987 resultados para Monte Pindo


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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The present study intended to analyze the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori, IgG, and its relation to dyspepsia in a population from the western Amazon region. During the "Projeto Bandeira Científica", a University of São Paulo Medical School program, in Monte Negro's rural areas, state of Rondônia, 266 blood samples were collected from volunteers. The material was tested for IgG antibodies anti-Helicobacter pylori by ELISA method and the participants were also interviewed on dyspepsia, hygiene and social aspects. Participants aged between five and 81 years old (34 years on average), 149 (56%) were female and 117 (44%) male. We found 210 (78.9%) positive, 50 (18.8%) negative and six (2.3%) undetermined samples. Dyspeptic complaints were found in 226 cases (85.2%). There was no statistical association between dyspepsia and positive serology for H. pylori. We concluded that the seroprevalence in all age categories is similar to results found in other studies conducted in developing countries, including those from Brazil. On the other hand, the seroprevalence found in Monte Negro was higher than that reported in developed countries. As expected, there was a progressive increase in the positivity for H. pylori in older age groups.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Biomédica


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Introduction: Entamoeba histolytica infections were investigated in residents of the Ariquemes and Monte Negro municipalities in Rondônia State, Brazil. Methods: Stool samples of 216 individuals were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation method and analyzed by microscopy for detection of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, followed by the immunoassay method using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based kit for the E. histolytica stool antigen. Results: E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts were present in 61% (50/82) and 44% (59/134) of the samples from Ariquemes and Monte Negro respectively, with a significant difference in the occurrence of infection between the two populations [p < 0.05; χ2 = 5.2; odds ratio = 2.0 (1.1 - 3.6)]. The E. histolytica antigen detection rate was 36.6% (30/82) for stool samples from Ariquemes, and 19.4% (26/134) for stool taken from the residents of Monte Negro. The rate of the occurrence of amoebiasis was significantly higher in the population from Ariquemes [p < 0.05; χ2 = 7.8; odds ratio = 2.4 (1.2 - 4.7)]. Discussion: Due to the high occurrence of E. histolytica infected residents diagnosed in the region and the unavailability in local clinics of a test to distinguish between the two Entamoeba species, physicians should consider treating E. histolytica/E.dispar infections. Conclusion: The results indicate that E. histolytica infection is highly endemic in the studied areas.


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Relatório de Estágio de Mestrado em Ciências da informação e da Documentação - Arquivo


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A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida com colaboração do Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear e do Hospital de São José


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This work studies the combination of safe and probabilistic reasoning through the hybridization of Monte Carlo integration techniques with continuous constraint programming. In continuous constraint programming there are variables ranging over continuous domains (represented as intervals) together with constraints over them (relations between variables) and the goal is to find values for those variables that satisfy all the constraints (consistent scenarios). Constraint programming “branch-and-prune” algorithms produce safe enclosures of all consistent scenarios. Special proposed algorithms for probabilistic constraint reasoning compute the probability of sets of consistent scenarios which imply the calculation of an integral over these sets (quadrature). In this work we propose to extend the “branch-and-prune” algorithms with Monte Carlo integration techniques to compute such probabilities. This approach can be useful in robotics for localization problems. Traditional approaches are based on probabilistic techniques that search the most likely scenario, which may not satisfy the model constraints. We show how to apply our approach in order to cope with this problem and provide functionality in real time.


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INTRODUCTION: Studies on Chagas disease deal with the perspective of its occurrence in the Amazon region, which is directly correlated to the population growth and the spread of the bug biotope. The state of Rondônia has an immense source of vectors (Triatomine) and reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi. Environmental changes brought forth by the deforestation in the region may cause vector behavior changes and bring these vectors to a closer contact with humans, increasing the probability of vector infection. METHODS: This study was carried out to check the occurrence of Chagas disease in the municipality of Monte Negro, Rondônia, Brazil, based on a random sampling of the farms and people wherein blood collection from the population and capturing triatomines were done. The blood samples were submitted to serologic tests to detect antibodies of the IgG class against T. cruzi. The triatomines that were collected had their digestive tract checked for the presence of trypanosomatidae with morphology resembling that of the T. cruzi. RESULTS: The population examined was mostly from other states. From the 322 bugs examined on the microscope, 50% showed parasites with morphology compatible with T. cruzi. From the serology of 344 random samples of human blood, 1.2% was found positive, 6% showed inconclusive results, and 92.8% were negative. CONCLUSIONS: Monte Negro shows low prevalence of human infection by T. cruzi and none active vector transmission; however, preventive and surveying measures, which are not performed until now, shall be taken due to the abundance of vectors infected by trypanosomatidae.


