990 resultados para Modelo gradual de internacionalização
O objetivo central desta dissertação é a elaboração de um guia para a internacionalização das marcas de calçado português, simples e apelativo e que integre os aspetos determinantes reconhecidos por marcas de calçado português com sucesso no seu processo de internacionalização. Colocaram-se inicialmente algumas questões de pesquisa e apresentou-se a problemática em análise. Após a revisão da literatura foi possível construir um modelo de análise que integrou 16 proposições de pesquisa em alinhamento também com as questões inicialmente colocadas. Dado o caris exploratório do estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa assente em cinco entrevistas semiestruturadas efetuadas aos CEO’s de cinco marcas de calçado português com sucesso no seu processo de internacionalização. A análise dos resultados assentou na técnica “Analise de Conteúdo” (Bardin 2006) através da qual foi possível identificar um conjunto de características comuns às diferentes marcas consideradas essenciais no seu processo de internacionalização. A partir destes resultados foi possível construir o guia para a internacionalização que integra quatro fases essenciais, subdivididas em treze etapas. Apesar das limitações reconhecidas ao nível do número de entrevistados e do tempo a elaboração da presente dissertação considera-se ser esta uma primeira abordagem a este tema, reconhecendo-se a importância de dar continuidade a estudos dirigidos às marcas que permitam a recolha de indicadores estatísticos de desempenho e à comparação da evolução da sua performance ao longo do processo de internacionalização, comparar o modelo português com o espanhol e italiano e estudos específicos sobre os principais mercados de destino e mercados emergentes.
This work contributes to the finance literature proposing to analyze the relationship between the degree of internationalization of Brazilian companies and the likelihood of delisting. Therefore, even though the internationalization as a differential, in the formulation of hypotheses and analysis of the relationship between the variables dealt with concepts and theories within the Corporate Governance, which is already established in theory when it comes to delisting. First, with a view to the theory of internalization, which gives competitive advantages to the company due the adoption internationalization strategy and in parallel to the positive effects that this strategy generates on firms performance, it was formulated an hypothesis that the degree of internationalization would be adversely related to the probability of delisting, mainly due to such benefits generated to the organization. In turn, as an alternative hypothesis of the research, it proposed a positive relationship between these variables, based on agency theory, according to which internationalization would contribute to delisting by increasing geographical separation between shareholders and managers and, consequently, agency conflicts and the difficulty of monitoring. For the achievement of objectives, as well as being included economic and financial variables and GC, it was proposed the analysis of periods of crisis, as the events of recent past of the Brazilian economy. Starting from a base model initially developed by Pour and Lasfer (2013), which later, the proxies of internationalization and crisis have been added also contemplating adjustments to the Brazilian context. The data collected include the period from 2006 to 2014 and information on active and inactive companies at Bovespa. As results, it was found negative significance between the degree of internationalization and the delisting decision, confirming the first hypothesis of the research and stating that the benefits generated by internationalization in the company generate it spreads and results that reduce the probability of delisting. By analyzing the results of control variables was still possible to observe that, even internationalization reducing the likelihood of delisting, by particular aspects of corporate governance in Brazil, such as the high ownership concentration, the benefits it generates contribute to delisting. Regarding the analysis in crisis, the consequences of the crisis of the US subprime in general market were more relevant that the occurrence of itself, unlike the Brazilian internal crisis of 2014, which was statistically significant for the analyzed event. For future researches it is suggested the expansion of database and individual treatment of the reasons adopted by a company when delisting decision.
