972 resultados para Multiple genes


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Here we report the identification of 10 human, 1 murine, and 2 rat ORFs, all of which represent additional members of the DUB/USP17 family of deubiquitinating enzymes. In addition, we demonstrate that this family constitutes part of a tandemly repeated sequence conserved throughout humans, mice, and rats. Furthermore, upon examination of the known family members we have found that the multiple genes observed, in contrast to other gene families, have arisen due to the independent expansion of an ancestral sequence within each species. This premise is further strengthened by the observation that the murine and rat genes span two exons while their human counterparts have one. These observations, in conjunction with previous work demonstrating that the DUB/USP17's are cytokine inducible and that they regulate both cell growth and survival, suggest that the DUB/USP17's are a large highly conserved family of genes that may play an important role in controlling cell fate.


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Previous peptidomic analyses of the defensive skin secretion from the North American pickerel frog, Rana palustris, have established the presence of canonical bradykinin and multiple bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). As a consequence of the multiplicity of peptides identified and their diverse primary structures, it was speculated that they must represent the products of expression of multiple genes. Here, we present unequivocal evidence that the majority of BRPs (11/13) identified in skin secretion by the peptidomic approach can be generated by differential site-specific protease cleavage from a single common precursor of 321 amino acid residues, named skin kininogen 1, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. The organization of skin kininogen 1 consists of a hydrophobic signal peptide followed by eight non-identical domains each encoding a single copy of either canonical bradykinin or a BRP. Two additional splice variants, encoding precursors of 233 (skin kininogen 2) or 189 amino acid residues (skin kininogen 3), were also cloned and were found to lack BRP-encoding domains 5 and 6 or 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, generation of peptidome diversity in amphibian defensive skin secretions can be achieved in part by differential protease cleavage of relatively large and multiple-encoding domain precursors reflecting a high degree of transcriptional economy.


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Background: The DUB/USP17 subfamily of deubiquitinating enzymes were originally identified as immediate early genes induced in response to cytokine stimulation in mice (DUB-1, DUB-1A, DUB-2, DUB-2A). Subsequently we have identified a number of human family members and shown that one of these (DUB-3) is also cytokine inducible. We originally showed that constitutive expression of DUB-3 can block cell proliferation and more recently we have demonstrated that this is due to its regulation of the ubiquitination and activity of the 'CAAX' box protease RCE1.

Results: Here we demonstrate that the human DUB/USP17 family members are found on both chromosome 4p16.1, within a block of tandem repeats, and on chromosome 8p23.1, embedded within the copy number variable betadefensin cluster. In addition, we show that the multiple genes observed in humans and other distantly related mammals have arisen due to the independent expansion of an ancestral sequence within each species. However, it is also apparent when sequences from humans and the more closely related chimpanzee are compared, that duplication events have taken place prior to these species separating.

Conclusions: The observation that the DUB/USP17 genes, which can influence cell growth and survival, have evolved from an unstable ancestral sequence which has undergone multiple and varied duplications in the species examined marks this as a unique family. In addition, their presence within the beta-defensin repeat raises the question whether they may contribute to the influence of this repeat on immune related conditions.


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The p63 transcription factor (TP63) is critical in development, growth and differentiation of stratifying epithelia. This is highlighted by the severity of congenital abnormalities caused by TP63 mutations in humans, the dramatic phenotypes in knockout mice and de-regulation of TP63 expression in neoplasia altering the tumour suppressive roles of the TP53 family. In order to define the normal role played by TP63 and provide the basis for better understanding how this network is perturbed in disease, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify >7500 high-confidence TP63-binding regions across the entire genome, in primary human neonatal foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs). Using integrative strategies, we demonstrate that only a subset of these sites are bound by TP53 in response to DNA damage. We identify a role for TP63 in transcriptional regulation of multiple genes genetically linked to cleft palate and identify AP-2alpha (TFAP2A) as a co-regulator of a subset of these genes. We further demonstrate that AP-2gamma (TFAP2C) can bind a subset of these regions and that acute depletion of either TFAP2A or TFAP2C alone is sufficient to reduce terminal differentiation of organotypic epidermal skin equivalents, indicating overlapping physiological functions with TP63.