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Introduction: This work was carried out on the purpose of identifying the species of phlebotomine sandflies in the municipality of Monte Negro, state of Rondonia, Brazil, that may have been transmitting the American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), and concisely describe epidemiological aspects of disease. METHODS: The epidemiologic and socioeconomical indicators were obtained from government institutions and the local Municipal Secretary of Health. Phlebotomine sandflies were captured using CDC light traps between July 2006 to July 2008. The total of 1,240 of female sandflies were examined by PCR method directed to k-DNA. RESULTS: There has been a significant decrease in the incidence of ACL of about 50% over the last ten years in the municipality. A total of 1,935 specimens of 53 sandfly species were captured, three of the genus Brumptomyia genus and 50 of the genus Lutzomyia. The predominant species was Lutzomyia acanthopharynx, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia geniculata and Lutzomyia davisi. None were positive for Leishmania sp. CONCLUSIONS: Four sandflies species were found in the State of Rondonia for the first time: Brumptomyia brumpti, Lutzomyia tarapacaensis, Lutzomyia melloi and Lutzomyia lenti. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis, was also captured. Socioeconomical improvement of Brazilian economy and the increase of environmental surveillance in the last 15 years collaborated in the decrease of people exposed to vectors, reducing the incidence of ACL.


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This thesis proposes a Monte Carlo valuation method for Worst-of Auto-callable equity swaps. The valuation of this type of swap usually requires complex numerical methods which are implemented in “black-box” valuation systems. The method proposed is an alternative benchmark tool that is relatively simple to implement and customize. The performance of the method was evaluated according to the variance and bias of the output and to the accuracy when compared to a leading valuation system in the market.


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O presente artigo apresenta resultados sobre o consumo de pescado e outros alimentos pela população ribeirinha do Lago Grande de Monte Alegre, no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente, por um período de dois anos juntos a 35 famílias de 17 comunidades, que praticam a pesca com fins comerciais e de subsistência, bem como as famílias que nào pescam. O consumo médio de pescado foi de 369 g/capita/dia, complementado com 6,lg/capita/dia de farinha de peixe (piracuí). As espécies mais consumidas foram: curimatá (Prochilodus nigricans) e acarí-bodó (Liposarcus partialis). Em média, as famílias tiveram alguma refeição constituída de pescado em 6 dias de cada semana. Extrapolando para toda a população do Lago, o consumo diário de pescado é pouco mais de 3 t, chegando a 1.114 t/ano.


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The present paper reports the precipitation process of Al3Sc structures in an aluminum scandium alloy, which has been simulated with a synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo (spkMC) algorithm. The spkMC implementation is based on the vacancy diffusion mechanism. To filter the raw data generated by the spkMC simulations, the density-based clustering with noise (DBSCAN) method has been employed. spkMC and DBSCAN algorithms were implemented in the C language and using MPI library. The simulations were conducted in the SeARCH cluster located at the University of Minho. The Al3Sc precipitation was successfully simulated at the atomistic scale with the spkMC. DBSCAN proved to be a valuable aid to identify the precipitates by performing a cluster analysis of the simulation results. The achieved simulations results are in good agreement with those reported in the literature under sequential kinetic Monte Carlo simulations (kMC). The parallel implementation of kMC has provided a 4x speedup over the sequential version.


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FUNDAMENTO: Pela redução da especificidade associada à perda de informação, a influência da atenuação das mamas é de fundamental importância em estudos de perfusão do miocárdio. Entretanto, apesar de vários estudos terem sido realizados ao longo dos últimos anos, pouco se tem evoluído para determinar com acurácia a influência das características das mamas sobre a qualidade da cintilografia miocárdica, evitando exposições adicionais de radiação às pacientes. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é quantificar a atenuação de fótons pelas mamas, em estudos de perfusão do miocárdio com 99mTc, de acordo com diferentes tamanhos e composições. MÉTODOS: Cada mama foi assumida como sendo um cubo composto de tecido adiposo e fibroglandular. Os dados referentes aos fótons de 99mTc foram analisados em um modelo de Monte Carlo. Variamos a espessura e a composição das mamas e analisamos as interferências na atenuação. Foi empregado o software EGS 4 para as simulações. RESULTADOS: Fixando a espessura de uma mama, a variação da sua composição acarreta um acréscimo máximo de 2,3% no número de fótons atenuados. Em contrapartida, mantendo-se uma composição do tecido mamário fixa, a diferença na atenuação de fótons foi de 45,0%, sendo em média de 6,0% para cada acréscimo de centímetro na espessura da mama. CONCLUSÃO: A simulação por Monte Carlo demonstrou que a influência das espessuras das mamas na atenuação de fótons em cintilografias do miocárdio com 99mTc é muito maior do que a influência das suas composições.


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Ê descrito um ensaio de incubação com a finalidade de estudar os efeitos da adição de CaCO3 sobre o pH e Al³+ e H+ trocáveis de 4 terras, servindo-se do método do Al³+ trocàvel para a determinação das doses de CaCO3. De um modo geral, se encontrou uma forte elevação nos índices pH das terras e redução nos teores de Al³+ e de H+ trocáveis das mesmas, à medida em que se aumentavam as quantidades de CaCO3 empregadas. A dose 1 de CaCO3, que correspondia à quantidade de cálcio estequiometricamente igual à de Al³+ trocável presente em cada terra, foi suficiente para elevar o pH de todas elas ao redor de 5,7. O teor de Al³+ trocável, contudo, em uma delas permaneceu acima do nível considerado não tóxico às plantas.