89 resultados para NLO
Though leading order (LO) predictions for the hadroproduction of heavy quarks at RHIC look promising, next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections must be considered. First partonic NLO results are reported here.
It has been observed recently that a consistent LO BFKL gluon evolution leads to a steep growth of F2(x, Q2) for x → 0 almost independently of Q2. We show that current data from the DESY HERA collider are precise enough to finally rule out a pure BFKL behaviour in the accessible small x region. Several attempts have been made by other groups to treat the BFKL type small x resummations instead as additions to the conventional anomalous dimensions of the successful renormalization group “Altarelli-Parisi” equations. We demonstrate that all presently available F2 data, in particular at lower values of Q2, can not be described using the presently known NLO (two-loop consistent) small x resummations. Finally we comment on the common reason for the failure of these BFKL inspired methods which result, in general, in too steep >x-dependencies as x → 0.
The solvatochromism and other spectroscopic and photophysical characteristics of four azo disperse dyes, derived from 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole, were evaluated and interpreted with the aid of experimental data and quantum mechanical calculations. For the non-substituted compound two conformers, E and Z, were proposed for the isolated molecules, being the second one considerably less stable. The optimization of these structures in combination with a SCRF methodology (IEFPCM, Simulating the molecules in a continuum dielectric with characteristics of methanol), suggests that the Z form is not stable in solution. This same behaviour is expected for the substituted compounds, which is corroborated by experimental data presented in previous investigations [A.E.H. Machado, L.M. Rodrigues, S. Gupta, A.M.F. Oliveira-Campos, A.M.S. Silva, J. Mol. Struct. 738 (2005) 239-245]. For the substituted compounds, two forms derived from E conformer (A and R) are possible. Quantum mechanical data suggest for the isolated molecules, that the low energy absorption hand of the E conformers involve at least two close electronic states. having the low-lying excited state a (1)(n,pi*) nature, and being the S-2 state attributed to a (1)(pi,pi*) transition. The data also suggest a small energy gap between the absorption peaks of A and B, related to the easy conversion between these forms. For the structures optimized in combination with the applied SCRF methodology, an states inversion is observed for the Substituted compounds, with a considerable diminish of the energy gap between A and B absorption peaks. The electronic spectra of these compounds are quite sensitive to changes in the solvent polarity. The positive solvatochromism is more evident in aprotic solvents, probably due to the polarization induced by the solute. These compounds do not fluoresce at 298 K, but present a small but perceptible fluorescence at 77 K, which seems to be favoured by the nature of the group in the 2 `-position of the phenyl ring. Moreover, such compounds present expressive values for first hyperpolarizability, which implies in good non-linear optics (NLO) responses and photoswitching capability. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neste trabalho de tese investigamos o papel de dinâmica perturbativa e não-perturbativa da Cromodinâmica Quântica, a teoria das interações fortes, em processos de produção de quarks pesados e de quarkonium-estados ligados de um par de quarks pesados. Um aspecto importante na produção de quarks pesados consiste no tratamento de ordens mais altas em QCD perturbativa, que abordamos por meio de elementos de matriz QCD em segunda ordem dominante (NLO) e através de um gerador de eventos Monte Carlo, mais útil fenomenologicamente, onde a produção perturbativa de pares Q Q e obtida utilizando elementos de matriz em ordem dominante e a aproximação de chuveiros partônicos de processos em ordens mais altas. Os processos suaves formando estados ligados de quarkonium são descritos em termos do modelo de evaporação de cor (CEM), ou alternativamente através do modelo de interações suaves de cor (SCI) e do modelo da lei das áreas generalizado (GAL). Neste trabalho, calculamos as distribuições em xF e p? para o J= e 0 em hadroprodução em alvo xo e no colisionador p p do Tevatron. Outros observáveis como a seção de choque total para J= , 0 e charme aberto tamb em são reproduzidos. Além disso, extrapolamos os modelos para descrever a produção de J= e no futuro colisionador LHC, onde as taxas de produção de J= estão at e uma ordem de magnitude acima de outra predição da literatura, o qual pode implicar em J= ser um ru do não negligenciável para estudos de violação da simetria