965 resultados para Modern technology


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From its original formulation in 1990 the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) has had as its primary aim the collection and interpretation of a continent-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. ITASE offers the ground-based opportunities of traditional-style traverse travel coupled with the modern technology of CPS, crevasse detecting radar, satellite communications and multidisciplinary research. By operating predominantly in the mode of an oversnow traverse, ITASE offers scientists the opportunity to experience the dynamic range of the Antarctic environment. ITASE also offers an important interactive venue for research similar to that afforded by oceanographic research vessels and large polar field camps, without the cost of the former or the lack of mobility of the latter. More importantly, the combination of disciplines represented by ITASE provides a unique, multidimensional (space and time) view of the ice sheet and its history. ITASE has now collected > 20 000 km of snow radar, recovered more than 240 firn/ice cores (total length 7000m), remotely penetrated to similar to 4000m into the ice sheet, and sampled the atmosphere to heights of > 20 km.


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El artículo analiza las principales características del modelo tecnológico del agronegocio en la Argentina, discute sus principales problemas y propone una reflexión que enmarque la problemática en contextos económicos y políticos más amplios. Esta tecnología es descripta como technological fix y se presentan tres atributos principales: instantaneidad, transitoriedad y recurrencia. La supuesta eficiencia del modelo productivo ocurre a expensas de la dilapidación del capital natural y de los costos que internalizan otros actores sociales, ya sea vía acumulación por desposesión o a través de la socialización y del diferimiento temporal de sus externalidades negativas. Su fortaleza radica en que su poder trasciende largamente la esfera tecnológica. Poner en dudas al actual modelo implica no sólo cuestionar a su cabeza visible (i.e., el agronegocio), sino también objetar a las instituciones (científicas, educativas, legales y administrativas) y a las estructuras políticas que lo sostienen. Finalmente, el artículo discute algunas alternativas y propone desarrollar una agronomía política para Latinoamérica.


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El artículo analiza las principales características del modelo tecnológico del agronegocio en la Argentina, discute sus principales problemas y propone una reflexión que enmarque la problemática en contextos económicos y políticos más amplios. Esta tecnología es descripta como technological fix y se presentan tres atributos principales: instantaneidad, transitoriedad y recurrencia. La supuesta eficiencia del modelo productivo ocurre a expensas de la dilapidación del capital natural y de los costos que internalizan otros actores sociales, ya sea vía acumulación por desposesión o a través de la socialización y del diferimiento temporal de sus externalidades negativas. Su fortaleza radica en que su poder trasciende largamente la esfera tecnológica. Poner en dudas al actual modelo implica no sólo cuestionar a su cabeza visible (i.e., el agronegocio), sino también objetar a las instituciones (científicas, educativas, legales y administrativas) y a las estructuras políticas que lo sostienen. Finalmente, el artículo discute algunas alternativas y propone desarrollar una agronomía política para Latinoamérica.


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El artículo analiza las principales características del modelo tecnológico del agronegocio en la Argentina, discute sus principales problemas y propone una reflexión que enmarque la problemática en contextos económicos y políticos más amplios. Esta tecnología es descripta como technological fix y se presentan tres atributos principales: instantaneidad, transitoriedad y recurrencia. La supuesta eficiencia del modelo productivo ocurre a expensas de la dilapidación del capital natural y de los costos que internalizan otros actores sociales, ya sea vía acumulación por desposesión o a través de la socialización y del diferimiento temporal de sus externalidades negativas. Su fortaleza radica en que su poder trasciende largamente la esfera tecnológica. Poner en dudas al actual modelo implica no sólo cuestionar a su cabeza visible (i.e., el agronegocio), sino también objetar a las instituciones (científicas, educativas, legales y administrativas) y a las estructuras políticas que lo sostienen. Finalmente, el artículo discute algunas alternativas y propone desarrollar una agronomía política para Latinoamérica.


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El artículo analiza las principales características del modelo tecnológico del agronegocio en la Argentina, discute sus principales problemas y propone una reflexión que enmarque la problemática en contextos económicos y políticos más amplios. Esta tecnología es descripta como technological fix y se presentan tres atributos principales: instantaneidad, transitoriedad y recurrencia. La supuesta eficiencia del modelo productivo ocurre a expensas de la dilapidación del capital natural y de los costos que internalizan otros actores sociales, ya sea vía acumulación por desposesión o a través de la socialización y del diferimiento temporal de sus externalidades negativas. Su fortaleza radica en que su poder trasciende largamente la esfera tecnológica. Poner en dudas al actual modelo implica no sólo cuestionar a su cabeza visible (i.e., el agronegocio), sino también objetar a las instituciones (científicas, educativas, legales y administrativas) y a las estructuras políticas que lo sostienen. Finalmente, el artículo discute algunas alternativas y propone desarrollar una agronomía política para Latinoamérica.


