982 resultados para Motor Neuron


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Les gènes TDP-43 (TAR DNA Binding Protein 43) et FUS/TLS (Fused in Sarcoma/Translocated in Liposarcoma) sont actuellement à l’étude quant à leurs rôles biologiques dans le développement de diverses neuropathies telles que la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique (SLA). Étant donné que TDP-43 et FUS sont conservés au cours de l’évolution, nous avons utilisé l’organisme modèle C. elegans afin d’étudier leurs fonctions biologiques. Dans ce mémoire, nous démontrons que TDP-1 fonctionne dans la voie de signalisation Insuline/IGF pour réguler la longévité et la réponse au stress oxydatif. Nous avons développé des lignées C. elegans transgéniques mutantes TDP-43 et FUS qui présentent certains aspects de la SLA tels que la dégénérescence des motoneurones et la paralysie adulte. La protéotoxicité causée par ces mutations de TDP- 43 et FUS associées à la SLA, induit l’expression de TDP-1. À l’inverse, la délétion de tdp-1 endogène protège contre la protéotoxicité des mutants TDP-43 et FUS chez C. elegans. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une induction chronique de TDP-1/TDP-43 sauvage propagerait la protéotoxicité liée à la protéine mutante. Nous avons aussi entrepris un criblage moléculaire pilote afin d’isoler des suppresseurs de toxicité neuronale des modèles transgéniques mutants TDP-43 et FUS. Nous avons ainsi identifié le bleu de méthylène et le salubrinal comme suppresseurs potentiels de toxicité liée à TDP-43 et FUS via réduction de la réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Nos résultats indiquent que l’homéostasie de repliement des protéines dans le RE représente une cible pour le développement de thérapies pour les maladies neurodégénératives.


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La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est la maladie des neurones moteurs la plus fréquente, affectant 4-6 individus par 100,000 habitants à l’échelle mondiale. La maladie se caractérise par une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaire suite à la dégénérescence des neurones du cortex moteur, tronc cérébral et moelle épinière. Les personnes atteintes développent les premiers symptômes à l’âge adulte et la maladie progresse sur une période de trois à cinq ans. Il a été répertorié qu’environ 10% des patients ont une histoire familiale de SLA; 90% des gens affectés le sont donc de façon sporadique. La découverte il y a 19 ans de mutations dans le gène zinc/copper superoxide dismutase (SOD1), présentes dans 15-20% des cas familiaux de SLA et environ 2% du total des individus affectés, a été l’événement déclencheur pour la découverte de variations génétiques responsables de la maladie. La recherche sur la génétique de la SLA a connu une progression rapide ces quatre dernières années avec l’identification de mutations dans de nouveaux gènes. Toutefois, même si certains de ces gènes ont été démontrés comme réellement liés à la maladie, la contribution d’autres gènes demeure incertaine puisque les résultats publiés de ceux-ci n’ont pas, à ce jour, été répliqués. Une portion substantielle de cas reste cependant à être génétiquement expliquée, et aucun traitement à ce jour n’a été démontré comme étant efficace pour remédier, atténuer ou prévenir la maladie. Le but du projet de recherche de doctorat était d’identifier de nouveaux gènes mutés dans la SLA, tout en évaluant la contribution de gènes nouvellement identifiés chez une importante cohorte multiethnique de cas familiaux et sporadiques. Les résultats présentés sont organisés en trois sections différentes. Dans un premier temps, la contribution de mutations présentes dans le gène FUS est évaluée chez les patients familiaux, sporadiques et juvéniles de SLA. Précisément, de nouvelles mutations sont rapportées et la proportion de mutations retrouvées chez les cas familiaux et sporadiques de SLA est évaluée. De plus, une nouvelle mutation est rapportée dans un cas juvénile de SLA; cette étude de cas est discutée. Dans un deuxième temps, de nouvelles avenues génétiques sont explorées concernant le gène SOD1. En effet, une nouvelle mutation complexe est rapportée chez une famille française de SLA. De plus, la possibilité qu’une mutation présente dans un autre gène impliqué dans la SLA ait un impact sur l’épissage du gène SOD1 est évaluée. Finalement, la dernière section explique la contribution de nouveaux gènes candidats chez les patients atteints de SLA. Spécifiquement, le rôle des gènes OPTN, SIGMAR1 et SORT1 dans le phénotype de SLA est évalué. Il est souhaité que nos résultats combinés avec les récents développements en génétique et biologie moléculaire permettent une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme pathologique responsable de cette terrible maladie tout en guidant le déploiement de thérapies suite à l’identification des cibles appropriées.


