1000 resultados para NORTHERN SPAIN


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For ticks, phoretic behaviour using insects associated with vertebrates might offer an alternative strategy to host-seeking. Here we report for the first time the presence of immature stages of the most widespread tick species in Western Europe, Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae), on three beetle species belonging to families Silphidae and Geotrupidae (Coleoptera). Specimens were collected while performing fieldwork surveys on insect diversity during the peak of tick’s questing behaviour, therefore, in July and August of 2009 and 2010. The collections took place in two Natural Parks, the Aiako Harria, Guipúzcoa in Northern Spain and Wellington Country Park, Berkshire, in England. The silphid species Nicrophorus vespilloides, together with the geotrupid Trypocopris pyrenaeus were both collected from pig-carcasses and both carried nymphs of I. ricinus; while, the geotrupid Anoplotrupes stercorosus was carrying a tick larva while feeding on Red deer dung. These findings revealed an unnoticed but common relation of ticks not only with decomposed animals but also with insect scavengers. We discuss the rationale of this phenomenon.


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A data insertion method, where a dispersion model is initialized from ash properties derived from a series of satellite observations, is used to model the 8 May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash cloud which extended from Iceland to northern Spain. We also briefly discuss the application of this method to the April 2010 phase of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption and the May 2011 Grímsvötn eruption. An advantage of this method is that very little knowledge about the eruption itself is required because some of the usual eruption source parameters are not used. The method may therefore be useful for remote volcanoes where good satellite observations of the erupted material are available, but little is known about the properties of the actual eruption. It does, however, have a number of limitations related to the quality and availability of the observations. We demonstrate that, using certain configurations, the data insertion method is able to capture the structure of a thin filament of ash extending over northern Spain that is not fully captured by other modeling methods. It also verifies well against the satellite observations according to the quantitative object-based quality metric, SAL—structure, amplitude, location, and the spatial coverage metric, Figure of Merit in Space.


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The Geoffroy’s bat Myotis emarginatus is mainly present in southern, south-eastern and central Europe (Červerný, 1999) and is often recorded from northern Spain (Quetglas, 2002; Flaquer et al., 2004). It has demonstrated the species’ preference for forest. Myotis capaccinii, confined to the Mediterranean (Guille´n, 1999), is classified as ‘vulnerable’ on a global scale (Hutson, Mickleburgh & Racey, 2001). In general, the species preferred calm waters bordered by well-developed riparian vegetation and large (> 5 m) inter-bank distances (Biscardi et al. 2007). In this study we present the first results about population genetic structure of these two species of genus Myotis. We used two methods of sampling: invasive and non-invasive techniques. A total of 323 invasive samples and a total of 107 non-invasive samples were collected and analyzed. For Myotis emarginatus we have individuated for the first time a set of 7 microsatellites, which can work on this species, started from a set developed on Myotis myotis (Castella et al. 2000). We developed also a method for analysis of non-invasive samples, that given a good percentage of positive analyzed samples. The results have highlighted for the species Myotis emarginatus the presence on the European territory of two big groups, discovered by using the microsatellites tracers. On this species, 33 haplotypes of Dloop have been identified, some of them are presented only in some colonies. We identified respectively 33 haplotypes of Dloop and 10 of cytB for Myotis emarginatus and 25 of dloop and 15 of cytB for Myotis capaccinii. Myotis emarginatus’ results, both microsatellites and mtDNA, show that there is a strong genetic flow between different colonies across Europe. The results achieved on Myotis capaccinii are very interesting, in this case either for the microsatellites or the mitochondrial DNA sequences, and it has been highlighted a big difference between different colonies.


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Geostatistics involves the fitting of spatially continuous models to spatially discrete data (Chil`es and Delfiner, 1999). Preferential sampling arises when the process that determines the data-locations and the process being modelled are stochastically dependent. Conventional geostatistical methods assume, if only implicitly, that sampling is non-preferential. However, these methods are often used in situations where sampling is likely to be preferential. For example, in mineral exploration samples may be concentrated in areas thought likely to yield high-grade ore. We give a general expression for the likelihood function of preferentially sampled geostatistical data and describe how this can be evaluated approximately using Monte Carlo methods. We present a model for preferential sampling, and demonstrate through simulated examples that ignoring preferential sampling can lead to seriously misleading inferences. We describe an application of the model to a set of bio-monitoring data from Galicia, northern Spain, in which making allowance for preferential sampling materially changes the inferences.


