948 resultados para Monte-Carlo simulation, Rod-coil block copolymer, Tetrapod polymer mixture
In conventional Raman spectroscopic measurements of liquids or surfaces the preferred geometry for detection of the Raman signal is the backscattering (or reflection) mode. For non-transparent layered materials, sub-surface Raman signals have been retrieved using spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS), usually with light collection in the same plane as the point of excitation. However, as a result of multiple scattering in a turbid medium, Raman photons will be emitted in all directions. In this study, Monte Carlo simulations for a three-dimensional layered sample with finite geometry have been performed to confirm the detectability of Raman signals at all angles and at all sides of the object. We considered a non-transparent cuboid container (high density polyethylene) with explosive material (ammonium nitrate) inside. The simulation results were validated with experimental Raman intensities. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the ratio of sub-surface to surface signals improves at geometries other than backscattering. In addition, we demonstrate through simulations the effects of the absorption and scattering coefficients of the layers, and that of the diameter of the excitation beam. The advantage of collecting light from all possible 4 angles, over other collection modes, is that this technique is not geometry specific and molecular identification of layers underneath non-transparent surfaces can be obtained with minimal interference from the surface layer. To what extent all sides of the object will contribute to the total signal will depend on the absorption and scattering coefficients and the physical dimensions. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Monte- Carlo method is used to simulate the surface fatigue crack growth rate for offshore structural steel E36-Z35, and to determine the distributions and relevance of the parameters in the Paris equation. By this method, the time and cost of fatigue crack propagation testing can be reduced. The application of the method is demonstrated by use of four sets of fatigue crack propagation data for offshore structural steel E36-Z35. A comparison of the test data with the theoretical prediction for surface crack growth rate shows the application of the simulation method to the fatigue crack propagation tests is successful.
A new collision model, called the generalized soft-sphere (GSS) model, is introduced. It has the same total cross section as the generalized hard-sphere model [Phys. Fluids A 5, 738 (1993)], whereas the deflection angle is calculated by the soft-sphere scattering model [Phys. Fluids A 3, 2459 (1991)]. In virtue of a two-term formula given to fit the numerical solutions of the collision integrals for the Lennard-Jones (6-12) potential and for the Stockmayer potential, the parameters involved in the GSS model are determined explicitly that may fully reproduce the transport coefficients under these potentials. Coefficients of viscosity, self-diffusion and diffusion for both polar and nonpolar molecules given by the GSS model and experiment are in excellent agreement over a wide range of temperature from low to high.
A rectangular structural unit cell of a-Al2O3 is generated from its hexagonal one. For the rectangular structural crystal with a simple interatomic potential [Matsui, Mineral Mag. 58A, 571 (1994)], the relations of lattice constants to homogeneous pressure and temperature are calculated by using Monte-Carlo method at temperature 298K and 0 GPa, respectively. Both numerical results agree with experimental ones fairly well. By comparing pair distribution function, the crystal structure of a-Al2O3 has no phase transition in the range of systematic parameters. Based on the potential model, pressure dependence of isothermal bulk moduli is predicted. Under variation of general strains, which include of external and internal strains, elastic constants of a-Al2O3 in the different homogeneous load are determined. Along with increase of pressure, axial elastic constants increase appreciably, but nonaxial elastic constants are slowly changed.
The density fluctuations below the onset of convection in the Rayleigh-Benard problem are studied with the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The particle simulation results clearly show the connection between the static correlation functions of fluctuations below the critical Rayleigh number and the flow patterns above the onset of convection for small Knudsen number flows (Kn=0.01 and Kn=0.005). Furthermore, the physical nature for no convection in the Rayleigh-Benard problem under large Knudsen number conditions (Kn>0.028) is explained based on the dynamics of fluctuations.
We demonstrate that the parametric resonance in a magnetic quadrupole trap can be exploited to cool atoms by using Bird's method. In our programme the parametric resonance was realized by anisotropically modulating the trap potential. The modulation frequency dependences of temperature and fraction of the trapped atoms are explored. Furthermore, the temperature after the modulation as functions of the modulation amplitude and the mean elastic collision time are also studied. These results are valuable for the experiment of parametric resonance in a quadrupole trap.
Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT) is a popular, rapidly growing imaging technique with an increasing number of bio-medical applications due to its noninvasive nature. However, there are three major challenges in understanding and improving an OCT system: (1) Obtaining an OCT image is not easy. It either takes a real medical experiment or requires days of computer simulation. Without much data, it is difficult to study the physical processes underlying OCT imaging of different objects simply because there aren't many imaged objects. (2) Interpretation of an OCT image is also hard. This challenge is more profound than it appears. For instance, it would require a trained expert to tell from an OCT image of human skin whether there is a lesion or not. This is expensive in its own right, but even the expert cannot be sure about the exact size of the lesion or the width of the various skin layers. The take-away message is that analyzing an OCT image even from a high level would usually require a trained expert, and pixel-level interpretation is simply unrealistic. The reason is simple: we have OCT images but not their underlying ground-truth structure, so there is nothing to learn from. (3) The imaging depth of OCT is very limited (millimeter or sub-millimeter on human tissues). While OCT utilizes infrared light for illumination to stay noninvasive, the downside of this is that photons at such long wavelengths can only penetrate a limited depth into the tissue before getting back-scattered. To image a particular region of a tissue, photons first need to reach that region. As a result, OCT signals from deeper regions of the tissue are both weak (since few photons reached there) and distorted (due to multiple scatterings of the contributing photons). This fact alone makes OCT images very hard to interpret.
This thesis addresses the above challenges by successfully developing an advanced Monte Carlo simulation platform which is 10000 times faster than the state-of-the-art simulator in the literature, bringing down the simulation time from 360 hours to a single minute. This powerful simulation tool not only enables us to efficiently generate as many OCT images of objects with arbitrary structure and shape as we want on a common desktop computer, but it also provides us the underlying ground-truth of the simulated images at the same time because we dictate them at the beginning of the simulation. This is one of the key contributions of this thesis. What allows us to build such a powerful simulation tool includes a thorough understanding of the signal formation process, clever implementation of the importance sampling/photon splitting procedure, efficient use of a voxel-based mesh system in determining photon-mesh interception, and a parallel computation of different A-scans that consist a full OCT image, among other programming and mathematical tricks, which will be explained in detail later in the thesis.
Next we aim at the inverse problem: given an OCT image, predict/reconstruct its ground-truth structure on a pixel level. By solving this problem we would be able to interpret an OCT image completely and precisely without the help from a trained expert. It turns out that we can do much better. For simple structures we are able to reconstruct the ground-truth of an OCT image more than 98% correctly, and for more complicated structures (e.g., a multi-layered brain structure) we are looking at 93%. We achieved this through extensive uses of Machine Learning. The success of the Monte Carlo simulation already puts us in a great position by providing us with a great deal of data (effectively unlimited), in the form of (image, truth) pairs. Through a transformation of the high-dimensional response variable, we convert the learning task into a multi-output multi-class classification problem and a multi-output regression problem. We then build a hierarchy architecture of machine learning models (committee of experts) and train different parts of the architecture with specifically designed data sets. In prediction, an unseen OCT image first goes through a classification model to determine its structure (e.g., the number and the types of layers present in the image); then the image is handed to a regression model that is trained specifically for that particular structure to predict the length of the different layers and by doing so reconstruct the ground-truth of the image. We also demonstrate that ideas from Deep Learning can be useful to further improve the performance.
It is worth pointing out that solving the inverse problem automatically improves the imaging depth, since previously the lower half of an OCT image (i.e., greater depth) can be hardly seen but now becomes fully resolved. Interestingly, although OCT signals consisting the lower half of the image are weak, messy, and uninterpretable to human eyes, they still carry enough information which when fed into a well-trained machine learning model spits out precisely the true structure of the object being imaged. This is just another case where Artificial Intelligence (AI) outperforms human. To the best knowledge of the author, this thesis is not only a success but also the first attempt to reconstruct an OCT image at a pixel level. To even give a try on this kind of task, it would require fully annotated OCT images and a lot of them (hundreds or even thousands). This is clearly impossible without a powerful simulation tool like the one developed in this thesis.