974 resultados para Melting Point.
Binary mixture phase diagrams are normally obtained from thermal analysis involving freezing point curves. However, that approach is not always reliable and easy to follow to all kinds of mixtures in any proportion. In fact, even for a simple system, such as NaCl-H2O, this freezing methodology gives mixed results when one starts from a solid-solution system, due mostly to the formation of the NaCl.2H2O, which has an incongruent melting point, and the dependence of its solubility with the temperature. In this work we report a trustworthy, simple and cheap method involving heating curves to drawn the NaCl-H2O phase diagram.
The present contribution describes some concepts of stereochemistry and chirality in molecules and crystals. This paper also reports on the development of a simple and fast experiment to prepare and recognize conglomerate and true racemate of tartaric acid produced by mechanic mixture of commercial enantiomers and recristalization. Optical activity and melting point of mixtures are also used in the analysis.
Nanoparticles were produced by solvent emulsification evaporation method with the following characteristics: nanometric size (238 ± 3 nm), narrow polydispersity index (0.11), negative zeta potential (-15.1 mV), good yield of the process (73 ± 1.5%), excellent encapsulation efficiency (81.3 ± 4.2%) and spherical shape. X-rays diffraction demonstrated the loss of drug crystallinity after encapsulation; however, the profile of the diffractograms of the poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles was kept. Differential scanning calorimetry thermograms, correspondingly, exhibited the loss of drug melting peak and the increasing of the melting point of the PCL nanoparticles, evidencing an interaction drug-polymer. Naproxen release was low and sustained obeying the Higuchi´s kinetic. The results show that nanoparticles are promising sustained release system to the naproxen.
This paper describes a three-week mini-project for an Experimental Organic Chemistry course. The activities include N-C cross-coupling synthesis of N-(4-methoxyphenyl) benzamide in an adapted microwave oven by a copper catalyst (CuI). Abilities and concepts normally present in practical organic chemistry courses are covered: use of balances, volumetric glassware, separation of mixtures (liquid-liquid extraction and filtration), chromatographic techniques, melting point determination and stoichiometric calculations.
We describe a synthetic route consisting of five steps from aniline to obtain liquid crystal compounds derived from nitroazobenzene. Syntheses were performed during the second half of the semester in organic chemistry laboratory classes. Students characterized the liquid crystal phase by the standard melting point techniques, differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy. These experiments allow undergraduate students to explore fundamentally important reactions in Organic Chemistry, as well as modern concepts in Chemistry such as self-assembly and self-organization, nanostructured materials and molecular electronics.
Food industry has been developing products to meet the demands of increasing number of consumers who are concerned with their health and who seek food products that satisfy their needs. Therefore, the development of processed foods that contain functional components has become important for this industry. Microencapsulation can be used to reduce the effects of processing on functional components and preserve their bioactivity. The present study investigated the production of lipid microparticles containing phytosterols by spray chilling. The matrices comprised mixtures of stearic acid and hydrogenated vegetable fat, and the ratio of the matrix components to phytosterols was defined by an experimental design using the mean diameters of the microparticles as the response variable. The melting point of the matrices ranged from 44.5 and 53.4 ºC. The process yield was melting point dependent; the particles that exhibited lower melting point had greater losses than those with higher melting point. The microparticles' mean diameters ranged from 13.8 and 32.2 µm and were influenced by the amount of phytosterols and stearic acid. The microparticles exhibited spherical shape and typical polydispersity of atomized products. From a technological and practical (handling, yield, and agglomeration) points of view, lipid microparticles with higher melting point proved promising as phytosterol carriers.
Technological functional properties of native and acid-thinned pinhão (seeds of Araucária angustifolia, Brazilian pine) starches were evaluated and compared to those of native and acid-thinned corn starches. The starches were hydrolyzed (3.2 mol.L-1 HCl, 44 ºC, 6 hours) and evaluated before and after the hydrolysis reaction in terms of formation, melting point and thermo-reversibility of gel starches, retrogradation (in a 30-day period and measurements every three days), paste freezing and thawing stability (after six freezing and thawing cycles), swelling power, and solubility. The results of light transmittance (%) of pastes of native and acid-thinned pinhão starches was higher (lower tendency to retrogradation) than that obtained for corn starches after similar storage period. Native pinhão starch (NPS) presented lower syneresis than native corn starch (NCS) when submitted to freeze-thaw cycles. The acid hydrolysis increased the syneresis of the two native varieties under storage at 5 ºC and after freezing and thawing cycles. The solubility of NPS was lower than that of native corn starch at 25, 50, and 70 ºC. However, for the acid-thinned pinhão starch (APS), this property was significantly higher (p < 0.05) when compared to that of acid-thinned corn starch (ACS). From the results obtained, it can be said that the acid treatment was efficient in producing a potential fat substitute from pinhão starch variety, but this ability must be further investigated.
