961 resultados para Moral Values


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. El trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación 'Evaluación de un programa de educación familiar : el cuidado responsable en familias con hijos escolarizados'


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21 ENFERMAGEM, VALORES E APRENDIZAGEM ISILDA MARIA OLIVEIRA CARVALHO RIBEIRO Centro de Estudos em Educação e Formação (CEEF), Universidade Lusófona do Porto/ Centro de Estudos e Intervenção em Educação e Formação (CeiEF), ULHT Resumo Este trabalho enquadra-se na área da Aprendizagem dos Valores no Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (CLE). Através desta reflexão, e em consonância com os objetivos traçados, privilegiamos o paradigma misto, ou seja, na investigação que pretendemos realizar, utilizaremos uma abordagem multimétodo, para que o estudo possa sair enriquecido. O estudo decorrerá numa Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Região Este trabalho enquadra-se na área da Aprendizagem dos Valores no Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (CLE). A pertinência em estudar esta temática encontra-se na constatação da nossa prática profissional e na atividade como docente em ensino teórico-prático, espaço em que os valores e o sentido humano, no cuidar da pessoa como ser traduzem, muitas vezes, um certo esquecimento da sua dignidade. É aqui que o nosso interesse e motivação encontram a razão da preocupação e da responsabilidade pela formação do profissional competente, como autêntico cidadão de valores. A educação em enfermagem deverá ter uma conduta moral onde se pretende refletir, à luz dos princípios éticos e morais, o fundamento dos valores das nossas ações, de forma a tornarmos a prática mais consciente e refletida. Além de incidir necessariamente nos conhecimentos científicos e instrumentais, a formação deve privilegiar o desenvolvimento de capacidades como: capacidade de negociação, espírito crítico e equipa, criatividade, pensamento ético consolidado numa conduta de valores. Pretende-se, com esta comunicação, reproduzir o percurso realizado e refletir sobre a importância da aprendizagem dos valores no Curso de Norte e nas respetivas instituições hospitalares onde decorre o estágio de integração à vida profissional (IVP). Os participantes do estudo são os estudantes inscritos no 1º e 4º ano (sendo estes os que frequentam estágio IVP) e por docentes da referida escola que orientam ou tenham orientado estágios de IVP e responsáveis por órgãos como: o Conselho Técnico-Científico, o Conselho Pedagógico e Associação de Estudantes. Desenvolveremos o trabalho de campo recorrendo às seguintes fontes de colheita de dados: análise documental, observação participante, entrevistas, questionário e utilização da escala de valores: Rokeach Value Survy – RVS (Rokeach, 1973); Focus Group, constituído por peritos na área, cuja finalidade consiste numa discussão objetiva, conduzida ou moderada que introduz um assunto a um grupo de peritos e direciona a discussão sobre o tema, de uma maneira não estruturada e natural. Uma das vertentes fundamentais do estudo consistirá na concretização de triangulações múltiplas. Pretendemos que este projeto na sua concretização permita identificar novos valores a incluir ou excluir do Código Deontológico que orienta o exercício da profissão. Deseja-se enviar os resultados como proposta para o Conselho Jurisdicional, que apreciará e decidirá sobre a proposta de alteração.


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Aborda-se a temática das estruturas de valores e consequente impacto nas atitudes e comportamentos na sociedade em geral e no trabalho em particular. Uma amostra diversificada de 157 participantes, recrutada em diferentes meios sociais, variando assim em termos etários, de qualificações académicas, de classe social e de simpatia partidária, respondeu a um questionário sobre valores, valores de trabalho e orientações políticas. Primeiro, verificámos que as orientações político-ideológicas são estruturadas em duas dimensões correlacionadas mas independentes: a esquerda-direita e o autoritarismo-liberdade. Também verificámos que diferentes dimensões supraordenadas de valores do modelo de valores universais de Schwartz estruturam os valores de trabalho e as orientações político-ideológicas, com impactos específicos sobre as funções laborais desejáveis e as preferências socioeconómico-culturais. Finalmente, os efeitos das dimensões de classe social (detenção de capital e qualificação académica) sobre as orientações político-ideológicas sugerem que as dimensões direita-esquerda e autoritarismo-liberdade, apesar de estarem correlacionadas, têm motivações e origens sociológicas diferentes.