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Despite continuous efforts to improve the coverage, the access to electricity remains insufficient in many developing countries, particularly in geographically challenged locations, due mostly to the high cost of grid extension. To rigorously investigate the effectiveness of solar products as an alternative in remote areas, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in river islands of northern Bangladesh where no grid-based electricity is available. We found that solar lanterns significantly increased home study hours among schooled children, especially in the night and before exams. School attendance rate also initially increases due to the provision of solar lamps, although such effects fade away over time. The increased study time and initial school attendance rate, however, did not improve children's exam results. We also found marginal improvements on health-related indicators, such as eye redness and irritation, but negligible impacts on respiratory indicators. Households that received solar lanterns substituted the traditional lighting sources with modern technology, leading to a significant decrease in annual biomass fuel consumptions, particularly kerosene. Finally, treated households showed a greater self-reported willingness to purchase solar products compared with the control group.


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O jornalismo é um dos principais meios de oferta de temas para a discussão e formação da opinião pública, porém depende de um sistema técnico para ser transmitido. Durante mais de cem anos as informações produzidas pela imprensa foram emitidas, armazenadas, transmitidas e recebidas pelos chamados veículos de comunicação de massa que utilizam a rede centralizada cujas características estão na escassez material, produção em série e massificação. Esse sistema separa no tempo e no espaço emissores e receptores criando uma relação desigual de força em que as grandes empresas controlaram o fluxo informativo, definindo quais fatos seriam veiculados como notícia. Em 1995, a internet cuja informação circula sob a tecnologia da rede distribuída, foi apropriada pela sociedade, alterando a forma de produção, armazenamento e transmissão de informação. A tecnologia despertou a esperança de que esta ferramenta poderia proporcionar uma comunicação mais dialógica e democrática. Mas aos poucos pode-se perceber novas empresas se apropriando da tecnologia da rede distribuída sob a qual circula a internet, gerando um novo controle do fluxo informativo. Realizou-se nessa pesquisa um levantamento bibliográfico para estabelecer uma reflexão crítica dos diferentes intermediários entre fato e a notícia tanto da rede centralizada como na rede distribuída, objetivando despertar uma discussão que possa oferecer novas ideias para políticas, bem como alternativas para uma comunicação mais democrática e mais libertária.


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Lithium is used in the cathode and electrolyte of rechargeable batteries in many portable electronics and electric vehicles, and is thus seen as a critical component of modern technology (Gruber et al., 2011). Electric vehicles are promoted as a way to reduce carbon emissions associated with the transportation sector, which accounts for 14.3% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (OECD International Transport Forum, 2010). However, the sustainability of lithium procurement will influence the overall environmental impact of this proposed “green” solution. It is estimated that 66% of the world’s lithium resource is contained in natural brines, 24% in pegmatites, and 8% in sedimentary rocks such as hectorite clays (Gruber et al., 2011). It has been shown that “[r]ecycling of lithium from Li-ion batteries may be a critical factor in balancing the supply of lithium with future demand” (Gruber et al., 2011). In an attempt to quantify energy and materials consumption associated with production of a unit of useful lithium compounds, industry reports and peer-reviewed scientific literature concerning lithium mining and lithium recycling were reviewed and compared. Other aspects of sustainability, such as waste or by-products produced in the production of a unit of useful lithium, were also explored. Thus, this paper will serve to further the evaluation of the comparative environmental consequences associated with lithium production via extraction versus recycling. Efficiencies must be made in both processes to maximize productivity while minimizing ecological harm.


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Radio-frequency identification technology (RFID) is a popular modern technology proven to deliver a range of value-added benefits to achieve system and operational efficiency, as well as cost-effectiveness. The operational characteristics of RFID outperform barcodes in many aspects. Despite its well-perceived benefits, a definite rationale for larger scale adoption is still not so promising. One of the key reasons is high implementation cost, especially the cost of tags for applications involving item-level tagging. This has resulted in the development of chipless RFID tags which cost much less than conventional chip-based tags. Despite the much lower tag cost, the uptake of chipless RFID system in the market is still not as widespread as predicted by RFID experts. This chapter explores the value-added applications of chipless RFID system to promote wider adoption. The chipless technology's technical and operational characteristics, benefits, limitations and current uses will also be examined. The merit of this chapter is to contribute fresh propositions to the promising applications of chipless RFID to increase its adoption in the industries that are currently not (or less popular in) utilising it, such as retail, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and service sectors. © 2013, IGI Global.