This dissertation investigates the effects of internationalization in two gaps related to the capital structure that have not been discussed by the Brazilian literature yet. To this, were developed two independent sections. The first examined what the effects of internationalization on the deviation from the target capital structure. The second examined what the effects of internationalization on speed of adjustment (SOA) of the capital structure. It used data from Brazil, multinational and domestic companies, from 2006 to 2014. The results of the first analysis indicate that internationalization helps reduce the difference between the target and the current debt. That is, to the extent that the level of internationalization increases; whether only export or a combination of export, assets and employees abroad, the gap between the current structure and the target structure decreases. This reduction is given as a function of internationalization as a consequence of the upstream effect of the upstream-downstream hypothesis. Thus, as the Market Timing theory, it can be seen as an opportunity for adjustment of the capital structure, and with the reduction of deviation, there is also a reduction in the cost of capital of the firm. The result of the second analysis indicates that internationalization is able to significantly increase the speed adjustment, ensuring for the multinational a faster adjustment of its capital structure. Exports increase the SOA in 9 to 23%. And when also kept active assets and employees abroad the increase is 8 to 20%. In terms of time, while domestic company takes more than three years to reduce half of the deviation that has, while multinacional companies take on average one and a half year to reduce the same proportion of the deviation. The validity of the upstream-downstream hypothesis for the effect of internationalization in SOA was confirmed by comparing the results for US companies. Thus, the phenomenon of internationalization increases SOA when companies are from less stable markets, such as Brazil; and it has a less significcative effect when companies are derived from more stable markets, because they already have a high speed of adjustmennt. In addition, the adequacy analysis of the estimators also showed the model pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) presents the highest quality in predicting the SOA than the system GMM (Generalized Method of Moments). For future studies it is suggested to analyze the effect of international event, by itself, and to validate the hypothesis using samples of different markets and the use of other estimators.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o processo de internacionalização de uma empresa venezuelana do segmento de mineração, materiais agrícolas e materiais de construção sob o prisma das teorias de poder de mercado e do comportamento organizacional. É um estudo de caso instrumental, que teve como fontes de dados os documentos fornecidos pela empresa, entrevistas com seus executivos e funcionários e informações disponíveis em seu website. Para análise e interpretação dos dados adotou-se o procedimento de adequação à teoria, já que os dados obtidos empiricamente foram contrastados com elementos de teorias já consolidadas acerca de internacionalização de empresas. Conclui-se que a estratégia adotada pela Agrogilca ajusta-se à Teoria do Poder de Mercado de Hymer, na qual as empresas tendem a intensificar sua posição no exterior e expandir suas operações. Seu processo de internacionalização não ocorreu dentro do sequenciado modelo de Uppsala, no qual o gradualismo de relacionamento coincide com o gradualismo de processos de internacionalização, mas, com exportações, onde as empresas tendem a intensificar sua posição no exterior. E por fim, também é coerente com a Estratégia Multidoméstica devido esta teoria considerar como motivo de internacionalização, as condições setoriais, estruturas políticas e necessidades dos clientes visando maior desempenho administrativo e competitividade da empresa.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o processo de internacionalização de uma empresa brasileira do segmento de insumos químicos e adesivos sob o prisma das teorias de poder de mercado e do comportamento organizacional. É um estudo de caso instrumental, que teve como fontes de dados os documentos fornecidos pela empresa, entrevistas com seus executivos, informações disponíveis em seu website e anuários de comércio exterior. Adotou-se o procedimento de adequação à teoria, já que os dados obtidos empiricamente foram contrastados com elementos de teorias já consolidadas. Conclui-se que a estratégia adotada pela Artecola ajusta-se à Teoria do Poder de Mercado de Hymer, ou seja, a empresa buscou intensificar sua posição no exterior e expandir suas operações para outros mercados quando as possibilidades de concentração de mercado se exauriram nos países em que já operava. E, também, que é coerente com a Teoria Comportamental do Modelo de Uppsala, que identifica a distância psíquica como fator relevante na escolha de um país pela empresa que decide se internacionalizar.