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The objectives of this study were to assess diversity and genetic structure of a collection of Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L) landraces, using SSRs, DArTs and gliadin-markers, and to correlate the distribution of diversity with geographic and climatic features, as well as agro-morphological traits. A high level of diversity was detected in the genotypes analyzed, which were separated into nine populations with a moderate to great genetic divergence among them. The three subspecies taxa, dicoccon, turgidum and durum, present in the collection, largely determined the clustering of the populations. Genotype variation was lower in dicoccon (one major population) and turgidum (two major populations) than in durum (five major populations). Genetic differentiation by the agro-ecological zone of origin was greater in dicoccon and turgidum than in durum. DArT markers revealed two geographic substructures, east-west for dicoccon and northeast-southwest for turgidum. The ssp. durum had a more complex structure, consisting of seven populations with high intra-population variation. DArT markers allowed the detection of subgroups within some populations, with agro-morphological and gliadin differences, and distinct agro-ecological zones of origin. Two different phylogenetic groups were detected; revealing that some durum populations were more related to ssp. turgidum from northern Spain, while others seem to be more related to durum wheats from North Africa


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El proyecto tiene como objeto definir la viabilidad de explotación de un importante yacimiento de Estaño y Tántalo que se encuentra en una formación geológica de base pegmatítica situada en el norte de España. En base a las reservas calculadas, se define la capacidad de tratamiento de la planta de procesamiento del mineral para un periodo de explotación de 10 años. Como primer paso se estudian los ensayos de caracterización y concentración realizados en laboratorio a partir de muestras de mano representativas del mineral así como otros en planta piloto llevados a cabo anteriormente. Una vez definida la recuperación del Estaño y Tántalo se procede al diseño conceptual del proceso. Posteriormente se desarrolla un diseño e ingeniería preliminar más aproximados, a partir de los cuales se evalúan los costes de equipos y operacionales que, en base a los retornos por la venta de los concentrados, permitirán calcular la rentabilidad del proyecto y riesgos de la inversión. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to define the feasibility of mining a major deposit of tin and tantalum found in a pegmatite formation in northern Spain. Based on the estimated reserves, the operating capacity for mining and mineral processing plant was defined for a period of 10 years. As a first step for the development, a research program for characterization and concentration of the ore, were performed in the laboratory based on representative samples from the deposit. In addition, previous pilot plant results were also taken into account. Once determined the recovery of tin and tantalum, the conceptual design process was defined. As a second step, it was developed a preliminary design and engineering, from which the capital and operating costs were estimated .By means of the calculated returns from the sale of concentrates, the profitability of the project and investment risks were finally assessed


