58 resultados para Metalanguage


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O mestre (1963), written by the Portuguese author Ana Hatherly, continues to challenge our reading due to its disturbing nature. The text is not only connected to and transcends the emerging modernity of the Portuguese poetic avant- -garde experimental proposals of the period, presenting itself as a permanent intriguing text. This paper examines the narrative procedures put into action in order to destabilize the relationship I – the Other (master and apprentice), multiform agents, producers of metamorphosis and disturbing actions. The female narrator addresses love, truth, knowledge and power in an uncommon way and transforms the narrative into a magic practice, with surprising effects.


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The aim of this article is to discuss Mallarmé‘s poem A throw of dice, establishing some theoretical interfaces among Jakobson‘s reading, Lacan‘s psychoanalysis and some elements from the French discourse analysis. The poem, considered a milestone of modern poetry, has already engendered various discourses about itself, what allows us to consider it here a permanent invention, or yet, a throw of dice in eternal whirl. Attentive to the roaring of such discourses, and available for listening the theory that contributes to the poem‘s critical analysis, the reading herein engaged bets on the profit that the Mallarmé‘s poem study carries, for the perception of contemporary poetry, which inherited from him the double-sided lyrical coin: high revision of the possibilities of invention and very strong metalanguage.


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Dark Water is the title of the translation of a short story, ―Floating Water‖, from the book Honogurai mizu no soko kara by Koji Suzuki, originally published in Japan, that the Japanese director Hideo Nakata adapted for the cinema and that was remade by the Brazilian director Walter Salles Jr. The objective of this study is to analyse Walter Salles’ film to demonstrate how it resolved the problems of transcreation, whilst at the same time it fulfilled commercial and artistic functions and incorporated the traces of its aesthetic trajectory. In this case, attention is drawn to the types of relationship between literature and cinema, to the metalinguistic function as a generator of poetics and of an interesting dialogue between genres.


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Nuno Judice’poetry has a peculiar discourse, whose devices of construction mixe poetry and prose in order to eliminate the borders between the two kinds of language. The Classical tradition is a constant reference in his poetry, by means of the imagery and the allegory in which some Greek myths are mentioned. Nevertheless, the context of modernity from which the poet Nuno Judice emerges put together the dimensions of space and time so as it is impossible to separate them. In this paper we analyse two poems extracted from the book As Regras da Perspectiva (1990) and our purpose is to discuss some literary questions as the metalanguage, the sensations, the lyric subjectivity, the narrative trends, the special meanings and the forms of the world.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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This paper deals with the issue of terminology and conceptualization in the construction of the semiotic metalanguage. The starting point of this discussion is the scientific thought of C. S. Pierce, R. Bastide and É. Benveniste, who understand that the creation of a new science requires a new and precise terminology. This position is relativized and magnified by the point of view of A. J. Greimas, who defends the centrality of the conceptualization rather than the formalization and the terminological production. Thus, this study proposes and analyses two types of metalinguistic elaboration based on the dialogue with previous theories and disciplines: the borrowing and the redefining.


