987 resultados para Micologia medica


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: Studies on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), like those of other systems of traditional medicine (TM), are very variable in their quality, content and focus, resulting in issues around their acceptability to the global scientific community. In an attempt to address these issues, an European Union funded FP7 consortium, composed of both Chinese and European scientists and named “Good practice in traditional Chinese medicine” (GP-TCM), has devised a series of guidelines and technical notes to facilitate good practice in collecting, assessing and publishing TCM literature as well as highlighting the scope of information that should be in future publications on TMs. This paper summarises these guidelines, together with what has been learned through GP-TCM collaborations, focusing on some common problems and proposing solutions. The recommendations also provide a template for the evaluation of other types of traditional medicine such as Ayurveda, Kampo and Unani. Materials and methods: GP-TCM provided a means by which experts in different areas relating to TCM were able to collaborate in forming a literature review good practice panel which operated through e-mail exchanges, teleconferences and focused discussions at annual meetings. The panel involved coordinators and representatives of each GP-TCM work package (WP) with the latter managing the testing and refining of such guidelines within the context of their respective WPs and providing feedback. Results: A Good Practice Handbook for Scientific Publications on TCM was drafted during the three years of the consortium, showing the value of such networks. A “deliverable – central questions – labour division” model had been established to guide the literature evaluation studies of each WP. The model investigated various scoring systems and their ability to provide consistent and reliable semi-quantitative assessments of the literature, notably in respect of the botanical ingredients involved and the scientific quality of the work described. This resulted in the compilation of (i) a robust scoring system and (ii) a set of minimum standards for publishing in the herbal medicines field, based on an analysis of the main problems identified in published TCM literature.


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Many important drugs in the Chinese materia medica (CMM) are known to be toxic, and it has long been recognized in classical Chinese medical theory that toxicity can arise directly from the components of a single CMM or may be induced by an interaction between combined CMM. Traditional Chinese Medicine presents a unique set of pharmaceutical theories that include particular methods for processing, combining and decocting, and these techniques contribute to reducing toxicity as well as enhancing efficacy. The current classification of toxic CMM drugs, traditional methods for processing toxic CMM and the prohibited use of certain combinations, is based on traditional experience and ancient texts and monographs, but accumulating evidence increasingly supports their use to eliminate or reduce toxicity. Modern methods are now being used to evaluate the safety of CMM; however, a new system for describing the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicines may need to be established to take into account those herbs whose toxicity is delayed or otherwise hidden, and which have not been incorporated into the traditional classification. This review explains the existing classification and justifies it where appropriate, using experimental results often originally published in Chinese and previously not available outside China.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Dendritic Cells (DCs) derived from human blood monocytes that have been nurtured in GM-CSF and IL-4, followed by maturation in a monocyte-conditioned medium, are the most potent APCs known. These DCs have many features of primary DCs, including the expression of molecules that enhance antigen capture and selective receptors that guide DCs to and from several sites in the body, where they elicit the T cell mediated immune response. For these features, immature DCs (iDC) loaded with tumor antigen and matured (mDC) with a standard cytokine cocktail, are used for therapeutic vaccination in clinical trials of different cancers. However, the efficacy of DCs in the development of immunocompetence is critically influenced by the type (whole lysate, proteins, peptides, mRNA), the amount and the time of exposure of the tumor antigens used for loading in the presentation phase. The aim of the present study was to create instruments to acquire more information about DC antigen uptake and presentation mechanisms to improve the clinical efficacy of DCbased vaccine. In particular, two different tumor antigen were studied: the monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG or IgA) produced in Myeloma Multiple, and the whole lysate obtained from melanoma tissues. These proteins were conjugated with fluorescent probe (FITC) to evaluate the kinetic of tumor antigen capturing process and its localization into DCs, by cytofluorimetric and fluorescence microscopy analysis, respectively. iDC pulsed with 100μg of IgG-FITC/106 cells were monitored from 2 to 22 hours after loading. By the cytofluorimetric analysis it was observed that the monoclonal antibody was completely captured after 2 hours from pulsing, and was decreased into mDC in 5 hours after maturation stimulus. To monitor the lysate uptake, iDC were pulsed with 80μg of tumor lysate/106 cells, then were monitored in the 2h to 22 hours interval time after loading. Then, to reveal difference between increasing lysate concentration, iDC were loaded with 20-40-80-100-200-400μg of tumor lysate/106 cells and monitored at 2-4-8-13h from pulsing. By the cytofluorimetric analysis, it was observed that, the 20-40-80-100μg uptake, after 8 hours loading was completed reaching a plateau phase. For 200 and 400μg the mean fluorescence of cells increased until 13h from pulsing. The lysate localization into iDC was evaluated with conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy analysis. In the 2h to 8h time interval from loading an intensive and diffuse fluorescence was observed within the cytoplasmic compartment. Moreover, after 8h, the lysate fluorescence appeared to be organized in a restricted cloudy-shaded area with a typical polarized aspect. In addition, small fluorescent spots clearly appeared with an increment in the number and fluorescence intensity. The nature of these spot-like formations and cloudy area is now being investigated detecting the colocalization of the fluorescence lysate and specific markers for lysosomes, autophagosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and MHCII positive vesicles.


