54 resultados para Metatarsal


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Individual life history theory is largely focused on understanding the extent to which various phenotypes of an organism are adaptive and whether they represent life history trade-offs. Compensatory growth (CG) is increasingly appreciated as a phenotype of interest to evolutionary ecologists. CG or catch-up growth involves the ability of an organism to grow at a faster-than-normal rate following periods of under-nutrition once conditions subsequently improve. Here, I examine CG in a population of moose (Alces alces) living on Isle Royale, a remote island in Lake Superior, North America. I gained insights about CG from measurements of skeletal remains of 841 moose born throughout a 52-year period. In particular, I compared the length of the metatarsal bone (ML) with several skull measurements. While ML is an index of growth while the moose is in utero and during the first year or two of life, a moose skull continues to grow until a moose is approximately 5 years of age. Because of these differences, the strength of correlation between ML and skull measurements, for a group of moose (say female moose) is an indication of that group’s capacity for CG. Using this logic, I conducted analyses whose results suggest that the capacity for CG did not differ between sexes, between individuals born during periods of high and low population densities, or between individuals exhibiting signs of senescence and those that do not. The analysis did however suggest that long-lived individuals had a greater capacity for CG than short-lived individuals. These results suggest that CG in moose is an adaptive trait and might not be associated with life history trade-offs.


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The objective of the present study was to describe the arthroscopic anatomy of the bovine fetlock joint using one palmar/plantar and three dorsal joint approaches. A comparative anatomic, ultrasonographic and arthroscopic study using 20 cadaveric feet from 13 non-lame adult dairy cows was performed. Arthroscopy was accomplished using a rigid arthroscope to view the synovial cavities with their synovial villi and parts of the following structures: the distal ends of the metacarpal/metatarsal III/IV bones with their trochleae and sagittal ridges, synovial grooves, the articular surfaces of the proximal sesamoid bones, the proximal aspects of the first phalanges, the lateral and medial collateral ligaments, the suspensory ligament and the interdigital ligaments as parts of the interosseus muscle, the cruciate sesamoidean ligaments, the communication site between the lateral and medial pouch in the palmar/plantar area, and dorsally the septum between the lateral and the medial pouch. The technique allowed a good overall view of most relevant structures in the sound cadaver joint. Further investigations are warranted to evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic applications of these techniques in the treatment of septic arthritis.


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Objective: To describe the prolonged rehabilitation program for a Jones fracture in a Division I-A American football player. Background: A 21 year old, African American, collegiate football player (body mass= 264 lb; height= 76.5 in; body fat= 16.0%) complained of a sharp pain at the dorsal aspect of the left foot. The athlete experiences a compressive force to the fifth metatarsal and upon evaluation, mild swelling was present along the lateral aspect of the foot. Differential Diagnosis: Jones fracture, metatarsal fracture, bone contusion. Treatment: An intramedullary fixation surgery was scheduled two weeks post injury, to correct and stabilize the fracture. Intramedullary fixation is a method of mending the bone internally with a screw, wire, or metal plate along the fractured bone length wise. Following surgery the athlete continued use of crutches for ambulation and was placed in a removable walking boot for 5 weeks. Uniqueness: This case presented a unique challenge in the rehabilitation program, as the athlete experienced slow formation of the bone callus and therefore a prolonged rate of recovery. The athlete was in a walking boot longer than expected (2 weeks longer than anticipated) which inhibited advancement in his rehabilitation due to a slow bone callus formation. A soft callus usually begins to form at day 5 following injury, but documentation was incomplete, and a hypothesis for slow bone callus formation could be secondary to lengthened time between injury occurrence and injury reporting. The athlete may have been weight bearing during the early callus formation, but healing may have been prohibited. Also, vascularization in the area is already limited and may also have played a role in delayed bone growth. Conclusions: Although the return to participation was longer than expected, the rehabilitation program was successful in returning the athlete to competition.


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The prevalence of diabetic polyneuropathy in Spain is 22% increasing with age, standing at less than 5% in patients between 15 and 19 years and reaching 29.8% in those aged 70 to 74 years age. Infection is an important complication in Diabetic Foot, frequently associated with minor amputation and even lower extremity amputation. The study presents a clinical case of a 68-year-old man who consulted for a diabetic foot ulcer in the metatarseal area of the right foot, diagnosed two years ago and without healing success. An exploration protocol of the diabetic food was made. Afterwards, a surgical debridement was done and a cure procedure with pure hyaluronic acid, a bandage and foot unloading was followed. After 69 days of treatment, a complete ulcer healing was achieved. After the injure healing, a biomechanical exploration was made and a plantar support was produced to avoid the reappearance of the injury because of local hyperpressure.


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Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.