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O assédio sexual deveria transformar-se numa preocupação, permanente para os médicos, advogados, magistrados, psicólogos, sociólogos, gestores de recursos humanos, administradores e diretores de empresas, e a sociedade em geral, de forma a manter os valores morais e profissionais. A sociedade atual preocupa-se muito mais com a ostentação de valores materiais visíveis, sendo o assédio sexual considerado como algo oculto, que as vítimas tentam esconder. A maioria das mulheres não denuncia o assédio sexual por vários medos, que alternam entre as represálias ou retaliações, de serem rebaixadas, de perderem o emprego, - já que dependem desse para sobreviver - de serem transferidas, de se expor ao ridículo frente aos colegas, familiares e amigas, de perderem a carta de referência, etc. Habitualmente, têm muitas dificuldades em falar, não só porque revivem algo desagradável que as incomoda psicologicamente, mas também porque não acreditam que existam recursos para tratar de maneira eficaz e eficiente o problema que as afeta dramaticamente.


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Deixamos um alerta, a não nos acomodarmos ao muito que já foi dito e refletido (dentro e fora do magistério eclesial), porque sabemos que não é nem foi o suficiente e que há muitíssimo caminho a percorrer na busca de soluções libertadoras que contribuam para o alívio de todos os que – numa fase das suas vidas, ou por erradas opções ou por imaturidade nas escolhas – se encontram, hoje, perante a aviltante incapacidade de harmonizar o amor de Deus e do mais próximo, que lhes suscita o coração, com a fria letra da lei canónica que a Instituição eclesial lhes aponta.


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The relative levels of trust in the police are explored, using data from the fifth round of the European Social Survey (ESS) which covered mainly 28 European countries. In this article, the position of Germany is examined within the international context. German trust in the police, for both German natives and ethnic minorities, for those 15 and over is high in comparison to other European countries. The article also tests if it is the fair treatment of citizens by the police, or the high value placed on rule adherence and conformity, that is driving the German citizen’s trust. It shows that the German police is trusted due to their perceived fairness, effectiveness and shared moral values, rather than on value placed on conformity to authority.


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A deductive system that enables us to derive many legal rules from a few principles makes the law more, rather than less certain, since this approach parallels the actual process by which judicial decisions are reached. Uncertainty as to the meaning of equity in the law is inevitably . .. due to the absence of legal guidance for the standard of moral values to be observed in transactions . .. 1


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This paper reviews the key principles of Catholic Social thought as they pertain to relations between labour and capital. It is argued that such principles are foundational for the conduct of ethical relations and the exercise of moral values in the workplace, and are recognisable in the right of workers to employment and just compensation for their labours, in the duty of employers to provide safe and engaging work for those in their charge, and in the obligation of the state to dispense wise governance in a manner that guarantees the welfare and security of all its citizens. It is argued that these principles have had de facto airing in Australian political and economic history, and that they might be usefully drawn upon again to protect the rights of workers under the current ascendency of neo-liberal policy solutions.


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Research in sport ethics has traditionally focused on the ethical dimensions of the sport event and athletes, however the examination of the principles of ethics to the management and organisation of sport is a relatively recent phenomenon. The tension between the roles and responsibilities of sport as a business, and sport as an ethical and moral aspect of society has forced sport organisations to face an increased number of complex ethical dilemmas. As sport systems throughout the world become further professionalised and bureaucratised, the community understanding of what is ‘good’ is challenged. It is a commonly held expectation that there should be a high level of moral behaviour from those participating directly in the sport event (athletes, coaches, referees), however this expectation has extended to the sporting clubs and organisations which govern the sport itself.

Often used interchangeably, ethics and morality are complex terms concentrating on issues of right and wrong behaviour. Beauchamp and Bowie (1993) stated that the term morality suggests a social institution, composed of a set of standards which are pervasively acknowledged by the members of a culture, or alternatively a social construction. The application of ethics and moral values to the business environment applies across all sectors, including for-profit, non-profit and government, however Rubin (1990) found that the normative ethics, those which society accepts as ethical behaviour, varies from sector to sector. In the non-profit sector, to which many sport organisations belong, Rubin (1990) found that because the community expects more ‘good’, they accept less ‘bad’. As many sport organisations throughout the world remain largely non-profit, linked with the commonly held belief that sport is a foundation for moral behaviours, the idealistic expectation of ethical conduct placed upon them may be different to those of more mainstream business organisations.

Mewett (2003) noted the importance of sport as a social phenomenon which ramifies widely through society to become an intrinsic part of culture and community life. The different expectations of ethical conduct and moral value placed on sport organisations increases the public interest in the ethical dilemmas faced by these organisations. Using the concept of conflict of interest as an example, this paper will examine the tension and difference between the community and social understanding and expectations of sport, and those of the sport organisations themselves.


