982 resultados para Methadone-maintenance Patients
INJECTABLE HEROIN MAINTENANCE has been advocated as a form of treatment for opioid dependence that would attract, and retain in treatment, addicts who have either not sought treatment or who have failed at other forms of treatment, including methadone maintenance. Advocates of heroin maintenance argue that it would increase the proportion of addicts in treatment and reduce heroin use, drug related crime, and deaths due to overdose.
A total of 454 methadone users successfully completed treatment programmes aimed at weaning them off the heroin substitute last year - but more than 2,000 others left the state's maintenance programme during the same period for a variety of reasons, new figures have revealed. According to statistics released under the Freedom of Information Act, there were 9,760 methadone users around the country last year, with the majority in the Dublin area. However, over 2,778 clients of the methadone maintenance service left the HSE's central treatment lists during the year. A summary of the reasons reveals that in 1,268 instances, they did so after either being released or committed to prison.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This is a study of organisational decision making among senior civil servants in the Department of Health (DOH) in relation to the acceptance of methadone maintenance as a valid treatment modality for opiate misuse in Ireland. A qualitative strategy was adopted with an emergent design and grounded theory perspective. The data was collected using a naturalistic mode of inquiry and comprised of documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The aspects of decision making chosen for the study were: 1. Identifying the actors involved considering the heretofore dominant 'corporation sole' culture of the Irish public administration. 2. Identifying two (out of the myriad) processes involved in decision making. 3. Identifying what theoretical model(s) of decision making most closely approximates to this case. The findings were as follows: 1. Actors involved at all levels of the decision making could be identified, albeit with some difficulty. This as a result of the strategic management initiative. Previously, it may not have been possible. Stages or phases could not, in this case, be readily identified though limitations of this study may prove significant. 2. Both the processes selected in decision-making in this case were confirmed. Personal and professional support provided by peers and seniors is crucial to decision making. Decision making does occur within networks: these tend to be those that are formally appointed rather than informal ones. 3. The model closest to that of this case was that of incremental decision making within network settings.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Goal: To learn more about the social support available to patients participating in a prison methadone maintenance program (PMM). Methodology: Descriptive, with controls. Setting: A penitentiary in Albolote (Granada) Population Sample: The total prison population was 1,579; 364 patients were included in the PMM; 35 were female and 329 were male. 60 patients, 7 women and 53 men, were used as cases. 30 non-drug dependent prisoners, 3 women and 27 men, were the control group. They had no antecedents of problems with drug addiction. Interventions: Interviews with cases and controls to learn about their addictive antecedents, family structure, socio-economic level, and a hetero-applied MOS questionnaire was completed. Percentages of each social support variable were obtained and compared using the chi-squared technique. Results: The overall support received is low in 38 cases (74.5%) and in 9 controls (30%): p = 0.0001. OR 0.1466, confidence interval at 95% (0.0538-0.3989). Support received is normal in 13 cases (25%) and 21 controls (70%): p = 0.0007. OR 0.69, confidence interval at 95% (0.44-0.93). All of the variables were statistically significant for non-drug addicts, except for emotional support, which was the same for both groups. Conclusion: The perception of inmates participating in the methadone maintenance program was that they received less social support than the non-drug dependent inmates.
BACKGROUND: New methods of ultra-rapid opiate detoxification (URD) under intravenous sedation have been criticized because of limited data on safety and long-term follow-up. Premedication with buprenorphine has been advocated to improve safety by decreasing vomiting. Prior research has not explored URD in socially impaired patients. METHOD: Sixteen patients were detoxified with URD and prospectively evaluated over at least 30 months. Data of this procedure were compared with those of our previous study without buprenorphine preparation (Drug Alcohol Depend. 52(3) (1998) 243). The 16 patients were followed up by a general practitioner (GP) before and after URD. The GPs also supervised the 7-day course of buprenorphine treatment prescribed for the 16 patients prior to URD. RESULTS: During the procedure, only one episode of vomiting occurred instead of 13 out of 20 in our previous study. Post-procedure, only two patients experienced moderate withdrawal symptoms, such as persistent nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting lasting from 24 to 48 h, in comparison with most patients in the previous study without buprenorphine. After a period of at least 30 months (36.0+/-6.38), the 16 patients were still alive and were regularly monitored by their GP. Only two of the 16 never relapsed after URD and reported total opiate abstinence. Fourteen patients relapsed; 12 of these were prescribed a licensed methadone substitution program and two were still using heroin. CONCLUSION: In this small sample, the data indicated that URD with buprenorphine preparation was safe and that it markedly decreased post-procedure morbidity. No patient died over a minimum 30-month follow-up period. Furthermore, the procedure was employed with socially impaired patients. In the long term, a few patients were still free of opiates, while the majority opted for a methadone maintenance program, showing that URD can serve as one possible step in a long-term treatment program.
