59 resultados para Misidentification


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Longstanding taxonomic ambiguity and uncertainty exist in the identification of the common (M. mustelus) and blackspotted (M. punctulatus) smooth-hound in the Adriatic Sea. The lack of a clear and accurate method of morphological identification, leading to frequent misidentification, prevents the collation of species-specific landings and survey data for these fishes and hampers the delineation of the distribution ranges and stock boundaries of the species. In this context, adequate species-specific conservation and management strategies can not be applied without risks of population declining and local extinction. In this thesis work I investigated the molecular ecology of the two smooth-hound sharks which are abundant in the demersal trawl surveys carried out in the NC Adriatic Sea to monitor and assess the fishery resources. Ecological and evolutionary relationships were assessed by two molecular tests: a DNA barcoding analysis to improve species identification (and consequently the knowledge of their spatial ecology and taxonomy) and a hybridization assay based on the nuclear codominant marker ITS2 to evaluate reproductive interactions (hybridization or gene introgression). The smooth-hound sharks (N=208) were collected during the MEDITS 2008 and 2010 campaigns along the Italian and Croatian coasts of the Adriatic Sea, in the Sicilian Channel and in the Algerian fisheries. Since the identification based on morphological characters is not strongly reliable, I performed a molecular identification of the specimens producing for each one the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequence (ca. 640 bp long) and compared them with reference sequences from different databases (GenBank and BOLD). From these molecular ID data I inferred the distribution of the two target species in the NC Adriatic Sea. In almost the totality of the MEDITS hauls I found no evidence of species sympatry. The data collected during the MEDITS survey showed an almost different distribution of M. mustelus (confined along the Italian coasts) and M. punctulatus (confined along the Croatian coasts); just one sample (Gulf of Venice, where probably the ranges of the species overlap) was found to have catches of both the species. Despite these data results suggested no interaction occurred between my two target species at least during the summertime (the period in which MEDITS survey is carried out), I still wanted to know if there were inter-species reproductive interactions so I developed a simple molecular genetic method to detect hybridization. This method is based on DNA sequence polymorphism among species in the nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 locus (ITS2). Its application to the 208 specimens collected raised important questions regarding the ecology of this two species in the Adriatic Sea. In fact results showed signs of hybridization and/or gene introgression in two sharks collected during the trawl survey of 2008 and one collected during the 2010 one along the Italian and Croatian coasts. In the case that it will be confirmed the hybrid nature of these individuals, a spatiotemporal overlapping of the mating behaviour and ecology must occur. At the spatial level, the northern part of the Adriatic Sea (an area where the two species occur with high frequency of immature individuals) could likely play the role of a common nursery area for both species.


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The dog is the natural host of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Many research efforts are currently being undertaken to expand our knowledge and understanding of this important canine commensal and opportunistic pathogen. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the species, including the latest research outcomes, with emphasis on taxonomy, diagnostics, ecology, epidemiology and pathogenicity. Despite the important taxonomic changes that have occurred over the past few years, the risk of misidentification in canine specimens is low and does not have serious consequences for clinical practice. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius carriage in the dog is more frequent and genetically heterogeneous compared with that of Staphylococcus aureus in man. It appears that these staphylococcal species have evolved separately through adaptation to their respective natural hosts and differ with regard to various aspects concerning ecology, population structure and evolution of antibiotic resistance. Further understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of S. pseudintermedius is hampered by the lack of a standard method for rapid and discriminatory typing and by the limited data available on longitudinal carriage and population structure of meticillin-susceptible strains. With regard to pathogenicity, it is only now that we are starting to explore the virulence potential of S. pseudintermedius based on genomic and proteomic approaches, and more research is needed to assess the importance of individual virulence factors and the possible existence of hypervirulent strains.


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We evaluated acidification effects on two crustose coralline algal species common to Pacific coral reefs, Lithophyllum kotschyanum and Hydrolithon samoense. We used genetically homogeneous samples of both species to eliminate misidentification of species. The growth rates and percent calcification of the walls of the epithallial cells (thallus surface cells) of both species decreased with increasing pCO2. However, elevated pCO2 more strongly inhibited the growth of L. kotschyanum versus H. samoense. The trend of decreasing percent calcification of the cell wall did not differ between these species, although intercellular calcification of the epithallial cells in L. kotschyanum was apparently reduced at elevated pCO2, a result that might indicate that there are differences in the solubility or density of the calcite skeletons of these two species. These results can provide knowledge fundamental to future studies of the physiological and genetic mechanisms that underlie the response of crustose coralline algae to environmental stresses.