CP no LHC. Além disso, com o objetivo de descrever as taxas de produção relativas entre os vários estados de charmonium, desenvolvemos um modelo para o mapeamento do espectro contínuo de massas do par c c produzido perturbativamente, nas ressonâncias de charmonium, onde introduzimos uma correlação entre a massa invariante do par produzido perturbativamente e a massa física do estado de charmonium. Outra abordagem importante ao estudo dos aspectos perturbativos e não-perturbativos da QCD na produção de quarks pesados e o formalismo de fatorização k?, o qual investigamos em processos de fotoprodução de charme e bottom, com ênfase em resultados de um modelo de saturação. Efeitos de evolução DGLAP tamb em são estudados, considerando a derivada da distribuição de glíuons. Analisamos em detalhe seções de choque totais e distribuições em pT , mostrando as regiões de validade de cada descrição. Através do estudo de vários aspectos perturbativos e não-perturbativos da QCD, este trabalho de tese contribui para um melhor entendimento da conexão entre essas duas dinâmicas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We present a measurement of the muon charge asymmetry from W boson decays using 0.3 fb(-1) of data collected at root s =1.96 GeV between 2002 and 2004 with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron (p) over bar Collider. We compare our findings with expectations from next-to-leading-order calculations performed using the CTEQ6.1M and MRST04 NLO parton distribution functions. Our findings can be used to constrain future parton distribution function fits.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We investigate the possibilities of New Physics affecting the Standard Model (SM) Higgs sector. An effective Lagrangian with dimension-six operators is used to capture the effect of New Physics. We carry out a global Bayesian inference analysis, considering the recent LHC data set including all available correlations, as well as results from Tevatron. Trilinear gauge boson couplings and electroweak precision observables are also taken into account. The case of weak bosons tensorial couplings is closely examined and NLO QCD corrections are taken into account in the deviations we predict. We consider two scenarios, one where the coefficients of all the dimension-six operators are essentially unconstrained, and one where a certain subset is loop suppressed. In both scenarios, we find that large deviations from some of the SM Higgs couplings can still be present, assuming New Physics arising at 3 TeV. In particular, we find that a significantly reduced coupling of the Higgs to the top quark is possible and slightly favored by searches on Higgs production in association with top quark pairs. The total width of the Higgs boson is only weakly constrained and can vary between 0.7 and 2.7 times the Standard Model value within 95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI). We also observe sizeable effects induced by New Physics contributions to tensorial couplings. In particular, the Higgs boson decay width into Zγ can be enhanced by up to a factor 12 within 95% BCI. © 2013 SISSA.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Functionalization with surfactants and with active molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), thin film processing as well as their nonlinear optical and electrical properties are reviewed and discussed. On the basis of a quantum three level model, we show that the anomalous concentration variation of cubic susceptibility chi((3))(-3 omega; omega, omega, omega) in thin films of DNA-CTMA complexes doped with Disperse Red 1 chromophore can be explained by the concentration variation of two-photon resonance contribution. We show also that the DNA complexes, plasticized with glycerol and adequately doped can be processed into self standing conducting membranes with a high electrical conductivity. The measured ionic conductivity at room temperature, depending on dopant used and its concentration, is in the range of 3.5 x 10(-4)-10(-5) S/cm and increases linearly as a function of temperature, reaching 10(-3) S/cm at 358 K for the most conducting sample, obeying predominantly the Arrhenius law. Practical applications of DNA complexes are also described and discussed. (C) 2012 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The predictions of Drell-Yan production of low-mass lepton pairs, at high rapidity at the LHC, are known to depend sensitively on the choice of factorization and renormalization scales. We show how this sensitivity can be greatly reduced by fixing the factorization scale of the LO contribution based on the known NLO matrix element, so that observations of this process at the LHC can make direct measurements of parton distribution functions in the low x domain; x less than or similar to 10(-4).