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A methodology for downscaling solar irradiation from satellite-derived databases is described using R software. Different packages such as raster, parallel, solaR, gstat, sp and rasterVis are considered in this study for improving solar resource estimation in areas with complex topography, in which downscaling is a very useful tool for reducing inherent deviations in satellite-derived irradiation databases, which lack of high global spatial resolution. A topographical analysis of horizon blocking and sky-view is developed with a digital elevation model to determine what fraction of hourly solar irradiation reaches the Earth's surface. Eventually, kriging with external drift is applied for a better estimation of solar irradiation throughout the region analyzed. This methodology has been implemented as an example within the region of La Rioja in northern Spain, and the mean absolute error found is a striking 25.5% lower than with the original database.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral trata de ofrecer el primer estudio monográfico global que se dedica a cierta arquitectura vernácula, de un territorio situado en el centro–norte de la Península Ibérica. Asentada a horcajadas entre la Meseta septentrional castellana y la depresión mediterránea del río Ebro, y repartida en comarcas vinculadas a la España del norte y áreas de aspecto más meridional, la provincia de Soria presenta una notable superposición de tradiciones culturales, que se reúnen para generar desarrollos edificatorios diversos. En relación con esa variedad esencial, algunos datos contenidos en este trabajo, y muchos resultados de sus análisis, podrían extrapolarse, sin excesivos forzamientos, a fenómenos constructivos paralelos, correspondientes a amplias regiones del país. Tras enunciar brevemente las razones y objetivos de la investigación, junto con sus planteamientos de partida y determinados principios metodológicos, se han presentado unos elementos preliminares: apartados en los que se describe el medio físico y el marco humano, dentro de los cuales la arquitectura tradicional se desarrolla. Seguidamente, da comienzo la monografía referida a una realidad construida compleja, cuya explicación se ha dividido, por causas instrumentales, en dos partes diferenciadas. En el primer desarrollo, de género esencialmente analítico, se presentan los objetos edificados desde la perspectiva de la realidad material y constructiva de sus partes componentes; o desde el punto de vista de las técnicas que, en su día, sirvieron para definir elementos edificatorios, y sistemas generales de ellos. En la sección segunda, de naturaleza algo más sintética, se muestran otros aspectos de las arquitecturas, tomadas ya globalmente, o asociadas en grandes agrupaciones y conjuntos. Describiendo, de modo conciso, los territorios y ambientes urbanos tradicionales, en los que unos u otros tipos comparecen. Y pasando después a exponer, ya in extenso, los rasgos comunes o más específicos de estos y aquellos modelos arquitectónicos, así como sus recíprocas vinculaciones o procesos tipológicos corrientes. A modo de discusión final, se incluyen determinadas conclusiones, deducidas de cuanto se ha expuesto a lo largo del texto. Tales resultados, de índole algo más teórica, nos ayudan a comprender cuál es la efectiva naturaleza de los tipos individuados en las construcciones populares sorianas, particularmente en aquéllas de uso doméstico. Carácter compartido, sin duda, con otros modelos que, para territorios de mayor dimensión, podrían llegar a describirse. Así, el fenómeno constructivo referenciado se contempla, más allá de su concreto alcance local, como una muestra representativa de realidades más vastas, de orden real y también conceptual, que se regirían principios análogos. ABSTRACT The present Dissertation brings the first monographic study dedicated to certain vernacular architecture located in the territory of Soria, at the Center-North of the Iberian Peninsula. Seated between the Northern Castilian Plateau and the Ebro River Mediterranean Depression, and spread into regions linked to Northern Spain and areas of more southern characteristics, the province of Soria presents a remarkable overlap of cultural traditions providing several building developments. That essential variety is widely shown throughout this work, where the information recovered and the analysis’ reports allow a feasable extrapolation that explain the constructive phenomena all over broad regions of the Spanish country. After stating briefly the aim of the research and its background, along with its methodological process, this work starts its task introducing some preliminary elements: the physical environment and the human context where traditional architecture takes place. Afterwards the text focuses on the different vernacular constructions in all their complexity, which exposure has been divided in two parts: the first one, analytic, shows the built objects from the point of view of the materials and each constructive element; or, in another way, the constructive techniques that define building elements in the overall constructive systems. The second section, more synthetic, shows other aspects of this kind of architecture considering all cases, attempting to a theoretical classification and describing the territory and the urban environments where these architectures are placed. As follows, common and specific features of the architectural types studied are widely shown, as well as reciprocal connections, or typological processes underlying. The final discussion extracts conclusions that help us to understand the effective nature of the types found in Soria’s vernacular construction, particularly those for domestic use. There is no doubt that these buildings share a common character with another ones belonging to different territories of larger dimensions, that could be concisely studied in other place. Thus, these studied constructive phenomena can be considered, beyond the specific local scope, as a sample for more complex architectures, both in conceptual and physical terms, which seem to be guided by similar principles.


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Intensive farm systems handle large volume of livestock wastes, resulting in adverse environmental effects, such as gaseous losses into the atmosphere in form of ammonia (NH3) and greenhouse gases (GHG), i.e. methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). In this study, the manure management continuum of slurry storage with impermeable cover and following cattle slurry band spreading and incorporation to soil was assessed for NH3 and GHG emissions. The experiment was conducted in an outdoor covered storage (flexible bag system) (study I), which collected the slurry produced in 7 dairy cattle farms (2,000 m3 slurry) during 12 days in the northern Spain.


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Se analiza la racemización de aminoácidos en proteínas inter e intracristalinas en conchas de Patella y su utilización como herramienta geocronológica, fundamentalmente empleadas en yacimientos arqueológicos.The inter- and intra-crystalline fractions of Patella vulgata limpets recovered from archaeological sites in Northern Spain (covering Neolithic, Mesolithic, Magdalenian, Solutrean, and Aurignacian periods) were examined for amino acid composition and racemisation over time. The calcitic apex and rim areas of the shells were found to probably be composed of similar proteins, as the D/L values and amino acids were comparable and varied in the same way with increasing age; however, the mineral structures present in these areas differed. The aragonitic intermediate part of the shell showed a distinctly different amino acid composition and mineral structure. The main protein leaching from the inter-crystalline fraction occurred within the first 6000 yr after the death of the organism. In contrast, the intra-crystalline fraction — comprised of a different protein composition than the inter-crystalline fraction — appeared to behave as a closed system for at least 34 ka, as reflected by the lack of a significant decrease in the amino acid content; however, changes in the amino acid percentages occurred during this period. The concentration of aspartic acid remained almost constant with age both in inter- and intra-crystalline proteins, and its contribution to the total amino acid content increased with age at the expense of other amino acids such as glutamic acid, serine, glycine and alanine. Temperature is thought to play a key role in the amino acid racemisation of P. vulgata and could explain why in the localities belonging to the Gravettian and Solutrean period, which formed during relatively cold conditions, D/L values were similar to those detected in shells from sites formed during the Magdalenian.


