction with NZVI prepared by hydrogen reduction of natural goethite (NZVI-N, -N represents natural goethite) and hydrothermal goethite (NZVI-H, -H represents hydrothermal goethite) was conducted. Besides, the effects of reaction time, nitrate concentration, iron-to-nitrate ratio on nitrate removal rate over NZVI-H and NZVI-N were investigated. To prove their excellent nitrate reduction capacities, NZVI-N and NZVI-H were compared with ordinary zero-valent iron (OZVI-N) through the static experiments. Based on all above investigations, the mechanism of nitrate reduction with NZVI-N was proposed. The result showed that reaction time, nitrate concentration, iron-to-nitrate ratio played an important role in nitrate reduction by NZVI-N and NZVI-H. Compared with OZVI, NZVI-N and NZVI-H showed little relationship with pH. And NZVI-N for nitrate composition offers a higher stability than NZVI-H because of the existence of Al-substitution. Furthermore, NZVI-N, prepared by hydrogen reduction of goethite, has higher activity for nitrate reduction and the products contain hydrogen, nitrogen, NH 4 +, a little nitrite, but no NOx, meanwhile NZVI-N was oxidized to Fe 2+. It is a relatively easy and cost-effective method for nitrate removal, so NZVI-N reducing nitrate has a great potential application in nitrate removal of groundwater. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Non-thermal plasma (NTP) is a promising candidate for controlling engine exhaust emissions. Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter, where both electrons and positive ions co-exist. Both gaseous and particle emissions of diesel exhaust undergo chemical changes when they are exposed to plasma. In this project diesel particulate matter (DPM) mitigation from the actual diesel exhaust by using NTP technology has been studied. The effect of plasma, not only on PM mass but also on PM size distribution, physico-chemical structure of PM and PM removal mechanisms, has been investigated. It was found that NTP technology can significantly reduce both PM mass and number. However, under some circumstances particles can be formed by nucleation. Energy required to create the plasma with the current technology is higher than the benchmark set by the commonly used by the automotive industry. Further research will enable the mechanism of particle creation and energy consumption to be optimised.


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Research in the field of NOx abatement has grown significantly in the past two decades. The general trend has been to develop new catalysts with complex materials in order to meet the stringent environmental regulations. This review discusses briefly about the different sources of NOx and its adverse effect on the ecosystem. The main portion of the review discusses the progress and development of various catalysts for NOx removal from exhaust by NO decomposition, NO reduction by CO or H-2 or NH3 or hydrocarbons. The importance of understanding the mechanism of NO decomposition and reduction in presence of metal ion substituted catalysts is emphasized. Some conclusions are made on the various catalytic approaches to NOx abatement.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using nonthermal-plasma (pulsed electrical-discharge plasma)-promoted catalytic process. In this paper, the filtered exhaust from the diesel engine is made to pass through a combination of nonthermal plasma reactor and a catalytic reactor connected in series. This combination is referred to as cascade. Two types of cascaded systems were studied. In one type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with a reduction catalyst V2O5/TiO2 using ammonia as reducing agent, and in the other type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with activated-alumina catalyst without any additive. Improved NOx-removal performance of both the cascaded processes and the role of nonthermal plasma in promoting catalysis are explained. Along with the NOx, total hydrocarbon and aldehydes were also removed. Furthermore, experiments were conducted at different temperatures and engine-loading conditions.


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Convencionalmente, metais nobres são empregados como metais ativos em catalisadores automotivos, mas o uso de cobre vem sendo estudado pelo fato de promover sítios ativos para adsorção química e redução de NOx. Diante deste contexto, esta dissertação visa testar novas formulações de catalisadores, com foco em seu desempenho na reação de redução do NO pelo CO e sua seletividade a N2. Foram avaliados o método de adição de cobre no preparo e os teores de cobre utilizados na preparação. Os métodos de adição utilizados foram impregnação a seco (IS), reação em estado sólido (RS) e coprecipitação (CO). Os teores de cobre estudados ficaram entre 0,36 e 6,9% (m/m). Além disso, foi estudado o impacto no desempenho do catalisador após envelhecimento térmico a 950C por 12h. Foram empregadas as seguintes técnicas de caracterização textural e físico-química como espectrometria de absorção atômica, fisissorção de N2, difração de raios X, espectroscopia Raman e redução a temperatura programada. Os catalisadores também foram avaliados na reação de redução do NO pelo CO. A análise textural indicou que o método de coprecipitação levou a características texturais diferentes dos outros catalisadores. Análises de DRX mostraram a formação de CuO cristalino para teores iguais ou superiores a 3,3% (m/m) de cobre. As análises de Redução a Temperatura Programada (RTP) indicaram que ocorreu uma forte interação na interface entre o suporte e as espécies de cobre dispersas, acompanhada da diminuição da temperatura de redução do CuO e da redução parcial da céria em temperaturas mais baixas. Os testes catalíticos mostraram um melhor desempenho dos catalisadores (IS) que apresentaram conversões mais elevadas em menores temperaturas. Com relação ao envelhecimento, observou-se uma diminuição significativa da eficiência dos catalisadores. Uma comparação com catalisadores à base de metal nobre mostrou um bom desempenho dos catalisadores à base de cobre, com a vantagem destes apresentarem emissão de N2O restrita a baixas temperaturas