Ultrasonic is a good tool to investigate the elastic properties of crystals. It enables one to determine all the elastic constants, Poisson’s ratios, volume compressibility and bulk modulus of crystals from velocity measurements. It also enables one to demonstrate the anisotropy of elastic properties by plotting sections of the surfaces of phase velocity, slowness, group velocity, Young’s modulus and linear compressibility along the a-b, b-c and a-c planes. They also help one to understand more about phonon amplification and help to interpret various phenomena associated with ultrasonic wave propagation, thermal conductivity, phonon transport etc. Study of nonlinear optical crystals is very important from an application point of view. Hundreds of new NLO materials are synthesized to meet the requirements for various applications. Inorganic, organic and organometallic or semiorganic classes of compounds have been studied for several reasons. Semiorganic compounds have some advantages over their inorganic and inorganic counterparts with regard to their mechanical properties. High damage resistance, high melting point, good transparency and non-hygroscopy are some of the basic requirements for a material to be suitable for device fabrication. New NLO materials are being synthesized and investigation of the mechanical and elastic properties of these crystals is very important to test the suitability of these materials for technological applications
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) composites filled with Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 ceramic were prepared by a powder processing technique. The structures and microstructures of the composites were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the ceramic filler had no effect on the melting point of the PTFE. The effect of the Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 ceramic content [0–0.6 volume fraction (vf)] on the thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), specific heat capacity, and thermal diffusivity were investigated. As the vf of the Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 ceramic increased, the thermal conductivity of the specimen increased, and the CTE decreased. The thermal conductivity and thermal expansion of the PTFE/Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 composites were improved to 1.7 W m21 8C21 and 34 ppm/8C, respectively for 0.6 vf of the ceramics. The experimental thermal conductivity and CTE were compared with different theoretical models.
The study shows that standard plastics like polypropylene and high density polyethylene can be reinforced by adding nylon short fibres. Compared to the conventional glass reinforced thermoplastics this novel class of reinforced thermoplastics has the major advantage of recyclability. Hence such composites represent a new spectrum of recyclable polymer composites. The fibre length and fibre diameter used for reinforcement are critical parameters While there is a critical fibre length below which no effective reinforcement takes place, the reinforcement improves when the fibre diameter decreases due to increased surface area.While the fibres alone give moderate reinforcement, chemical modification of the matrix can further improve the strength and modulus of the composites. Maleic anhydride grafting in presence of styrene was found to be the most efficient chemical modification. While the fibre addition enhances the viscosity of the melt at lower shear rates, the enhancement at higher shear rate is only marginal. This shows that processing of the composite can be done in a similar way to that of the matrix polymer in high shear operations such as injection moulding. Another significant observation is the decrease in melt viscosity of the composite upon grafting. Thus chemical modification of matrix makes processing of the composite easier in addition to improving the mechanical load bearing capacity.For the development of a useful short fibre composite, selection of proper materials, optimum design with regard to the particular product and choosing proper processing parameters are most essential. Since there is a co-influence of many parameters, analytical solutions are difficult. Hence for selecting proper processing parameters 'rnold flow' software was utilized. The orientation of the fibres, mechanical properties, temperature profile, shrinkage, fill time etc. were determined using the software.Another interesting feature of the nylon fibre/PP and nylon fibre/HDPE composites is their thermal behaviour. Both nylon and PP degrade at the same temperature in single steps and hence the thermal degradation behaviour of the composites is also being predictable. It is observed that the thermal behaviour of the matrix or reinforcement does not affect each other. Almost similar behaviour is observed in the case of nylon fibre/HDPE composites. Another equally significant factor is the nucleating effect of nylon fibre when the composite melt cools down. In the presence of the fibre the onset of crystallization occurs at slightly higher temperature.When the matrix is modified by grafting, the onset of crystallization occurs at still higher temperature. Hence it may be calculated that one reason for the improvement in mechanical behaviour of the composite is the difference in crystallization behaviour of the matrix in presence of the fibre.As mentioned earlier, a major advantage of these composites is their recyclability. Two basic approaches may be employed for recycling namely, low temperature recycling and high temperature recycling. In the low temperature recycling, the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting point of the matrix, but below that of the fibres while in the high temperature route. the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting points of both matrix and fibre. The former is particularly interesting in that the recycled material has equal or even better mechanical properties compared to the initial product. This is possible because the orientation of the fibre can improve with successive recycling. Hence such recycled composites can be used for the same applications for which the original composite was developed. In high temperature recycling, the composite is converted into a blend and hence the properties will be inferior to that of the original composite, but will be higher than that of the matrix material alone.