BACKGROUND: Single photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been effective in initial periodontal therapy, but only improved bleeding on probing (BoP) in maintenance patients after a single use. Repeated PDT has not been addressed. OBJECTIVES: To study the possible added benefits of repeated adjunctive PDT to conventional treatment of residual pockets in patients enrolled in periodontal maintenance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten maintenance patients with 70 residual pockets [probing pocket depth (PPD)>or=5 mm] were randomly assigned for treatment five times in 2 weeks (Days 0, 1, 2, 7, 14) with PDT (test) or non-activated laser (control) following debridement. The primary outcome variable was PPD, and the secondary variables were clinical attachment level (CAL) and BoP. These were assessed at 3, 6 and 12 months following the interventions. RESULTS: Greater PPD reductions were observed in the test (-0.67 +/- 0.34; p=0.01) compared with the control patients (-0.04 +/- 0.33; NS) after 6 months. Significant CAL gain (+0.52 +/- 0.31; p=0.01) was noted for the test, but not in the control (-0.27 +/- 0.52; NS) patients after 6 months. BoP percentages decreased significantly in test (97-64%, 67%, 77%), but not control patients after 3, 6 and 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Repeated (five times) PDT adjunctive to debridement yielded improved clinical outcomes in residual pockets in maintenance patients. The effects were best documented after 6 months.
Many clients who undergo methadone maintenance (MM) treatment for heroin and other opiate dependence prefer abstinence from methadone. Attempts at methadone detoxification are often unsuccessful, however, due to distressing physical as well as psychological symptoms. Outcomes from a MM client who voluntarily participated in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - based methadone detoxification program are presented. The program consisted of a 1-month stabilization and 5-month gradual methadone dose reduction period, combined with weekly individual ACT sessions. Urine samples were collected twice weekly to assess for use of illicit drugs. The participant successfully completed the program and had favorable drug use outcomes during the course of treatment, and at the one-month and one-year follow-ups. Innovative behavior therapies, such as ACT, that focus on acceptance of the inevitable distress associated with opiate withdrawal may improve methadone detoxification outcomes.
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Aims The study estimated serious adverse event (SAE) rates among entrants to pharmacotherapies for opioid dependence, during treatment and after leaving treatment. Design A longitudinal study based on data from 12 trials included in the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependence (NEPOD). Participants and settings A total of 1.244 heroin users and methadone patients treated in hospital, community and GP settings. Intervention Six trials included detoxification; all included treatment with methadone, buprenorphine, levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol (LAAM) or naltrexone. Findings During 394 person-years of observation, 79 SAEs of 28 types were recorded. Naltrexone participants experienced 39 overdoses per 100 person-years after leaving treatment (44% occurred within 2 weeks after stopping naltrexone). This was eight times the rate recorded among participants who left agonist treatment. Rates of all other SAEs were similar during treatment versus out of treatment, for both naltrexone-treated and agonist-treated participants. Five deaths occurred, all among participants who had left treatment, at a rate of six per 100 person-years. Total SAE rates during naltrexone and agonist treatments were similar (20, 14 per 100 person-years, respectively). Total SAE and death rates observed among participants who had left treatment were three and 19 times the corresponding rates during treatment. Conclusions Individuals who leave pharmacotherapies for opioid dependence experience higher overdose and death rates compared with those in treatment. This may be due partly to a participant self-selection effect rather than entirely to pharmacotherapy being protective. Clinicians should alert naltrexone treatment patients in particular about heroin overdose risks. Duty of care may extend beyond cessation of dosing.
Objective: Dysphoria and depression have been cited as side effects of the opioid antagonist naltrexone. We aimed to assess whether depressive symptoms are a clinically relevant side effect in a population receiving naltrexone as a treatment for opioid dependence. Methods: We carried out a randomized controlled, open-label trial comparing rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia and naltrexone treatment with continued methadone maintenance at the Alcohol and Drug Service, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. The study subjects were patients stabilized on methadone maintenance treatment for heroin dependence who wished to transfer to naltrexone treatment. The Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Opiate Treatment Index subscales for heroin use and social functioning were used at baseline and follow-up assessments at 1, 2, 3 and 6 months. Results: Forty-two participants were allocated to receive naltrexone treatment, whereas 38 continued methadone maintenance as the control condition. Participants who received naltrexone did not exhibit worsening of depressive symptoms. In participants attending all follow-up assessments, there was a trend for those receiving naltrexone to exhibit an improvement in depression over time compared with the control group. Participants who were adherent to naltrexone treatment exhibited fewer depressive symptoms than those who were nonadherent. Conclusions: These results suggest that depression need not be considered a common adverse effect of naltrexone treatment or a treatment contraindication and that engaging with or adhering to naltrexone treatment may be associated with fewer depressive symptoms.