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Radio-frequency identification technology (RFID) is a popular modern technology proven to deliver a range of value-added benefits to achieve system and operational efficiency, as well as cost-effectiveness. The operational characteristics of RFID outperform barcodes in many aspects. One of the main challenges for RFID adoption is proving its ability to improve competitiveness. In this paper, we examine multiple real-world examples where RFID technology has been demonstrated to provide significant benefits to industry competitiveness, and also to enhance human experience in the service sector. This paper will explore and survey existing value-added applications of RFID systems in industry and the service sector, with particular focus on applications in retail, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, leisure and the public sector. © 2012 AICIT.


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Modern technology has moved on and completely changed the way that people can use the telephone or mobile to dialogue with information held on computers. Well developed “written speech analysis” does not work with “verbal speech”. The main purpose of our article is, firstly, to highlights the problems and, secondly, to shows the possible ways to solve these problems.


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The main focus of this paper is on mathematical theory and methods which have a direct bearing on problems involving multiscale phenomena. Modern technology is refining measurement and data collection to spatio-temporal scales on which observed geophysical phenomena are displayed as intrinsically highly variable and intermittant heirarchical structures,e.g. rainfall, turbulence, etc. The heirarchical structure is reflected in the occurence of a natural separation of scales which collectively manifest at some basic unit scale. Thus proper data analysis and inference require a mathematical framework which couples the variability over multiple decades of scale in which basic theoretical benchmarks can be identified and calculated. This continues the main theme of the research in this area of applied probability over the past twenty years.


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Despite of Martin Heidegger’s warning not modern technology but modern economizing destroys the Being. With its exclusive focus on profit-making modern economizing endangers the integrity and diversity of natural ecosystems, autonomy and culture of local communities, and chances of future generations for a decent life. This paper gives a critique of the profit principle and redefines economic rationality in a more holistic, substantive and humanistic form.


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The general objective of this research is to clarify and discuss the original contribution of Martin Heidegger's philosophical reflection on the essence of modern technique. For this purpose, it was structured the interpretative course of this dissertation in two essential moments. At first, we present Heidegger's interpretation of the essence of the modern age which, in turn, will be recognized from the metaphysical foundation that establishes the essence of modern science: the subjectivity that represents, calculates, manages and produces the real. We will see which, in this context, modern science was still thought close to the modern technology, what will change considerably from the writings of the post-war, in which Heidegger thinks modern science from a much broader and essential process in that the essence of the technique has already been unfolding. Thus, in a second moment, we will analyze how, for Heidegger, the modern metaphysics of subjectivity reached its completion at the time of modern art from the principle of control and planning of entities in general (Gestell), revealing the nontechnical sense of the technique (beyond the anthropological, humanistic and instrumental view) as well as the threatening character of modern technique in its conversion project of the entity from the reserve fund (Bestand).


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Lithium is used in the cathode and electrolyte of rechargeable batteries in many portable electronics and electric vehicles, and is thus seen as a critical component of modern technology (Gruber et al., 2011). Electric vehicles are promoted as a way to reduce carbon emissions associated with the transportation sector, which accounts for 14.3% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (OECD International Transport Forum, 2010). However, the sustainability of lithium procurement will influence the overall environmental impact of this proposed “green” solution. It is estimated that 66% of the world’s lithium resource is contained in natural brines, 24% in pegmatites, and 8% in sedimentary rocks such as hectorite clays (Gruber et al., 2011). It has been shown that “[r]ecycling of lithium from Li-ion batteries may be a critical factor in balancing the supply of lithium with future demand” (Gruber et al., 2011). In an attempt to quantify energy and materials consumption associated with production of a unit of useful lithium compounds, industry reports and peer-reviewed scientific literature concerning lithium mining and lithium recycling were reviewed and compared. Other aspects of sustainability, such as waste or by-products produced in the production of a unit of useful lithium, were also explored. Thus, this paper will serve to further the evaluation of the comparative environmental consequences associated with lithium production via extraction versus recycling. Efficiencies must be made in both processes to maximize productivity while minimizing ecological harm.