The influence of the pseudopotential on both the structure and the self-diffusion of liquid rubidium at the melting point has been investigated by means of molecular-dynamics calculations. The model potential considered has been computed from the pseudopotential of Ashcroft, the dielectric function of Geldart and Vosko, and a Born-Mayer term. Four different values for the core radius which enters as input in the pseudopotential have been considered. In this way we have been able to observe and interpret the effect of this contribution on the properties of the liquid.
Tellurite glasses are photonic materials of special interest to the branch of optoelectronic and communication, due to its important optical properties such as high refractive index, broad IR transmittance, low phonon energy etc. Tellurite glasses are solutions to the search of potential candidates for nonlinear optical devices. Low phonon energy makes it an efficient host for dopant ions like rare earths, allowing a better environment for radiative transitions. The dopant ions maintain majority of their individual properties in the glass matrix. Tellurites are less toxic than chalcogenides, more chemically and thermally stable which makes them a highly suitable fiber material for nonlinear applications in the midinfrared and they are of increased research interest in applications like laser, amplifier, sensor etc. Low melting point and glass transition temperature helps tellurite glass preparation easier than other glass families. In order to probe into the versatility of tellurite glasses in optoelectronic industry; we have synthesized and undertaken various optical studies on tellurite glasses. We have proved that the highly nonlinear tellurite glasses are suitable candidates in optical limiting, with comparatively lower optical limiting threshold. Tuning the optical properties of glasses is an important factor in the optoelectronic research. We have found that thermal poling is an efficient mechanism in tuning the optical properties of these materials. Another important nonlinear phenomenon found in zinc tellurite glasses is their ability to switch from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption in the presence of lanthanide ions. The proposed thesis to be submitted will have seven chapters
The work reported in this thesis is the preparation, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of reactively evaporated lead sulphide and tin telluride thin films. The three temperature method had been used for the preparation of these semiconductor thin films. In this preparation technique constituent elements are evaporated from separate sources with the substrate kept at a particular temperature. when one of the constituent element is a gas near room temperature, the method is often called reactive evaporation. It has been found for many materials that a stoichiometric interval exists with a limited range of flux and substrate temperature. Usually this technique is used for the preparation of thin films of high melting point compounds or of materials which decompose during evaporation. Tin telluride and lead sulphide are neither high melting point materials nor do they decompose on melting. But even than reactive evaporation offers the possibility of changing the ratios of the flux of the constituent elements within a wide range and studying its effect on the properties of the films
This thesis in Thermal Flow Drilling and Flowtap in thin metal sheet and pipes of copper and copper alloys had as objectives to know the comportment of copper and copper alloys sheet metal during the Thermal Flow Drill processes with normal tools, to know the best Speed and Feed machine data for the best bushing quality, to known the best Speed for Form Tapping processes and to know the best bush long in pure copper pipes for water solar interchange equipment. Thermal Flow Drilling (TFD) and Form Tapping (FT) is one of the research lines of the Institute of Production and Logistics (IPL) at University of Kassel. At December 1995, a work meeting of IPL, Santa Catarina University, Brazil, Buenos Aires University, Argentine, Tarapacá University (UTA), Chile members and the CEO of Flowdrill B.V. was held in Brazil. The group decided that the Manufacturing Laboratory (ML) of UTA would work with pure copper and brass alloys sheet metal and pure copper pipes in order to develop a water interchange solar heater. The Flowdrill BV Company sent tools to Tarapacá University in 1996. In 1999 IPL and the ML carried out an ALECHILE research project promoted by the DAAD and CONICyT in copper sheet metal and copper pipes and sheet metal a-brass alloys. The normal tools are lobed, conical tungsten carbide