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La sclérose latérale amyothrophique (SLA) est une maladie neurodégénérative charactérisée par la perte des neurones moteurs menant à la paralysie et à la mort. Environ 20% des cas familiaux de la SLA sont causés par des mutations de la superoxyde dismutase 1 (SOD1), conduisant vers un mauvais repliement de la protéine SOD1, ce qui a comme conséquence un gain de fonction toxique. Plusieurs anticorps spécifiques pour la forme mal repliée de la protéine ont été générés et utilisés comme agent thérapeutique dans des modèles précliniques. Comment le mauvais repliement de SOD1 provoque la perte sélective des neurones moteurs demeure non résolu. La morphologie, le bilan énergétique et le transport mitochondrial sont tous documentés dans les modèles de la SLA basés sur SOD1, la détérioration des mitochondries joue un rôle clé dans la dégénération des neurones moteurs. De plus, la protéine SOD1 mal repliée s’associe sélectivement sur la surface des mitochondries de la moelle épinière chez les modèles de rongeurs de la SLA. Notre hypothèse est que l’accumulation de la protéine SOD1 mal repliée sur les mitochondries pourrait nuire aux fonctions mitochondriales. À cette fin, nous avons développé un nouvel essai par cytométrie de flux afin d’isoler les mitochondries immunomarquées avec des anticorps spécifiques à la forme malrepliée de SOD1 tout en évaluant des aspects de la fonction mitochondriale. Cette méthode permettra de comparer les mitochondries portant la protéine SOD1 mal repliée à celles qui ne la portent pas. Nous avons utilisé un anticorps à conformation spécifique de SOD1, B8H10, pour démontrer que la protéine mal repliée SOD1 s’associe avec les mitochondries de la moelle épinière des rat SOD1G93A d’une manière dépendante du temps. Les mitochondries avec la protéine mal repliée SOD1 B8H10 associée à leur surface (B8H10+) ont un volume et une production excessive de superoxyde significativement plus grand, mais possèdent un potentiel transmembranaire comparable aux mitochondries B8H10-. En outre, la présence de la protéine mal repliée SOD1 reconnue par B8H10 coïncide avec des niveaux plus élevés de la forme pro-apoptotique de Bcl-2. L’immunofluorescence de sections de moelle épinière du niveau lombaire avec l’anticorps spécifique à la conformation B8H10 et AMF7-63, un autre anticorps conformationnel spécifique de SOD1, démontre des motifs de localisations distincts. B8H10 a été trouvé principalement dans les neurones moteurs et dans plusieurs points lacrymaux dans tout le neuropile. Inversement, AMF7-63 a marqué les neurones moteurs ainsi qu’un réseau fibrillaire distinctif concentré dans la corne antérieure. Au niveau subcellulaire, SOD1 possèdant la conformation reconnu par AMF7-63 est aussi localisée sur la surface des mitochondries de la moelle épinière d’une manière dépendante du temps. Les mitochondries AMF7-63+ ont une augmentation du volume comparé aux mitochondries B8H10+ et à la sous-population non marquée. Cependant, elles produisent une quantité similaire de superoxyde. Ensemble, ces données suggèrent qu’il y a plusieurs types de protéines SOD1 mal repliées qui convergent vers les mitochondries et causent des dommages. De plus, différentes conformations de SOD1 apportent une toxicité variable vers les mitochondries. Les protéines SOD1 mal repliées réagissant à B8H10 et AMF7-63 sont présentes en agrégats dans les fractions mitochondriales, nous ne pouvons donc pas prendre en compte leurs différents effets sur le volume mitochondrial. Les anticorps conformationnels sont des outils précieux pour identifier et caractériser le continuum du mauvais repliement de SOD1 en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques biochimiques et la toxicité. Les informations présentes dans cette thèse seront utilisées pour déterminer le potentiel thérapeutique de ces anticorps.


