995 resultados para Municipal revenue


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Algae biofuel have emerged as viable renewable energy sources and are the potential alternatives to fossil-based fuels in recent times. Algae have the potential to generate significant quantities of commercially viable biofuel apart from treating wastewater. Three algal species, viz. Chlorococcum sp., Microcystis sp. and Phormidium sp. proliferating in wastewater ponds were isolated and cultured in the laboratory myxotrophically under similar wastewater conditions. Chlorococcum sp. attained a mean biomass productivity of 0.09 g. I(-1)d(-1) with the maximum `biomass density of 1.33 g I-1 and comparatively higher lipid content of 30.55% (w/w) on the ninth day of the culture experiment. Under similar conditions Microcystis sp. and Phormidium sp. attained mean biomass productivities of 0.058 and 0.063 g I-1 d(-1) with a total lipid content of 8.88% and 18.66% respectively. Biochemical composition (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and phosphates) variations and lipid accumulation studies were performed by comparison of the ratios of carbohydrate to protein; lipid to protein (L/P) and lipid to phosphates using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy which showed higher L/P ratio during the stationary phase of algal growth. Composition analysis of fatty acid methyl ester has been performed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Chlorococcum sp. with higher productivity and faster growth rate has higher lipid content with about 67% of saturated fatty acid dominated by palmitate (36.3%) followed by an unsaturate as linoleate (14%) and has proved to be an economical and viable feedstock for biofuel production compared to the other wastewater-grown species.


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The current study analyzes the leachate distribution in the Orchard Hills Landfill, Davis Junction, Illinois, using a two-phase flow model to assess the influence of variability in hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the existing leachate recirculation system and its operations through reliability analysis. Numerical modeling, using finite-difference code, is performed with due consideration to the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity of the municipal solid waste (MSW). The inhomogeneous and anisotropic waste condition is assumed because it is a more realistic representation of the MSW. For the reliability analysis, the landfill is divided into 10 MSW layers with different mean values of vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities (decreasing from top to bottom), and the parametric study is performed by taking the coefficients of variation (COVs) as 50, 100, 150, and 200%. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to obtain statistical information (mean and COV) of output parameters of the (1) wetted area of the MSW, (2) maximum induced pore pressure, and (3) leachate outflow. The results of the reliability analysis are used to determine the influence of hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the leachate recirculation and are discussed in the light of a deterministic approach. The study is useful in understanding the efficiency of the leachate recirculation system. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Algae grown in outdoor reactors (volume: 10 L and depth: 20 cm) were fed directly with filtered and sterilised municipal wastewater. The nutrient removal efficiencies were 86%, 90%, 89%, 70% and 76% for TOC, TN, NH4-N, TP and OP, respectively, and lipid content varied from 18% to 28.5% of dry algal biomass. Biomass productivity of similar to 122 mg/l/d (surface productivity 24.4 g/m(2)/d) and lipid productivity of similar to 32 mg/l/d were recorded. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) showed a higher content of desirable fatty acids (bearing biofuel properties) with major contributions from saturates such as palmitic acid C16:0; similar to 40%] and stearic acid C18:0; similar to 34%], followed by unsaturates such as oleic acid C18:1(9); similar to 10%] and linoleic acid C18:2(9,12); similar to 5%]. The decomposition of algal biomass and reactor residues with an exothermic heat content of 123.4 J/g provides the scope for further energy derivation. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of the municipal solid waste settlements and the contribution of each of the components are essential in the estimation of the volume of the waste that can be accommodated in a landfill and increase the post-usage of the landfill. This article describes an experimental methodology for estimating and separating primary settlement, settlement owing to creep and biodegradation-induced settlement. The primary settlement and secondary settlement have been estimated and separated based on 100% pore pressure dissipation time and the coefficient of consolidation. Mechanical creep and biodegradation settlements were estimated and separated based on the observed time required for landfill gas production. The results of a series of laboratory triaxial tests, creep tests and anaerobic reactor cell setups were conducted to describe the components of settlement. All the tests were conducted on municipal solid waste (compost reject) samples. It was observed that biodegradation accounted to more than 40% of the total settlement, whereas mechanical creep contributed more than 20% towards the total settlement. The essential model parameters, such as the compression ratio (C-c'), rate of mechanical creep (c), coefficient of mechanical creep (b), rate of biodegradation (d) and the total strain owing to biodegradation (E-DG), are useful parameters in the estimation of total settlements as well as components of settlement in landfill.


