746 resultados para Missed Prevention Opportunity


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Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the influence of cavity preparation using the Er:YAG laser and restorative materials containing fluoride on preventing caries lesions. Background: It has been suggested that cavity preparation using the Er:YAG laser has a potential for improving resistance to secondary caries on enamel. Methods: Forty unerupted human third molars teeth were sectioned into 72 blocks of dental enamel and distributed into two groups to prepare cavities measuring (1.6 mm diameter) with diamond burs (DB) or Er:YAG laser (LA; 6 Hz, 300 mJ, 47 J/cm(2)). After that, each group was divided into three subgroups and restored with a glass-ionomer cement (GI), a resin-modified glass-ionomer (RM), or a composite resin (CR). Blocks were thermal cycled and submitted to a pH challenge to develop artificial caries-like lesions. Lesions were evaluated by Knoop microhardness test. An average of four indentations was used. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Results: The results (in Knoop hardness number) for DB cavity preparation were GI, 235.5 (+/- 75.5); RM, 137.1 (+/- 64.1); and CR, 39.3 (+/- 26.5). For LA cavity preparation, the results were GI, 410.0 (+/- 129.7); RM, 310.3 (+/- 119.5); and CR, 96.4 (+/- 57.4). Conclusions: There was less development of caries lesion around LA-prepared cavities than around the DB-prepared cavities; however, no synergistic cariostatic effect was observed between the Er:YAG laser and glass ionomer cement.


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Cloud-aerosol interaction is a key issue in the climate system, affecting the water cycle, the weather, and the total energy balance including the spatial and temporal distribution of latent heat release. Information on the vertical distribution of cloud droplet microphysics and thermodynamic phase as a function of temperature or height, can be correlated with details of the aerosol field to provide insight on how these particles are affecting cloud properties and their consequences to cloud lifetime, precipitation, water cycle, and general energy balance. Unfortunately, today's experimental methods still lack the observational tools that can characterize the true evolution of the cloud microphysical, spatial and temporal structure in the cloud droplet scale, and then link these characteristics to environmental factors and properties of the cloud condensation nuclei. Here we propose and demonstrate a new experimental approach (the cloud scanner instrument) that provides the microphysical information missed in current experiments and remote sensing options. Cloud scanner measurements can be performed from aircraft, ground, or satellite by scanning the side of the clouds from the base to the top, providing us with the unique opportunity of obtaining snapshots of the cloud droplet microphysical and thermodynamic states as a function of height and brightness temperature in clouds at several development stages. The brightness temperature profile of the cloud side can be directly associated with the thermodynamic phase of the droplets to provide information on the glaciation temperature as a function of different ambient conditions, aerosol concentration, and type. An aircraft prototype of the cloud scanner was built and flew in a field campaign in Brazil. The CLAIM-3D (3-Dimensional Cloud Aerosol Interaction Mission) satellite concept proposed here combines several techniques to simultaneously measure the vertical profile of cloud microphysics, thermodynamic phase, brightness temperature, and aerosol amount and type in the neighborhood of the clouds. The wide wavelength range, and the use of multi-angle polarization measurements proposed for this mission allow us to estimate the availability and characteristics of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei, and their effects on the cloud microphysical structure. These results can provide unprecedented details on the response of cloud droplet microphysics to natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the size scale where the interaction really happens.