tool. When rotated at high speed and pressed with high axial force into sheet metal or thin walled tube generated heat softens the metal and allows the drill to feed forward produce a hole and simultaneously form a bushing from the displacement material. In the market exist many features but in this thesis is used short and longs normal tools of TFD. For reach the objectives it was takes as references four qualities of the frayed end bushing, where the best one is the quality class I. It was used pure copper and a-brass alloys sheet metals, with different thickness. It was used different TFD drills diameter for four thread type, from M-5 to M10. Similar to the Aluminium sheet metals studies it was used the predrilling processes with HSS drills around 30% of the TFD diameter (1,5 – 3,0 mm D). In the next step is used only 2,0 mm thick metal sheet, and 9,2 mm TFD diameter for M-10 thread. For the case of pure commercial copper pipes is used for ¾” inch diameter and 12, 8 mm (3/8”) TFD drill for holes for 3/8” pipes and different normal HSS drills for predrilling processes. The chemical sheet metal characteristics were takes as reference for the material behaviour. The Chilean pure copper have 99,35% of Cu and 0,163% of Zinc and the Chilean a-brass alloys have 75,6% of Cu and 24,0% of Zinc. It is used two German a-brass alloys; Nº1 have 61,6% of Cu, 36,03 % of Zinc and 2,2% of Pb and the German a-brass alloys Nº2 have 63,1% of Cu, 36,7% of Zinc and 0% of Pb. The equipments used were a HAAS CNC milling machine centre, a Kistler dynamometer, PC Pentium II, Acquisition card, TESTPOINT and XAct software, 3D measurement machine, micro hardness, universal test machine, and metallographic microscope. During the test is obtained the feed force and momentum curves that shows the material behaviour with TFD processes. In general it is take three phases. It was possible obtain the best machining data for the different sheet of copper and a-brass alloys thick of Chilean materials and bush quality class I. In the case of a-brass alloys, the chemical components and the TFD processes temperature have big influence. The temperature reach to 400º Celsius during the TFD processes and the a-brass alloys have some percents of Zinc the bush quality is class I. But when the a-brass alloys have some percents of Lead who have 200º C melting point is not possible to obtain a bush, because the Lead gasify and the metallographic net broke. During the TFD processes the recrystallization structures occur around the Copper and a-brass alloy bush, who gives more hardness in these zones. When the threads were produce with Form Tapping processes with Flowtap tools, this hardness amount gives a high limit load of the thread when hey are tested in a special support that was developed for it. For eliminated the predrilling processes with normal HSS drills it was developed a compound tool. With this new tool it was possible obtain the best machining data for quality class I bush. For the copper pipes it is made bush without predrilling and the quality class IV was obtained. When it is was used predrilling processes, quality classes I bush were obtained. Then with different HSS drill diameter were obtained different long bush, where were soldering with four types soldering materials between pipes with 3/8” in a big one as ¾”. Those soldering unions were tested by traction test and all the 3/8” pipes broken, and the soldering zone doesn’t have any problem. Finally were developed different solar water interchange heaters and tested. As conclusions, the present Thesis shows that the Thermal Flow Drilling in thinner metal sheets of cooper and cooper alloys needs a predrilling process for frayed end quality class I bushings, similar to thinner sheets of aluminium bushes. The compound tool developed could obtain quality class I bushings and excludes predrilling processes. The bush recrystalization, product of the friction between the tool and the material, the hardness grows and it is advantageous for the Form Tapping. The methodology developed for commercial copper pipes permits to built water solar interchange heaters.
En aquest article es defineixen uns nous índexs tridimensionals per a la descripció de les molècules a partir de paràmetres derivats de la Teoria de la Semblança Molecular i de les distàncies euclidianes entre els àtoms i les càrregues atòmiques efectives. Aquests indexs, anomenats 3D, s'han aplicat a l'estudi de les relacions estructura-propietat d'una família d'hidrocarburs, i han demostrat una capacitat de descripció de tres propietats de la família (temperatura d'ebullició, temperatura de fusió i densitat) molt més acurada que quan s'utilitzen els indexs 2D clàssics