144 resultados para NICOTINA
Existem pacientes que, apesar dos esforços da equipe do programa de cessação tabágica, mostram-se refratários à redução do tabagismo. Entre os motivos mais citados para isso, estão abuso de álcool, ansiedade e depressão. Além desses, o tremor essencial, frequentemente negligenciado pelos pacientes e médicos, tem implicações clínicas diretas e indiretas para aqueles que desejam parar de fumar. Antes entendida como uma doença benigna, o tremor essencial tem fortes associações com transtornos psiquiátricos, além de piorar com a abstinência de nicotina e com o uso de determinados medicamentos para a cessação. Descrevemos um caso de tremor essencial e comorbidades psiquiátricas no seu percurso para a abstinência tabágica. Com relação à associação entre nicotina e o curso do tremor essencial, maiores estudos são necessários. Mas diagnosticar sua presença apresenta relevância clínica, podendo ser um marcador de pior prognóstico para a cessação.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da intervenção sobre o tabagismo, realizada por médico cardiologista em rotina de ambulatório, utilizando a prescrição de adesivos de nicotina. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, consecutivamente, 100 pacientes (50 homens e 50 mulheres), incluindo consulta médica, aplicação de escore para definição do grau de dependência à nicotina, determinação da concentração de monóxido de carbono expirado e peso corpóreo. Os adesivos foram utilizados entre 8 e 12 semanas, com redução progressiva da concentração até a suspensão (concentrações de 21, 14 e 7mg) RESULTADOS: A taxa de abstinência um ano após o início do tratamento foi de 41%, confirmada pela concentração do monóxido de carbono. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção sobre o tabagismo pode ser realizada em rotina de atendimento cardiológico com resultados satisfatórios. Os adesivos de nicotina são seguros, bem tolerados, e devem ser utilizados, mais freqüentemente, no auxílio aos fumantes, para deixarem de fumar.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a efetividade e a tolerabilidade da bupropiona no tratamento de fumantes com doenças cardiovasculares atendidos em rotina de tratamento ambulatorial do tabagismo, e analisar as variáveis preditoras de sucesso ou fracasso. MÉTODOS: A bupropiona foi prescrita de forma exclusiva para tratamento do tabagismo em 100 pacientes cardiopatas durante 12 semanas. O seguimento foi de 52 semanas. As variáveis estudadas foram sexo, idade, número de cigarros, concentração de monóxido de carbono, escala de dependência de nicotina, escala de depressão, escala de ansiedade, consumo de álcool, número de diagnósticos adicionais ao tabagismo, eventos adversos, e consumo de medicamentos concomitantes à bupropiona. RESULTADOS: A taxa de sucesso depois de 12 semanas foi de 50% e depois de 52 semanas, de 25%. A análise de regressão logística revelou que o envelhecimento foi positivamente associado ao sucesso e que o agravo da condição clínica, observado pelo maior número de diagnósticos associados ao tabagismo, foi negativamente associado ao sucesso. CONCLUSÃO: A bupropiona mostrou-se segura e com boa efetividade no tratamento de fumantes portadores de doenças cardiovasculares, especialmente durante a fase de uso (semana 12).