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Background: Bacteria employ complex transcriptional networks involving multiple genes in response to stress, which is not limited to gene and protein networks but now includes small RNAs (sRNAs). These regulatory RNA molecules are increasingly shown to be able to initiate regulatory cascades and modulate the expression of multiple genes that are involved in or required for survival under environmental challenge. Despite mounting evidence for the importance of sRNAs in stress response, their role upon antibiotic exposure remains unknown. In this study, we sought to determine firstly, whether differential expression of sRNAs occurs upon antibiotic exposure and secondly, whether these sRNAs could be attributed to microbial tolerance to antibiotics.

Results: A small scale sRNA cloning strategy of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 challenged with half the minimal inhibitory concentration of tigecycline identified four sRNAs (sYJ5, sYJ20, sYJ75 and sYJ118) which were reproducibly upregulated in the presence of either tigecycline or tetracycline. The coding sequences of the four sRNAs were found to be conserved across a number of species. Genome analysis found that sYJ5 and sYJ118 mapped between the 16S and 23S rRNA encoding genes. sYJ20 (also known as SroA) is encoded upstream of the tbpAyabKyabJ operon and is classed as a riboswitch, whilst its role in antibiotic stress-response appears independent of its riboswitch function. sYJ75 is encoded between genes that are involved in enterobactin transport and metabolism. Additionally we find that the genetic deletion of sYJ20 rendered a reduced viability phenotype in the presence of tigecycline, which was recovered when complemented. The upregulation of some of these sRNAs were also observed when S. Typhimurium was challenged by ampicillin (sYJ5, 75 and 118); or when Klebsiella pneumoniae was challenged by tigecycline (sYJ20 and 118).

Conclusions: Small RNAs are overexpressed as a result of antibiotic exposure in S. Typhimurium where the same molecules are upregulated in a related species or after exposure to different antibiotics. sYJ20, a riboswitch, appears to possess a trans-regulatory sRNA role in antibiotic tolerance. These findings imply that the sRNA mediated response is a component of the bacterial response to antibiotic challenge.


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Matrilysin-1 (also called matrix metalloproteinase-7) is expressed in injured lung and in cancer but not in normal epithelia. Bronchiolization of the alveoli (BOA), a potential precursor of lung cancer, is a histologically distinct type of metaplasia that is composed of cells resembling airway epithelium in the alveolar compartment. We demonstrate that there is increased expression of matrilysin-1 in human lesions and BOA in the CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 transgenic mouse model. Forced expression of the matrilysin-1 gene in immortalized human normal airway epithelial BEAS-2B and HPLD1 cells, which do not normally express matrilysin-1, promoted cellular migration, suggesting a functional link for BOA formation via bronchiolar cell migration. In addition, matrilysin-1 stimulated proliferation and inhibited Fas-induced apoptosis, while a knockdown by RNA interference decreased cell growth, migration, and increased sensitivity to apoptosis. Western blotting demonstrated increased levels of phospho-p38 and phospho-Erk1/2 kinases after matrilysin-1 expression. Gene expression analysis uncovered several genes that were related to cell growth, migration/movement, and death, which could potentially facilitate bronchiolization. In vivo, the formation of BOA lesions was reduced when CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 mice were crossed with matrilysin-1 null mice and was correlated with reduced matrilysin-1 expression in BOA. We conclude that matrilysin-1 may play an important role in the bronchiolization of alveoli by promoting proliferation, migration, and attenuation of apoptosis involving multiple genes in the MAP kinase pathway.


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Schizophrenia is clinically heterogeneous. Recent linkage studies suggest that multiple genes are important in the etiology of schizophrenia. The authors examined the hypothesis of whether the clinical variability in schizophrenia is due to genetic heterogeneity.


