931 resultados para Misalignment tolerance
Systemic or intra-striatal acute administration of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors causes catalepsy in rodents. This effect disappears after sub-chronic treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate if this tolerance is related to changes in the expression of NOS or dopamine-2 (D(2)) receptor or to a recovery of NOS activity. Male albino Swiss mice (25-30 g) received single or sub-chronic (once a day for 4 days) i.p. injections of saline or L-nitro-arginine (L-NOARG, 40 mg/kg), a non-selective inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the animals were killed and their brains were removed for immunohistochemistry assay to detect the presence of nNOS or for `in-situ` hybridisation study using (35)S-labeled oligonucleotide probe complementary to D(2) receptor mRNA. The results were analysed by computerised densitometry. Independent groups of animals received the same treatment, but were submitted to the catalepsy test and had their brain removed to measure nitrite and nitrate (NOx) concentrations in the striatum. Acute administration of L-NOARG caused catalepsy that disappeared after sub-chronic treatment. The levels of NOx were significantly reduced after acute L-NOARG treatment. The decrease in NOx after drug injection suffered a partial tolerance after sub-chronic treatment. The catalepsy time after acute or sub-chronic treatment with L-NOARG was negatively (r = -0.717) correlated with NOx levels. Animals that received repeated L-NOARG injections also showed an increase in the number of nNOS-positive neurons in the striatum. No change in D(2) receptor mRNA expression was found in the dorsal striatum, nucleus accumbens and substantia nigra. Together, these results suggest that tolerance to L-NOARG cataleptic effects do not depend on changes in D(2) receptors. They may depend, however, on plastic changes in nNOS neurons resulting in partial recovery of NO formation in the striatum.
Mice transgenic for the E7 tumor Ag of human papillomavirus type 16, driven from a keratin 14 promoter, express E7 in keratinocytes but not dendritic cells. Grafted E7-transgenic skin is not rejected by E7-immunized mice that reject E7-transduced transplantable tumors. Rejection of recently transplanted E7-transgenic skin grafts, but not of control nontransgenic grafts or of established E7-transgenic grafts, is induced by systemic administration of live or killed Listeria monocytogenes or of endotoxin. Graft recipients that reject an E7 graft reject a subsequent E7 graft more rapidly and without further L. monocytogenes exposure, whereas recipients of an E7 graft given without L. monocytogenes do not reject a second graft, even if given with L. monocytogenes. Thus, cross-presentation of E7 from keratinocytes to the adaptive immune system occurs with or without a proinflammatory stimulus, but proinflammatory stimuli at the time of first cross-presentation of Ag can determine the nature of the immune response to the Ag. Furthermore, immune effector mechanisms responsible for rejection of epithelium expressing a tumor Ag in keratinocytes are different from those that reject an E7-expressing transplantable tumor. These observations have implications for immunotherapy for epithelial cancers.
Selection in the thymus restricted by MHC and self-peptide shapes the diverse reactivities of the T-cell population which subsequently seeds into the peripheral tissues, in anticipation of the universe of pathogen antigens to which the organism may be exposed. A necessary corollary is the potential for T-cell self-reactivity (autoimmunity) in the periphery. Transgenic mouse models in which transgene expression in the thymus is prevented or excluded, have been particularly useful for determining the immunological outcome when T-cells encounter transgene-encoded 'self' antigen in peripheral tissues. Data suggest that non-mutually exclusive mechanisms of T-cells 'ignoring' self-antigen, T-cell deletion, T-cell anergy and T-cell immunoregulation have evolved to prevent self-reactivity while maintaining T-cell diversity. The peripheral T-cell repertoire, far from being static following maturation through the thymus, is in a dynamic stated determined by these peripheral selective and immunoregulatory influences. This article reviews the evidence with particular reference to CD8+ive T-cells.