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Las poblaciones de salmónidos en la Península Ibérica (trucha común, Salmo trutta; y salmón atlántico, Salmo salar) se encuentran cerca del límite meridional de sus distribuciones naturales, y por tanto tienen una gran importancia para la conservación de estas especies. En la presente Tesis se han investigado algunos aspectos de la reproducción y de la gestión del hábitat, con el objeto de mejorar el conocimiento acerca de estas poblaciones meridionales de salmónidos. Se ha estudiado la reproducción de la trucha común en el río Castril (Andalucía, sur de España), donde se ha observado que la freza ocurre desde diciembre hasta abril con el máximo de actividad en febrero. Este hecho representa uno de los periodos reproductivos más tardíos y con mayor duración de toda la distribución natural de la especie. Además, actualmente se sabe que el resto de poblaciones andaluzas tienen periodos de reproducción similares (retrasados y extendidos). Análisis en la escala de la distribución natural de la trucha común, han mostrado que la latitud explica parcialmente tanto la fecha media de reproducción (R2 = 62.8%) como la duración del periodo de freza (R2 = 24.4%) mediante relaciones negativas: a menor latitud, la freza ocurre más tarde y durante más tiempo. Es verosímil que un periodo de freza largo suponga una ventaja para la supervivencia de las poblaciones de trucha en hábitats impredecibles, y por tanto se ha propuesto la siguiente hipótesis, que deberá ser comprobada en el futuro: la duración de la freza es mayor en hábitats impredecibles que en aquellos más predecibles. La elevada tasa de solapamiento de frezaderos observada en el río Castril no se explica únicamente por una excesiva densidad de reproductores. Las hembras de trucha eligieron lugares específicos para construir sus frezaderos en vez de dispersarse aleatoriamente dentro del hábitat adecuado para la freza que tenían disponible. Estas observaciones sugieren que las hembras tienen algún tipo de preferencia por solapar sus frezaderos. Además, en ríos calizos como el Castril, las gravas pueden ser muy cohesivas y difíciles de excavar, por lo que el solapamiento de frezaderos puede suponer una ventaja para la hembra, porque la excavación en sustratos que han sido previamente removidos por frezas anteriores requerirá menos gasto de energía que en sustratos con gravas cohesivas que no han sido alteradas. Por tanto, se ha propuesto la siguiente hipótesis, que deberá ser comprobada en el futuro: las hembras tienen una mayor preferencia por solapar sus frezaderos en ríos con sustratos cohesivos que en ríos con sustratos de gravas sueltas. En el marco de la gestión del hábitat, se han empleado dos enfoques diferentes para la evaluación del hábitat físico, con el objeto de cuantificar los cambios potenciales en la disponibilidad de hábitat, antes de la implementación real de determinadas medidas sobre el hábitat. En primer lugar, se ha evaluado el hábitat físico del salmón atlántico en el río Pas (Cantabria, norte de España), en la escala del microhábitat, empleando la metodología IFIM junto con un modelo hidráulico bidimensional (River2D). Se han simulado una serie de acciones de mejora del hábitat y se han cuantificado los cambios en el hábitat bajo estas acciones. Los resultados mostraron un aumento muy pequeño en la disponibilidad de hábitat, por lo que no sería efectivo implementar estas acciones en este tramo fluvial. En segundo lugar, se ha evaluado el hábitat físico de la trucha común en el río Tajuña (Guadalajara, centro de España), en la escala del mesohábitat, empleando la metodología MesoHABSIM. Actualmente, el río Tajuña está alterado por los usos agrícolas de sus riberas, y por tanto se ha diseñado una restauración para mitigar estos impactos y para llevar al río a un estado más natural. Se ha cuantificado la disponibilidad de hábitat tras la restauración planteada, y los resultados han permitido identificar los tramos en los que la restauración resultaría más eficaz. ABSTRACT Salmonid populations in the Iberian Peninsula (brown trout, Salmo trutta; and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar) are close to the southern limit of their natural ranges, and therefore they are of great importance for the conservation of the species. In the present dissertation, some aspects of spawning and habitat management have been investigated, in order to improve the knowledge on these southern salmonid populations. Brown trout spawning have been studied in the river Castril (Andalusia, southern Spain), and it has been observed that spawning occurs from December until April with the maximum activity in February. This finding represents one of the most belated and protracted spawning periods within the natural range of the species. Furthermore, it is now known that the rest of Andalusian populations show similar (belated and extended) spawning periods. Broad-scale analyses throughout the brown trout natural range showed that latitude partly explained both spawning mean time (R2 = 62.8%) and spawning duration (R2 = 24.4%) by negative relationships: the lower the latitude, the later the spawning time and the longer the spawning period. It is plausible that a long spawning period would be an advantage for survival of trout populations in unpredictable habitats, and thus the following hypothesis has been proposed, which is yet to be tested: spawning duration is longer in unpredictable than in predictable habitats. High rate of redd superimposition observed in the river Castril was not only caused by high density of spawners. Trout females chose specific sites for redd construction instead of randomly dispersing over the suitable spawning habitat. These observations suggest that female spawners have some kind of preference for superimposing redds. Moreover, in limestone streams such as Castril, unused gravels can be very cohesive and hard to dig, and thus redd superimposition may be an advantage for female, because digging may require less energy expenditure in already used redd sites than in cohesive and embedded unused sites. Hence, the following hypothesis has been proposed, which is yet to be tested: females have a higher preference for superimposing redds in streambeds with cohesive and embedded substrates than in rivers with loose gravels. Within the topic of habitat management, two different approaches have been used for physical habitat assessment, in order to quantify the potential change in habitat availability, prior to the actual implementation of proposed habitat measures. Firstly, physical habitat for Atlantic salmon in the river Pas (Cantabria, northern Spain) has been assessed at the microhabitat scale, using the IFIM approach along with a two dimensional hydraulic model (River2D). Proposed habitat enhancement actions have been simulated and potential habitat change has been quantified. Results showed a very small increasing in habitat availability and therefore it is not worth to implement these measures in this stream reach. Secondly, physical habitat for brown trout in the river Tajuña (Guadalajara, central Spain) has been assessed at the mesohabitat scale, using the MesoHABSIM approach. The river Tajuña is currently impacted by surrounding agricultural uses, and thus restoration was designed to mitigate these impacts and to drive the river to a more natural state. Habitat availability after the planned restoration has been quantified, and the results have permitted to identify in which sites the restoration will be more effective.


