999 resultados para Mid-Atlantic
This paper is dedicated to the geochemical studies of two bottom sediment cores that were taken during cruise 28 of the R/V Professor Logachev in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 16°38'N area in 2006. The chemical compositions of background metalliferous and ore (ore-bearing) carbonate sediments are presented and inter-element correlations are examined. Individual episodes are distinguished in the accumulation history of the ore-bearing and metalliferous sediments on the basis of element factor analysis.
Peridotites (diopside-bearing harzburgites) found at 13°N of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge fall into two compositional groups. Peridotites P1 are plagioclase-free rocks with minerals of uniform composition and Ca-pyroxene strongly depleted in highly incompatible elements. Peridotites P2 bear evidence of interaction with basic melt: mafic veinlets; wide variations in mineral composition; enrichment of minerals in highly incompatible elements (Na, Zr, and LREE); enrichment of minerals in moderately incompatible elements (Ti, Y, and HREE) from P1 level to abundances 4-10 times higher toward the contacts with mafic aggregates; and exotic mineral assemblages Cr-spinel + rutile and Cr-spinel + ilmenite in peridotite and pentlandite + rutile in mafic veinlets. Anomalous incompatible-element enrichment of minerals from peridotites P2 occurred at the spinel-plagioclase facies boundary, which corresponds to pressure of about 0.8-0.9 GPa. Temperature and oxygen fugacity were estimated from spinel-orthopyroxene-olivine equilibria. Peridotites P1 with uniform mineral composition record temperature of the last complete recrystallization at 940-1050°C and FMQ buffer oxygen fugacity within the calculation error. In peridotites P2, local assemblages have different compositions of coexisting minerals, which reflects repeated partial recrystallization during heating to magmatic temperatures (above 1200°C) and subsequent reequilibration at temperatures decreasing to 910°C and oxygen fugacity significantly higher than FMQ buffer (delta log fO2 = 1.3-1.9). Mafic veins are considered to be a crystallization product from basic melt enriched in Mg and Ni via interaction with peridotite. The geochemical type of melt reconstructed by the equilibrium with Ca-pyroxene is defined as T-MORB: (La/Sm)_N~1.6 and (Ce/Yb) )_N~2.3 that is well consistent with compositional variations of modern basaltic lavas in this segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, including new data on quenched basaltic glasses.
In the monograph metalliferous sediments of the East Pacific Rise near 21°S are under consideration. Distribution trends of chemical, mineral and grain size compositions of metalliferous sediments accumulated near the axis of this ultrafast spreading segment of the EPR are shown. On the basis of lithological and geochemical investigations spatial and temporal variations of hydrothermal activity are estimated. Migration rates of hydrothermal fields along the spreading axis are calculated. The model of cyclic hydrothermal process is suggested as a result of tectono-magmatic development of the spreding centre.
We construct age models for a suite of cores from the northeast Atlantic Ocean by means of accelerator mass spectrometer dating of a key core, BOFS 5K, and correlation with the rest of the suite. The effects of bioturbation and foraminiferal species abundance gradients upon the age record are modeled using a simple equation. The degree of bioturbation is estimated by comparing modeled profiles with dispersal of the Vedde Ash layer in core 5K, and we find a mixing depth of roughly 8 cm for sand-sized material. Using this value, we estimate that age offsets between unbioturbated sediment and some foraminifera species after mixing may be up to 2500 years, with lesser effect on fine carbonate (< 10 µm) ages. The bioturbation model illustrates problems associated with the dating of 'instantaneous' events such as ash layers and the 'Heinrich' peaks of ice-rafted detritus. Correlations between core 5K and the other cores from the BOFS suite are made on the basis of similarities in the downcore profiles of oxygen and carbon isotopes, magnetic susceptibility, water and carbonate content, and via marker horizons in X radiographs and ash beds.
Surface hydrothermal deposits of the shallow-water Menez Gwen vent field located in the rift zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are mostly composed of nonmetalliferous minerals in contrast to sulfide deposits of deep-water fields. Here sulfide minerals occur only in dispersed form. High-temperature sulfide deposits strongly enriched in copper and zinc occur only immediately below the surface of the bottom. This is related to subsurface boiling and phase separation of initial high-temperature hydrothermal ore-bearing solution that ascends from the interior to the floor surface.
Silicic Fe-Ti-oxide magmatic series was the first recognized in the Sierra Leone axial segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 6°N. The series consists of intrusive rocks (harzburgites, lherzolites, bronzitites, norites, gabbronorites, hornblende Fe-Ti-oxide gabbronorites and gabbronorite-diorites, quartz diorites, and trondhjemites) and their subvolcanic (ilmenite-hornblende dolerites) and, possibly, volcanic analogues (ilmenite-bearing basalts). Deficit of most incompatible elements in the rocks of the series suggests that parental melts derived from a source that had already been melted. Correspondingly, these melts could not be MORB derivatives. Origin of the series is thought to be related to melting of the hydrated oceanic lithosphere during emplacement of an asthenospheric plume (protuberance on the surface of large asthenospheric lens beneath MAR). Genesis of different melts was supposedly controlled by ascent of a chamber of hot mantle magmas thought this lithosphere in compliance with the zone melting mechanism. Melt acquired fluid components from heated rocks at peripheries of the plume and became enriched in Fe, Ti, Pb, Cu, Zn, and other components mobile in fluids.
Two genetically different types of authigenic carbonate mounds are studied: (1) from an active hydrothermal field related to serpentinite protrusions in a zone of intersection of a transform fracture zone with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (2) from an active field of methane seepings in the Dnieper canyon of the Black sea. General geochemical conditions, under which authigenic carbonate formation occurs within these two fields, were found. They include: presence of reduced H2S, H2, and CH4 gases at absence of free oxygen; high alkalinity of waters participating in carbonate formation; similarity of textural and structural features of authigenic aragonite, which represents the initial carbonate mineral of the mounds; paragenesis of aragonite with sulfide minerals; close relation of carbonate mounds with communities of sulfate-reducing and methane-oxidizing microorganisms. A new mechanism of formation of hydrothermal authigenic carbonates is suggested. It implies their microbial sulfate reduction over hydrogen from fluid in the subsurface mixing zone of hydrothermal solution and adjacent seawater.
Distribution patterns of gold, platinum group metals (PGE), and volatile components are studied in the main rock types of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge lithosphere (ultrabasites, gabbro, and basalts) from the transform fracture zone at 15°20'N. It is ascertained that PGE content depends on the reduction degree of fluids, on rock types, and on their formation conditions. It is noted that concentrations of refractory elements (Os, Ir, Rh) decrease, while those of fusible elements (Pt, Pd, Au) increase with depth. The chondrite type of distribution is only noted in the ultrabasite rocks. Increase in water and CO2 contents and in oxidation degree of fluids occurs with transition from basalts to ultrabasites, as well as from normal magmatic systems to fluid-enriched anomalous systems.