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Empirically derived phenotypic measurements have the potential to enhance gene-finding efforts in schizophrenia. Previous research based on factor analyses of symptoms has typically included schizoaffective cases. Deriving factor loadings from analysis of only narrowly defined schizophrenia cases could yield more sensitive factor scores for gene pathway and gene ontology analyses. Using an Irish family sample, this study 1) factor analyzed clinician-rated Operational Criteria Checklist items in cases with schizophrenia only, 2) scored the full sample based on these factor loadings, and 3) implemented genome-wide association, gene-based, and gene-pathway analysis of these SCZ-based symptom factors (final N= 507). Three factors emerged from the analysis of the schizophrenia cases: a manic, a depressive, and a positive symptom factor. In gene-based analyses of these factors, multiple genes had q<. 0.01. Of particular interest are findings for PTPRG and WBP1L, both of which were previously implicated by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium study of SCZ; results from this study suggest that variants in these genes might also act as modifiers of SCZ symptoms. Gene pathway analyses of the first factor indicated over-representation of glutamatergic transmission, GABA-A receptor, and cyclic GMP pathways. Results suggest that these pathways may have differential influence on affective symptom presentation in schizophrenia.


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Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.


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The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha, beta, and gamma activate the transcription of multiple genes involved in lipid metabolism. Several natural and synthetic ligands have been identified for each PPAR isotype but little is known about the phosphorylation state of these receptors. We show here that activators of protein kinase A (PKA) can enhance mouse PPAR activity in the absence and the presence of exogenous ligands in transient transfection experiments. Activation function 1 (AF-1) of PPARs was dispensable for transcriptional enhancement, whereas activation function 2 (AF-2) was required for this effect. We also show that several domains of PPAR can be phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. Moreover, gel retardation experiments suggest that PKA stabilizes binding of the liganded PPAR to DNA. PKA inhibitors decreased not only the kinase-dependent induction of PPARs but also their ligand-dependent induction, suggesting an interaction between both pathways that leads to maximal transcriptional induction by PPARs. Moreover, comparing PPAR alpha knockout (KO) with PPAR alpha WT mice, we show that the expression of the acyl CoA oxidase (ACO) gene can be regulated by PKA-activated PPAR alpha in liver. These data demonstrate that the PKA pathway is an important modulator of PPAR activity, and we propose a model associating this pathway in the control of fatty acid beta-oxidation under conditions of fasting, stress, and exercise.


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La biologie moléculaire et, plus spécifiquement, la régulation de l’expression génique ont été révolutionnées par la découverte des microARN (miARN). Ces petits ARN d’une vingtaine de nucléotides sont impliqués dans la majorité des processus cellulaires et leur expression est dérégulée dans plusieurs maladies, comme le cancer. Un miARN reconnaît ses cibles principalement par son noyau, ce qui lui permet de réguler simultanément la traduction de centaines d’ARN messagers. Nos travaux ont montré l’existence d’une boucle de rétro-activation négative, entre deux miARN du polycistron miR-17-92 et trois facteurs de transcription de la famille E2F. E2F1, 2 et 3 induisent la transcription de miR-20 et miR-17 qui par la suite inhibent leur traduction. Nos résultats suggèrent l’implication de cette boucle dans la résistance à l’apoptose induite par E2F1 dans les cellules du cancer de la prostate, ce qui expliquerait en partie le potentiel oncogénique du polycistron miR-17-92. L’étude de ce motif de régulation nous a donc permis de réaliser le potentiel incroyable qu’ont les miARN à inhiber la traduction de plusieurs gènes. Basé sur les règles de reconnaissance des miARN, nous avons développé et validé MultiTar. Cet outil bioinformatique permet de trouver la séquence d’un miARN artificiel ayant le potentiel d’inhiber la traduction de gènes d’intérêts choisis par l’utilisateur. Afin de valider MultiTar, nous avons généré des multitargets pouvant inhiber l’expression des trois E2F, ce qui nous a permis de comparer leur efficacité à celle de miR-20. Nos miARN artificiels ont la capacité d’inhiber la traduction des E2F et de neutraliser leur fonction redondante de la progression du cycle cellulaire de façon similaire ou supérieur à miR-20. La fonctionnalité de notre programme, ouvre la voie à une stratégie flexible pouvant cibler le caractère multigénique de différents processus cellulaires ou maladies complexes, tel que le cancer. L’utilisation de miARN artificiels pourrait donc représenter une alternative intéressante aux stratégies déjà existantes, qui sont limitées à inhiber des cibles uniques. En plus d’élucider un réseau de régulation complexe impliquant les miARN, nous avons pu tirer profit de leur potentiel d’inhibition par la conception de miARN artificiels.