The present inquiry has as main objective to understand the process of formation of the international strategies of the exporting companies of fruits of the RN through the theory of the resource dependence. Aiming at to clarify as the companies they can carry through the process of internationalization through this theory had been study the behavior and economic theories of the process of internationalization of companies. Amongst the economic theories they are distinguished the eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1958), Vernon (1669) through the theory of the cycle of the product and Bucley and Casson (1979) with the theory of the international operations. In the mannering boarding they had been investigated the school of Upsala through Johanson and Valnhe (1977) with the concept of the increasing of the markets and in the distance psychic starts and the interaction of the purchaser-salesman of Hallen and Wiedersheim-Paul (1979). In this perspective it observes main the occured changes in the organization in function of this process, following the rules observed by the gradual ingression in the international market, having as base ways of entrances in the external market used by these companies, in view of the frist phase that the company presents of businesses. Ahead of you analyze of these theories the study searches to analyze the convergence of the concepts proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). and strategies of internationalization of the companies. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts and exploratory and analytical type, retrospective matrix. The adopted strategy is of case study and the unit of analysis consisting of the Finobrasa, pertaining company to the Vicunha Group. The main method of collection of data was halfstructuralized interview allied the documentary research that together had presented an empirical perspective of the internationalization process. The analysis and quarrel of the results understand the description and the interpretation of the one of the information through the technique of analyzes of content. Initially the historical of the exportation of fruits of the Rio Grande do Norte with the focus in the region Açu/Mossoró is presented and after that the information of the Finobrasa are presented as base of the study. The main events are identified that had constituted the phases of the strategical model of the company. It was observed that the dimensions most excellent amongst those proclaimed by the School of Uppsala had been the learning, staffs and the step-starts is sufficiently gifts in the reality of the company, as well as the aspects of strategical alliances since the consolidated relationship of the Vicunha Group create a more solid trajectory in the international market allied the conditions created windows of marked . One understands, therefore, that the investigated process still has base the theoretical theories of the internationalization strategies corroborating for the theoretical convergence of the rules proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources.
O principal objetivo do presente estudo visa analisar as estratégias de internacionalização adotadas por empresas portuguesas de diferentes indústrias, e identificar alguns fatores que potenciem o sucesso das empresas durante este processo de internacionalização. Deste modo optou-se por um estudo qualitativo com entrevistas semiestruturadas baseadas num guião de entrevista (gravadas em áudio e transcritas na totalidade), envolvendo os diretores / responsáveis nas empresas por esta área da internacionalização, em seis empresas diferentes; foi ainda entrevistado um especialista em internacionalização com background desenvolvido no exercício de funções enquanto colaborador da AEP. Segundo foi apurado neste estudo destacam-se as áreas de relações humanas (rede de contactos (network); o know-how sobre o mercado local; as relações de confiança; proximidade cultural e linguística (CPLP)) e a capacidade técnica das empresas (a proximidade geográfica dos mercados; a adaptabilidade da empresa; a capacidade financeira e de inovação) como sendo fundamentais para a internacionalização de sucesso. Estes fatores supracitados potenciam o sucesso em novos mercados para as empresas complementando assim o que é apresentado pelas diferentes teorias na literatura (e. g. teoria de Uppsala). De notar que Blake e Mouton e estudos da Universidade de Michigan referem aspetos técnicos (da tarefa e da produção) e de relações humanas (preocupação com as pessoas) como sendo importantes na liderança de empresas, fatores que agora alargamos à internacionalização. Outro fator fundamental para o sucesso da internacionalização das empresas estudadas é a masculinidade, ou seja, a assertividade e a orientação para o sucesso dos gestores entrevistados e responsáveis pela área da internacionalização. De acordo com o modelo de Hofstede (2001), referido no capítulo 5, Portugal apresenta-se como sendo pouco masculina e pouco assertiva, coletivista, e com maior distância de poder. No entanto, a informação recolhida neste estudo, nomeadamente nas entrevistas, mostra aspetos contrários, ou seja, os diretores mostram-se mais masculinos, impulsionados também pela dificuldade acrescida de conquistar negócios em ambientes internacionais. Assim, os resultados e a competição revelam-se como sendo preocupações fundamentais, mas sem no entanto menosprezar os aspetos femininos de qualidade de relacionamento interpessoal.
