967 resultados para Miscanthus sinensis
White tea is an unfermented tea made from young shoots of Camellia sinensis protected from sunlight to avoid polyphenol degradation. Although its levels of catechins are higher than those of green tea (derived from the same plant), there are no studies addressing the relationship between this tea and obesity associated with oxidative stress.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of white tea on obesity and its complications using a diet induced obesity model. Forty male C57BL/6 mice were fed a high-fat diet to induce obesity (Obese group) or the same diet supplemented with 0.5% white tea extract (Obese + WTE) for 8 weeks. Adipose tissue, serum lipid profile, and oxidative stress were studied. White tea supplementation was not able to reduce food intake, body weight, or visceral adiposity. Similarly, there were no changes in cholesterol rich lipoprotein profile between the groups. A reduction in blood triacylglycerols associated with increased cecal lipids was observed in the group fed the diet supplemented with white tea. White tea supplementation also reduced oxidative stress in liver and adipose tissue. In conclusion, white tea extract supplementation (0.5%) does not influence body weight or adiposity in obese mice. Its benefits are restricted to the reduction in oxidative stress associated with obesity and improvement of hypertriacylglycerolemia.
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the level of minimal processing and modified atmosphere on the quality of 'Champagne' orange stored under refrigeration. The fruits were subjected to the following processing: a) whole fruit without flavedo; b) whole fruit without flavedo and albedo; and c) segmented into wedges and packed as follows: uncoated packaging (control); polyethylene film; PVC film; gelatin-based edible films (3%); and polyesthyrene translucent plastic container with a lid. The minimally processed oranges were stored at 5 ± 1°C for 8 days and were subjected to physicochemical and microbiological analyses every two days. Greater weight loss occurred in fruits without flavedo and segmented, uncoated, and coated with the edible gelatin film During storage, there was a slight increase in Total Soluble Solids (TSS) for the treatments with greater weight loss and reduction in acidity and ascorbic acid, regardless of the packaging type. The microbial counts did not exceed the acceptable limits in the treatments; however, higher counts were observed at the end of storage. The minimally processed fruit packed in lidded polystyrene containers and polyethylene and PVC films kept their overall fresh visual appearance with a few physicochemical and microbiological changes up to the 8th day of storage.
Orange seeds are a promising agroindustry-waste which can be implemented in the extraction and production of vegetable oil. The relationship between moisture content and water activity provides useful information for the processing and storage of this waste item. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of water sorption enthalpy-entropy of orange seeds (C. sinensis cv. Brazilians) according to the moisture content. Therefore, desorption isotherms were determined at five different temperature (30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 ºC) under a wide range of moisture content (0.005-0.057 kg kg-1 d.b.) and water activity (0.02-0.756). Theoretical and empirical models were used for modeling the desorption isotherms. An analytical solution of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation was proposed to compute the isosteric heat of sorption, the differential entropy, and Gibbs free energy using the Oswin model when the effect of temperature on the hygroscopic equilibrium was considered.
O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do ácido giberélico (GA3) e período de estratificação a frio-úmido de sementes do marmeleiro 'Japonês' (Chaenomeles sinensis) no crescimento de plântulas desse porta-enxerto. As sementes foram extraídas dos frutos, lavadas em água corrente e secas à sombra por 48 h. Em seguida foram submersas em diferentes concentrações de ácido giberélico: 0, 100, 200 e 300 mg L-1, por 24 h, com sistema de oxigenação. Foram então colocadas em placas de Petri, entre camadas algodão umedecido e deixadas para estratificação a frio em câmara do tipo B.O.D. em temperatura de 4 ºC, por diferentes períodos (0, 20, 40 e 60 dias). Ao final de cada período, as sementes foram distribuídas em bandejas de poliestireno de 72 células, contendo como substrato a vermiculita. Após 30 e 60 dias da semeadura foi mensurado a porcentagem de emergência e ao final dessa última avaliação o comprimento médio das plântulas e a massa seca média total. Conclui-se que as sementes do marmeleiro 'Japonês' devem ser tratadas com 200 mg L-1 de GA3 e estratificadas em algodão à temperatura de 4 ºC por 60 dias, para se obter aumento na porcentagem final da emergência bem como no crescimento das plântulas.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL
Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas) U.A.N.L.