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The occurrence of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya and Subba Raju is a global water quality issue. The misidentification of C. raciborskii in the past is a major concern for water quality users, considering the reported cases of human and livestock poisonings associated with the cyanobacterium. Many of the available taxonomic descriptions for this species provide little or no detail of the morphology of early developmental phases that may assist with identification. Therefore, typifying the morphological changes throughout the entire life cycle for such a species requires urgent attention. In this study, five distinct morphological phases identified using a new culturing technique are reported for the process of akinete germination in C. raciborskii. Before the terminal emergence of three to four cell germlings through a ruptured akinete envelope (phase 3), mature akinetes (phase 1) elongated and the endospore separated from the akinete envelope (phase 2). After the association with the envelope was lost, four-cell germlings (phase 4a) matured into young trichomes of more than four cells (phase 4b). Throughout the process of germination, internal granular structures decreased in size and were irregular in shape in germlings and young trichomes. The culturing technique, which used a Sedgwick-Rafter cell, was successful in its application but was limiting in that the development of young trichomes after phase 4b could not be monitored.


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Differential clinical diagnosis of the parkinsonian syndromes,viz., Parkinson's disease (PD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD) can be difficult. Visual hallucinations, however, are a chronic complication of some parkinsonian disorders and their presence may be a useful aid to diagnosis. The visual hallucinations in parkinsonism are often recurrent, well-formed, and detailed and occur in a significant proportion of cases of DLB and PD but are less common in PSP, MSA, and CBD. Hallucinations in PD often occur later in the disease and are complex, with flickering lights, and illusionary misconceptions often preceding the most common manifestation, viz., stereotypical colourful images. Hallucinations in DLB, however, are often present earlier in the disease and are similar to those in the 'misidentification syndromes', 'visual agnosias', and in 'delerium' but differ from those produced by hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. Most typically in DLB, the hallucinations involve people or animals invading the patient's home but may also include inanimate objects and the appearance of writing on walls or ceilings. Visual hallucinations may involve a number of brain mechanisms including a change in the balance of neurotransmitter activity between the cholinergic and monoaminergic systems and may be a specific consequence of Lewy body (LB) pathology in brain stem nuclei. Ocular and retinal pathology may also contribute to hallucinations by reducing occipital stimulation. Hence, in patients with unclassifiable or with indeterminate parkinsonian symptoms, the presence of visual hallucinations should be regarded as a 'red flag' symptom indicating underlying Lewy body pathology and therefore, supporting a diagnosis of PD or DLB rather than PSP, MSA, or CBD. The presence of early visual hallucinations would support a diagnosis of DLB rather than PD. © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Site 532 on the Walvis Ridge was sampled at 4000- to 800-year intervals from 2.24 to 2.60 Ma, spanning the three large glacial advances of the late Pliocene. An age model was created by correlating the oxygen isotope record to Site 607 with linear interpolations between tie-lines. The resultant age model differs from that in the site reports by more than 800,000 years, due to misidentification of a magnetic boundary. Sedimentation rates varied by an order of magnitude at this site, with minimum accumulation during glacial events. Interglacial intervals were charactrized by high marine production and high summer precipitation on land, while glacials had very low production and arid continental climate. During the large glacial events (Stages 96-100) conditions of low production and continental aridity reached their greatest intensity, but there is no evidence of a permanent mode shift in either marine or terrestrial records. Calcite concentration has a strong variation at obliquity frequencies, with maxima during interglacials, but occasionally shows a large amplitude at precessional frequencies as well, so that high concentrations occur in a few glacial intervals. As a result, color variation is not a reliable guide to glacial-scale cycles at this site. Composition of the phytoplankton assemblage is diverse and highly variable, and we have not been able to distinguish a clear indicator of upwelling-related production. Spectral analysis reveals obliquity and precessional signals in the pollen data, while several diatom records contain combination tones, indicating that these data represent a complicated response to both local and high-latitude forcing.


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Skates (Rajidae) have been commercially exploited in Europe for hundreds of years with some species’ abundances declining dramatically during the twentieth century. In 2009 it became “prohibited for EU vessels to target, retain, tranship or land” certain species in some ICES areas, including the critically endangered common skate and the endangered white skate. To examine compliance with skate bans the official UK landings data for 2011–2014 were analysed. Surprisingly, it was found that after the ban prohibited species were still reported landed in UK ports, including 9.6 t of common skate during 2011–2014. The majority of reported landings of common and white skate were from northern UK waters and landed into northern UK ports. Although past landings could not be validated as being actual prohibited species, the landings’ patterns found reflect known abundance distributions that suggest actual landings were made, rather than sporadic occurrence across ports that would be evident if landings were solely due to systematic misidentification or data entry errors. Nevertheless, misreporting and data entry errors could not be discounted as factors contributing to the recorded landings of prohibited species. These findings raise questions about the efficacy of current systems to police skate landings to ensure prohibited species remain protected. By identifying UK ports with the highest apparent landings of prohibited species and those still landing species grouped as'skates and rays’, these results may aid authorities in allocating limited resources more effectively to reduce landings, misreporting and data errors of prohibited species, and increase species-specific landing compliance.