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This paper presents modification of the derivation of a previously proposed constitutive model for the prediction of stress-strain behavior of municipal solid waste (MSW) incorporating different mechanisms, such as immediate compression under loading, mechanical creep, and time-dependent biodegradation effect. The model is based on critical state soil mechanics incorporating increments in volumetric strains because of elastic, plastic, creep, and biodegradation effects. The improvement introduced in this paper is the modified critical state surface and considers five variable parameters for the estimation of stress-strain behavior of MSW under different loading conditions. In addition, an expression for the strain hardening rule is derived, with considerations of time-dependent mechanical creep and biodegradation effects. The model is validated using results from experimental studies and data from published literature. The results are also compared with the predictions of the stress-strain response obtained from a well-established hyperbolic model. (c) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Strength and stiffness properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) are important in landfill design. This paper presents the results of comprehensive testing of shear strength properties of mechanically biologically treated municipal solid waste (MBT-MSW) in laboratory. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of unit weight and particle size were investigated by performing laboratory studies on the MSW collected from Mavallipura landfill site in Bangalore. Direct shear tests, small scale and large scale consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted compost reject MSW samples. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening behaviour and the strength of MSW increased with increase in unit weight. Consolidated drained tests showed that the mobilized shear strength of the MSW increased by 40% for a unit weight increase from 7.3 kN/m(3) to 10.3 kN/m(3) at 20% strain levels. The mobilized cohesion and friction angle ranged from 5 to 9 kPa and 8 degrees to 33 degrees corresponding to a strain level of 20%. The consolidated undrained tests exhibited reduced friction angle values compared to the consolidated drained tests. The friction angle increased with increase in the unit weight from 8 degrees to 55 degrees in the consolidated undrained tests. Minor variations were found in the cohesion values. Relationships for strength and stiffness of MSW in terms of strength and stiffness ratios are developed and discussed. The stiffness ratio and the strength ratio of MSW were found to be 10 and 0.43. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seismic design of landfills requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the dynamic site response of landfill waste during seismic events. The dynamic response of the Mavallipura landfill situated in Bangalore, India, is investigated using field measurements, laboratory studies and recorded ground motions from the intraplate region. The dynamic shear modulus values for the MSW were established on the basis of field measurements of shear wave velocities. Cyclic triaxial testing was performed on reconstituted MSW samples and the shear modulus reduction and damping characteristics of MSW were studied. Ten ground motions were selected based on regional seismicity and site response parameters have been obtained considering one-dimensional non-linear analysis in the DEEPSOIL program. The surface spectral response varied from 0.6 to 2g and persisted only for a period of 1s for most of the ground motions. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) obtained was 0.5g and the minimum and maximum amplifications are 1.35 and 4.05. Amplification of the base acceleration was observed at the top surface of the landfill underlined by a composite soil layer and bedrock for all ground motions. Dynamic seismic properties with amplification and site response parameters for MSW landfill in Bangalore, India, are presented in this paper. This study shows that MSW has less shear stiffness and more amplification due to loose filling and damping, which need to be accounted for seismic design of MSW landfills in India.


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Seismic design of landfills requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the dynamic site response of landfill waste during seismic events. The dynamic response of the Mavallipura landfill situated in Bangalore, India, is investigated using field measurements, laboratory studies and recorded ground motions from the intraplate region. The dynamic shear modulus values for the MSW were established on the basis of field measurements of shear wave velocities. Cyclic triaxial testing was performed on reconstituted MSW samples and the shear modulus reduction and damping characteristics of MSW were studied. Ten ground motions were selected based on regional seismicity and site response parameters have been obtained considering one-dimensional non-linear analysis in the DEEPSOIL program. The surface spectral response varied from 0.6 to 2g and persisted only for a period of 1s for most of the ground motions. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) obtained was 0.5g and the minimum and maximum amplifications are 1.35 and 4.05. Amplification of the base acceleration was observed at the top surface of the landfill underlined by a composite soil layer and bedrock for all ground motions. Dynamic seismic properties with amplification and site response parameters for MSW landfill in Bangalore, India, are presented in this paper. This study shows that MSW has less shear stiffness and more amplification due to loose filling and damping, which need to be accounted for seismic design of MSW landfills in India.


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The pace of development in the world has increased over the years and with it, the use of hi-tech gadgets, consumer durables, automobiles, etc. has also gone up. In this context, as resources become more and more scarce, there are multiple challenges that emerge both from a sustainable development perspective, and from the perspective of meeting profitability objectives of a firm. Remanufacturing has come up in a big way as an answer to these challenges, but firms are struggling with respect to revenue management of this nascent area. We assess the current literature and distil the key factors that firms need to consider as they assimilate remanufacturing in their operations and revenue management strategy. We provide an assessment of white spaces in research in this area and also outline the directions for future research.