In the last year [1], Angiolini and co-workers have synthesized and investigated methacrylic polymers bearing in the side chain the chiral cyclic (S)-3-hydroxypyrrolidine moiety interposed between the main chain and the trans-azoaromatic chromophore, substituted or not in the 4’ position by an electron-withdrawing group. In these materials, the presence of a rigid chiral moiety of one prevailing absolute configuration favours the establishment of a chiral conformation of one prevailing helical handedness, at least within chain segments of the macromolecules, which can be observed by circular dichroism (CD). The simultaneous presence of the azoaromatic and chiral functionalities allows the polymers to display both the properties typical of dissymmetric systems (optical activity, exciton splitting of dichroic absorptions), as well as the features typical of photochromic materials (photorefractivity, photoresponsiveness, NLO properties). The first part of this research was to synthesize analogue homopolymers and copolymers based on bisazoaromatic moiety and compare their properties to those of the above mentioned analogue derivatives bearing only one azoaromatic chromophore in the side chain. We focused also the attention on the effects induced on the thermal and chiroptical behaviours by the insertion of particulars achiral comonomers characterized by different side-chain mobility and grown hindrance (MMA, tert-BMA and TrMA). On the other hand carbazole containing polymers [2] have attracted much attention because of their unique features. The use of these materials in advanced micro- and nanotechnologies spreads in many different applications such as photoconductive and photorefractive polymers, electroluminescent devices, programmable optical interconnections, data storage, chemical photoreceptors, NLO, surface relief gratings, blue emitting materials and holographic memory. The second part of the work was focused on the synthesis and the characterization polymeric derivatives bearing in the side chain carbazole or phenylcarbazole moieties linked to the (S)- 2-hydroxy succinimide or the (S)-3-hydroxy pyrrolidinyl ring as chiral groups covalently linked to the main chain through ester bonds. The last objective of this research was to design, synthesize, and characterize multifunctional methacrylic homopolymers and copolymers bearing three distinct functional groups (i.e. azoaromatic, carbazole and chiral group of one single configuration) directly linked in the side chain. This polymeric derivatives could be of potential interest for several advanced application fields, such as optical storage, waveguides, chiroptical switches, chemical photoreceptors, NLO, surface relief gratings, photoconductive materials, etc.
Die Zielsetzung der Arbeit war die Darstellung von Polyindenofluorenen PIF, einer neuen Klasse konjugierter Polymere, die aus Dihydroindenofluoren-Untereinheiten aufgebaut und formal an den Methylenbrücken über exocyclische Doppelbindungen verknüpft sind.Am Anfang stand die Ausarbeitung eines allgemeinen Synthesekonzeptes zum Aufbau von Polymeren mit sterisch gehinderten Doppelbindungen. Mit der Kupplung von geminalen Dichloriden mit Übergangsmetallverbindungen als Reduktionsmittel wurde eine vielversprechende neue Polyolefinierungsmethode gefunden. Diese Synthesemethode zeichnet sich durch eine einfache Durchführung, synthetisch leicht zugängliche Edukte und neutrale Reaktionsbedingungen aus. Es lassen sich selbst bei gespannten Olefinen sehr gute Ausbeuten erzielen. Drei strukturisomere Dihydroindenofluorene wurden als potentielle Strukturbausteine untersucht, die sich durch die Stellung der Methylenbrücken bezüglich des zentralen Phenylrings unterscheiden. Die resultierenden Polymerstrukturen wurden als para-, meta- und ortho-Poly(indenofluorene) bezeichnet.Das Poly(para-indenofluoren) pPIF wurde als ein hochmolekulares und strukturdefiniertes Polymer erhalten. Die über Molekulargewichtsanalyse (GPC) erhaltenen Polymerisationsgrade ergaben Werte von bis zu 55 Wiederholungseinheiten. Die längstwellige Absorptionsbande von pPIF liegt bei circa 800 nm, was einer Bandlücke von 1.45 eV enspricht. Darüberhinaus zeichnet sich pPIF durch eine hohe chemische Stabilität und sehr hohe Löslichkeit aus. Durch den kleinen Bandabstand ließen sich interessante nichtlineare-optische (NLO) Effekte und eine hohe Photoleitfähigkeit erwarten. Da diese Effekte von materialwissenschaftlichem Interesse sind, wurden detailierte Untersuchungen dieser Eigenschaften vorgenommen. Das Poly(meta-indenofluoren) mPIF konnte mit einem Polymerisationsgrad von circa 13 Wiederholungseinheiten dargestellt werden. Bedingt durch die meta-Verknüpfung, die keine Konjugation über den zentralen Phenylring erlaubt, liegt das Absorptionsmaximum, im Vergleich zu pPIF blauverschoben bei 437 nm.Bei Poly(ortho-indenofluoren) oPIF scheiterten alle Versuche zum Aufbau eines Polymers, was mit den, im Vergleich zu pPIF und mPIF, noch stärker gespannten Doppelbindungen zwischen den Indenofluorenen, sprich Untereinheiten, erklärt werden kann. An strukturdefinierten Modellverbindungen von pPIF konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine Konvergenz der elektronischen Eigenschaften beim Nonamer noch nicht erreicht ist. Bei der Auftragung von 1/n gegen Eabs wird, nach linearer Extrapolation, ein Wert von circa 18 für die effe