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L’injection de cellules immunologiquement compétentes à un hôte histo-incompatible amène une réaction qui peut se traduire par la maladie du greffon-contre-l’hôte (GVHD). La GVHD demeure une barrière importante à une utilisation plus répandue de la greffe allogénique de cellules hématopoïétiques (AHCT), pourtant un traitement efficace pour traiter de nombreuses maladies. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent cette pathologie pourrait en faciliter le traitement et la prévention. L’Interféron-gamma (IFN-γ) et le Transforming Growth Factor-béta (TGF-β) sont deux cytokines maîtresses de l’immunité impliquées dans la fonction et l’homéostasie des cellules greffées. Nous démontrons chez la souris que l’IFN-γ limite la reconstitution lympho-hématopoïétique de façon dose-dépendante en mobilisant des mécanismes d’apoptose et en inhibant la prolifération cellulaire. Le TGF-β est quant à lui généralement connu comme un immunosuppresseur qui contrôle l’immunité en utilisant plusieurs voies de signalisation. Le rôle relatif de ces voies en AHCT est inconnu. Nous avons étudié une de ces voies en greffant des cellules provenant de donneurs déficients pour le gène SMAD3 (SMAD3-KO), un médiateur central de la voie canonique du TGF-β, à des souris histo-incompatibles. Bien que l’absence de SMAD3 ne cause aucune maladie chez nos souris donneuses, l’injection de cellules SMAD3-KO amène une GVHD du colon sévère chez le receveur. Cette atteinte est caractérisée par une différenciation Th1 et une infiltration massive de granulocytes témoignant d’un rôle central de SMAD3 dans la physiologie des lymphocytes T CD4 et des cellules myéloïdes. Nous avons focalisé ensuite nos efforts sur le rôle de SMAD3 chez les lymphocytes T CD4 en sachant que SMAD3 était actif chez les lymphocytes T CD4 tolérants. Nous avons découvert que SMAD3 était rapidement inactivé après une activation des cellules T, suggérant que l’inactivation de SMAD3 était fonctionnellement importante pour briser l’état de tolérance. Des études de micro-puces d’ADNc nous ont montré que SMAD3 contrôlait en effet l’expression de nombreux transcrits de gènes connus comme étant reliés à la tolérance et/ou à des processus biologiques dont les rôles dans le maintien de la tolérance sont plausibles.


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Depuis quelques années, l'évolution moléculaire cherche à caractériser les variations et l'intensité de la sélection grâce au rapport entre taux de substitution synonyme et taux de substitution non-synonyme (dN/dS). Cette mesure, dN/dS, a permis d'étudier l'histoire de la variation de l'intensité de la sélection au cours du temps ou de détecter des épisodes de la sélection positive. Les liens entre sélection et variation de taille efficace interfèrent cependant dans ces mesures. Les méthodes comparatives, quant a elle, permettent de mesurer les corrélations entre caractères quantitatifs le long d'une phylogénie. Elles sont également utilisées pour tester des hypothèses sur l'évolution corrélée des traits d'histoire de vie, mais pour être employées pour étudier les corrélations entre traits d'histoire de vie, masse, taux de substitution ou dN/dS. Nous proposons ici une approche combinant une méthode comparative basée sur le principe des contrastes indépendants et un modèle d'évolution moléculaire, dans un cadre probabiliste Bayésien. Intégrant, le long d'une phylogénie, sur les reconstructions ancestrales des traits et et de dN/dS nous estimons les covariances entre traits ainsi qu'entre traits et paramètres du modèle d'évolution moléculaire. Un modèle hiérarchique, a été implémenté dans le cadre du logiciel coevol, publié au cours de cette maitrise. Ce modèle permet l'analyse simultané de plusieurs gènes sans perdre la puissance donnée par l'ensemble de séquences. Un travail deparallélisation des calculs donne la liberté d'augmenter la taille du modèle jusqu'à l'échelle du génome. Nous étudions ici les placentaires, pour lesquels beaucoup de génomes complets et de mesures phénotypiques sont disponibles. À la lumière des théories sur les traits d'histoire de vie, notre méthode devrait permettre de caractériser l'implication de groupes de gènes dans les processus biologique liés aux phénotypes étudiés.