1) The first part deals with the different processes which may complicate Mendelian segregation and which may be classified into three groups, according to BRIEGER (1937b) : a) Instability of genes, b) Abnormal segregation due to distur- bances during the meiotic divisions, c) obscured segregation, after a perfectly normal meiosis, caused by elimination or during the gonophase (gametophyte in higher plants), or during zygophase (sporophyte). Without entering into detail, it is emphasized that all the above mentioned complications in the segregation of some genes may be caused by the action of other genes. Thus in maize, the instability of the Al factor is observed only when the gene dt is presente in the homozygous conditions (RHOADES 1938). In another case, still under observation in Piracicaba, an instability is observed in Mirabilis with regard to two pairs of alleles both controlling flower color. Several cases are known, especially in corn, where recessive genes, when homozigous, affect the course of meiosis, causing asynapsis (asyndesis) (BEADLE AND MC CLINTOCK 1928, BEADLE 1930), sticky chromosomes (BEADLE 1932), supermunmerary divisions (BEADLE 1931). The most extreme case of an obscured segregatiou is represented by the action of the S factors in self stetrile plants. An additional proof of EAST AND MANGELSDORF (1925) genetic formula of self sterility has been contributed by the studies on Jinked factors in Nicotina (BRIEGER AND MANGELSDORF (1926) and Antirrhinum (BRIEGER 1930, 1935), In cases of a incomplete competition and selection between pollen tubes, studies of linked indicator-genes are indispensable in the genetic analysis, since it is impossible to analyse the factors for gametophyte competition by direct aproach. 2) The flower structure of corn is explained, and stated that the particularites of floral biology make maize an excellent object for the study of gametophyte factors. Since only one pollen tube per ovule may accomplish fertilization, the competition is always extremely strong, as compared with other species possessing multi-ovulate ovaries. The lenght of the silk permitts the study of pollen tube competitions over a varying distance. Finally the genetic analysis of grains characters (endosperm and aleoron) simpliflen the experimental work considerably, by allowing the accumulation of large numbers for statistical treatment. 3) The four methods for analyzing the naturing of pollen tube competition are discussed, following BRIEGER (1930). Of these the first three are: a) polinization with a small number of pollen grains, b) polinization at different times and c) cut- ting the style after the faster tubes have passe dand before the slower tubes have reached the point where the stigma will be cut. d) The fourth method, alteration of the distatice over which competition takes place, has been applied largely in corn. The basic conceptions underlying this process, are illustrated in Fig. 3. While BRINK (1925) and MANGELSDORF (1929) applied pollen at different levels on the silks, the remaining authors (JONES, 1922, MANGELSDORF 1929, BRIEGER, at al. 1938) have used a different process. The pollen was applied as usual, after removing the main part of the silks, but the ears were divided transversally into halves or quarters before counting. The experiments showed generally an increase in the intensity of competition when there was increase of the distance over which they had to travel. Only MANGELSDORF found an interesting exception. When the distance became extreme, the initially slower tubes seemed to become finally the faster ones. 4) Methods of genetic and statistical analysis are discussed, following chiefly BRIEGER (1937a and 1937b). A formula is given to determine the intensity of ellimination in three point experiments. 5) The few facts are cited which give some indication about the physiological mechanism of gametophyte competition. They are four in number a) the growth rate depends-only on the action of gametophyte factors; b) there is an interaction between the conductive tissue of the stigma or style and the pollen tubes, mainly in self-sterile plants; c) after self-pollination necrosis starts in the tissue of the stigma, in some orchids after F. MÜLLER (1867); d) in pollon mixtures there is an inhibitory interaction between two types of pollen and the female tissue; Gossypium according to BALLS (1911), KEARNEY 1923, 1928, KEARNEY AND HARRISON (1924). A more complete discussion is found in BRIEGER 1930). 6) A list of the gametophyte factors so far localized in corn is given. CHROMOSOME IV Ga 1 : MANGELSDORF AND JONES (1925), EMERSON 1934). Ga 4 : BRIEGER (1945b). Sp 1 : MANGELSDORF (1931), SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF (1940), BRIEGER (1945a). CHROMOSOME V Ga 2 : BRIEGER (1937a). CHROMOSOME VI BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938) found indications of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of yellow endosperm y1. CHROMOSOME IX Ga 3 : BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938). While the competition in these six cases is essentially determined by one pair of factors, the degree of elimination may be variable, as shown for Ga2 (BRIEGER, 1937), for Ga4 (BRIEGER 1945a) and for Spl (SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF 1940, BRIEGER 1945b). The action of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of waxy (perhaps Ga3) is increased by the presence of the sul factor which thus acts as a modifier (BRINCK AND BURNHAM 1927). A polyfactorial case of gametophyte competition has been found by JONES (1922) and analysed by DEMEREC (1929) in rice pop corn which rejects the pollen tubes of other types of corn. Preference for selfing or for brothers-sister mating and partial elimination of other pollen tubes has been described by BRIEGER (1936). 7) HARLAND'S (1943) very ingenious idea is discussed to use pollen tube factors in applied genetics in order to build up an obstacle to natural crossing as a consequence of the rapid pollen tube growth after selfing. Unfortunately, HARLAND could not obtain the experimental proof of the praticability of his idea, during his experiments on selection for minor modifiers for pollen tube grouth in cotton. In maize it should be possible to employ gametophyte factors to build up lines with preference for crossing, though the method should hardly be of any practical advantage.
La situació de fumador actiu 1 hora abans de la pràctica d’activitat física pot alterar la resposta termoreguladora, comprometen de forma significativa els mecanismes vasodilatadors cutànis de pèrdua de calor i provocar una resposta hemodinàmica anormal durant l’exercici. L’efecte additiu de la nicotina i de l’activitat física d’alta intensitat pot fer augmentar la temperatura central al pertorbar els mecanismes de pèrdua de calor mitjançant la redistribució del flux vascular cutani. A més, durant exercicis perllongats com els exercicis de resistència, i en ambients calorosos, el consum actiu de cigarretes podria actuar com a factor limitant en el rendiment esportiu, i poder incrementar el risc d’induir hipertèrmia.