Objective-To determine reference values and test variability for glucose tolerance tests (GTT), insulin tolerance tests (ITT), and insulin sensitivity tests (IST) in cats, Animals-32 clinically normal cats. Procedure-GTT, ITT, and IST were performed on consecutive days. Tolerance intervals tie, reference values) were calculated as means +/- 2.397 SD for plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, half-life of glucose (T-1/2glucose), rate constants for glucose disappearance (K-glucose and K-itt), and insulin sensitivity index (S-l). Tests were repeated after 6 weeks in 8 cats to determine test variability. Results-Reference values for T-1/2glucose, K-glucose, and fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations during GTT were 45 to 74 minutes, 0.93 to 1.54 %/min, 37 to 104 mg/dl, and 2.8 to 20.6 muU/ml, respectively. Mean values did not differ between the 2 tests. Coefficients of variation for T-1/2glucose, K-glucose, and fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were 20, 20, 11, and 23%, respectively. Reference values for K-itt were 1.14 to 7.3%/min, and for S-l were 0.57 to 10.99 x 10(-4) min/muU/ml. Mean values did not differ between the 2 tests performed 6 weeks apart, Coefficients of variation for K-itt and S-l were 60 and 47%, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-GTT, ITT, and IST can be performed in cats, using standard protocols. Knowledge of reference values and test variability will enable researchers to better interpret test results for assessment of glucose tolerance, pancreatic beta -cell function, and insulin sensitivity in cats.
Dendritic cells (DC) have a key role in controlling the immune response, by determining the outcome of antigen presentation to T cells. Through costimulatory molecules and other factors, DC are involved in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance through modulation of the immune response. This modulation occurs both constitutively, and in inflammation, in order to prevent autoimmunity and to control established immune responses. Dendritic cell control of immune responses may be mediated through cytokine or cell-contact dependent mechanisms. The molecular and cellular basis of these controls is being understood at an increasingly more complex level. This understanding is reaching a level at which DC-based therapies for the induction of immune regulation in autoimmunity can be tested in vivo. This review outlines the current state of knowledge of DC in immune tolerance, and proposes how DC might control both T cell responses, and themselves, to prevent autoimmunity and maintain peripheral tolerance.
The effect of dietary chromium supplementation on glucose and insulin metabolism in healthy, non-obese cats was evaluated. Thirty-two cats were randomly divided into four groups and fed experimental diets consisting of a standard diet with 0 ppb (control), 150 ppb, 300 ppb, or 600 ppb added chromium as chromium tripicolinate. Intravenous glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests with minimal model analysis were performed before and after 6 weeks of feeding the test diets. During the glucose tolerance test, glucose concentrations, area under the glucose concentration-time curve, and glucose half-life (300 ppb only), were significantly lower after the trial in cats supplemented with 300 ppb and 600 ppb chromium, compared with values before the trial. Fasting glucose concentrations measured on a different day in the biochemistry profile were also significantly lower after supplementation with 600 ppb chromium. There were no significant differences in insulin concentrations or indices in either the glucose or insulin tolerance tests following chromium supplementation, nor were there any differences between groups before or after the dietary trial. Importantly, this study has shown a small but significant, dose-dependent improvement in glucose tolerance in healthy, non-obese cats supplemented with dietary chromium. Further long-term studies are warranted to determine if the addition of chromium to feline diets is advantageous. Cats most likely to benefit are those with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance from lack of exercise, obesity and old age. Healthy cats at risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes from underlying low insulin sensitivity or genetic factors may also benefit from long-term chromium supplementation. (C) 2002 ESFM and AAFP.
A sample of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived from a bi-parental cross between Lemont and BK88-BR6, which contrasted in maintenance of leaf water potential (LWP) and expression of osmotic adjustment (OA). Genotypic variation for LWP and OA, and their associations with yield determination under water deficit, was studied in a series of five field experiments. Genotypic variation in the maintenance of high LWP was consistent across water deficit experiments. In the determination of genotypic variation in the maintenance of LWP, rate of water deficit was not an important factor influencing ranking, but degree of water deficit, and phenological development stage were important, particularly around heading. Genotypic variation in expression of OA was also observed under water deficits during both vegetative and flowering stages but ranking was inconsistent across experiments. This was in part because of large experimental errors associated with its measurement, but also because the expression of OA was associated with extent of decline of LWP. The relationship between OA and LWP was demonstrated when data were combined across experiments for vegetative and flowering stages. Under water-limited conditions around flowering, grain yield reduction was mainly due to a increased spikelet sterility. Variation in OA was not related to grain yield nor yield components. There were however, negative phenotypic and genetic correlations between LWP and percentage spikelet sterility measured at flowering stage on panicles at the same development stage during a water deficit treatment. This suggests that traits contributing to the maintenance of high LWP minimized the effects of water deficit on spikelet sterility and consequently grain yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Previous studies have demonstrated that the initial hypoalgesic effect of spinal manipulative therapy was not antagonized by naloxone and did not exhibit tolerance with repeated applications. The implication is that endogenous opioid mechanisms of pain relief are probably not at play in spinal manipulative therapy. The role of endogenous opioid peptides in manipulation of the peripheral joints has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the initial hypoalgesic effect of a peripheral manipulative technique (mobilization-with-movement treatment for the elbow) demonstrated a tolerance to repeated applications (ie, reduction in magnitude of effect over repeated applications). Twenty-four participants with unilateral chronic lateral epicondylalgia participated in the study. A repeated measures study was conducted to examine the effect of repeated applications of the mobilization-with-movement treatment for the elbow on 6 separate treatment occasions at least 2 days apart. Pain-free grip strength and pressure pain threshold were chosen as the pain-related outcome measures. Changes in the percent maximum possible effect scores of measures of hypoalgesia were evaluated across the 6 treatment sessions by using linear trend analysis. The results showed no significant difference for the hypoalgesic effect of the treatment technique between sessions (P >.05). This peripheral manipulative therapy treatment technique appeared to have a similar effect profile to previously studied spinal manipulative therapy techniques, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge that indicates that manipulative therapy most likely induces a predominant non-opioid form of analgesia.