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Mutations in the gene encoding cytosolic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) have been linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). However the molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death are multifactorial and remain unclear. Here we examined DNA damage;p53 activity and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells transfected to achieve low-level expression of either wild-type or mutant Gly(93) --> Ala (G93A) SOD1, typical of FALS. DNA damage was investigated by evaluating the levels of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and DNA strand breaks. Significantly higher levels of DNA damage, increased p53 activity, and a greater percentage of apoptotic cells were observed in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with G93A SOD1 when compared to cells overexpressing wild-type SOD1 and untransfected cells. Western blot, FACS, and confocal microscopy analysis demonstrated that G93A SOD1 is present in the nucleus in association with DNA. Nuclear G93A SOD1 has identical superoxide dismutase activity but displays increased peroxidase activity when compared to wild-type SOD1. These results indicate that the G93A mutant SOD1 association with DNA might induce DNA damage and trigger the apoptotic response by activating p53. This toxic activity of mutant SOD1 in the nucleus may play an important role in the complex mechanisms associated with motor neuron death observed in ALS pathogenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the effects of riluzole (Ril), creatine (Cr) and a combination of these treatments on the onset and progression of clinical signs and neuropathology in an animal model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the G93A transgenic mouse (n=13–17 per group). The onset of clinical signs was delayed (P<0.05) by about 12 days in all treatment groups compared with control; however, no differences occurred between treatments. All animals were killed at 199 days of age. At the end of the experimental period the severity of clinical signs was less (P<0.05) with all treatments compared with control. Again no differences between treatments were observed. The treatments had no effect on the number of neurons in ventral horns of the lumbar region of the spinal cord. Transgenic mice ingesting Cr displayed elevated (P<0.05) total Cr levels in cerebral hemispheres (5%) and spinal cord (8%), but not skeletal muscles. These data demonstrate that treatment with Ril and Cr were both effective in delaying disease onset and clinical disability. To the age of killing, no additional benefit was conferred by co-administration of Ril and Cr.


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Silent period was evaluated in 20 adult male patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Readings were obtained by supramaximal stimulus to the median nerve, during maximum isometric effort of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle against resistance. Two types of abnormalities were observed, motor neuron hypoexcitability with elongated silent period, and motor neuron hyperexcitability with reduction or absence of silent period. Some abnormalities are probably linked with dialysis duration, but show no correlation to presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy. The silent period alterations described in this study could possibly correlate with some other clinical feature frequently seen in patients with chronic renal failure such as hypereflexia of the deep tendon reflexes.


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Background: A promising therapeutic strategy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the use of cell-based therapies that can protect motor neurons and thereby retard disease progression. We recently showed that a single large dose (25x10(6) cells) of mononuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood (MNC hUCB) administered intravenously to pre-symptomatic G93A SOD1 mice is optimal in delaying disease progression and increasing lifespan. However, this single high cell dose is impractical for clinical use. The aim of the present pre-clinical translation study was therefore to evaluate the effects of multiple low dose systemic injections of MNC hUCB cell into G93A SOD1 mice at different disease stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mice received weekly intravenous injections of MNC hUCB or media. Symptomatic mice received 10(6) or 2.5x10(6) cells from 13 weeks of age. A third, pre-symptomatic, group received 10(6) cells from 9 weeks of age. Control groups were media-injected G93A and mice carrying the normal hSOD1 gene. Motor function tests and various assays determined cell effects. Administered cell distribution, motor neuron counts, and glial cell densities were analyzed in mouse spinal cords. Results showed that mice receiving 10(6) cells pre-symptomatically or 2.5x10(6) cells symptomatically significantly delayed functional deterioration, increased lifespan and had higher motor neuron counts than media mice. Astrocytes and microglia were significantly reduced in all cell-treated groups. Conclusions/Significance: These results demonstrate that multiple injections of MNC hUCB cells, even beginning at the symptomatic disease stage, could benefit disease outcomes by protecting motor neurons from inflammatory effectors. This multiple cell infusion approach may promote future clinical studies.