Introducción: En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento del consumo de cannabis en la población general, estando más extendido en los jóvenes entre 15 y 34 años, y en los hombres más que en las mujeres. Igualmente se ha producido una disminución en la edad de inicio del consumo. Por otro lado van detectándose aumento de las demandas de tratamiento por esta adicción en los centros especializados. Objetivo: valorar la adherencia al tratamiento de la población que consulta por problemas derivados del consumo de cannabis. La atención se realiza dentro de un Programa Específico para estos consumidores. Material y métodos: Se realiza una revisión de 74 pacientes que solicitan tratamiento en el centro, durante el periodo de tiempo de dos años. La adherencia al tratamiento se mide en términos de asistencia a visitas médicas/psicológicas posteriores. Se contabilizan visitas realizadas a dos semanas, un mes, tres meses y seis meses desde la primera demanada. Se tiene en cuenta la coexistencia de otro trastorno psiquiátrico, utilizando para esto la entrevista clínicadisgnóstica y las entrevistas semiestructuradas SCID-I y SCID-II. Resultados: De los 74 pacientes incluídos en el estudio, 22% son mujeres y el 78% son hombres. El 74% continúan tratamiento a los tres meses, y el 64% a los seis meses de haberlo iniciado. Hay que señalar que del total de la muestra, el 55% no son consumidores de otras sustancias de abuso, excepto nicotina, que en este caso correspondería al 100% de los pacientes admitidos a tratamiento. El 23% de estos pacientes presentan de forma comórbida a la dependencia de cannabis un diagnóstico de Trastorno Psicótico. Conclusiones: Dentro de las conclusiones de este estudio, podemos destacar que: existe elevada comorbilidad psiquiátrica en pacientes con diagnóstico de Trastorno por dependencia de cannabis; las mujeres abandonan el programa de tratamiento con mayor frecuencia que los varones; el hecho de no existir comorbilidad psiquiátrica es un factor de abandono temprano del tratamiento; los pacientes con diagnóstico comórbido de Trastorno psicótico mantienen la adherencia en su totalidad a los seis meses del inicio; los pacientes que solicitan tratamiento a menor edad tienden a abandonarlo antes; y la alta prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en las personas dependientes de cannabis.
Evidence shows that the endocannabinoid system modulates the addictive properties of nicotine. In the present study, we hypothesized that spontaneous withdrawal resulting from removal of chronically implanted transdermal nicotine patches is regulated by the endocannabinoid system. A 7-day nicotine dependence procedure (5.2 mg/rat/day) elicited occurrence of reliable nicotine abstinence symptoms in Wistar rats. Somatic and affective withdrawal signs were observed at 16 and 34 hours following removal of nicotine patches, respectively. Further behavioral manifestations including decrease in locomotor activity and increased weight gain also occurred during withdrawal. Expression of spontaneous nicotine withdrawal was accompanied by fluctuation in levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) in several brain structures including the amygdala, the hippocampus, the hypothalamus and the prefrontal cortex. Conversely, levels of 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol were not significantly altered. Pharmacological inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the enzyme responsible for the intracellular degradation of AEA, by URB597 (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), reduced withdrawal-induced anxiety as assessed by the elevated plus maze test and the shock-probe defensive burying paradigm, but did not prevent the occurrence of somatic signs. Together, the results indicate that pharmacological strategies aimed at enhancing endocannabinoid signaling may offer therapeutic advantages to treat the negative affective state produced by nicotine withdrawal, which is critical for the maintenance of tobacco use.