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Sustainability is a critical aim of Malaysian public policy and an important aim in education. Nonetheless, what sustainability means as it relates to education and the relationship between education and a sustainable future is unclear. In this paper I shall investigate the role that Universities in Malaysia play in shifting the practice and culture of innovation and creativity towards more sustainable values and outcomes. Sustainable education is based on ensuring that the capacities of students and the broader society are reengaged and empowered through connecting education to the needs and aspirations of civil society and moving away from neoliberal ideas of education as a practice of consumption towards, sustainable values of advancing human dignity.

Creativity and innovation within such an educational framework are goals and practices deeply connected and embedded within sustainable commitments to social justice, the public good, as well as individual growth and development which provide a critical legitimizing principle for university research and teaching. One of the key theoretical influences in making this argument will draw from the arguments of Amartya Sen whose theorization of capability may provide us with a way of thinking about social growth and development that is not possessively individualistic but rather socially concerned. I will discuss this in reference to the approach of University Sains Malaysia which provides an example of a public University seeking to engage sustainability and tie educational creativity and innovation back to the common good and a sustainable future.

The philosophical aim of this paper is to show how universities can pursue creativity and innovation as socially useful practices for advancing humane and sustainable values throughout Malaysian society and avoid the fusion of creativity with possessive individualism, consummerization and social irresponsibility. In this respect this paper addresses directly the theme of the conference: ‘Thinking Minds: Nurturing the Design of a Better Future'. '

To realise our national aspirations, a concerted effort is needed to increase our nation’s competitiveness, productivity and innovativeness. Attributes such as desire for knowledge, innovative thinking, creativity and competitiveness must be imbued within our people. The inculcation of moral values, progressiveness and performance-based cultures must also be instilled if we are to nurture successful individuals of the highest quality. This will determine our success as a knowledge-based economy.’ (Badawi 2007)


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Recent corporate collapses around the world show that there are no national boundaries for these occurrences. Australian corporate collapses including HIH Insurance, One.Tel, Ansett Australia and Harris Scarfe have raised public expectations of investigation of the causes of collapses (Mirshekary, Yaftian & Cross, 2005). The main reason for the collapse of HIH was mismanagement, with an emphasis more on the directors’ personal qualities such as integrity, honesty and morality rather than tougher legislation and rules. Accounting students are our future business leaders. The teaching of ethics in the classroom to multicultural groups of students provides an opportunity to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, and to increase interaction and debate around different approaches to ethics among students from different countries.
This study uses previous literature to explain the attitudes of accounting students towards academic and business/accounting ethics at an Australian university which is a multi-campus institution undertaking programs and activities at regional, national, international levels and by distance education.
This study reports the results of cross-cultural investigations of students’ ethical perceptions on moral values, academic and accounting/business vignettes, given that all students share the same learning opportunities, knowledge of ethics and interaction with their peers and lecturers. The results indicate no significant differences in responses between the students from Australia, South Asia and East Asia.


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Since the publication of Fiske, Hodge and Turner’s Myths of Oz: Reading Australian Popular Culture (1987), Australian Cultural Studies has turned to the beach as a primary site for examining national identity and the myths of Australian culture. In the text the beach is read as a liminal site between ‘culture’ and ‘nature’, represented respectively by lifesaver and surfer. The meanings of anti-authoritarianism attached to the surfer are significant to the reading. And yet Fiske, Hodge and Turner also locate a heritage of authoritarianism, discipline and civic duty in the figure of the lifesaver: 

'Lifesavers have drills, march-pasts and patrol squads, while exercising a conservative pastoral 
interest in their members’ moral health. They are agents of social control. Further, they see themselves as servants of the community, sacrificing their weekends for others—a tradition of sacrifice dear to a nation which twice voted no to conscription in the Great War.' (Fiske et al. 1987, 64–65) 

The last sentence distils the bifocal meanings not only of the ‘culture’ of the beach but of 
Australian cultural identity more broadly, framed by contested norms of civic participation and moral valuesThis binary frame has been a productive starting point for analyses of national identity in Australian Cultural Studies since the 1980s. These have dropped off the radar in recent years owing to a shift away from the national field and the privileging of a transnational cultural agenda. And yet recent events in Australian politics and culture have unexpectedly re-centred national identity as an urgent issue for Cultural Studies, particularly in its use as a form of exclusion to targeted populations within the national community.