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Vascular pathology, including blood-brain/spinal cord barrier (BBB/BSCB) alterations, has recently been recognized as a key factor possibly aggravating motor neuron damage, identifying a neurovascular disease signature for ALS. However, BBB/BSCB competence in sporadic ALS (SALS) is still undetermined. In this study, BBB/BSCB integrity in postmortem gray and white matter of medulla and spinal cord tissue from SALS patients and controls was investigated. Major findings include (1) endothelial cell damage and pericyte degeneration, (2) severe intra- and extracellular edema, (3) reduced CD31 and CD105 expressions in endothelium, (4) significant accumulation of perivascular collagen IV, and fibrin deposits (5) significantly increased microvascular density in lumbar spinal cord, (6) IgG microvascular leakage, (7) reduced tight junction and adhesion protein expressions. Microvascular barrier abnormalities determined in gray and white matter of the medulla, cervical, and lumbar spinal cord of SALS patients are novel findings. Pervasive barrier damage discovered in ALS may have implications for disease pathogenesis and progression, as well as for uncovering novel therapeutic targets. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) separate the brain and the spinal cord from the circulating blood and are important for the maintenance of the CNS homeostasis. They build a physical barrier thereby protecting the CNS from pathogens and toxic agents, and their disruption plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of several CNS disorders. In this thesis, the blood-CNS-barriers were studied via in vitro models in two case studies for neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The first model evaluates treatment possibilities of AD using nanotechnology-based strategies. Since the toxic amyloid-β42 (Aβ42) peptide plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of AD, reduced generation or enhanced clearance of Aβ42 peptides are expected to modify the disease course in AD. Therefore, several Aβ42-lowering drugs like flurbiprofen had been tested in clinical trials, but most of them failed due to their low brain penetration. Here, flurbiprofen was embedded in polylactide (PLA) nanoparticles and its transport was examined in an in vitro BBB model. The embedding of flurbiprofen into the nanoparticles disguised its cytotoxic potential and enabled the administration of higher drug concentrations which resulted in a sufficient transport of the drug across an endothelial cell monolayer. These results demonstrate that non-permeable drugs can be transported efficiently via nanoparticles and that these nanotechnology-based strategies are a promising tool to generate novel therapeutic options for AD and other CNS diseases. rnThe focus of the second project was to investigate the impaired integrity of the BSCB in a mouse model for ALS. About 20% of all familial ALS cases are associated with missense mutations or small deletions in the gene that encodes Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1). To date, the molecular mechanisms resulting in ALS are still unknown, but there is evidence that the disruption of the BSCB is one of the primary pathological events. In both familial and sporadic ALS patients, loss of endothelial integrity and endothelial cell damage was observed, and studies with SOD1 transgenic mice demonstrated that the BSCB disruption was found prior to motor neuron degeneration and neurovascular inflammation. Thus, an in vitro model for ALS endothelial cells was generated which exhibited comparable integrity characteristics and tight junction (TJ) protein expression profiles as isolated primary endothelial cells of the BSCB of SOD1 transgenic mice. In this, an alteration of the βcat/AKT/FoxO1 pathway, which regulates the expression of the TJ protein claudin-5, could be observed. These data furthermore indicate that ALS is a neurovascular disease, and understanding of the primary events in ALS pathogenesis will hopefully provide ideas for the development of new therapeutic strategies. rn


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Neurodegenerative diseases are characterised by selective damage to specific neurons in the nervous system. Interest in such diseases in humans has resulted in considerable progress in the molecular understanding of these disorders in recent decades. Numerous neurodegenerative diseases have also been described in domestic animals but relatively little molecular work has been reported. In the present review, we have classified neurodegenerative disease according to neuroanatomical criteria. We have established two large groups, based on whether the neuronal cell body or its axon was primarily affected. Conditions such as motor neuron diseases, cerebellar degenerations and neuroaxonal dystrophies are discussed in terms of their clinical and neuropathological features. In the most studied disorders, we also present what is known about underlying pathomechanisms, and compare them with their human counterparts. The purpose of this review is to re-kindle interest in this group of diseases and to encourage veterinary researchers to investigate molecular mechanisms by taking advantage of current diagnostic tools.


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The tail-withdrawal circuit of Aplysia provides a useful model system for investigating synaptic dynamics. Sensory neurons within the circuit manifest several forms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we developed a model of the circuit and investigated the ways in which depression (DEP) and potentiation (POT) contributed to information processing. DEP limited the amount of motor neuron activity that could be elicited by the monosynaptic pathway alone. POT within the monosynaptic pathway did not compensate for DEP. There was, however, a synergistic interaction between POT and the polysynaptic pathway. This synergism extended the dynamic range of the network, and the interplay between DEP and POT made the circuit responded preferentially to long-duration, low-frequency inputs.


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Activity-dependent alterations of synaptic transmission important for learning and memory are often induced by Ca(2+) signals generated by depolarization. While it is widely assumed that Ca(2+) is the essential transducer of depolarization into cellular plasticity, little effort has been made to test whether Ca(2+)-independent responses to depolarization might also induce memory-like alterations. It was recently discovered that peripheral axons of nociceptive sensory neurons in Aplysia display long-lasting hyperexcitability triggered by conditioning depolarization in the absence of Ca(2+) entry (using nominally Ca(2+)-free solutions containing EGTA, "0Ca/EGTA") or the absence of detectable Ca(2+) transients (adding BAPTA-AM, "0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM"). The current study reports that depolarization of central ganglia to approximately 0 mV for 2 min in these same solutions induced hyperexcitability lasting >1 h in sensory neuron processes near their synapses onto motor neurons. Furthermore, conditioning depolarization in these solutions produced a 2.5-fold increase in excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitude 1-3 h afterward despite a drop in motor neuron input resistance. Depolarization in 0 Ca/EGTA produced long-term potentiation (LTP) of the EPSP lasting > or = 1 days without changing postsynaptic input resistance. When re-exposed to extracellular Ca(2+) during synaptic tests, prior exposure to 0Ca/EGTA or to 0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM decreased sensory neuron survival. However, differential effects on neuronal health are unlikely to explain the observed potentiation because conditioning depolarization in these solutions did not alter survival rates. These findings suggest that unrecognized Ca(2+)-independent signals can transduce depolarization into long-lasting synaptic potentiation, perhaps contributing to persistent synaptic alterations following large, sustained depolarizations that occur during learning, neural injury, or seizures.