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L'innovazione delle tecnologie di sequenziamento negli ultimi anni ha reso possibile la catalogazione delle varianti genetiche nei campioni umani, portando nuove scoperte e comprensioni nella ricerca medica, farmaceutica, dell'evoluzione e negli studi sulla popolazione. La quantità di sequenze prodotta è molto cospicua, e per giungere all'identificazione delle varianti sono necessari diversi stadi di elaborazione delle informazioni genetiche in cui, ad ogni passo, vengono generate ulteriori informazioni. Insieme a questa immensa accumulazione di dati, è nata la necessità da parte della comunità scientifica di organizzare i dati in repository, dapprima solo per condividere i risultati delle ricerche, poi per permettere studi statistici direttamente sui dati genetici. Gli studi su larga scala coinvolgono quantità di dati nell'ordine dei petabyte, il cui mantenimento continua a rappresentare una sfida per le infrastrutture. Per la varietà e la quantità di dati prodotti, i database giocano un ruolo di primaria importanza in questa sfida. Modelli e organizzazione dei dati in questo campo possono fare la differenza non soltanto per la scalabilità, ma anche e soprattutto per la predisposizione al data mining. Infatti, la memorizzazione di questi dati in file con formati quasi-standard, la dimensione di questi file, e i requisiti computazionali richiesti, rendono difficile la scrittura di software di analisi efficienti e scoraggiano studi su larga scala e su dati eterogenei. Prima di progettare il database si è perciò studiata l’evoluzione, negli ultimi vent’anni, dei formati quasi-standard per i flat file biologici, contenenti metadati eterogenei e sequenze nucleotidiche vere e proprie, con record privi di relazioni strutturali. Recentemente questa evoluzione è culminata nell’utilizzo dello standard XML, ma i flat file delimitati continuano a essere gli standard più supportati da tools e piattaforme online. È seguita poi un’analisi dell’organizzazione interna dei dati per i database biologici pubblici. Queste basi di dati contengono geni, varianti genetiche, strutture proteiche, ontologie fenotipiche, relazioni tra malattie e geni, relazioni tra farmaci e geni. Tra i database pubblici studiati rientrano OMIM, Entrez, KEGG, UniProt, GO. L'obiettivo principale nello studio e nella modellazione del database genetico è stato quello di strutturare i dati in modo da integrare insieme i dati eterogenei prodotti e rendere computazionalmente possibili i processi di data mining. La scelta di tecnologia Hadoop/MapReduce risulta in questo caso particolarmente incisiva, per la scalabilità garantita e per l’efficienza nelle analisi statistiche più complesse e parallele, come quelle riguardanti le varianti alleliche multi-locus.