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Background: Blood pressure (BP) within pre-hypertensive levels confers higher cardiovascular risk and is an intermediate stage for full hypertension, which develops in an annual rate of 7 out of 100 individuals with 40 to 50 years of age. Non-drug interventions to prevent hypertension have had low effectiveness. In individuals with previous cardiovascular disease or diabetes, the use of BP-lowering agents reduces the incidence of major cardiovascular events. In the absence of higher baseline risk, the use of BP agents reduces the incidence of hypertension. The PREVER-prevention trial aims to investigate the efficacy, safety and feasibility of a population-based intervention to prevent the incidence of hypertension and the development of target-organ damage. Methods: This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, with participants aged 30 to 70 years, with pre-hypertension. The trial arms will be chlorthalidone 12.5 mg plus amiloride 2.5 mg or identical placebo. The primary outcomes will be the incidence of hypertension, adverse events and development or worsening of microalbuminuria and of left ventricular hypertrophy in the EKG. The secondary outcomes will be fatal or non-fatal cardiovascular events: myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, evidence of new sub-clinical atherosclerosis, and sudden death. The study will last 18 months. The sample size was calculated on the basis of an incidence of hypertension of 14% in the control group, a size effect of 40%, power of 85% and P alpha of 5%, resulting in 625 participants per group. The project was approved by the Ethics committee of each participating institution. Discussion: The early use of blood pressure-lowering drugs, particularly diuretics, which act on the main mechanism of blood pressure rising with age, may prevent cardiovascular events and the incidence of hypertension in individuals with hypertension. If this intervention shows to be effective and safe in a population-based perspective, it could be the basis for an innovative public health program to prevent hypertension in Brazil.


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The aim of this mental health promotion initiative was to evaluate the effectiveness of a universally delivered group behavioral family intervention (BFI) in preventing behavior problems in children. This study investigates the transferability of an efficacious clinical program to a universal prevention intervention delivered through child and community health services targeting parents of preschoolers within a metropolitan health region. A quasiexperimental two-group (BFI, n=804 vs. Comparison group, n=806) longitudinal design followed preschool aged children and their parents over a 2-year period. BFI was associated with significant reductions in parent-reported levels of dysfunctional parenting and parent-reported levels of child behavior problems. Effect sizes on child behavior problems ranged from large (.83) to moderate (.47). Positive and significant effects were also observed in parent mental health, marital adjustment, and levels of child rearing conflict. Findings are discussed with respect to their implication for significant population reductions in child behavior problems as well as the pragmatic challenges for prevention science in encouraging both the evaluation and uptake of preventive initiatives in real world settings.


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To the Editor: The increase in medical graduates expected over the next decade presents a huge challenge to the many stakeholders involved in providing their prevocational and vocational medical training. 1 Increased numbers will add significantly to the teaching and supervision workload for registrars and consultants, while specialist training and access to advanced training positions may be compromised. However, this predicament may also provide opportunities for innovation in the way internships are delivered. Although facing these same challenges, regional and rural hospitals could use this situation to enhance their workforce by creating opportunities for interns and junior doctors to acquire valuable experience in non-metropolitan settings. We surveyed a representative sample (n = 147; 52% of total cohort) of Year 3 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery students at the University of Queensland about their perceptions and expectations of their impending internship and the importance of its location (ie, urban/metropolitan versus regional/rural teaching hospitals) to their future training and career plans. Most students (n = 127; 86%) reported a high degree of contemplation about their internship choice. Issues relating to career progression and support ranked highest in their expectations. Most perceived internships in urban/metropolitan hospitals as more beneficial to their future career prospects compared with regional/rural hospitals, but, interestingly, felt that they would have more patient responsibility and greater contact with and supervision by senior staff in a regional setting (Box). Regional and rural hospitals should try to harness these positive perceptions and act to address any real or perceived shortcomings in order to enhance their future workforce.2 They could look to establish partnerships with rural clinical schools3 to enhance recruitment of interns as early as Year 3. To maximise competitiveness with their urban counterparts, regional and rural hospitals need to offer innovative training and career progression pathways to junior doctors, to combat the perception that internships in urban hospitals are more beneficial to future career prospects. Partnerships between hospitals, medical schools and vocational colleges, with input from postgraduate medical councils, should provide vertical integration4 in the important period between student and doctor. Work is underway to more closely evaluate and compare the intern experience across regional/rural and urban/metropolitan hospitals, and track student experiences and career choices longitudinally. This information may benefit teaching hospitals and help identify the optimal combination of resources necessary to provide quality teaching and a clear career pathway for the expected influx of new interns.