A field experiment was conducted in the low country of Sri Lanka, during the period 1994–1995 to investigate the severity of weed infestation and tea growth in relation to weed management methods in newly established tea (Camellia sinensis[L.] Kuntze). Manual weeding (hand and slash weeding) at various intervals was compared with various herbicides, with or without mulching. Weed control with herbicides was superior to that of hand weeding at 6-week intervals or more. Weed control with oxyfluorfen at 0.29 kg ai ha−1 + paraquat at 0.17 kg ai ha−1 or glyphosate at 0.99 kg ai ha−1 + kaolin at 3.42 kg ha−1 were superior. Plots unweeded for 12 weeks or more produced significantly greater (P < 0.05) weed biomass than plots unweeded for 6 weeks. Although the least weed dry weight (P < 0.05) and the greatest number of weed species were recorded with hand weeding at 2 week intervals, there was no particular benefit on tea growth when compared with hand weeding at 6 and 12 week intervals. Inter row mulching in chemically treated plots was more favorable for tea growth than no mulching, while living weed cover in unmulched slash weeded plots suppressed tea growth. A combination of mulching and herbicides, particularly oxyfluorfen and paraquat, followed by hand weeding at least every 6–8 weeks was considered the most appropriate weed management system for young tea.
The health benefits of green tea (Camellia sinensis) catechins are becoming increasingly recognised. Amongst the proposed benefits are the maintenance of endothelial function and vascular homeostasis and an associated reduction in atherogenesis and CVD risk. The mounting evidence for the influential effect of green tea catechins on vascular function from epidemiological, human intervention and animal studies is subject to review together with exploration of the potential mechanistic pathways involved. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, one of the most abundant and widely studied catechin found in green tea, will be prominent in the present review. Since there is a substantial inconsistency in the published data with regards to the impact of green tea catechins on vascular function, evaluation and interpretation of the inter- and intra-study variability is included. In conclusion, a positive effect of green tea catechins on vascular function is becoming apparent. Further studies in animal and cell models using physiological concentrations of catechins and their metabolites are warranted in order to gain some insight into the physiology and molecular basis of the observed beneficial effects.
O filoplano do Hibiscus rosa-sinensis abriga uma enorme biodiversidade de leveduras e fungos semelhantes a leveduras cujo potencial biotecnológico ainda é desconhecido. Foram isoladas 84 cepas de leveduras de filoplano desta planta, sendo identificadas pela metodologia clássica. Do total de isolados 37% são de afinidade ascomicética, 36% de afinidade basidiomicética e 27% de fungos semelhantes a leveduras.
A citricultura no Rio Grande do Sul tem sua produção limitada devido a doenças e pragas. Entre as pragas estão as moscas-das-frutas do gênero Anastrepha. As fêmeas ovipositam nos frutos e, após a eclosão, as larvas consomem a polpa, depreciando e causando a queda destes. Atualmente, tem-se procurado viabilizar o controle biológico das populações de moscas-das-frutas, principalmente com a utilização de himenópteros parasitóides. No Rio Grande do Sul não existem registros de espécies de parasitóides associados à Anastrepha spp. em pomares de citros. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de conhecer e identificar estas espécies de parasitóides e registrar a flutuação de Anastrepha spp. durante o período de desenvolvimento dos frutos em um pomar de Citrus sinensis var. Céu sob o manejo orgânico localizado no município de Maratá, RS. Para isto, entre 21 de janeiro e 20 de maio de 2003, foram coletados frutos da copa e caídos no solo, bem como capturados adultos de Anastrepha spp., com armadilhas McPhail, em intervalos semanais. Em condição de laboratório, os frutos da copa e do solo foram colocados em potes plásticos e caixas de papelão, respectivamente, sobre uma camada de areia. Semanalmente, a areia era peneirada e os pupários obtidos, colocados em placas de Petri. Obtiveram-se cinco espécies de parasitóides pertencentes a três famílias, Braconidae, Diapriidae e Pteromalidae. O índice de parasitismo total foi de 6,23% e o braconídeo Doryctobracon areolatus foi mais freqüente (38,70%). Observaram-se dois patamares no número médio de adultos de Anastrepha spp. capturados. A viabilidade pupal foi 37,01%, enquanto que a razão sexual das moscas-das-frutas obtidas nas armadilhas foi de 0,53.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)