This report analysed data on opioid overdose mortality between 1988 and 1996 to: examine differences between jurisdictions in the rate of fatal opioid overdose and the rate of increase in overdose; and estimate the proportion of all deaths which were attributed to opioid overdose. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data were obtained on the number of deaths attributed to opioid dependence (ICD 9 codes 304.0, 304.7) and accidental opioid poisoning (ICD 9 codes E850.0, E850.1). The highest rate of fatal overdose occurred in NSW, followed by Victoria. The standardised mortality rate among other jurisdictions fluctuated quite markedly. While the rate of opioid overdose has increased throughout Australia, the rate of increase has been greater in some of the less-populous states and territories than it has in NSW or Victoria. In 1996, approximately 6.5% of all deaths among people aged 15-24 years and approximately 10% of all deaths among those aged 25-34 were due to opioid overdose. During the interval from 1988 to 1996, the proportion of deaths attributed to opioid overdose increased. From 1988 to 1996, the proportion of deaths attributed to opioid overdose among individuals aged 25-34 years was approximately one-third that attributed to suicide, but this proportion had increased to approximately one-half by 1996. The rate of increase in the proportion of deaths attributed to opioid overdose was higher than the rate of increase in the proportion of deaths attributed to suicide.
Objective: To examine trends in rates of opioid overdose deaths from 1964 to 1997 in different birth cohorts. Design: Age-period-cohort analysis of national data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Main outcome measures: Annual population rates of death attributed to opioid dependence or accidental opioid poisoning in people aged 15-44 years, by sex and birth cohort tin five-year intervals, 1940-1944 to 1975-1979). Results: The rate of opioid overdose deaths increased 55-fold between 1964 and 1997, from 1.3 to 71.5 per million population aged 15-44 years. The rate of opioid overdose deaths also increased substantially over the eight birth cohorts, with an incidence rate ratio of 20.70 (95% confidence interval, 13.60-31.46) in the 1975-1979 cohort compared with the 1940-1944 cohort. The age at which the cumulative rate of opioid overdose deaths reached 300 per million fell in successive cohorts (for men, from 28 years among those born 1955-1959 to 22 years among those born 1965-1974; for women, from 33 years among those born 1955-1959 to 27 years among those born 1965-1969). Conclusions: Heroin use in Australia largely began in the early 1970s and rates of heroin use have markedly increased in birth cohorts born since 1950.
One hundred and eighty-one inmates in AIDS education courses were surveyed about their risk behaviour and access to disinfectants for syringe cleaning in 1993, Overall, 40% of respondents reported HIV risk behaviour in prison. One-quarter of respondents reported injecting, of whom three-quarters reported sharing syringes in prison. Most respondents who shared syringes reported cleaning them with disinfectants (96%), even though only one-third reported having easy access to disinfectants. One-sixth of respondents reported sharing tattooing equipment, of whom two-thirds reported using a disinfectant to clean the tattoo needle. Few respondents reported fellatio (8%) or anal intercourse (4%) in prison. Although some respondents faced difficulty in obtaining disinfectants, almost all respondents cleaned syringes with bleach when sharing. High levels of risk behaviour in prison might be reduced by methadone maintenance and condom programmes. A trial of strict one-for-one syringe exchange warrants consideration.
This paper compares data on rates of opiate overdose mortality in the UK and Australia between 1985 and 1995. Data on rates of ICD 9-coded overdose mortality were obtained from the Office of National Statistics in the UK and from the Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality register. The proportion of all deaths attributed to opioid overdose increased in both countries between 1985 and 1995. The proportion of all deaths attributed to opioid overdose was substantially higher in Australia than in the UK, but methadone appeared to contribute to more opioid overdose deaths in the UK (50%) than in Australia (18%). Given deficiencies in the available data, the reasons for these differences between the two countries are uncertain but a plausible hypothesis is that the greater availability and ease of access to methadone maintenance in the UK contributes to both the lower rate of opioid overdose mortality and the greater apparent contribution that methadone makes to opioid overdose deaths in that country. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.