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Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. Women of childbearing age are at particular risk of developing iron deficiency due to the iron losses associated with menstruation and childbirth. Women in less developed countries are often unable to obtain adequate dietary iron for their needs due to poor food supplies and inadequate bioavailable iron. In this situation, fortification and supplementation of the diet with extra iron is a reasonable approach to the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency. In Western countries however, food supply is unlikely to be an issue in the development of iron deficiency, yet studies have shown that many women in these countries receive inadequate dietary iron. Research has shown that the form of iron and the role of enhancers and inhibitors of iron absorption may be more important than total iron intake in determining iron status. Despite this, very little research attention has been paid to the role of diet in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency. Dietary modification would appear to be a viable option for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency in Western women, especially if the effects of enhancers/inhibitors of absorption are considered. While dietary modification has the potential to address at least part of the cause of iron deficiency in women of childbearing age, its efficacy is yet to be proven. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.


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Syringe cleaning guidelines for injecting drug users (IDUs) were revised in 1993. This paper examines efforts by IDUs in NSW prisons to adopt the revised guidelines in 1994. Consecutive inmates (229) nearing release were visited and asked to call a toll free number for an interview once released. Respondents (102) did not differ from non-respondents (127). Many respondents (64%) reported ever injecting and many of these reported injecting (58%), sharing (48%) and syringe cleaning (46%) when last in prison. Some (23%) respondents reported adopting the revised syringe cleaning guidelines. Tattooing (38%) was reported more often than sexual activity in prison (4%). A new methodology for prison research was found to be feasible in this study. The potential for HIV to spread in prison still poses major public health challenges.


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One hundred and eighty-one inmates in AIDS education courses were surveyed about their risk behaviour and access to disinfectants for syringe cleaning in 1993, Overall, 40% of respondents reported HIV risk behaviour in prison. One-quarter of respondents reported injecting, of whom three-quarters reported sharing syringes in prison. Most respondents who shared syringes reported cleaning them with disinfectants (96%), even though only one-third reported having easy access to disinfectants. One-sixth of respondents reported sharing tattooing equipment, of whom two-thirds reported using a disinfectant to clean the tattoo needle. Few respondents reported fellatio (8%) or anal intercourse (4%) in prison. Although some respondents faced difficulty in obtaining disinfectants, almost all respondents cleaned syringes with bleach when sharing. High levels of risk behaviour in prison might be reduced by methadone maintenance and condom programmes. A trial of strict one-for-one syringe exchange warrants consideration.


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We aimed to determine the effectiveness of the vaginally administered spermicide nonoxynol-9 (N-9) among women for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), We did a systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Nine such trials including 5096 women, predominantly sex workers, comparing N-9 with placebo or no treatment, were included. Primary outcomes were new HIV infection, new episodes of various STIs, and genital lesions. Five trials included HIV and nine included STI outcomes, and all but one (2% of the data) contributed to the meta-analysis. Overall, relative risks of HIV infection (1.12, 95% confidence interval 0.88-1.42), gonorrhoea (0.91, 0.67-1.24), chlamyclia (0.88, 0.77-1.01), cervical infection (1.01, 0.84-1-22), trichomoniasis (0.84, 0.69-1.02), bacterial vaginosis (0.88, 0.74-1.04) and candidiasis (0.97, 0.84-1.12) were not significantly different in the N-9 and placebo or no treatment groups. Genital lesions were more common in the N-9 group (1.18, 1.02-1.36). Our review has found no statistically significant reduction in risk of HIV and STIs, and the confidence intervals indicate that any protection that may exist is likely to be very small. There is some evidence of harm through genital lesions. N-9 cannot be recommended for HIV and STI prevention.


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The prevention of some mental disorders in young people appears to be possible. Several small and medium randomised controlled trials show that some anxiety, affective and substance-use disorders can be prevented. These trials show that the interventions are efficacious, but whether they will be effective in routine practice is not known. The evidence is sufficiently good to warrant a large community trial in which the roll-out is staged and school communties evaluated before and after the roll-out.