990 resultados para Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rift Valley
Am Mittelatlantischen Rücken befinden sich zahlreiche intermontane Sedimentbecken. Ein solches 8 x 14 km großes und bereits im Rahmen der internationalen Bohrprogramme ODP und DSDP mehrmals beprobtes und untersuchtes Sedimentbecken ist "North Pond". In Februar und März 2009 wurde erstmals ein umfassender Parasound-Survey in "North Pond" durchgeführt. Parasound-Daten werden zur Untersuchung oberflächennaher Sedimentstrukturen genutzt. Dabei können kleinskalige Rutschungen, Störungen und Sedimentabfolgen abgebildet werden, die mit niederfrequenterer Seismik nicht erkannt werden können.
Bottom sediments of the Markov Deep contain rather large (>0.1 mm) grains of native minerals and intermetallides of noble and nonferrous metals that can be concentrated in placers. Intermetallides of Pt and Fe are likely to be derivates of the gold-hematite-barite assemblage that forms at late (low-depth) stages of hydrothermal massive sulfide formation. Mineral association of native forms of lead, tin, and copper with Zn-bearing copper may be related to hydrothermal transformation of ultrabasic and basic rocks accompanied by massive sulfide copper mineralization. The association of these minerals of native elements in bottom sediments can also serve as a prospecting guide for sulfide mineralization both at the Sierra Leone site, in particular, and on the seafloor, in general.
Structure of assemblages associated with mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus azoricus was investigated. Mussel beds were found on hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Rainbow) at depths 850-2400 m. The community structure of the mussel bed assemblages varied between studied areas. Large number of species was unique to mussel beds of the Menez Gwen field; the most observed taxa were not specialized hydrothermal species. All other nonunique species were found within the Lucky Strike region. The lowest mussel assemblage structure evenness was observed in the shallowest Menez Gwen area (850 m depth). We assume that two types of mussel assemblages (nematode-dominated and copepod-dominated) exist within the Lucky Strike field. The assemblages of B. azoricus differ significantly from assemblages of B. thermophilus inhabiting Pacific hydrothermal vents.