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Hallux rígidus (HR) affects the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) between 35% and 60% of the population over 65 years and there are multiple ways of treatment. Depending on the radiological stage where you find the deformity determines the procedure to be performed; in the early stages cheilectomy techniques and corrective osteotomy is performed while the more advanced ratings, the surgeon chooses destructive techniques considered as arthrodesis and arthroplasty. This final of degree project aims to focus on 1 MTPJ destructive techniques to clarify which of the procedures generates better results by a number of parameters; outcomes of the American Orthopaedic Foot scale and Ankle Society Hallux metatarsophalangeal Interphalangeal-scale (AOFAS), range of motion (ROM) of the 1ºAMTF, radiological classification. As for the implant arthroplasty technique, this article offers information on material and design that generates better relating to patient characteristics such as age, inflammatory joint diseases, viability and durability of the implant results. The conclusion from this review is that the values obtained in the arthrodesis according AOFAS decrease due to loss of mobility, but both techniques have similar values of effectiveness and concludes with the decision that the technique used is determined taking into account various factors and patient characteristics. Keywords: Hallux rígidus; (Hallux Rígidus) and surgery treatment; Hallux Rígidus arthrodesis; Hallux Rígidus arthroplasty; Hallux Rígidus (arthroplasty and arthrodesis).


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Objetivo general: Establecer la prevalencia de las deformidades óseas y estructurales en pacientes con pie diabético que acudieron al área de consulta externa de Traumatología del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el período de tres meses. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo llevado a cabo en 100 pacientes con pie diabético que acudieron a la consulta externa de Traumatología durante tres meses. El método de investigación fue la observación directa; las técnicas comprendieron entrevista, evaluación mediante plantoscopía y valoración radiográfica, los instrumentos usados fueron los formularios, los datos tras su validación fueron ingresados en una base en el programa SPSS V15; mediante el cual se realizó el análisis usando tablas simples con porcentajes y frecuencias relativas. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 64,09 años con el 84% de la población de sexo femenino; el cuadro clínico se caracterizó por presencia de callosidades 62%; metatarsalgia 57%; talalgia 48% y dolor en bunion de 21%. Tomando en consideración los parámetros radiográficos se diagnosticó hallux valgus 71%; deformidades de los dedos en garra 56%; pie plano 34%; dedos en martillo 31%; juanetillo de sastre 30%; hallux rigidus 16% y pie cavo 13%. La valoración mediante el uso de plantoscopía reveló 39% de pacientes pie plano y el 17% pie cavo


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Objetivo: Describir los desenlaces funcionales, complicaciones postoperatorias, dolor y satisfacción de un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de segunda articulación metatarsofalángica y lesión de la placa plantar, que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente para su reconstrucción en el Hospital Universitario de cuarto nivel Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, en el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2010 hasta Diciembre de 2015. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que evalúa desenlaces funcionales, dolor y satisfacción para un grupo consecutivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de la segunda articulación metatarsofalángica que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante reconstrucción de la placa plantar entre Enero de 2010 a Diciembre de 2015 en el Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá. Resultados: El procedimiento se realizó a 39 pacientes (40 MTF), encontrando mejoría en dolor, función y satisfacción. El dolor postoperatorio paso de severo a leve en el 80% de los pacientes, 67.5% de los pacientes presentaron prueba de aprehensión positiva, 85% alineamiento adecuado, el reporte de escala de AOFAS postoperatoria fue de 87, y los resultados fueron satisfactorios en un 94.5%. La principal complicación con la cirugía fue la extensión residual del dedo operado (22.5%). Conclusiones: La reconstrucción de la placa plantar en casos de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica ha demostrado tener resultados satisfactorios, en el presente estudio encontramos mejoría respecto a dolor, función y satisfacción posterior a la realización del procedimiento. Sin embargo puede presentar complicaciones como extensión residual del dedo o elevación, rigidez y recidiva.


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O presente relatório de conclusão do curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora é baseado no estágio curricular realizado no hospital de equinos “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” na Alemanha e em clínica ambulatória com a Dra. Rita Rocha Pires na zona da Grande Lisboa e no concurso de saltos de obstáculos internacional de Vilamoura. O presente relatório é dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte apresenta a casuística nos dois locais do estágio e descreve alguns dos casos clínicos e cirúrgicos acompanhados nas diferentes áreas da clínica de equinos. A segunda parte aborda uma monografia sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de diferentes tipos de tratamento de fraturas completas do terceiro osso do metacarpo/tarso e apresenta um caso clinico de fratura cominutiva do terceiro osso do metatarso, o qual foi acompanhado durante o estágio na Alemanha; EQUINE CLINICS AND SURGERY ABSTRACT: The present report is based on the curricular internship, integrated on the Master´s degree in veterinary medicine at the University of Évora, which took place at the equine hospital “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” in Germany and at outpatient clinic with Dr. Rita Rocha Pires in the Greater Lisbon area and at the international show jumping competition in Vilamoura. This report is divided into two sections. The first section presents the casuistry at the two internship sites and describes some of the clinical and surgical cases followed in different areas of equine clinics. The second section develops a monograph on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of treatment for complete third metacarpal/tarsal bone fractures and presents a clinical case of a comminuted third metatarsal bone fracture, which was accompanied during the internship in Germany.