CD40 is a key signaling pathway for the function of B cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells in the immune system, and plays an important role in inflammatory pathways of nonhemopoietic cells. The NFkappaB family of transcription factors is a critical mediator in inflammation. NFkappaB is involved both in the regulation of CD40 expression and in cell signaling after CD40 ligation. This positive feedback loop linking NFkappaB and CD40 plays an important role in the control of the adaptive immune response, with fundamental implications for immunity and tolerance in vivo.
Aluminium (At) tolerance in plants may be conferred by reduced binding of Al in the cell wall through low root cation exchange capacity (CEC) or by organic acid exudation. Root CEC is related to the degree of esterification (DE) of pectin in the cell wall, and pectin hydrolysis plays a role in cell expansion. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Al-tolerant plants with a low root CEC maintain pectin hydrolysis in the presence of Al, allowing cell expansion to continue. Irrespective of the DE, binding of Al to pectin reduced the enzymatic hydrolysis of Al-pectin gels by polygalacturonase (E.C. Pectin gels with calcium (Ca) were slightly hydrolysed by polygalacturonase. It was concluded, therefore, that Al tolerance conferred by low root CEC is not mediated by the ability to maintain pectin hydrolysis. Citrate and malate, but not acetate, effectively dissolved Al-pectate gel and led to hydrolysis of the dissolved pectin by polygalacturonase. The organic acids did not dissolve Ca-pectate, nor did they increase pectin hydrolysis by polygalacturonase. It was concluded that exudation of some organic acids can remove Al bound to pectin and this could alleviate toxicity, constituting a tolerance mechanism. (C) 2003 Editions scientitiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Abstract: There is a need for heat tolerant wheat cultivars adapted to the expansion of cultivation areas in warmer regions due to the high demand of this cereal for human consumption. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of high temperatures on grain yield and yield components of wheat and characterize heat tolerant wheat genotypes at different development stages. The genotypes were evaluated in the field with and without heat stress. High temperatures reduced the number of spikelets per spike (21%), number of grains per spike (39%), number of grains per spikelet (23%), 1000-grain weight (27%) and grain yield (79%). Cultivars MGS 1 Aliança, Embrapa 42, IAC 24-Tucuruí and IAC 364-Tucuruí III are the most tolerant to heat stress between the stages double ridge and terminal spikelet; MGS 1 Aliança, BRS 264, IAC 24-Tucuruí, IAC 364-Tucuruí III and VI 98053, between meiosis and anthesis; and BRS 254, IAC-24-Tucuruí, IAC-364-Tucuruí III and VI 98053, between anthesis and physiological maturity. High temperatures reduce grain yield and yield components. The number of grains per spike is the most reduced component under heat stress. The genotypes differed in tolerance to heat stress in different developmental stages.
Predators and Tourism Increase Intolerance? A. Treves and J. Bruskotter Perspective in Ecology "Tolerance for Predatory Wildlife" (2 May, 344: 476) suggest that intolerance for predators do not fit into the conventional view of perceived threats for livelihoods but instead by complex social factors. Although the above perspective focuses in jaguars, wolves, lions and bears, the same reasoning is perfectly applied to other economical contexts and different human-wildlife interactions. Nature tourism is a growing industry attracting a significant number of people to exotic places to see wildlife and, of course, many predators are on the main "menu". [...].