Foram objetivos deste estudo investigar a prevalência de fumantes entre os graduandos de enfermagem da UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), algumas características de seu uso inicial e o grau de dependência dos fumantes para com a nicotina. Para comparar a relação de algumas variáveis foi aplicado o teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson. Dos 279 alunos que participaram do estudo, 23(8,2%) eram fumantes, 167(59,9%) referiram não ter experimentado o cigarro. A idade média dos fumantes foi 19,5 anos, havendo uma diferença significativa entre os sexos e apenas dois (9,1%) dos fumantes poderão apresentar um desconforto mais sério ao tentarem parar de fumar, conforme o Teste de Fagerström
O estudo objetivou avaliar o grau de dependência ao cigarro e caracterizar dados sócio-demográficos, conhecimentos, hábitos e atitudes de jovens fumantes. Responderam um questionário 102 estudantes de Salvador, sendo 11 tabagistas. A idade média dos fumantes foi 18,2 anos e de experimentação do cigarro 13,4 anos. Houve predomínio de homens, jovens no 1.º ano colegial, de cor parda e entes próximos fumantes. A maioria recebeu orientação familiar e escolar sobre os prejuízos do fumo, mas poucos sabiam dos benefícios de parar de fumar. Quase metade fumava há mais de três anos e iniciou o hábito por curiosidade. Mais da metade fumava um cigarro por dia, com baixo teor de nicotina, comprava o cigarro em lojas, desejava parar de fumar, já fez tentativas, mas nunca parou. O grau de dependência foi baixo para a maioria dos jovens. O estudo oferece pistas para enfermeiras atuarem junto aos jovens no controle do tabagismo.
The possible interactions between Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and nicotine remain unclear in spite of the current association of cannabis and tobacco in humans. The aim of the present study was to explore the interactions between these two drugs of abuse by evaluating the consequences of THC administration on the somatic manifestations and the aversive motivational state associated to nicotine withdrawal in mice. Acute THC administration significantly decreased the incidence of several nicotine withdrawal signs precipitated by mecamylamine or naloxone, such as wet-dog-shakes, paw tremor and scratches. In both experimental conditions, the global withdrawal score was also significantly attenuated by acute THC administration. THC also reversed conditioned place aversion associated to naloxone precipitated nicotine withdrawal. We have then evaluated whether this effect of THC was due to possible adaptive changes induced by chronic nicotine on CB1 cannabinoid receptors. The stimulation of GTPS-binding proteins by the cannabinoid agonist WIN 55,212-2 and the density of CB1 cannabinoid receptor binding labelled with [3H] CP-55,940 were not modified by chronic nicotine treatment in the different brain structures investigated. Finally, we evaluated the consequences of THC administration on c-Fos expression in several brain structures after chronic nicotine administration and withdrawal. c-Fos was decreased in the caudate putamen and the dentate gyrus after mecamylamine precipitated nicotine withdrawal. However, acute THC administration did not modify c-Fos expression under these experimental conditions. Taken together, these results indicate that THC administration attenuated somatic signs of nicotine withdrawal and this effect was not associated to compensatory changes on CB1 cannabinoid receptors during chronic nicotine administration. In addition, THC also ameliorated the aversive motivational consequences of nicotine withdrawal.
Rationale: Acute behavioural effects and motivational responses induced by nicotine can be modulated by the endocannabinoid system supporting the existence of a physiological interaction between these two systems. Objectives: The present study was designed to examine the possible involvement of the cannabinoid system in the anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like responses induced by nicotine in mice. Methods: Animals were only exposed once to nicotine. The acute administration of low (0.05, sc) or high (0.8 mg/kg, sc) doses of nicotine produced opposite effects in the elevated plus-maze, i.e., anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like responses, respectively. The effects of the pretreatment with the CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist, rimonabant (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg, ip), and the cannabinoid agonist, 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (0.1 mg/kg, ip), were evaluated on the anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like responses induced by nicotine. Results: Rimonabant completely abolished nicotine-induced anxiolytic-like effects and increased the anxiogenic-like responses of nicotine, suggesting an involvement of CB1 receptors in these behavioural responses. On the other hand, 9-tetrahydrocannabinol failed to modify nicotine anxiolytic-like responses, but attenuated its anxiogenic-like effects. In addition the association of non-effective doses of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and nicotine produced clear anxiolytic-like responses. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that the endogenous cannabinoid system is involved in the regulation of nicotine anxiety-like behaviour in mice, and provide new findings to support the use of cannabinoid antagonists in the treatment of tobacco addiction.
The involvement of μ-opioid receptors in different behavioral responses elicited by nicotine was explored by using μ-opioid receptor knock-out mice. The acute antinociceptive responses induced by nicotine in the tail-immersion and hot-plate tests were reduced in the mutant mice, whereas no difference between genotypes was observed in the locomotor responses. The rewarding effects induced by nicotine were then investigated using the conditioning place-preference paradigm. Nicotine produced rewarding responses in wild-type mice but failed to produce place preference in knock-out mice, indicating the inability of this drug to induce rewarding effects in the absence of μ-opioid receptors. Finally, the somatic expression of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome, precipitated in dependent mice by the injection of mecamylamine, was evaluated. Nicotine withdrawal was significantly attenuated in knock-out mutants when compared with wild-type mice. In summary, the present results show that μ-opioid receptors are involved in the rewarding responses induced by nicotine and participate in its antinociceptive responses and the expression of nicotine physical dependence.