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Great differences between municipal solid wastes(MSW)produced at different places and different times in terms of such parameters as physical ingredient and heating value lead to difficulty in effective handling of MSW. In this paper, ingredient, heating value and their temporal varying trends of typical MSW in Beijing were continuously measured and analyzed. With consideration of the process in pyrolysis and incineration, correlation between physical ingredients and heating values was induced, favorable for evaluation of heating value needed in handling of MSW from simple analysis of physical ingredients of it.


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Con el presente trabajo se pretende conocer las lesiones de hígados bovinos decomisados (condenados) en el Rastro Municipal de Estelí del año 2008 y la realización de su diagnóstico histopatológico utilizando la técnica de tinción Hematoxilina. Eosina, además de ampliar los conocimientos de patología bovina en Nicaragua. El Rastro municipal está ubicado al norte de la ciudad en su periferia y en el actual límite del casco urbano. Los datos del presente estudio se obtuvieron de los registros de los animales faenados por mes y los datos de hígados decomisados (condena dos) se obtuvo de la inspección post-mortem del rastro municipal de Estelí lo cual es realizado por el médico veterinario oficial que depende de la alcaldía, dichos datos fueron recopilados en el período comprendido de marzo a agosto del año 2008. El presente estudio fue de tipo descriptivo donde se hicieron los análisis frecuenciales de las distintas variables evaluadas como categoría, clasificación macroscópica y microscópica, pérdidas económicas. Se encontró que de los 59 casos de hígados condenados representa el 4.16% de animales afectados por diversas patologías. Los resultados encontrados según categorías de los animales afectados fueron: 42 Vacas representaron el 71.18%, 16 Vaquillas el 27.11 % y e1 1.69% un Buey. A los cuales se le designó valor numérico 1-Vaquilla; 2-Vaca; 3-Buey. De los 59 bovinos afectados por Afecciones hepáticas, el 51% presentaron hepatitis, el 12% se refiere peri hepatitis, 10% a hepatitis telangiectasia, 5% a hepatitis pigmentación 3.4% hepatitis crónica, hepatitis absceso, peri hepatitis fibrinosa y absceso, y los rangos de 1.7% corresponden a hemorragia, adherencia, telangiectasia absceso, combina 1 y 9, (hepatitis focal crónica, degeneración, hiperplasia de canalículos biliares) 7 y 9 (degeneración, hemorragia, hiperplasia de canalículos biliares). Las pérdidas económicas por la cantidad hígados condenados fue de C$ 14, 160.00 córdobas que en dólares equivale a US$ 734.013.00 de acuerdo a la tasa de cambio del período estudiado.


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La cisticercosis y la teniasis, ocasionadas por Taenia solium, representan un problema de salud pública. Éstas se encuentran asociadas fuertemente con la crianza de cerdos y las deficientes condiciones sanitarias e higiénicas. Cuando una persona come carne de cerdo infectada, mal cocida o cruda, adquiere teniasis. La cisticercosis se adquiere al ingerir alimentos (verduras principalmente) o agua contaminada con materias fecales conteniendo huevecillos de Taenia solium, o por autoinfestación cuando la persona con teniasis no tiene hábitos de higiene adecuados. Con este estudio se propuso determinar el diagnóstico situacional de cisticercosis porcina en el Rastro Municipal de Masaya en el periodo de Enero-Julio 2009. Los cálculos correspondieron a los casos de cerdos infectados con cisticercosis de los diferentes patentados o dueños de cerdos faenados, además de cada uno de los siete meses de estudio y el porcentaje global de los siete meses evaluados. Los datos se tomaron de los registros que se realizaban durante la inspección postmortem por el médico veterinario autorizado por la Alcaldía de Masaya. El método de estudio fue observacional de tipo transversal. Los resultados obtenidos en base al hallazgo de cerdos infectados con cisticercosis es que éste no era disperso, ya que se mantuvo en cerdos faenados de 5 patentados. El mes con mayor afectación fue Marzo con 0.29% y el porcentaje global fue de 0.14% que equivale a 17 cerdos con cisticercos de 11,903 animales faenados. En este estudio no se lograron determinar pérdidas económicas ni las regiones anatómicas de mayor afectación, ya que en el rastro no se lleva control de peso de los animales y los procesos de matanza no se rigen por el Reglamento de Inspección Veterinaria de la carne para la República de Nicaragua, artículo 118, Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAGFOR).


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"Luego de señalar los antecedentes hispánicos de la autonomía municipal en la historia argentina, el trabajo se ocupa de fundamentar esta autonomía a partir de la Constitución Nacional reformada en 1994 y en las correspondientes Constituciones Provinciales. Destaca que las provincias de Santa Fe, Mendoza y Buenos Aires no han consagrado todavía la autonomía municipal en sus textos constitucionales. Se plantean estos problemas: ¿Qué sucedería si un municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires dictara su propia carta orgánica? ¿Resultaría constitucional? ¿Constitucional respecto a qué texto constitucional? ¿Se podría, eventualmente, hablar de inconstitucionalidad por omisión en el caso de la Constitución de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en lo que se refiere a la autonomía municipal?"


