76 resultados para Mulberry.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
The trial was carried to evaluate the nutritional effects of mulberry leaf hay in broiler chickens. Five treatments were used: control (no mulberry, 3.16% CF); 15% mulberry (4.14% CF); 30% mulberry (5.09% CF), no mulberry (4.14% CF); no mulberry (5.09% CF). A randomized blocks design was used, with two blocks and three replications into the blocks to evaluate performance index, histopathological examination of the visceral organs and morphometric measurements of the hepatocyte nucleus and pancreatic acini. A poor performance index was observed for broilers feeding on mulberry leaves; lesions such as steatosis, proliferation of hepatic duct cells and multiple necrosis were found in the livers of the chickens fed with 30% mulberry (5.09% CF), as well as size reduction of the hepatocyte nucleus and pancreatic acini. From these data, it is concluded that mulberry probably has some toxic substance which can interfere in the improvement of diet ingredients, resulting in damage to broiler chickens.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the feeding behavior of lambs fed with diets containing 0, 12.5 and 25.0% of mulberry hay as a substitute for the concentrate. Twenty four Ile de France lambs, non castrated, with 25 kg of body weight and four months old, confined, in a completely randomized design, were used. The feeding daily time (242.01 minutes), rumination (435.48 minutes) and leisure (762.50 minutes), the numbers of cakes ruminated per day (658.36) and the time spent per cake (40.03 sec) were not affected (P>0.05) by different levels of hay in mulberry concentrate. The dry matter voluntary intake (1.258 kg/day) and neutral detergent fiber intake (0.302 kg/day), as well as the efficiency of dry matter intake and rumination (316.24 and 173.54 g/h, respectively) and efficiency of neutral detergent fiber intake and rumination (75.89 and 41.68 g/h, respectively) were similar in all treatments. The ruminating chew expressed in hour/day (11.29) and the number of chews expressed per cake (72.65) and per day (47.638.06), as well as the number and the feeding time (22.02 meals and 11.23 min/meal), rumination (25.95 ruminations and 17.29 min/rumination) and idle (41.81 idle and 18.30 min/idle time), were also not affected (P>0.05). The inclusion of mulberry hay did not change the rumination expressed in g of DM and NDF/cake (1.91 and 0.46, respectively) and min/kg of DM and NDF (361.51 and 1.505.78, respectively), as well as the total chew expressed in min/kg of DM and NDF (563.70 and 2.347.19, respectively). The use of mulberry hay partially replacing the concentrated, does not change the feeding behavior of feedlot lambs.
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the intake, the digestibility and the performance of lambs fed with diets containing 0; 12,5 and 25% of mulberry hay in substitution of the concentrate. It was used a total of 24 lambs Ile de France breed, non castrated, average age 60 days and and 15 kg of body weight, confined, distributed in a completely randomized design. Voluntary intake of nutrients was not altered (P>0.05) by different percentages of mulberry hay inclusion in the concentrate, except ether extract which decreased linear (P<0.01). The digestibility of nutrients, days on feeding, daily weight gain and the feed conversion, were also not affected (P>0.05). The partial substitution of the concentrate, based on soybean meal and corn grain, by mulberry hay up to 25% does not compromise the intake, the digestibility of nutrients and the performance of diet of feedlot lambs.
Trade seedlings without certification contributed to spread pests and diseases which can cause a large damage to grown plants. In Itapetininga (SP), was seized by Agricultural Defense staff, seedlings of barbados cherry, guava and mulberry, sold in trucks, all of that had galls on roots, typical symptom caused by Meloidogyne spp. Specie identification was made by morphology of female perineal pattern and male head, as well as characterization of esterase enzyme phenotype. It was confirmed the presence of M. enterolobii in the samples analyzed. This is the first report of M. enterolobii in mulberry seedlings in the world.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Seed dispersal is a key process in the life cycle of plant species and may determine the dynamics of their populations. The passage of the fruit from the gastrointestinal tract brings effects on energy and nutritional rewards for the bird. The retention time of the seeds is an essential factor for the dispersion, affecting the dispersal distance. Some factors determine it, as the size of the bird, degree of frugivory, chemical composition of the fruit, the number and size of seeds. The study sought to characterize the Morus nigra seed retention time in three species of thrushes and compare them with other species of birds and plants. The blackberry, exotic species with socio-economic importance in Brazil, produces aggregate fruit having up to 60 seeds. Have been kept in captivity individuals leucomelas Turdus rufiventris thrush, thrush and amaurochalinus, native and omnivorous species, important dispersers in degraded areas, inhabiting the urban and the natural environment. In 274 samples of feces was recorded about 500 mulberry seeds. The first record of seeds was in 15 minutes (n = 2) and the last to 115 minutes (n = 4) after eating the fruit. The average time of gastrointestinal transit of seed for the three species was 52 minutes and 80% were defecated to 65 minutes post ingestion. Taking into consideration the type of fruit and the species of bird, there is great variation in the retention time when compared to other species of birds, being in general slower. That way, can be increase the degree of dispersion of the seed to more distant areas of the mother plant, increasing the chances of survival of seedlings, according to the hypothesis Janzen and Connell. The Turdus It showed efficient dispersers Morus nigra seeds, and inhabits natural and urbanized environment, the possibility of exchange of these seeds between environments by the action of thrushes
Mulberry leaves (IZ 56/4 cultivar) in the pos-harvest, had been taken to the laboratory and submitted to six storage environments (8 hours in open ambient-O, 8 hours in cover ambientC, 1hO/7hC, 2hO/6hC, 3hO/5hC and 4hO/4hC), aiming to evaluate moisture exchange capacity . It was utilized the experimental design split plot with five replications (blocks), six principal treatments (parcels) and nine secondary treatments (sub parcels, weighing of hour in hour, of 08h00min. until 16h00min.). In the period of eight hours of experimentation mulberry leaves moisturedevreased in all the ambients evaluated. However, for cover leaves with wet cloth, for all periods, the water purport (74,63%) was maintained close to the original value (08h00min.- 76,07%), demonstrating the efficiency technique in the conservation of the humidity of leaves for feeding silkworm.