El PBI per cápita en el Perú creció 55% en el período 2001-2010 pero la pobreza solo se redujo en 43% en términos relativos. Si bien en el año 2006 se implementó una reforma de los programas sociales, el resultado es que aún 8.7 millones de peruanos son excluidos de los mismos. Por estas razones, resulta pertinente y urgente crear una institución pública que concentre recursos para lograr resultados de mejora permanente de la población pobre extrema en particular. En consecuencia, se sostiene que un Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS) que administre S/.8, 895 millones del presupuesto público es una alternativa eficiente, eficaz, equitativa y transparente. El MIDIS debería ser el producto de fusión por absorción de 25 intervenciones del gobierno, cuyos recursos serían administrados siguiendo el enfoque de Gestión Descentralizada por Resultados. En este sentido, la implementación de la reforma gradual debería hacerse considerando el Índice de Competencias Institucionales de Unidades Participativas (CIUP) para que el proceso sea ordenado y haga viable la inclusión con un enfoque territorial. Para ello, se propone un modelo 3G de gestión social donde exista una estrecha interacción entre las direcciones de resultados, las gerencias sectoriales y los sistemas operativos de identificación de beneficiarios, provisión de bienes y monitoreo. De esta manera, la sinergia de las intervenciones al interior de una institución como el MIDIS generará el cambio de incluir a los más pobres del Perú.
The present inquiry has as main objective to understand the process of formation of the international strategies of the exporting companies of fruits of the RN through the theory of the resource dependence. Aiming at to clarify as the companies they can carry through the process of internationalization through this theory had been study the behavior and economic theories of the process of internationalization of companies. Amongst the economic theories they are distinguished the eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1958), Vernon (1669) through the theory of the cycle of the product and Bucley and Casson (1979) with the theory of the international operations. In the mannering boarding they had been investigated the school of Upsala through Johanson and Valnhe (1977) with the concept of the increasing of the markets and in the distance psychic starts and the interaction of the purchaser-salesman of Hallen and Wiedersheim-Paul (1979). In this perspective it observes main the occured changes in the organization in function of this process, following the rules observed by the gradual ingression in the international market, having as base ways of entrances in the external market used by these companies, in view of the frist phase that the company presents of businesses. Ahead of you analyze of these theories the study searches to analyze the convergence of the concepts proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). and strategies of internationalization of the companies. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts and exploratory and analytical type, retrospective matrix. The adopted strategy is of case study and the unit of analysis consisting of the Finobrasa, pertaining company to the Vicunha Group. The main method of collection of data was halfstructuralized interview allied the documentary research that together had presented an empirical perspective of the internationalization process. The analysis and quarrel of the results understand the description and the interpretation of the one of the information through the technique of analyzes of content. Initially the historical of the exportation of fruits of the Rio Grande do Norte with the focus in the region Açu/Mossoró is presented and after that the information of the Finobrasa are presented as base of the study. The main events are identified that had constituted the phases of the strategical model of the company. It was observed that the dimensions most excellent amongst those proclaimed by the School of Uppsala had been the learning, staffs and the step-starts is sufficiently gifts in the reality of the company, as well as the aspects of strategical alliances since the consolidated relationship of the Vicunha Group create a more solid trajectory in the international market allied the conditions created windows of marked . One understands, therefore, that the investigated process still has base the theoretical theories of the internationalization strategies corroborating for the theoretical convergence of the rules proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources.
A internacionalização consiste num processo crescente e gradual, através do qual as organizações expandem os seus negócios externamente. Com diversas motivações subjacentes, a internacionalização pode resultar de fenómenos proactivos ou reativos. O objetivo deste trabalho visa estudar este comportamento numa empresa do setor hoteleiro – Grupo Pestana Hotels & Resorts. A metodologia baseou-se numa análise qualitativa, tendo por base uma entrevista à administração do grupo. As conclusões apontam a diversificação do risco de investimentos e o aumento do volume de negócios como as principais motivações para iniciação do processo de internacionalização. No que se refere às abordagens aos mercados externos, o grupo privilegiou formas como, as aquisições, projetos greenfields e contratos de gestão, por permitirem um maior controlo e gestão sobre os hotéis. Todo o processo tem em conta uma análise económica e um conhecimento e investimento gradual ao longo da última década.
Facial landmarks play an important role in face recognition. They serve different steps of the recognition such as pose estimation, face alignment, and local feature extraction. Recently, cascaded shape regression has been proposed to accurately locate facial landmarks. A large number of weak regressors are cascaded in a sequence to fit face shapes to the correct landmark locations. In this paper, we propose to improve the method by applying gradual training. With this training, the regressors are not directly aimed to the true locations. The sequence instead is divided into successive parts each of which is aimed to intermediate targets between the initial and the true locations. We also investigate the incorporation of pose information in the cascaded model. The aim is to find out whether the model can be directly used to estimate head pose. Experiments on the Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild database have shown that the proposed method is able to improve the localization and give accurate estimates of pose.