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Se actualizan sistemáticamente las especies de braquiópodos del Jurásico Inferior procedentes de varias localidades del N y NE de España alojados en la colección Jiménez de Cisneros, refiriéndolas a contextos actualmente contrastados, dotándolas así de un conveniente marco lito- y cronoestratigráfico. Se encuentran representados especímenes de la Rama Castellana y Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica, Asturias, Pirineos y la Cordillera costera Catalana. La actualización ha permitido identificar 18 especies distintas desde el Sinemuriense al Aaleniense basal, contextualizándolas y comparándolas paleobiogeográficamente con el conjunto de plataformas que ocupaban los paleomárgenes de la Subplaca Ibérica durante el Jurásico Inferior.


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Ivory, Spanish, 12C; 1 ft. 2 3/8 in.x 6 19/64 in.x 1 3/8 in.; carved whalebone


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Corvio sandstone is a ~20 m thick unit (Corvio Formation) that appears in the top section of the Frontada Formation (Campoó Group; Lower Cretaceous) located in Northern Spain in the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. Up to 228 plugs were cored from four 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.5 m blocks of Corvio sandstone, to perform a comprehensive characterization of the physical, mineralogical, geomechanical, geophysical and hydrodynamic properties of this geological formation, and the anisotropic assessment of the most relevant parameters. Here we present the first data set obtained on 53 plugs which covers (i) basic physical and chemical properties including density, porosity, specific surface area and elementary analysis (XRF - CHNS); (ii) the curves obtained during unconfined and confined strengths tests, the tensile strengths, the calculated static elastic moduli and the characteristic stress levels describing the brittle behaviour of the rock; (iii) P- and S-wave velocities (and dynamic elastic moduli) and their respective attenuation factors Qp and Qs, electrical resistivity for a wide range of confining stress; and (iv) permeability and transport tracer tests. Furthermore, the geophysical, permeability and transport tests were additionally performed along the three main orthogonal directions of the original blocks, in order to complete a preliminary anisotropic assessment of the Corvio sandstone.