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Les traits quantitatifs complexes sont des caractéristiques mesurables d’organismes vivants qui résultent de l’interaction entre plusieurs gènes et facteurs environnementaux. Les locus génétiques liés à un caractère complexe sont appelés «locus de traits quantitatifs » (QTL). Récemment, en considérant les niveaux d’expression tissulaire de milliers de gènes comme des traits quantitatifs, il est devenu possible de détecter des «QTLs d’expression» (eQTL). Alors que ces derniers ont été considérés comme des phénotypes intermédiaires permettant de mieux comprendre l’architecture biologique des traits complexes, la majorité des études visent encore à identifier une mutation causale dans un seul gène. Cette approche ne peut remporter du succès que dans les situations où le gène incriminé a un effet majeur sur le trait complexe, et ne permet donc pas d’élucider les situations où les traits complexes résultent d’interactions entre divers gènes. Cette thèse propose une approche plus globale pour : 1) tenir compte des multiples interactions possibles entre gènes pour la détection de eQTLs et 2) considérer comment des polymorphismes affectant l’expression de plusieurs gènes au sein de groupes de co-expression pourraient contribuer à des caractères quantitatifs complexes. Nos contributions sont les suivantes : Nous avons développé un outil informatique utilisant des méthodes d’analyse multivariées pour détecter des eQTLs et avons montré que cet outil augmente la sensibilité de détection d’une classe particulière de eQTLs. Sur la base d’analyses de données d’expression de gènes dans des tissus de souris recombinantes consanguines, nous avons montré que certains polymorphismes peuvent affecter l’expression de plusieurs gènes au sein de domaines géniques de co-expression. En combinant des études de détection de eQTLs avec des techniques d’analyse de réseaux de co-expression de gènes dans des souches de souris recombinantes consanguines, nous avons montré qu’un locus génétique pouvait être lié à la fois à l’expression de plusieurs gènes au niveau d’un domaine génique de co-expression et à un trait complexe particulier (c.-à-d. la masse du ventricule cardiaque gauche). Au total, nos études nous ont permis de détecter plusieurs mécanismes par lesquels des polymorphismes génétiques peuvent être liés à l’expression de plusieurs gènes, ces derniers pouvant eux-mêmes être liés à des traits quantitatifs complexes.


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Introgression in Festulolium is a potentially powerful tool to isolate genes for a large number of traits which differ between Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium perenne L. Not only are hybrids between the two species fertile, but the two genomes can be distinguished by genomic in situ hybridisation and a high frequency of recombination occurs between homoeologous chromosomes and chromosome segments. By a programme of introgression and a series of backcrosses, L. perenne lines have been produced which contain small F. pratensis substitutions. This material is a rich source of polymorphic markers targeted towards any trait carried on the F. pratensis substitution not observed in the L. perenne background. We describe here the construction of an F. pratensis BAC library, which establishes the basis of a map-based cloning strategy in L. perenne. The library contains 49,152 clones, with an average insert size of 112 kbp, providing coverage of 2.5 haploid genome equivalents. We have screened the library for eight amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) derived markers known to be linked to an F. pratensis gene introgressed into L. perenne and conferring a staygreen phenotype as a consequence of a mutation in primary chlorophyll catabolism. While for four of the markers it was possible to identify bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, the other four AFLPs were too repetitive to enable reliable identification of locus-specific BACs. Moreover, when the four BACs were partially sequenced, no obvious coding regions could be identified. This contrasted to BACs identified using cDNA sequences, when multiple genes were identified on the same BAC.