The 'lost' decade of economic stagnation in Japan during the 1990s has become a 'found decade' for regulatory and institutional reform. With nearly all areas of the 'law in the books' reviewed, revised and rewritten, the Japanese legal system is no longer the system that foreign commentators felt they were finally starting to understand by the 1980s. Nowhere is this more evident than in corporate governance. Corporate and securities legislation has been comprehensively revamped over 1993-2007, creating a more flexible and transparent regime for shareholders and managers. Financial markets law and regulatory institutions have changed, too, creating a new context for Japan's 'main banks' as alternative or additional outside monitors of managerial performance in borrowing firms. Even the legislation surrounding labour regulations has been amended, reinforcing the lifelong security privileges for elite employee-stakeholders, yet also hastening the growth of other atypical employment relationships. But how do such legislative reforms affecting key players in Japanese firms, covering areas central to the design of Japanese capitlaism, play out in the 'law in action'? Overall, this book argues that a significant gradual transformation has occurred. Although this is evident also in other advanced industrialised democracies, such as Germany, Japan reveals especially complex interactions in the various fields that sometimes emphasise different ways of achieving such transformation.
This article is an attempt to highlight gender-based attitude of society towards women. Women comprise approximately 50% of the total population of Pakistan; Pakistan cannot afford to keep half of its citizens inactive and their potential as participants in development and progress untapped. Nothing more than the misogynist view of women as weak in physical power and deficient in mental faculties has marred the upward movement of societies. Women who defy this erroneous obscurantist conceptualisation and step into public domain are forced either to step back or to make compromises with the situation at the cost of their self-esteem and dignity. This deviant social behaviour is identified as sexual harassment of women. Sexual harassment of women exists beyond geographic spaces, across historic times, and today is prevalent in all societies, developed or underdeveloped. Women are sexually harassed within the safe havens of their homes too. This paper examines how a combination of factors, including religious interpretations, social norms, state negligence, and bad governance result in creating and than perpetuating an anti-women environment that breeds sexual harassment and solidifies patriarchal structures. The last section of this paper cites reported cases of sexual harassment at workplace that happened between 2001 and 2011. Summing up, the paper offers some suggestions to minimise work-place sexual harassment of women.
Japan has recovered from a ‘lost decade’ of economic stagnation over the 1990s. Anyway, it has been a ‘found decade’ for civil and criminal justice law reform, especially in corporate and securities law. Yet, have liberalisation and globalisation in those fields led to major changes in the ‘law in action’? Does this represent ‘Americanisation’ of Japan’s corporate governance system, focusing on shareholders rather than other key stakeholders such as ‘main banks’, core employees, and partners within diffuse corporate groups (keiretsu)? This version of our introductory chapter explains how our forthcoming book argues for a more complex ‘gradual transformation’. Such shifts are also found in many other post-industrial economies, but Japan appears to give greater emphasis given to certain modes of achieving change. The book brings together contributions from academics and practitioners from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. An early chapter introduces methodology for effective cross-country comparisons and for evaluating the burgeoning but divergent literature on Japanese corporate governance. The concluding chapter compares continuities and changes in Japan’s largest companies now and two decades ago. Other chapters cover ‘lifelong employment’, main banks, the untold story of closely-held companies, the limited uptake of the Committee-based governance form, and the procedural, substantive and FDI policy dimensions of takeovers law and practice.
This thesis investigated how a year-4 teacher used a pedagogical approach referred to as the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model of instruction for teaching Science Inquiry Skills in a primary classroom. Through scaffolding her students' learning using the GRR, the teacher guided her students towards developing an understanding about Scientific Inquiry leading to the foundations of scientific literacy. A learning environment was established in which students engaged in rich conversations, designed and conducted experiments using fair testing procedures, analysed and offered justifications for results, and negotiated knowledge claims in ways similar to some of those in the scientific community.