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La investigación se realizó en el rastro municipal de Camoapa, departamento de Boaco. Los objetivos fueron: Diagnosticar el estado reproductivo y patológico de las vacas destinadas al sacrificio y, proponer estrategias que permitan un adecuado control higiénico sanitario antes y después del proceso de matanza. Se evaluó una muestra de 145 animales (período: tres meses y medio) que equivale al 25 % del total de hembras sacrificadas anualmente. El trabajo consistió en visitar el rastro municipal para realizar el examen clínico general a las vacas que serian sacrificadas, determinando la triada clínica (frecuencias respiratoria, cardiaca y temperatura), revisión de mucosas y condición corporal. También se realizó el diagnóstico reproductivo a través de la palpación rectal el día antes de la matanza, y la observación directa del aparato reproductor, post mortem. También se utilizó un formulario que permitió obtener datos para enriquecer la información. La valoración de los animales evaluados indica que, a este rastro municipal llegan vacas normalmente sanas, sin embargo se encontraron animales con altas frecuencias respiratorias y cardiacas, y elevadas temperaturas. El 48.3 % de las vacas evaluadas resultaron gestadas, encontrándose un máximo de edad fetal de 252 días, faltando pocos días para un posible parto. Las vacas que llegaron vacías, en su mayoría presentaron problemas reproductivos, siendo de mayor relevancia los quistes foliculares en un 30.5%. El 79.3 % de vacas evaluadas, presentaron menos de 4 partos, consideradas como animales jóvenes aptos a la reproducción, coincidiendo con los motivos de descarte reflejados por los productores (problemas reproductivos, económicos y otros). Los resultados permitieron proponer estrategias de mejora en las condiciones de manejo, sobre el control sanitario antes y post mortem, y sobre la higiene general del rastro.


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La investigación se realizó en el rastro municipal del municipio de Camoapa departamento de Boaco. Los objetivos fueron: Diagnosticar el estado reproductivo y patológico de vacas destinadas al sacrificio en el rastro municipal de Camoapa y proponer estrategias que permitan un adecuado control reproductivo de las mismas. Se evaluó una muestra de 145 animales (por un periodo de tres meses y medio) que equivalen al 25 % del total de hembras que son sacrificadas anualmente en el rastro municipal. El trabajo consistió en visitar el rastro municipal para realizar el examen clínico general a las vacas que serían sacrificadas, identificando los diferentes trastornos reproductivos, así como la edad y peso del feto de las vacas preñadas. Se realizó un examen clínico general, en donde se determinó la triada clínica (frecuencias respiratoria, cardiaca y temperatura), revisión de mucosas y condición corporal. También se realizó el diagnóstico de gestación a través de la palpación rectal el día antes de la matanza y la observación directa. post mortem, al aparato reproductor. Al mismo tiempo se utilizó un formulario que permitió obtener información sobre aspectos de importancia que contribuyeron a enriquecer la información, tales como: causa de la venta o descarte del animal (económicos, problemas reproductivos) y otros. La valoración general de los animales evaluados indica que a este rastro municipal llegan animales normalmente sanos sin embargo hay presencia de anímales con altas frecuencias respiratorias, cardiacas y elevadas temperaturas. El 14.5 % y l.4 % se encontraron con la mucosa vaginal de color pálida e ictérica respectivamente resultados que se atribuyen al alto grado de garrapatas observadas en las vacas destinadas al sacrificio. El 79.3 % vacas presentan menos de 4 partos por lo que son considerados como animales jóvenes, aptos a la reproducción. Este dato se atribuye a los motivos de descarte reflejado por los productores, siendo de mayor relevancia los problemas reproductivos (quistes foliculares: 30.55 %), económica; y otros. Además es importante señalar la falta de asistencia técnica a pequeños productores, lo que indica que en las fincas no se lleva ningún control reproductivo del hato. El 48.3 % de las vacas evaluadas resultaron gestadas y el 57.l %. 27.1 %y l5.7% fueron sacrificadas en el segundo, primer y último tercio de la gestación respectivamente, encontrándose un máximo en la edad fetal de 252 días, faltando pocos días para un posible parto, lo que indica un alto porcentaje de vacas sacrificadas culminando su periodo de gestación. Los resultados permiten proponer estrategias de mejora en las condiciones de manejo, sobre el control sanitario antes y post mortem y sobre la higiene general del rastro: disminuir el manejo que provoca estrés en los animales ante mortero, mejorar el control sanitario del animal a sacrificar y de la carne a distribuir al consumidor, mejorar las condiciones básicas de las instalaciones.