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This article reflects on Arnaldo Antunes‟ (AA) poetics. For this purpose, both the contributions of Fontanille and Zilberberg regarding tensivity, as well as some ideas of Tatit regarding song semiotics. The aim is to think about how the dance between enunciation and enunciate is structured in AA within poetical architecture as exemplified here based on the analysis of the poem “Palavra”. The hypothesis is that the tension between the two central nuclei of the poem, metalanguage and erotism, are the essential compositional marc of AA poetical stylistics. The results lead to the reflection that the musical tension is the game that guarantees the movement between the density of the word and the erotic fluidity of the authorial (metalinguistic) act of production.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Les recherches relatives à l'utilisation des TICE se concentrent fréquemment soit sur la dimension cognitive, sur la dimension linguistique ou sur la dimension culturelle. Le plus souvent, les recherches empiriques se proposent d'évaluer les effets directs des TICE sur les performances langagières des apprenants. En outre, les recherches, surtout en psychologie cognitive, sont le plus souvent effectuées en laboratoire. C'est pourquoi le travail présenté dans cette thèse se propose d'inscrire l'utilisation des TICE dans une perspective écologique, et de proposer une approche intégrée pour l'analyse des pratiques effectives aussi bien en didactique des langues qu'en didactique de la traduction. En ce qui concerne les aspects cognitifs, nous recourons à un concept apprécié des praticiens, celui de stratégies d'apprentissage. Les quatre premiers chapitres de la présente thèse sont consacrés à l'élaboration du cadre théorique dans lequel nous inscrivons notre recherche. Nous aborderons en premier lieu les aspects disciplinaires, et notamment l’interdisciplinarité de nos deux champs de référence. Ensuite nous traiterons les stratégies d'apprentissage et les stratégies de traduction. Dans un troisième mouvement, nous nous efforcerons de définir les deux compétences visées par notre recherche : la production écrite et la traduction. Dans un quatrième temps, nous nous intéresserons aux modifications introduites par les TICE dans les pratiques d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de ces deux compétences. Le cinquième chapitre a pour objet la présentation, l'analyse des données recueillies auprès de groupes d'enseignants et d'étudiants de la section de français de la SSLMIT. Il s’agira dans un premier temps, de présenter notre corpus. Ensuite nous procéderons à l’analyse des données. Enfin, nous présenterons, après une synthèse globale, des pistes didactiques et scientifiques à même de prolonger notre travail.


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Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo sobre os efeitos de sentido causados pelas obras literárias sob a ótica da semiótica greimasiana. O corpus analisado mais detidamente é a obra Anatomia de um romance, de Javier Cercas; também são analisados para comparação parte das obras 23-F: El golpe del Cesid, de Jesús Palacios, e Os três mosqueteiros, de Alexandre Dumas. Começando por uma reflexão sobre o objeto literário a partir do ponto de vista de uma metalinguagem não-científica, criou-se uma ponte entre a metalinguagem nãocientífica e a metalinguagem científica da semiótica greimasiana, tendo como base os conceitos desenvolvidos nos dois dicionários de semiótica. Os conceitos foram complementados pelo desenvolvimento de uma linha recente da semiótica, os níveis de pertinência. O corpus foi analisado conforme os níveis de pertinência, principalmente os níveis do texto enunciado, objeto, prática e estratégia. O efeito de sentido literário será considerado como dependente de diferentes níveis de pertinência e de forma gradual, podendo uma obra se estabelecer como mais ou menos literária dentro de um continuum.


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The growth of the discipline of translation studies has been accompanied by are newed reflection on the object of research and our metalanguage. These developments have also been necessitated by the diversification of professions within the language industry. The very label translation is often avoided in favour of alternative terms, such as localisation (of software), trans creation (of advertising), trans editing (of information from press agencies). The competences framework developed for the European Master’s in Translation network speaks of experts in multilingual and multimedia communication to account for the complexity of translation competence. This paper addresses the following related questions: (i) How can translation competence in such awide sense be developed in training programmes? (ii) Do some competences required in the industry go beyond translation competence? and (iii) What challenges do labels such as trans creation pose?


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This paper identifies the ways in which the Productive Pedagogies framework has been refined as a research tool for evaluating classroom practice within a current study into issues of school reform in Queensland. Initially emerging from the landmark Queensland School Reform Longitudinal Study (1998–2001), the Productive Pedagogies has been taken up widely in Australia and internationally as both a research tool and metalanguage to support teachers to critically reflect on their practice. In this paper, following a brief description of the model’s four dimensions, we detail how we have addressed some methodological concerns in using and modifying the framework for the present study. In response to critiques by other researchers and debates within our own research team, we justify our use of the framework. To these ends, we present a refined methodology that addresses the importance of pedagogical process, substantiates the inclusion of particular items within the framework, supports a critical approach to issues of difference, includes students’ perspectives and recognises the significance of content knowledge in the assessment of quality pedagogy.