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The tail-withdrawal circuit of Aplysia provides a useful model system for investigating synaptic dynamics. Sensory neurons within the circuit manifest several forms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we developed a model of the circuit and investigated the ways in which depression (DEP) and potentiation (POT) contributed to information processing. DEP limited the amount of motor neuron activity that could be elicited by the monosynaptic pathway alone. POT within the monosynaptic pathway did not compensate for DEP. There was, however, a synergistic interaction between POT and the polysynaptic pathway. This synergism extended the dynamic range of the network, and the interplay between DEP and POT made the circuit responded preferentially to long-duration, low-frequency inputs.


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Enhanced expression of the presynaptic protein synapsin has been correlated with certain forms of long-term plasticity and learning and memory. However, the regulation and requirement for enhanced synapsin expression in long-term memory remains unknown. In the present study the technical advantages of the marine mollusc Aplysia were exploited in order to address this issue. In Aplysia, learning-induced enhancement in synaptic strength is modulated by serotonin (5-HT) and treatment with 5-HT in vitro of the sensorimotor synapse induces long-term facilitation (LTF) of synaptic transmission, which lasts for days, as well as the formation of new connections between the sensory and motor neuron. Results from immunofluorescence analysis indicated that 5-HT treatment upregulates synapsin protein levels within sensory neuron varicosities, the presumed site of neurotransmitter release. To investigate the mechanisms underlying increased synapsin expression, the promoter region of the Aplysia synapsin gene was cloned and a cAMP response element (CRE) was identified, raising the possibility that the transcriptional activator cAMP response element-binding protein-1 (CREB1) mediates the 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin. Results from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays indicated that 5-HT treatment enhanced association of CREB1 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter and led to increased acetylation of histones H3 and H4 and decreased association of histone deacetylase 5 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter, a sign of transcriptional activation. In addition, sensory neurons injected with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter vector driven by the synapsin promoter exhibited a significant increase in EGFP expression following treatment with 5-HT. These results suggest that synapsin expression is regulated by 5-HT in part through transcriptional activation of the synapsin gene and through CREB1 association with the synapsin promoter. Furthermore, RNA interference that blocks 5-HT-induced elevation of synapsin expression also blocked long-term synaptic facilitation. These results indicate that 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin is necessary for LTF and that synapsin is part of the cascade of synaptic events involved in the consolidation of memory.


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Previous studies have shown that short-term sensitization of the Aplysia siphon-withdrawal reflex circuit results in multiple sites of change in synaptic efficacy. In this dissertation I have used a realistic modeling approach (using an integrate-and-fire scheme), in conjunction with electrophysiological experiments, to evaluate the contribution of each site of plasticity to the sensitized response.^ This dissertation contains a detailed description of methodology for the construction of the model circuit, consisting of the LFS motor neurons and ten interneurons known to convey excitatory input to them. The model replicates closely the natural motor neuron firing response to a brief tactile stimulus.^ The various circuit elements have different roles for producing circuit output. For example, the sensory connections onto the motor neuron are important for the production of the phasic response, while the polysynaptic interneuronal connections are important for producing the tonic response.^ The multiple sites of plasticity that produce changes in circuit output also have specialized roles. Presynaptic facilitation of the sensory neuron to LFS connection enhances only the phasic component of the motor neuron firing response. The sensory neuron to interneuron connections primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Also, the L29 posttetanic potentiation and the L30 presynaptic inhibition primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Finally, the information content at the various sites of plasticity can shift with changes in stimulus intensity. This suggests that while the sites of plasticity encoding memory are fixed, the information content at these sites can be dynamic, shifting in anatomical location with changes in the intensity of the test stimulus.^ These sites of plasticity also produce specific changes in the behavioral response. Sensory-LFS plasticity selectively increases the amplitude of the behavioral response, and has no effect on the duration of the behavioral response. Interneuronal plasticity (L29 and L30) affects both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response. Other sensory plasticity also affect both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response, presumably by increasing the recruitment of the interneurons, which provide all of the effect on duration of the behavioral response. ^