957 resultados para Murdoch, Iris
An undated photograph of Richard, Iris and Albert Sloman taken outside what is believed to be a holiday cabin in Parry Sound, Ontario. This photograph was in the possession of the Rick Bell family, of St. Catharines.
A black and white photograph taken in 1939 on the occasion of the marriage of Richard Nelson Bell to Iris Sloman. Pictured in the photograph, from left to right, are: Bert Sloman; Richard Nelson Bell; Iris Sloman Bell; and Helen Beatty Sloman. This photograph was in the possession of Rick Bell, the son of Richard Nelson and Iris Bell. The Bell - Sloman family descends from former Black slaves from the United States.Bert Sloman (Albert Edward Sloman) passed away in 1986 at Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. His wife Vera Matilda Sloman passed away January 4, 2011 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. They had a son, Ron Sloman.
This undated black and white family snapshot shows Albert and Josie Sloman (at left) with their daughter, Iris Sloman Bell (third from left) and an unidentified woman in the vegetable garden. The location of the garden is not clear, although it could be St. Catharines or London, Ontario. This photograph was in the possession of Rick Bell, of St. Catharines, whose mother was Iris Sloman Bell. The Sloman - Bell family ancestry includes former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.
Iris Sloman, at left, with her sister, Helen, far right, and an unidentified woman on the beach in this undated photo. The location could possibly be Port Dalhousie or Parry Sound. This photo was among the family memorabilia retrieved by Rick Bell from his mother's attic in St. Catharines in the 1980s. The Bell - Sloman family descends from former African American slaves who settled in the London and St. Catharines areas.
Richard and Iris (Sloman) Bell are pictured on the grounds of unknown gardens, possibly in Niagara Falls, on their wedding day in 1939. This photo was among the family memorabilia in the possession of their son, Rick Bell, of St. Catharines.
A young Iris Sloman is pictured in this portrait, date and location unknown. Iris Sloman married Richard Bell in 1939 and the couple resided in St. Catharines, Ontario. Her son, Rick Bell, retrieve this and other family photos from his mother's attic in the 1980s. Branches of the Bell -Sloman family are descended from African American slaves.
This black and white family photo is undated yet believed to be in 1939 on the wedding day of Richard and Iris Bell. Pictured in this photo are, from right, Vera, Richard Bell, Iris Sloman Bell, and Bert Sloman. This photo was in the possession of Rick Bell, of St. Catharines, son of Richard and Iris. The Bell - Sloman families have descendants who are former African American slaves.Bert Sloman (Albert Edward Sloman) passed away in 1986 at Kitchener - Waterloo, Ontario. His wife, Vera Matilda Sloman, passed away January 4, 2011 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. They had a son, Ron Sloman.
Dossier : In Memoriam, Iris Marion Young (1949-2006)
Cette étude porte sur la dimension intersubjective de la souffrance qui affecte le rapport du souffrant à son corps, au temps et à l’espace vécus de même que son identité narrative et sa mémoire narrative. Mon argument principal est que la voix narrative constitue le rapport intersubjectif dans les récits de maladie que les proches écrivent sur leurs partenaires souffrant de cancer de cerveau ou de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ma discussion est basée sur l’éthique, la phénoménologie, les théories de l’incorporation, les études des récits de vie, la sociologie et l’anthropologie médicales et la narratologie. L’objet de mon étude est l’expérience incorporée de la souffrance dans les récits de maladie et je me concentre sur la souffrance comme perte de la mémoire et du soi narratif. J’analyse le journal How Linda Died de Frank Davey et les mémoires de John Bayley, Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch et Iris and Her Friends: A Memoir of Memory and Desire. J’explore comment les récits de maladie constituent le rapport éthique à l’Autre souffrant de la rupture de la mémoire. La discussion de la voix est située dans le contexte des récits de vie et se propose de dépasser les limites des approches sociologiques et anthropologiques de la voix dans les récits de maladie. Dans ce sens, dans un premier temps je porte mon attention sur des études narratologiques de la voix en indiquant leurs limites. Ma propre définition de la voix narrative est basée sur l’éthique dans la perspective d’Emmanuel Levinas et de Paul Ricœur, sur l’interprétation du temps, de la mémoire et de l’oubli chez St-Augustin et la discussion levinasienne de la constitution intersubjective du temps. J’avance l’idée que la “spontanéité bienveillante” (Ricœur, Soi-même comme un autre 222) articule la voix narrative et l’attention envers l’Autre souffrant qui ne peut plus se rappeler, ni raconter sa mémoire. En reformulant la définition augustinienne du temps qui met en corrélation les modes temporels avec la voix qui récite, j’avance l’idée que la voix est distendue entre la voix présente de la voix présente, la voix présente de la voix passée, la voix présente de la voix future. Je montre comment la voix du soignant est inscrite par et s’inscrit dans les interstices d’une voix interrompue, souffrante. Je définis les récits de vies comme des interfaces textuelles entre le soi et l’Autre, entre la voix du soi et la voix du souffrant, comme un mode de restaurer l’intégrité narrative de l’Autre.
Effectiveness Of Feature Detection Operators On The Performance Of Iris Biometric Recognition System
Iris Recognition is a highly efficient biometric identification system with great possibilities for future in the security systems area.Its robustness and unobtrusiveness, as opposed tomost of the currently deployed systems, make it a good candidate to replace most of thesecurity systems around. By making use of the distinctiveness of iris patterns, iris recognition systems obtain a unique mapping for each person. Identification of this person is possible by applying appropriate matching algorithm.In this paper, Daugman’s Rubber Sheet model is employed for irisnormalization and unwrapping, descriptive statistical analysis of different feature detection operators is performed, features extracted is encoded using Haar wavelets and for classification hammingdistance as a matching algorithm is used. The system was tested on the UBIRIS database. The edge detection algorithm, Canny, is found to be the best one to extract most of the iris texture. The success rate of feature detection using canny is 81%, False Accept Rate is 9% and False Reject Rate is 10%.
Biometrics has become important in security applications. In comparison with many other biometric features, iris recognition has very high recognition accuracy because it depends on iris which is located in a place that still stable throughout human life and the probability to find two identical iris's is close to zero. The identification system consists of several stages including segmentation stage which is the most serious and critical one. The current segmentation methods still have limitation in localizing the iris due to circular shape consideration of the pupil. In this research, Daugman method is done to investigate the segmentation techniques. Eyelid detection is another step that has been included in this study as a part of segmentation stage to localize the iris accurately and remove unwanted area that might be included. The obtained iris region is encoded using haar wavelets to construct the iris code, which contains the most discriminating feature in the iris pattern. Hamming distance is used for comparison of iris templates in the recognition stage. The dataset which is used for the study is UBIRIS database. A comparative study of different edge detector operator is performed. It is observed that canny operator is best suited to extract most of the edges to generate the iris code for comparison. Recognition rate of 89% and rejection rate of 95% is achieved
Resumen tomado de la publicación
El proyecto pretende reproducir la plaza de una ciudad alrededor de la cual se han proyectado los espacios más comunes en los que se desenvuelve la vida del ciudadano. Este proyecto tiene tres fases: 1. diseño del proyecto (planificación); 2. construcción de la ciudad (construcción); 3. vivimos la ciudad (explotación didáctica).