Emerging evidence suggests that the hypocretinergic system is involved in addictive behavior. In this study, we investigated the role of these hypothalamic neuropeptides in anxiety-like responses of nicotine and stress-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior. Acute nicotine (0.8 mg/kg, s.c.) induced anxiogenic-like effects in the elevated plus-maze and activated the paraventricular nucleus of thehypothalamus (PVN) as revealed by c-Fos expression. Pretreatment with the hypocretin receptor 1 (Hcrtr-1) antagonist SB334867 orpreprohypocretin gene deletion blocked both nicotine effects. In the PVN, SB334867 also prevented the activation of corticotrophinreleasing factor (CRF) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) neurons, which expressed Hcrtr-1. In addition, an increase of the percentage of c-Fos-positive hypocretin cells in the perifornical and dorsomedial hypothalamic (PFA/DMH) areas was found after nicotine (0.8 mg/kg,s.c.) administration. Intracerebroventricular infusion of hypocretin-1 (Hcrt-1) (0.75 nmol/1 l) or footshock stress reinstated a previouslyextinguished nicotine-seeking behavior. The effects of Hcrt-1 were blocked by SB334867, but not by the CRF1 receptor antagonistantalarmin. Moreover, SB334867 did not block CRF-dependent footshock-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking while antalarmin was effective in preventing this nicotine motivational response. Therefore, the Hcrt system interacts with CRF and AVP neurons in the PVN and modulates the anxiogenic-like effects of nicotine whereas Hcrt and CRF play a different role in the reinstatement of nicotineseeking.Indeed, Hcrt-1 reinstates nicotine-seeking through a mechanism independent of CRF activation whereas CRF mediates the reinstatement induced by stress.
It has been shown previously that the endogenous opioid system may be involved in the behavioral effects of nicotine. In the present study, the participation of endogenous enkephalins on nicotine responses has been investigated by using preproenkephalin knock-out mice. Acute nicotine-induced hypolocomotion remained unaffected in these mice. In contrast, antinociception elicited in the tail-immersion and hot-plate tests by acute nicotine administration was reduced in mutant animals. The rewarding properties of nicotine were then investigated using the place-conditioning paradigm. Nicotine induced a conditioned place preference in wild-type animals, but this effect was absent in knock-out mice. Accordingly, in vivo microdialysis studies revealed that the enhancement in dopamine extracellular levels in the nucleus accumbens induced by nicotine was also reduced in preproenkephalin-deficient mice. Finally, the somatic expression of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome precipitated in nicotine-dependent mice by mecamylamine was significantly attenuated in mutant animals. In summary, the present results indicate that endogenous opioid peptides derived from preproenkephalin are involved in the antinociceptive and rewarding properties of nicotine and participate in the expression of physical nicotine dependence.
El consum de tabac és causa de pèrdua de salut i la primera causa de mort prematura prevenible en els països desenvolupats. Deixar de fumar aporta grans beneficis per a la salut però hi ha un fet que fa que moltes persones es plantegin no deixar aquest hàbit i és la preocupació pel guany ponderal. Diversos estudis consultats apunten a que es produeix un guany mig de 3-4 kg durant el procés de deshabituació tot i que en un percentatge considerable pot ser superior. Les causes d’aquest guany de pes són degudes a diversos factors: recuperació dels sentits del gust i l’olfacte, l’ansietat, la falta d’activitat física i sobre tot el paper que juga la nicotina. La nicotina augmenta la despesa energètica en l’activitat física, augmenta la termogènesi, incrementa el metabolisme basal, inhibeix la gana, produeix pèrdua de pes, afavoreix el buidament gàstric i recentment s’ha vist en rosegadors que la nicotina regula mecanismes cerebrals a nivell del hipotàlem, això ho fa perquè actua inactivant l’acció de l’enzim adenosine 5′-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) provocant una pèrdua de la gana i un augment de la despesa energètica al incrementar la temperatura corporal i accelerar el metabolisme de les grasses. Explicar que la majoria dels efectes tenen una base bioquímica pot ajudar al pacient a comprendre la simptomatologia que pateix en el procés de la deshabituació tabàquica.