In light of these developments this article revisits Myths of Oz and its construction of surfer and lifesaver c.1987 to focus on the reordering and re-assemblage of these figures on Sydney’s beaches 20 years on. It also acknowledges that this is a process which cannot be understood in isolation from broader shifts in Australian political culture, and particularly the current obsession with national ‘values’ hinging on a strategic shift away from multicultural policies and the redefinition of the ‘fringe’ as an ethnic position.

Reflecting on these issues, this article locates a slippage between the binary framing of the surfer and lifesaver in Myths of Oz and their complex ‘relationality’ on the beach today. Specifically, it examines how the surfer has recently become co-opted into the Australian mainstream and imbued with a form of ‘governmental belonging’ (Hage 1998) once attributed to the lifesaver alone. This slippage has been enabled by the overlap betweenlocal surfie cultures and exclusivist national cultures assembled by State and federal governments; particularly as both draw upon a normative frame that opposes the meanings of white belonging to Muslim groupings within the nation.


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The New Law of Torts third edition continues to question whether foundational principles and policies of torts law, reflect the social and moral values of modern Australian society. Living up to its name as The New Law of Torts, this book has been up-dated with the latest legislative and judicial development as well as the recent major cases, reflecting the changing nature of tort law.This is an essential and accessible text as it provides a clear and succinct discussion of the interface between the statutory regime in each jurisdiction and the common law. It comprehensively covers the law as it is applicable to the whole of Australia. The book has clearly delineated parts, sections and topics for each genus of torts (trespass, action on the case, statutory wrongs, etc.), and each species (battery, assault, negligence, nuisance). Headings and sub-headings provide useful breaks in the text, and selected cases are used not only as authorities, but also as illustrations of principle and judicial reasoning.


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O presente estudo analisa a absorção dos conceitos de defesa da concorrência na ética pessoal de executivos das áreas comerciais de uma grande empresa monopolista. A estratégia que visa à defesa da concorrência é revista para o caso de uma empresa dominante de mercado, cujos planos de marketing devem prever as limitações impostas pela lei, adotando ações para diminuir o risco de infrações. O pressuposto básico da pesquisa é o de que o comprometimento com as práticas de conduta para defesa da concorrência deve estar disseminado entre os valores éticos dos funcionários e, sobretudo, dos gestores, minimizando o risco de problemas criados por decisões tomadas sob pressão, sem tempo hábil para consultas às áreas jurídicas. As conseqüências de atitudes equivocadas dos executivos que atuam diretamente nas áreas de comercialização motivaram a realização de uma pesquisa para estudar a disseminação desses valores morais entre a força de trabalho de uma empresa monopolista. Os conflitos morais esperados entre a busca pela rentabilidade e aumento da participação no mercado versus as atitudes contenciosas de práticas comerciais agressivas foram examinados sob a ótica da sua inspiração filosófica. As convicções éticas entre os gestores de áreas cujas atuações são potencialmente sensíveis às sanções previstas nas normas de conduta antitruste vigentes no país foram pesquisadas através de entrevistas qualitativas semi-estruturadas. O resultado final comprova que os conceitos de defesa da concorrência estão bem sedimentados na ética pessoal dos gestores da empresa pesquisada, minimizando o risco de ações que gerem infrações à legislação do tema. Como resultados secundários da pesquisa, foram obtidos dados que poderão auxiliar em outras análises complementares ligando a presença de valores éticos de boa conduta concorrencial ao cargo exercido na empresa, tempo de experiência e ganhos monetários percebidos. Outra sugestão para estudos futuros seria a extensão da pesquisa para análise da eficiência de programas semelhantes em outras empresas.


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The goal of this paper is to discuss a key issue in the Democratic Rule of Law State: what are the role and main functions of the Judiciary in Brazil? Is the Judiciary mainly a public service provider, adjudicating disputes and guaranteeing individual rights? Or also as a state power, it should mainly control and guide the moral values of the society, changing the status quo and reducing social conflicts? In this sense, what are the conflicts that must be examined by the Judiciary? We will seek to answer these questions based on a discussion subsidized by courts official statistics and the results of surveys conducted with the Brazilian general population. The surveys measured how do citizens feel about their judicial system and what are the circumstances and the facts that determine the judicialization of conflicts. We work with the perceptions and attitudes of citizens relating to the Judiciary as it is today and discuss the Judiciary they want. Then, we compare how attitudes and perceptions relate to actual behavior and use of courts.