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Skates (Rajidae) have been commercially exploited in Europe for hundreds of years with some species’ abundances declining dramatically during the twentieth century. In 2009 it became “prohibited for EU vessels to target, retain, tranship or land” certain species in some ICES areas, including the critically endangered common skate and the endangered white skate. To examine compliance with skate bans the official UK landings data for 2011–2014 were analysed. Surprisingly, it was found that after the ban prohibited species were still reported landed in UK ports, including 9.6 t of common skate during 2011–2014. The majority of reported landings of common and white skate were from northern UK waters and landed into northern UK ports. Although past landings could not be validated as being actual prohibited species, the landings’ patterns found reflect known abundance distributions that suggest actual landings were made, rather than sporadic occurrence across ports that would be evident if landings were solely due to systematic misidentification or data entry errors. Nevertheless, misreporting and data entry errors could not be discounted as factors contributing to the recorded landings of prohibited species. These findings raise questions about the efficacy of current systems to police skate landings to ensure prohibited species remain protected. By identifying UK ports with the highest apparent landings of prohibited species and those still landing species grouped as'skates and rays’, these results may aid authorities in allocating limited resources more effectively to reduce landings, misreporting and data errors of prohibited species, and increase species-specific landing compliance.


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Introdução: As síndromes de falsa identificação delirante dividem-se em Síndrome de Capgras, Síndrome de Fregoli, Síndrome de Duplos Subjetivos e Síndrome de Intermetamorfose. A característica principal é um erro na identificação de si próprio e/ou de outras pessoas. Tratam-se de fenómenos relativamente raros e etiologicamente heterogéneos, que ocorrem principalmente no cenário da doença esquizofrénica, perturbações afetivas e doenças orgânicas . Objectivos: Descrever um caso clínico que cursou com três síndromes de falsa identificação delirante, bem como realizar um breve revisão sobre a etiologia e a psicopatologia das síndromes presentes. Métodos: Recolha da história clínica e revisão não sistemática em inglês, através da pesquisa na PubMed com as expressões: “delusional misidentification syndromes”, “Capgras syndrome”, “Fregoli syndrome”, “Subjective Double syndrome”. Realizou-se igualmente uma revisão da literatura. Resultados e Conclusões: Foi descrito um caso clínico de um homem com esquizofrenia paranóide que apresentava síndrome de Capgras, síndrome de Fregoli e síndrome de Duplos Subjetivos. Parece tratarem-se de fenómenos sub-diagnosticados, cuja pesquisa ativa poderá permitir uma compreensão mais completa dos quadros clínicos nos quais surgem.


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The red pandora, Pagellus bellottii Steindachner, 1882, is a tropical and subtropical demersal Sparidae (Porgies) that lives over hard or sandy bottoms in coastal marine waters. It mostly occurs at depths ranging from 10 to 50 metres. It is distributed in the eastern Atlantic, from the Strait of Gibraltar to Angola and the Canary Islands where it is occasionally recorded (Bauchot and Hureau, 1986; Franqueville, 1983). The species is also recorded in the southwestern Mediterranean, in the Alboran Sea, off the Algerian coasts and in the Gulf of Gabes (Oral, 2010). The records of the species in the eastern Mediterranean, Syrian and Israeli waters (Fricke, et al. 2014, Fig. 1) is questioned. We consider these records are misidentification of Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758). Pagellus bellottii was also included in the checklist of the fishes from Portugal as a consequence of records coming from the Algarve region, about 36°59′ N, 8° W, the northernmost records in Atlantic waters (de Castro, 1967; Erzini et al., 1996; Carneiro et al., 2014; Carneiro com. pers.). Some specimens were also recorded in Spanish Mediterranean waters, in the Bay of Almería about 36°47′ N, 2°25′ W (Lucena, et al. 1982), the northernmost records for the Mediterranean waters. Herein, the first record of P. bellottii in the Bay of Biscay is reported.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2015.


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Purpose: Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of many infections and the advent MRSA has drawn much attention to it. However, some organisms have been noted to be wrongly identified as S. aureus through phenotypic identifications leading to wrong treatment of infections. This study is therefore undertaken to evaluate the rate of false identification of other organisms as S. aureus in Southern Nigeria. Methods: 507 microorganisms which have been previously identified as S. aureus in 8 States in Southern Nigeria through characteristic morphology on blood agar, Gram staining, growth and fermentation on Mannitol Salt Agar and coagulase formation were collected. All the isolates were identified in this study through sequencing of 16S rRNA and detection of spa gene. The percentages of true and false identities were determined. Results: Of the 507 isolates previously identified as S. aureus, only 54 (11 %) were confirmed as S. aureus while the rest were coagulase negative Staphylococci (85 % misidentification rate), Bacillus sp. (12 % misidentification rate), and Brevibacterium sp. (3 % misidentification rate). Conclusion: A high rate of false positive identification of S. aureus which could lead to the misuse of antibiotics in emergency situation has been identified in this study. The use of standard methods for the identification of S. aureus at all times is highly recommended.